.prettierignore 1.4 KB

  1. # See https://help.github.com/articles/ignoring-files for more about ignoring files.
  2. #
  3. # If you find yourself ignoring temporary files generated by your text editor
  4. # or operating system, you probably want to add a global ignore instead:
  5. # git config --global core.excludesfile '~/.gitignore_global'
  6. # Ignore bundler config and downloaded libraries.
  7. /.bundle
  8. /vendor/bundle
  9. # Ignore the default SQLite database.
  10. /db/*.sqlite3
  11. /db/*.sqlite3-journal
  12. # Ignore all logfiles and tempfiles.
  13. .eslintcache
  14. /log/*
  15. !/log/.keep
  16. /tmp
  17. /coverage
  18. /public/system
  19. /public/assets
  20. /public/packs
  21. /public/packs-test
  22. .env
  23. .env.production
  24. .env.development
  25. /node_modules/
  26. /build/
  27. # Ignore Vagrant files
  28. .vagrant/
  29. # Ignore Capistrano customizations
  30. /config/deploy/*
  31. # Ignore IDE files
  32. .vscode/
  33. .idea/
  34. # Ignore postgres + redis + elasticsearch volume optionally created by docker-compose
  35. /postgres
  36. /postgres14
  37. /redis
  38. /elasticsearch
  39. # ignore Helm dependency charts
  40. /chart/charts/*.tgz
  41. # Ignore Apple files
  42. .DS_Store
  43. # Ignore vim files
  44. *~
  45. *.swp
  46. # Ignore npm debug log
  47. npm-debug.log
  48. # Ignore yarn log files
  49. yarn-error.log
  50. yarn-debug.log
  51. # Ignore vagrant log files
  52. *-cloudimg-console.log
  53. # Ignore Docker option files
  54. docker-compose.override.yml
  55. # Ignore Helm files
  56. /chart
  57. # Ignore emoji map file
  58. /app/javascript/mastodon/features/emoji/emoji_map.json
  59. # Ignore locale files
  60. /app/javascript/mastodon/locales
  61. /config/locales