simple_form.sco.yml 15 KB

  1. ---
  2. sco:
  3. simple_form:
  4. hints:
  5. account_alias:
  6. acct: Gie the username@domain o the accoont thit ye'r wantin tae flit fae
  7. account_migration:
  8. acct: Gie the username@domain o the accoont thit ye'r wantin tae flit tae
  9. account_warning_preset:
  10. text: Ye kin uise post syntax, sic as URLs, hashtags an menshies
  11. title: Optional. No visible tae the recipient
  12. admin_account_action:
  13. include_statuses: The uiser wull see whit posts causit the moderation action or warnin
  14. send_email_notification: The uiser wull get a explanation o whit happent wi their accoont
  15. text_html: Optional. Ye kin uise post syntax. Ye kin <a href="%{path}">add warnin presets</a> tae save time
  16. type_html: Pick whit tae dae wi <strong>%{acct}</strong>
  17. types:
  18. disable: Stap the uiser fae uisin their accoont, but dinnae delete or hide their content.
  19. none: Uise this fir tae sen a warnin tae the uiser, athoot stertin onie ither actions.
  20. sensitive: Mak aw this uiser's media attachments hae a flag sayin it's sensitive.
  21. warning_preset_id: Optional. Ye kin stull eik custom text tae the en o the preset
  22. announcement:
  23. all_day: Whan ticked, ainly the dates o the time range'll get shawn
  24. ends_at: Optional. Annooncement wull get automatically unpublishit at this time
  25. scheduled_at: Lea blank fir tae publish the annooncement the noo
  26. starts_at: Optional. In case yer annooncement is boont tae a specific time range
  27. text: Ye kin uise post syntax. Please be mindfae o the space the annooncement'll tak up on the uiser's screen
  28. appeal:
  29. text: Ye kin ainly appeal a strike the wance
  30. defaults:
  31. autofollow: Fowk thit signs up throu the invite wull follae ye automatic
  32. avatar: PNG, GIF or JPG. At maist %{size}. Wull get doonscaled tae %{dimensions}px
  33. bot: Signal tae ithers thit the accoont maistly performs automatit actions an mibbie wullnae be monitort
  34. context: Ae or mair contexts whaur the filter shuid apply
  35. current_password: Fir security purposes please pit in the passwird o the current accoont
  36. current_username: Fir tae confirm, please pit in the uisernemm o the current accoont
  37. digest: Ainly sent efter a lang whilie o inactivity an ainly if ye'v gotten onie personal messages whilst ye wis awa
  38. email: Ye'll be sent a confirmation email
  39. header: PNG, GIF or JPG. At maist %{size}. Wull get doonscaled tae %{dimensions}px
  40. inbox_url: Copy the URL fae the frontpage o the relay thit ye'r wantin tae uise
  41. irreversible: Filtert posts wull dizappear irreversibly, even if filter is taen aff efter
  42. locale: The leid o the uiser interface, emails an push notes
  43. password: Uise at least 8 chairecters
  44. phrase: Wull get matched regairdless o case in text or content warnin o a post
  45. scopes: Whit APIs the application wull be allooed tae access. Gin ye dinnae pick a tap-level scope, ye dinnae need tae pick anes ane at a time.
  46. setting_aggregate_reblogs: Dinnae shaw new heezes fir posts thit haes been juist heezed (ainly affects new-received heezes)
  47. setting_always_send_emails: Uisually email notes wullnae get sent whan ye'r uisin Mastodon at the time
  48. setting_default_sensitive: Sensitive media is hid bi defaut an kin be revealt wi a chap
  49. setting_display_media_default: Hide media mairked sensitive
  50. setting_display_media_hide_all: Aye hide media
  51. setting_display_media_show_all: Aye shaw media
  52. setting_use_blurhash: Gradients is based aff o the colors o the image thit's hid, but ye cannae see onie details
  53. setting_use_pending_items: Plank timeline updates ahin a chap insteid o automatic scrowin o the feed
  54. whole_word: Whan the keywird or phrase is alphanumeric ainly, it wull ainly get applied if it matches the haill wird
  55. domain_allow:
  56. domain: This domain wull be able tae get data fae this server an data comin in fae it wull get processed an stowed
  57. email_domain_block:
  58. domain: This kin be the domain nemm thit shaws up in the email address or the MX record thit it uises. They'll be checked on sign-up.
  59. with_dns_records: An attempt fie tae resolve the gien domain's DNS records wull be made an the results will be dingied tae
  60. featured_tag:
  61. name: 'Here some o the hashtags ye uised the maist o late:'
  62. filters:
  63. action: Pick whit action tae dae whan a post matches the filter
  64. actions:
  65. hide: Totally plank the filtert content, ackin as if it didnae exist
  66. warn: Plank the filtert content ahin a warnin menshiein the filter's title
  67. form_admin_settings:
  68. backups_retention_period: Haud generatit uiser archives fir the specified nummer o days.
  69. bootstrap_timeline_accounts: Thir accoonts wull get preenit tae the tap o new uisers' follae recommendations.
  70. closed_registrations_message: Displayit whan sign-ups is shut
  71. content_cache_retention_period: Posts fae ither servers wull get deletit efter the specified nummer o days whan set tae a positive value. This wull mibbie be irreversible.
  72. custom_css: Ye kin pit custom styles on tae the web version o Mastodon.
  73. mascot: Owerrides the illustration in the advanced web interface.
  74. media_cache_retention_period: Doonloadit media files wull be deletit efter the specified nummer o days whan set tae a positive value, an re-doonloadit on demand.
  75. profile_directory: The profile directory lists aw uisers thit hae opted-in fir tae be discoverable.
  76. require_invite_text: Whan sign-ups require approval bi haun, mak the “Hou dae ye want tae jyne?” text input mandatory raither nor optional
  77. site_contact_email: Hou fowk kin reach ye fir legal or support inquiries.
  78. site_contact_username: Hou fowk kin reach ye on Mastodon.
  79. site_extended_description: Onie mair information thit mibbie wad be uisefae tae visitors an yer uisers. Kin be structurt wi Mairkdoon syntax.
  80. site_short_description: A wee description fir tae help uniquely identify yer server. Wha is rinnin it, wha is it fir?
  81. site_terms: Uise yer ain privacy policy or lea blank fir tae uise the defaut. Kin be structurt wi Mairkdoon syntax.
  82. site_title: Hou fowk kin refer tae yer server asides its domain nemm.
  83. theme: Theme thit logged oot visitors an new uisers see.
  84. thumbnail: A rochly 2:1 image displayit alangsides yer server information.
  85. timeline_preview: Logged oot visitors wull be able tae broose the maist recent public posts available on the server.
  86. trendable_by_default: Jouk the review bi haun o trendin content. Individual items kin stull get taen aff trends efter the fact.
  87. trends: Trends shaw whit posts, hashtags an news stories is gettin traction on yer server.
  88. form_challenge:
  89. current_password: Ye'r enterin a secure area
  90. imports:
  91. data: CSV file exportit fae anither Mastodon server
  92. invite_request:
  93. text: This'll help us luik ower yer application
  94. ip_block:
  95. comment: Optional. Mind whit ye addit this rule fir.
  96. expires_in: IP addresses is a finite resoorce, they'r sometimes shared an aften chynge hauns. Fir this raison, indefinite IP dingies urnae recommendit.
  97. ip: Pit in a IPv4 or IPv6 address. Ye kin dingie entire ranges uisin the CIDR syntax. Be carefu no tae snib yersel oot!
  98. severities:
  99. no_access: Dingie access tae aw resoorces
  100. sign_up_block: New sign-ups wullnae be possible
  101. sign_up_requires_approval: New sign-ups wull be wantin yer approval
  102. severity: Pick whit'll happen wi requests fae this IP
  103. rule:
  104. text: Describe a rule or requirement fir uisers on this server. Try tae keep it short an simple
  105. sessions:
  106. otp: 'Pit in the twa-factor code generatit bi yer phone app or uise ane o yer recovery codes:'
  107. webauthn: Gin it's a USB key be sure fir tae insert it an, if necessary, tap it.
  108. tag:
  109. name: Ye kin ainly chynge the case o the letters, fir example, fir tae mak it mair readable
  110. user:
  111. chosen_languages: Whan ticked, ainly posts in selectit leids wull be displayit in public timelines
  112. role: The role controls whit permissions the uiser haes
  113. user_role:
  114. color: Colour tae be uised fir the role throuoot the UI, as RGB in hex format
  115. highlighted: This maks the role visible publicly
  116. name: Public nemm o the role, if role is set tae be displayit as a badge
  117. permissions_as_keys: Uisers wi this role wull hae access tae...
  118. position: Heicher role decides stramash resolution in certain situations. Certain actions kin ainly be cairried oot on thaim wi roles wi a laicher priority
  119. webhook:
  120. events: Pick events fir tae sen
  121. url: Whaur events'll be sent tae
  122. labels:
  123. account:
  124. fields:
  125. name: Label
  126. value: Content
  127. account_alias:
  128. acct: Haunnle o the auld accoont
  129. account_migration:
  130. acct: Haunnle o the new accoont
  131. account_warning_preset:
  132. text: Preset text
  133. title: Title
  134. admin_account_action:
  135. include_statuses: Pit the clyped posts in the email
  136. send_email_notification: Tell the uiser bi email
  137. text: Custom warnin
  138. type: Action
  139. types:
  140. disable: Freeze
  141. none: Sen a warnin
  142. sensitive: Sensitive
  143. silence: Limit
  144. suspend: Suspend
  145. warning_preset_id: Uise a warnin preset
  146. announcement:
  147. all_day: Aw-day event
  148. ends_at: En o event
  149. scheduled_at: Schedule publication
  150. starts_at: Stert o event
  151. text: Annooncement
  152. appeal:
  153. text: Explain hou this decision shuid get reversed
  154. defaults:
  155. autofollow: Invite tae follae yer accoont
  156. avatar: Avatar
  157. bot: This is a bot accoont
  158. chosen_languages: Filter leids
  159. confirm_new_password: Confirm new passwird
  160. confirm_password: Confirm passwird
  161. context: Filter contexts
  162. current_password: Current passwird
  163. data: Data
  164. display_name: Display nemm
  165. email: Email address
  166. expires_in: Rin oot efter
  167. fields: Profile metadata
  168. header: Heider
  169. honeypot: "%{label} (dinnae full oot)"
  170. inbox_url: URL o the relay inbox
  171. irreversible: Drap insteid o plank
  172. locale: Interface leid
  173. max_uses: Maist nummer o uises
  174. new_password: New passwird
  175. note: Bio
  176. otp_attempt: Twa-factor code
  177. password: Passwird
  178. phrase: Keywird or phrase
  179. setting_advanced_layout: Turn on advanced web interface
  180. setting_aggregate_reblogs: Group heezes in timelines
  181. setting_always_send_emails: Aye sen email notifications
  182. setting_auto_play_gif: Auto-pley animatit GIFs
  183. setting_boost_modal: Shaw confirmation dialog afore heezin
  184. setting_default_language: Postin leid
  185. setting_default_privacy: Postin privacy
  186. setting_default_sensitive: Aye mairk media as sensitive
  187. setting_delete_modal: Shaw confirmation dialog afore deletin a post
  188. setting_disable_swiping: Turn aff swipin motions
  189. setting_display_media: Media display
  190. setting_display_media_default: Defaut
  191. setting_display_media_hide_all: Plank aw
  192. setting_display_media_show_all: Shaw aw
  193. setting_expand_spoilers: Aye expand posts mairked wi content warnins
  194. setting_hide_network: Plank yer social graph
  195. setting_reduce_motion: Reduce motion in animations
  196. setting_system_font_ui: Uise system's defaut font
  197. setting_theme: Steid theme
  198. setting_trends: Shaw the day's trends
  199. setting_unfollow_modal: Shaw confirmation dialog afore unfollaein somebody
  200. setting_use_blurhash: Shaw colourfu gradients fir hid media
  201. setting_use_pending_items: Slaw mode
  202. severity: Severity
  203. sign_in_token_attempt: Security code
  204. title: Title
  205. type: Import type
  206. username: Uisernemm
  207. username_or_email: Uisernemm or Email
  208. whole_word: Hail wird
  209. email_domain_block:
  210. with_dns_records: Include MX records an IPs o the domain
  211. featured_tag:
  212. name: Hashtag
  213. filters:
  214. actions:
  215. hide: Plank awthegither
  216. warn: Plank wi a warnin
  217. form_admin_settings:
  218. backups_retention_period: Uiser archive retention period
  219. bootstrap_timeline_accounts: Aye recommend thir accoonts tae new uisers
  220. closed_registrations_message: Custom message whan sign-ups urnae available
  221. content_cache_retention_period: Content cache retention period
  222. custom_css: Custom CSS
  223. mascot: Custom mascot (legacy)
  224. media_cache_retention_period: Media cache retention period
  225. profile_directory: Enable profile directory
  226. registrations_mode: Wha kin sign-up
  227. require_invite_text: Require a raison fir tae jyne
  228. show_domain_blocks: Shaw domain dingies
  229. show_domain_blocks_rationale: Shaw whit domains war dingied fir
  230. site_contact_email: Contack email
  231. site_contact_username: Contact uisernemm
  232. site_extended_description: Extendit description
  233. site_short_description: Server description
  234. site_terms: Privacy Policy
  235. site_title: Server nemm
  236. theme: Defaut theme
  237. thumbnail: Server thoomnail
  238. timeline_preview: Alloo unauthenticated access tae public timelines
  239. trendable_by_default: Alloo trends athoot prior review
  240. trends: Turn on trends
  241. interactions:
  242. must_be_follower: Dingie notes fae non-follaers
  243. must_be_following: Dingie notes fae fowk ye dinnae follae
  244. must_be_following_dm: Fingie direct messages fae fowk thit ye dinnae follae
  245. invite:
  246. comment: Comment
  247. invite_request:
  248. text: Whit dae ye want tae jyne fir?
  249. ip_block:
  250. comment: Comment
  251. ip: IP
  252. severities:
  253. no_access: Dingie access
  254. sign_up_block: Dingie sign-ups
  255. sign_up_requires_approval: Limit sign-ups
  256. severity: Rule
  257. notification_emails:
  258. appeal: Somebody appeals a moderator decision
  259. digest: Sen digest emails
  260. favourite: Somebody favouritit yer post
  261. follow: Somebody follaed ye
  262. follow_request: Somebody requestit fir tae follae ye
  263. mention: Somebody menshied ye
  264. pending_account: New accoont is needin reviewit
  265. reblog: Somebody heezed yer post
  266. report: New clype is submittit
  267. trending_tag: New trend requires reviewin
  268. rule:
  269. text: Rule
  270. tag:
  271. listable: Alloo this hashtag tae appear in seirches an suggestions
  272. name: Hashtag
  273. trendable: Alloo this hashtag fir tae appear unner trends
  274. usable: Alloo posts fir tae uise this hashtag
  275. user:
  276. role: Role
  277. user_role:
  278. color: Badge colour
  279. highlighted: Display role as badge on uiser profiles
  280. name: Nemm
  281. permissions_as_keys: Permissions
  282. position: Priority
  283. webhook:
  284. events: Enabilt events
  285. url: Enpynt URL
  286. 'no': Naw
  287. not_recommended: No recommendit
  288. recommended: Recommendit
  289. required:
  290. mark: "*"
  291. text: requirit
  292. title:
  293. sessions:
  294. webauthn: Uise ane o yer security keys fir tae sign in
  295. 'yes': Ay