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Add full support for Skylake (ME 11) and following

This commit has been widely tested on an MSI H110M (Sunrise Point) with an
i3-6300T, on two different ME firmware:
 * CON (2.0 MB, no AMT)
 * COR (7.1 MB, AMT)

In particular:
 * The only fundamental FTPR modules seems to be rbe, kernel, syslib and
    bup. Incidentally, on CON images, these modules are the only ones
    Huffman-compressed. Removing any of these modules inhibits the correct
    powering on of the PC.
 * Now that the Huffman modules are not mixed together in a single Huffman
    stream, removing them is trivial and can be done in the same way as the
    LZMA/uncompressed modules.
 * For the same reason, as there isn't a LLUT header anymore, the
    partitions can be freely moved without any change in the content of the
    partition, thus the relocation option has been added.
 * The truncation information has been adjusted, like in the older ME
    versions. However, the correct functioning of a PC with a truncated ME
    region hasn't been tested yet.

With this commit me_cleaner is able to remove the majority of the FTPR
modules, going from the original code size of 2.0 MB (no AMT) or 6-7 MB
(AMT) to ~300 kB of compressed code.
Nicola Corna 6 years ago
2 changed files with 214 additions and 106 deletions
  1. 9 7
  2. 205 99

+ 9 - 7

@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Intel ME is a coprocessor integrated in all post-2006 Intel boards, for which
 this [Libreboot page]( has an excellent
 description. The main component of Intel ME is Intel AMT, and I suggest you to
 read [this Wikipedia page](
-for more informations about it. In short, Intel ME is an unremovable environment
+for more information about it. In short, Intel ME is an irremovable environment
 with an obscure signed proprietary firmware, with full network and memory
 access, which poses a serious security threat.
 Even when disabled from the BIOS settings, Intel ME is active: the only way to
@@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ be sure it is disabled is to remove its firmware from the flash chip.
 Before Nehalem (ME version 6, 2008/2009) the ME firmware could be removed
 completely from the flash chip by setting a couple of bits inside the flash
-descriptor, without the need of reverse-engineer the ME firmware.
+descriptor, without the need to reverse-engineer the ME firmware.
 Starting from Nehalem the Intel ME firmware can't be removed anymore: without a
 valid firmware the PC shuts off forcefully after 30 minutes. This project is an
 attempt to remove as much code as possible from such firmware without falling
-into the 30 minutes window mode.
+into the 30 minutes recovery mode.
 me_cleaner currently works on most architectures, see [me_cleaner status]( (or [its discussion](
 for more info about them. me_cleaner works also on the TXE and SPS firmware.
@@ -33,10 +33,12 @@ leaving only the two fundamental modules needed for the correct boot, ROMP and
 BUP. The code size is reduced from 1.5 MB (non-AMT firmware) or 5 MB (AMT
 firmware) to ~90 kB of compressed code.
-For Skylake and the later architectures (ME version >= 11), since the internal
-structure of the partitions is not yet known, the FTPR partition is left intact.
-The code size is reduced from 1.5 MB/5 MB to ~650 kB of compressed code.
+Starting from Skylake (ME version >= 11) the ME subsystem and the firmware
+structure have changed, requiring substantial changes in me_cleaner.
+The fundamental modules required for the correct boot are now four (rbe, kernel,
+syslib and bup) and the minimum code size is ~300 kB of compressed code (from
+the 2 MB of the non-AMT firmware and the 7 MB of the AMT one).
 This project is based on the work of the community; in particular I thank Igor
-Skochinsky, for the core informations about Intel ME and its firmware structure,
+Skochinsky, for the core information about Intel ME and its firmware structure,
 and Federico Amedeo Izzo, for its help during the study of Intel ME.

+ 205 - 99

@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ from struct import pack, unpack
 min_ftpr_offset = 0x400
 spared_blocks = 4
-unremovable_modules = ("BUP", "ROMP")
+unremovable_modules = ("ROMP", "BUP")
+unremovable_modules_me11 = ("rbe", "kernel", "syslib", "bup")
 class OutOfRegionException(Exception):
@@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ def get_chunks_offsets(llut, me_start):
 def remove_modules(f, mod_headers, ftpr_offset, me_end):
-    comp_str = ("Uncomp.", "Huffman", "LZMA")
+    comp_str = ("uncomp.", "Huffman", "LZMA")
     unremovable_huff_chunks = []
     chunks_offsets = []
     base = 0
@@ -226,7 +227,7 @@ def relocate_partition(f, me_start, me_end, partition_header_offset,
             llut_start = unpack("<I", mod_header[0x38:0x3C])[0] + old_offset
-    if llut_start != 0:
+    if mod_headers and llut_start != 0:
         # Bytes 0x9:0xb of the LLUT (bytes 0x1:0x3 of the AddrBase) are added
         # to the SpiBase (bytes 0xc:0x10 of the LLUT) to compute the final
         # start of the LLUT. Since AddrBase is not modifiable, we can act only
@@ -239,43 +240,45 @@ def relocate_partition(f, me_start, me_end, partition_header_offset,
         new_offset = ((new_offset + 0x1f) // 0x20) * 0x20
     offset_diff = new_offset - old_offset
-    print("Relocating {} to {:#x} - {:#x}..."
-          .format(name, new_offset, new_offset + partition_size))
+    print("Relocating {} from {:#x} - {:#x} to {:#x} - {:#x}..."
+          .format(name, old_offset, old_offset + partition_size,
+                  new_offset, new_offset + partition_size))
     print(" Adjusting FPT entry...")
     f.write_to(partition_header_offset + 0x8,
                pack("<I", new_offset - me_start))
-    if llut_start != 0:
-        if == b"LLUT":
-            print(" Adjusting LUT start offset...")
-            lut_offset = llut_start + offset_diff + 0x40 - \
-                         lut_start_corr - me_start
-            f.write_to(llut_start + 0x0c, pack("<I", lut_offset))
-            print(" Adjusting Huffman start offset...")
-   + 0x14)
-            old_huff_offset = unpack("<I",[0]
-            f.write_to(llut_start + 0x14,
-                       pack("<I", old_huff_offset + offset_diff))
-            print(" Adjusting chunks offsets...")
-   + 0x4)
-            chunk_count = unpack("<I",[0]
-   + 0x40)
-            chunks = bytearray(chunk_count * 4)
-            f.readinto(chunks)
-            for i in range(0, chunk_count * 4, 4):
-                if chunks[i + 3] != 0x80:
-                    chunks[i:i + 3] = \
-                        pack("<I", unpack("<I", chunks[i:i + 3] +
-                             b"\x00")[0] + offset_diff)[0:3]
-            f.write_to(llut_start + 0x40, chunks)
+    if mod_headers:
+        if llut_start != 0:
+            if == b"LLUT":
+                print(" Adjusting LUT start offset...")
+                lut_offset = llut_start + offset_diff + 0x40 - \
+                             lut_start_corr - me_start
+                f.write_to(llut_start + 0x0c, pack("<I", lut_offset))
+                print(" Adjusting Huffman start offset...")
+       + 0x14)
+                old_huff_offset = unpack("<I",[0]
+                f.write_to(llut_start + 0x14,
+                           pack("<I", old_huff_offset + offset_diff))
+                print(" Adjusting chunks offsets...")
+       + 0x4)
+                chunk_count = unpack("<I",[0]
+       + 0x40)
+                chunks = bytearray(chunk_count * 4)
+                f.readinto(chunks)
+                for i in range(0, chunk_count * 4, 4):
+                    if chunks[i + 3] != 0x80:
+                        chunks[i:i + 3] = \
+                            pack("<I", unpack("<I", chunks[i:i + 3] +
+                                 b"\x00")[0] + offset_diff)[0:3]
+                f.write_to(llut_start + 0x40, chunks)
+            else:
+                sys.exit("Huffman modules present but no LLUT found!")
-            sys.exit("Huffman modules present but no LLUT found!")
-    else:
-        print(" No Huffman modules found")
+            print(" No Huffman modules found")
     print(" Moving data...")
     partition_size = min(partition_size, me_end - old_offset)
@@ -284,6 +287,127 @@ def relocate_partition(f, me_start, me_end, partition_header_offset,
     return new_offset
+def check_and_remove_modules(f, me_start, me_end, offset, min_offset,
+                             relocate, keep_modules):
+ + 0x20)
+    num_modules = unpack("<I",[0]
+ + 0x290)
+    data =
+    module_header_size = 0
+    if data[0x0:0x4] == b"$MME":
+        if data[0x60:0x64] == b"$MME" or num_modules == 1:
+            module_header_size = 0x60
+        elif data[0x80:0x84] == b"$MME":
+            module_header_size = 0x80
+    if module_header_size != 0:
+ + 0x290)
+        mod_headers = [
+                       for i in range(0, num_modules)]
+        if all(hdr.startswith(b"$MME") for hdr in mod_headers):
+            if args.keep_modules:
+                end_addr = offset + ftpr_lenght
+            else:
+                end_addr = remove_modules(f, mod_headers,
+                                          offset, me_end)
+            if args.relocate:
+                new_offset = relocate_partition(f, me_start, me_end,
+                                                me_start + 0x30,
+                                                min_offset + me_start,
+                                                mod_headers)
+                end_addr += new_offset - offset
+                offset = new_offset
+            return end_addr, offset
+        else:
+            print("Found less modules than expected in the FTPR "
+                  "partition; skipping modules removal")
+    else:
+        print("Can't find the module header size; skipping "
+              "modules removal")
+    return -1, offset
+def check_and_remove_modules_me11(f, me_start, me_end, partition_offset,
+                                  partition_lenght, min_offset, relocate,
+                                  keep_modules):
+    comp_str = ("LZMA/uncomp.", "Huffman")
+    if keep_modules:
+        end_data = partition_offset + partition_lenght
+    else:
+        end_data = 0
+ + 0x4)
+        module_count = unpack("<I",[0]
+        modules = []
+        modules.append(("end", partition_lenght, 0))
+ + 0x10)
+        for i in range(0, module_count):
+            data =
+            name = data[0x0:0xc].rstrip(b"\x00").decode("ascii")
+            offset_block = unpack("<I", data[0xc:0x10])[0]
+            offset = offset_block & 0x01ffffff
+            comp_type = (offset_block & 0x02000000) >> 25
+            modules.append((name, offset, comp_type))
+        modules.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
+        for i in range(0, module_count):
+            name = modules[i][0]
+            offset = partition_offset + modules[i][1]
+            end = partition_offset + modules[i + 1][1]
+            removed = False
+            if name.endswith(".man") or name.endswith(".met"):
+                compression = "uncompressed"
+            else:
+                compression = comp_str[modules[i][2]]
+            sys.stdout.write(" {:<12} ({:<12}, 0x{:06x} - 0x{:06x}): "
+                             .format(name, compression, offset, end))
+            if name.endswith(".man"):
+                print("NOT removed, partition manif.")
+            elif name.endswith(".met"):
+                print("NOT removed, module metadata")
+            elif any(name.startswith(m) for m in unremovable_modules_me11):
+                print("NOT removed, essential")
+            else:
+                removed = True
+                f.fill_range(offset, end, b"\xff")
+                print("removed")
+            if not removed:
+                end_data = max(end_data, end)
+    if relocate:
+        new_offset = relocate_partition(f, me_start, me_end, me_start + 0x30,
+                                        min_offset + me_start, [])
+        end_data += new_offset - partition_offset
+        partition_offset = new_offset
+    return end_data, partition_offset
+def check_mn2_tag(f, offset):
+ + 0x1c)
+    tag =
+    if tag != b"$MN2":
+        sys.exit("Wrong FTPR manifest tag ({}), this image may be corrupted"
+                 .format(tag))
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Tool to remove as much code "
                                      "as possible from Intel ME/TXE firmwares")
@@ -381,8 +505,28 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     if == b"$CPD":
         me11 = True
         num_entries = unpack("<I",[0]
-        ftpr_mn2_offset = 0x10 + num_entries * 0x18
+ + 0x10)
+        ftpr_mn2_offset = -1
+        for i in range(0, num_entries):
+            data =
+            name = data[0x0:0xc].rstrip(b"\x00").decode("ascii")
+            offset = unpack("<I", data[0xc:0xf] + b"\x00")[0]
+            if name == "":
+                ftpr_mn2_offset = offset
+                break
+        if ftpr_mn2_offset >= 0:
+            check_mn2_tag(f, ftpr_offset + ftpr_mn2_offset)
+            print("Found FTPR manifest at {:#x}"
+                  .format(ftpr_offset + ftpr_mn2_offset))
+        else:
+            sys.exit("Can't find the manifest of the FTPR partition")
+        check_mn2_tag(f, ftpr_offset)
         me11 = False
         ftpr_mn2_offset = 0
@@ -435,71 +579,32 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         # must be always 0x00.
         mef.write_to(me_start + 0x1b, pack("B", checksum))
-        if not me11:
-            print("Reading FTPR modules list...")
-   + 0x1c)
-            tag =
-            if tag == b"$MN2":
-       + 0x20)
-                num_modules = unpack("<I",[0]
-       + 0x290)
-                data =
-                module_header_size = 0
-                if data[0x0:0x4] == b"$MME":
-                    if data[0x60:0x64] == b"$MME" or num_modules == 1:
-                        module_header_size = 0x60
-                    elif data[0x80:0x84] == b"$MME":
-                        module_header_size = 0x80
-                if module_header_size != 0:
-           + 0x290)
-                    mod_headers = [
-                                   for i in range(0, num_modules)]
-                    if all(hdr.startswith(b"$MME") for hdr in mod_headers):
-                        if args.keep_modules:
-                            end_addr = ftpr_offset + ftpr_lenght
-                        else:
-                            end_addr = remove_modules(mef, mod_headers,
-                                                      ftpr_offset, me_end)
-                        if args.relocate:
-                            new_ftpr_offset = relocate_partition(mef,
-                                               me_start, me_end,
-                                               me_start + 0x30,
-                                               min_ftpr_offset + me_start,
-                                               mod_headers)
-                            end_addr += new_ftpr_offset - ftpr_offset
-                            ftpr_offset = new_ftpr_offset
-                        end_addr = (end_addr // 0x1000 + 1) * 0x1000
-                        end_addr += spared_blocks * 0x1000
-                        print("The ME minimum size should be {0} bytes "
-                              "({0:#x} bytes)".format(end_addr - me_start))
-                        if me_start > 0:
-                            print("The ME region can be reduced up to:\n"
-                                  " {:08x}:{:08x} me"
-                                  .format(me_start, end_addr - 1))
-                        elif args.truncate:
-                            print("Truncating file at {:#x}..."
-                                  .format(end_addr))
-                            f.truncate(end_addr)
-                    else:
-                        print("Found less modules than expected in the FTPR "
-                              "partition; skipping modules removal")
-                else:
-                    print("Can't find the module header size; skipping "
-                          "modules removal")
-            else:
-                print("Wrong FTPR partition tag ({}); skipping modules removal"
-                      .format(tag))
+        print("Reading FTPR modules list...")
+        if me11:
+            end_addr, ftpr_offset = \
+                check_and_remove_modules_me11(mef, me_start, me_end,
+                                              ftpr_offset, ftpr_lenght,
+                                              min_ftpr_offset, args.relocate,
+                                              args.keep_modules)
-            print("Modules removal in ME v11 or greater is not yet supported")
+            end_addr, ftpr_offset = \
+                check_and_remove_modules(mef, me_start, me_end, ftpr_offset,
+                                         min_ftpr_offset, args.relocate,
+                                         args.keep_modules)
+        if end_addr > 0:
+            end_addr = (end_addr // 0x1000 + 1) * 0x1000
+            end_addr += spared_blocks * 0x1000
+            print("The ME minimum size should be {0} bytes "
+                  "({0:#x} bytes)".format(end_addr - me_start))
+            if me_start > 0:
+                print("The ME region can be reduced up to:\n"
+                      " {:08x}:{:08x} me".format(me_start, end_addr - 1))
+            elif args.truncate:
+                print("Truncating file at {:#x}...".format(end_addr))
+                f.truncate(end_addr)
     sys.stdout.write("Checking FTPR RSA signature... ")
     if check_partition_signature(f, ftpr_offset + ftpr_mn2_offset):
@@ -513,3 +618,4 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     if not args.check:
         print("Done! Good luck!")