12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546 |
- # frozen_string_literal: true
- require 'rails_helper'
- RSpec.describe 'email confirmation flow when captcha is enabled' do
- let(:user) { Fabricate(:user, confirmed_at: nil, confirmation_token: 'foobar', created_by_application: client_app) }
- let(:client_app) { nil }
- before do
- allow(Auth::ConfirmationsController).to receive(:new).and_return(stubbed_controller)
- end
- context 'when the user signed up through an app' do
- let(:client_app) { Fabricate(:application) }
- it 'logs in' do
- visit "/auth/confirmation?confirmation_token=#{user.confirmation_token}&redirect_to_app=true"
- # It presents the user with a captcha form
- expect(page).to have_title(I18n.t('auth.captcha_confirmation.title'))
- # It redirects to app and confirms user
- expect { click_on I18n.t('challenge.confirm') }
- .to change { user.reload.confirmed? }.from(false).to(true)
- expect(page).to have_current_path(/\A#{client_app.confirmation_redirect_uri}/, url: true)
- # Browsers will generally reload the original page upon redirection
- # to external handlers, so test this as well
- visit "/auth/confirmation?confirmation_token=#{user.confirmation_token}&redirect_to_app=true"
- # It presents a page with a link to the app callback
- expect(page)
- .to have_content(I18n.t('auth.confirmations.registration_complete', domain: 'cb6e6126.ngrok.io'))
- .and have_link(I18n.t('auth.confirmations.clicking_this_link'), href: client_app.confirmation_redirect_uri)
- end
- end
- private
- def stubbed_controller
- Auth::ConfirmationsController.new.tap do |controller|
- allow(controller).to receive_messages(captcha_enabled?: true, check_captcha!: true, render_captcha: nil)
- end
- end
- end