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Readme: Simply use emojis instead of images for tools section

Signed-off-by: Jan-Christoph Borchardt <>
Jan-Christoph Borchardt 5 years ago
1 changed files with 4 additions and 14 deletions
  1. 4 14

+ 4 - 14

@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ There are many ways to contribute, of which development is only one! Find out [h
 1. 🚀 [Set up your local development environment](
 2. 🐛 [Pick a good first issue](
-3. 👩‍🔧 Create a branch and make your changes. Remember to sign off your commits using `git commit -**s**m "Your commit message"`
+3. 👩‍🔧 Create a branch and make your changes. Remember to sign off your commits using `git commit -sm "Your commit message"`
 4. ⬆ Create a [pull request]( and `@mention` the people from the issue to review
 5. 👍 Fix things that come up during review
 6. 🎉 Wait for it to get merged!
@@ -97,19 +97,9 @@ Then inside the root folder of your local Nextcloud development installation, ru
 ### Tools we use 🛠
-<a href="" target="_blank">
-    <img src="" alt="BrowserStack" style="width:50px;">
-<a href="" target="_blank">
-    <img src="" alt="WAVE" data-canonical-src=""  style="width:50px;">
-<a href=""  target="_blank">
-    <img src="" alt="" data-canonical-src="" style="width:50px;"> Lighthouse
-<a href=""  target="_blank">
-    <img src="" alt="axe" data-canonical-src="" style="height: 70px; margin-bottom: -10px;">
+- [👀 BrowserStack]( for cross-browser testing
+- [🌊 WAVE]( for accessibility testing
+- [🚨 Lighthouse]( for testing of performance, accessibility and more
 ## Contribution guidelines 📜