Browse Source

fix(db): Move missing core indices to typed event

Signed-off-by: Joas Schilling <>
Joas Schilling 10 months ago
2 changed files with 176 additions and 588 deletions
  1. 176 172
  2. 0 416

+ 176 - 172

@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
 namespace OC\Core;
-use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\PostgreSQL94Platform;
 use OC\Authentication\Events\RemoteWipeFinished;
 use OC\Authentication\Events\RemoteWipeStarted;
 use OC\Authentication\Listeners\RemoteWipeActivityListener;
@@ -45,28 +44,22 @@ use OC\Authentication\Listeners\UserDeletedWebAuthnCleanupListener;
 use OC\Authentication\Notifications\Notifier as AuthenticationNotifier;
 use OC\Core\Listener\BeforeTemplateRenderedListener;
 use OC\Core\Notification\CoreNotifier;
-use OC\DB\Connection;
-use OC\DB\MissingColumnInformation;
-use OC\DB\MissingIndexInformation;
-use OC\DB\MissingPrimaryKeyInformation;
-use OC\DB\SchemaWrapper;
 use OC\Metadata\FileEventListener;
 use OC\TagManager;
 use OCP\AppFramework\App;
 use OCP\AppFramework\Http\Events\BeforeTemplateRenderedEvent;
 use OCP\DB\Events\AddMissingColumnsEvent;
+use OCP\DB\Events\AddMissingIndicesEvent;
 use OCP\DB\Events\AddMissingPrimaryKeyEvent;
 use OCP\DB\Types;
 use OCP\EventDispatcher\IEventDispatcher;
 use OCP\Files\Events\Node\NodeDeletedEvent;
 use OCP\Files\Events\Node\NodeWrittenEvent;
 use OCP\Files\Events\NodeRemovedFromCache;
-use OCP\IDBConnection;
 use OCP\User\Events\BeforeUserDeletedEvent;
 use OCP\User\Events\UserDeletedEvent;
 use OCP\Util;
 use OCP\IConfig;
-use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\GenericEvent;
  * Class Application
@@ -91,170 +84,181 @@ class Application extends App {
-		$oldEventDispatcher = $server->getEventDispatcher();
-		$oldEventDispatcher->addListener(IDBConnection::CHECK_MISSING_INDEXES_EVENT,
-			function (GenericEvent $event) use ($container) {
-				/** @var MissingIndexInformation $subject */
-				$subject = $event->getSubject();
-				$schema = new SchemaWrapper($container->query(Connection::class));
-				if ($schema->hasTable('share')) {
-					$table = $schema->getTable('share');
-					if (!$table->hasIndex('share_with_index')) {
-						$subject->addHintForMissingSubject($table->getName(), 'share_with_index');
-					}
-					if (!$table->hasIndex('parent_index')) {
-						$subject->addHintForMissingSubject($table->getName(), 'parent_index');
-					}
-					if (!$table->hasIndex('owner_index')) {
-						$subject->addHintForMissingSubject($table->getName(), 'owner_index');
-					}
-					if (!$table->hasIndex('initiator_index')) {
-						$subject->addHintForMissingSubject($table->getName(), 'initiator_index');
-					}
-				}
-				if ($schema->hasTable('filecache')) {
-					$table = $schema->getTable('filecache');
-					if (!$table->hasIndex('fs_mtime')) {
-						$subject->addHintForMissingSubject($table->getName(), 'fs_mtime');
-					}
-					if (!$table->hasIndex('fs_size')) {
-						$subject->addHintForMissingSubject($table->getName(), 'fs_size');
-					}
-					if (!$table->hasIndex('fs_id_storage_size')) {
-						$subject->addHintForMissingSubject($table->getName(), 'fs_id_storage_size');
-					}
-					if (!$table->hasIndex('fs_storage_path_prefix') && !$schema->getDatabasePlatform() instanceof PostgreSQL94Platform) {
-						$subject->addHintForMissingSubject($table->getName(), 'fs_storage_path_prefix');
-					}
-					if (!$table->hasIndex('fs_parent')) {
-						$subject->addHintForMissingSubject($table->getName(), 'fs_parent');
-					}
-				}
-				if ($schema->hasTable('twofactor_providers')) {
-					$table = $schema->getTable('twofactor_providers');
-					if (!$table->hasIndex('twofactor_providers_uid')) {
-						$subject->addHintForMissingSubject($table->getName(), 'twofactor_providers_uid');
-					}
-				}
-				if ($schema->hasTable('login_flow_v2')) {
-					$table = $schema->getTable('login_flow_v2');
-					if (!$table->hasIndex('poll_token')) {
-						$subject->addHintForMissingSubject($table->getName(), 'poll_token');
-					}
-					if (!$table->hasIndex('login_token')) {
-						$subject->addHintForMissingSubject($table->getName(), 'login_token');
-					}
-					if (!$table->hasIndex('timestamp')) {
-						$subject->addHintForMissingSubject($table->getName(), 'timestamp');
-					}
-				}
-				if ($schema->hasTable('whats_new')) {
-					$table = $schema->getTable('whats_new');
-					if (!$table->hasIndex('version')) {
-						$subject->addHintForMissingSubject($table->getName(), 'version');
-					}
-				}
-				if ($schema->hasTable('cards')) {
-					$table = $schema->getTable('cards');
-					if (!$table->hasIndex('cards_abid')) {
-						$subject->addHintForMissingSubject($table->getName(), 'cards_abid');
-					}
-					if (!$table->hasIndex('cards_abiduri')) {
-						$subject->addHintForMissingSubject($table->getName(), 'cards_abiduri');
-					}
-				}
-				if ($schema->hasTable('cards_properties')) {
-					$table = $schema->getTable('cards_properties');
-					if (!$table->hasIndex('cards_prop_abid')) {
-						$subject->addHintForMissingSubject($table->getName(), 'cards_prop_abid');
-					}
-				}
-				if ($schema->hasTable('calendarobjects_props')) {
-					$table = $schema->getTable('calendarobjects_props');
-					if (!$table->hasIndex('calendarobject_calid_index')) {
-						$subject->addHintForMissingSubject($table->getName(), 'calendarobject_calid_index');
-					}
-				}
-				if ($schema->hasTable('schedulingobjects')) {
-					$table = $schema->getTable('schedulingobjects');
-					if (!$table->hasIndex('schedulobj_principuri_index')) {
-						$subject->addHintForMissingSubject($table->getName(), 'schedulobj_principuri_index');
-					}
-				}
-				if ($schema->hasTable('properties')) {
-					$table = $schema->getTable('properties');
-					if (!$table->hasIndex('properties_path_index')) {
-						$subject->addHintForMissingSubject($table->getName(), 'properties_path_index');
-					}
-					if (!$table->hasIndex('properties_pathonly_index')) {
-						$subject->addHintForMissingSubject($table->getName(), 'properties_pathonly_index');
-					}
-				}
-				if ($schema->hasTable('jobs')) {
-					$table = $schema->getTable('jobs');
-					if (!$table->hasIndex('job_lastcheck_reserved')) {
-						$subject->addHintForMissingSubject($table->getName(), 'job_lastcheck_reserved');
-					}
-				}
-				if ($schema->hasTable('direct_edit')) {
-					$table = $schema->getTable('direct_edit');
-					if (!$table->hasIndex('direct_edit_timestamp')) {
-						$subject->addHintForMissingSubject($table->getName(), 'direct_edit_timestamp');
-					}
-				}
-				if ($schema->hasTable('preferences')) {
-					$table = $schema->getTable('preferences');
-					if (!$table->hasIndex('preferences_app_key')) {
-						$subject->addHintForMissingSubject($table->getName(), 'preferences_app_key');
-					}
-				}
-				if ($schema->hasTable('mounts')) {
-					$table = $schema->getTable('mounts');
-					if (!$table->hasIndex('mounts_class_index')) {
-						$subject->addHintForMissingSubject($table->getName(), 'mounts_class_index');
-					}
-					if (!$table->hasIndex('mounts_user_root_path_index')) {
-						$subject->addHintForMissingSubject($table->getName(), 'mounts_user_root_path_index');
-					}
-				}
-				if ($schema->hasTable('systemtag_object_mapping')) {
-					$table = $schema->getTable('systemtag_object_mapping');
-					if (!$table->hasIndex('systag_by_tagid')) {
-						$subject->addHintForMissingSubject($table->getName(), 'systag_by_tagid');
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		);
+		$eventDispatcher->addListener(AddMissingIndicesEvent::class, function (AddMissingIndicesEvent $event) {
+			$event->addMissingIndex(
+				'share',
+				'share_with_index',
+				['share_with']
+			);
+			$event->addMissingIndex(
+				'share',
+				'parent_index',
+				['parent']
+			);
+			$event->addMissingIndex(
+				'share',
+				'owner_index',
+				['uid_owner']
+			);
+			$event->addMissingIndex(
+				'share',
+				'initiator_index',
+				['uid_initiator']
+			);
+			$event->addMissingIndex(
+				'filecache',
+				'fs_mtime',
+				['mtime']
+			);
+			$event->addMissingIndex(
+				'filecache',
+				'fs_size',
+				['size']
+			);
+			$event->addMissingIndex(
+				'filecache',
+				'fs_id_storage_size',
+				['fileid', 'storage', 'size']
+			);
+			$event->addMissingIndex(
+				'filecache',
+				'fs_storage_path_prefix',
+				['storage', 'path'],
+				['lengths' => [null, 64]]
+			);
+			$event->addMissingIndex(
+				'filecache',
+				'fs_parent',
+				['parent']
+			);
+			$event->addMissingIndex(
+				'twofactor_providers',
+				'twofactor_providers_uid',
+				['uid']
+			);
+			$event->addMissingUniqueIndex(
+				'login_flow_v2',
+				'poll_token',
+				['poll_token'],
+				[],
+				true
+			);
+			$event->addMissingUniqueIndex(
+				'login_flow_v2',
+				'login_token',
+				['login_token'],
+				[],
+				true
+			);
+			$event->addMissingIndex(
+				'login_flow_v2',
+				'timestamp',
+				['timestamp'],
+				[],
+				true
+			);
+			$event->addMissingIndex(
+				'whats_new',
+				'version',
+				['version'],
+				[],
+				true
+			);
+			$event->addMissingIndex(
+				'cards',
+				'cards_abiduri',
+				['addressbookid', 'uri'],
+				[],
+				true
+			);
+			$event->addMissingIndex(
+				'cards',
+				'cards_abid',
+				['addressbookid'],
+				[],
+				true
+			);
+			$event->addMissingIndex(
+				'cards',
+				'cards_abiduri',
+				['addressbookid', 'uri'],
+				[],
+				true
+			);
+			$event->addMissingIndex(
+				'cards_properties',
+				'cards_prop_abid',
+				['addressbookid'],
+				[],
+				true
+			);
+			$event->addMissingIndex(
+				'calendarobjects_props',
+				'calendarobject_calid_index',
+				['calendarid', 'calendartype']
+			);
+			$event->addMissingIndex(
+				'schedulingobjects',
+				'schedulobj_principuri_index',
+				['principaluri']
+			);
+			$event->addMissingIndex(
+				'properties',
+				'properties_path_index',
+				['userid', 'propertypath']
+			);
+			$event->addMissingIndex(
+				'properties',
+				'properties_pathonly_index',
+				['propertypath']
+			);
+			$event->addMissingIndex(
+				'jobs',
+				'job_lastcheck_reserved',
+				['last_checked', 'reserved_at']
+			);
+			$event->addMissingIndex(
+				'direct_edit',
+				'direct_edit_timestamp',
+				['timestamp']
+			);
+			$event->addMissingIndex(
+				'preferences',
+				'preferences_app_key',
+				['appid', 'configkey']
+			);
+			$event->addMissingIndex(
+				'mounts',
+				'mounts_class_index',
+				['mount_provider_class']
+			);
+			$event->addMissingIndex(
+				'mounts',
+				'mounts_user_root_path_index',
+				['user_id', 'root_id', 'mount_point'],
+				['lengths' => [null, null, 128]]
+			);
+			$event->addMissingIndex(
+				'systemtag_object_mapping',
+				'systag_by_tagid',
+				['systemtagid', 'objecttype']
+			);
+		});
 		$eventDispatcher->addListener(AddMissingPrimaryKeyEvent::class, function (AddMissingPrimaryKeyEvent $event) {

+ 0 - 416

@@ -73,8 +73,6 @@ class AddMissingIndices extends Command {
 	protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int {
 		$dryRun = $input->getOption('dry-run');
-		$this->addCoreIndexes($output, $dryRun);
 		// Dispatch event so apps can also update indexes if needed
 		$event = new GenericEvent($output);
 		$this->dispatcher->dispatch(IDBConnection::ADD_MISSING_INDEXES_EVENT, $event);
@@ -120,418 +118,4 @@ class AddMissingIndices extends Command {
 		return 0;
-	/**
-	 * add missing indices to the share table
-	 *
-	 * @param OutputInterface $output
-	 * @param bool $dryRun If true, will return the sql queries instead of running them.
-	 * @throws \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\SchemaException
-	 */
-	private function addCoreIndexes(OutputInterface $output, bool $dryRun): void {
-		$output->writeln('<info>Check indices of the share table.</info>');
-		$schema = new SchemaWrapper($this->connection);
-		$updated = false;
-		if ($schema->hasTable('share')) {
-			$table = $schema->getTable('share');
-			if (!$table->hasIndex('share_with_index')) {
-				$output->writeln('<info>Adding additional share_with index to the share table, this can take some time...</info>');
-				$table->addIndex(['share_with'], 'share_with_index');
-				$sqlQueries = $this->connection->migrateToSchema($schema->getWrappedSchema(), $dryRun);
-				if ($dryRun && $sqlQueries !== null) {
-					$output->writeln($sqlQueries);
-				}
-				$updated = true;
-				$output->writeln('<info>Share table updated successfully.</info>');
-			}
-			if (!$table->hasIndex('parent_index')) {
-				$output->writeln('<info>Adding additional parent index to the share table, this can take some time...</info>');
-				$table->addIndex(['parent'], 'parent_index');
-				$sqlQueries = $this->connection->migrateToSchema($schema->getWrappedSchema(), $dryRun);
-				if ($dryRun && $sqlQueries !== null) {
-					$output->writeln($sqlQueries);
-				}
-				$updated = true;
-				$output->writeln('<info>Share table updated successfully.</info>');
-			}
-			if (!$table->hasIndex('owner_index')) {
-				$output->writeln('<info>Adding additional owner index to the share table, this can take some time...</info>');
-				$table->addIndex(['uid_owner'], 'owner_index');
-				$sqlQueries = $this->connection->migrateToSchema($schema->getWrappedSchema(), $dryRun);
-				if ($dryRun && $sqlQueries !== null) {
-					$output->writeln($sqlQueries);
-				}
-				$updated = true;
-				$output->writeln('<info>Share table updated successfully.</info>');
-			}
-			if (!$table->hasIndex('initiator_index')) {
-				$output->writeln('<info>Adding additional initiator index to the share table, this can take some time...</info>');
-				$table->addIndex(['uid_initiator'], 'initiator_index');
-				$sqlQueries = $this->connection->migrateToSchema($schema->getWrappedSchema(), $dryRun);
-				if ($dryRun && $sqlQueries !== null) {
-					$output->writeln($sqlQueries);
-				}
-				$updated = true;
-				$output->writeln('<info>Share table updated successfully.</info>');
-			}
-		}
-		$output->writeln('<info>Check indices of the filecache table.</info>');
-		if ($schema->hasTable('filecache')) {
-			$table = $schema->getTable('filecache');
-			if (!$table->hasIndex('fs_mtime')) {
-				$output->writeln('<info>Adding additional mtime index to the filecache table, this can take some time...</info>');
-				$table->addIndex(['mtime'], 'fs_mtime');
-				$sqlQueries = $this->connection->migrateToSchema($schema->getWrappedSchema(), $dryRun);
-				if ($dryRun && $sqlQueries !== null) {
-					$output->writeln($sqlQueries);
-				}
-				$updated = true;
-				$output->writeln('<info>Filecache table updated successfully.</info>');
-			}
-			if (!$table->hasIndex('fs_size')) {
-				$output->writeln('<info>Adding additional size index to the filecache table, this can take some time...</info>');
-				$table->addIndex(['size'], 'fs_size');
-				$sqlQueries = $this->connection->migrateToSchema($schema->getWrappedSchema(), $dryRun);
-				if ($dryRun && $sqlQueries !== null) {
-					$output->writeln($sqlQueries);
-				}
-				$updated = true;
-				$output->writeln('<info>Filecache table updated successfully.</info>');
-			}
-			if (!$table->hasIndex('fs_id_storage_size')) {
-				$output->writeln('<info>Adding additional size index to the filecache table, this can take some time...</info>');
-				$table->addIndex(['fileid', 'storage', 'size'], 'fs_id_storage_size');
-				$sqlQueries = $this->connection->migrateToSchema($schema->getWrappedSchema(), $dryRun);
-				if ($dryRun && $sqlQueries !== null) {
-					$output->writeln($sqlQueries);
-				}
-				$updated = true;
-				$output->writeln('<info>Filecache table updated successfully.</info>');
-			}
-			if (!$table->hasIndex('fs_storage_path_prefix') && !$schema->getDatabasePlatform() instanceof PostgreSQL94Platform) {
-				$output->writeln('<info>Adding additional path index to the filecache table, this can take some time...</info>');
-				$table->addIndex(['storage', 'path'], 'fs_storage_path_prefix', [], ['lengths' => [null, 64]]);
-				$sqlQueries = $this->connection->migrateToSchema($schema->getWrappedSchema(), $dryRun);
-				if ($dryRun && $sqlQueries !== null) {
-					$output->writeln($sqlQueries);
-				}
-				$updated = true;
-				$output->writeln('<info>Filecache table updated successfully.</info>');
-			}
-			if (!$table->hasIndex('fs_parent')) {
-				$output->writeln('<info>Adding additional parent index to the filecache table, this can take some time...</info>');
-				$table->addIndex(['parent'], 'fs_parent');
-				$sqlQueries = $this->connection->migrateToSchema($schema->getWrappedSchema(), $dryRun);
-				if ($dryRun && $sqlQueries !== null) {
-					$output->writeln($sqlQueries);
-				}
-				$updated = true;
-				$output->writeln('<info>Filecache table updated successfully.</info>');
-			}
-		}
-		$output->writeln('<info>Check indices of the twofactor_providers table.</info>');
-		if ($schema->hasTable('twofactor_providers')) {
-			$table = $schema->getTable('twofactor_providers');
-			if (!$table->hasIndex('twofactor_providers_uid')) {
-				$output->writeln('<info>Adding additional twofactor_providers_uid index to the twofactor_providers table, this can take some time...</info>');
-				$table->addIndex(['uid'], 'twofactor_providers_uid');
-				$sqlQueries = $this->connection->migrateToSchema($schema->getWrappedSchema(), $dryRun);
-				if ($dryRun && $sqlQueries !== null) {
-					$output->writeln($sqlQueries);
-				}
-				$updated = true;
-				$output->writeln('<info>Twofactor_providers table updated successfully.</info>');
-			}
-		}
-		$output->writeln('<info>Check indices of the login_flow_v2 table.</info>');
-		if ($schema->hasTable('login_flow_v2')) {
-			$table = $schema->getTable('login_flow_v2');
-			if (!$table->hasIndex('poll_token')) {
-				$output->writeln('<info>Adding additional indeces to the login_flow_v2 table, this can take some time...</info>');
-				foreach ($table->getIndexes() as $index) {
-					$columns = $index->getColumns();
-					if ($columns === ['poll_token'] ||
-						$columns === ['login_token'] ||
-						$columns === ['timestamp']) {
-						$table->dropIndex($index->getName());
-					}
-				}
-				$table->addUniqueIndex(['poll_token'], 'poll_token');
-				$table->addUniqueIndex(['login_token'], 'login_token');
-				$table->addIndex(['timestamp'], 'timestamp');
-				$sqlQueries = $this->connection->migrateToSchema($schema->getWrappedSchema(), $dryRun);
-				if ($dryRun && $sqlQueries !== null) {
-					$output->writeln($sqlQueries);
-				}
-				$updated = true;
-				$output->writeln('<info>login_flow_v2 table updated successfully.</info>');
-			}
-		}
-		$output->writeln('<info>Check indices of the whats_new table.</info>');
-		if ($schema->hasTable('whats_new')) {
-			$table = $schema->getTable('whats_new');
-			if (!$table->hasIndex('version')) {
-				$output->writeln('<info>Adding version index to the whats_new table, this can take some time...</info>');
-				foreach ($table->getIndexes() as $index) {
-					if ($index->getColumns() === ['version']) {
-						$table->dropIndex($index->getName());
-					}
-				}
-				$table->addUniqueIndex(['version'], 'version');
-				$sqlQueries = $this->connection->migrateToSchema($schema->getWrappedSchema(), $dryRun);
-				if ($dryRun && $sqlQueries !== null) {
-					$output->writeln($sqlQueries);
-				}
-				$updated = true;
-				$output->writeln('<info>whats_new table updated successfully.</info>');
-			}
-		}
-		$output->writeln('<info>Check indices of the cards table.</info>');
-		$cardsUpdated = false;
-		if ($schema->hasTable('cards')) {
-			$table = $schema->getTable('cards');
-			if ($table->hasIndex('addressbookid_uri_index')) {
-				if ($table->hasIndex('cards_abiduri')) {
-					$table->dropIndex('addressbookid_uri_index');
-				} else {
-					$output->writeln('<info>Renaming addressbookid_uri_index index to cards_abiduri in the cards table, this can take some time...</info>');
-					foreach ($table->getIndexes() as $index) {
-						if ($index->getColumns() === ['addressbookid', 'uri']) {
-							$table->renameIndex('addressbookid_uri_index', 'cards_abiduri');
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				$sqlQueries = $this->connection->migrateToSchema($schema->getWrappedSchema(), $dryRun);
-				if ($dryRun && $sqlQueries !== null) {
-					$output->writeln($sqlQueries);
-				}
-				$cardsUpdated = true;
-			}
-			if (!$table->hasIndex('cards_abid')) {
-				$output->writeln('<info>Adding cards_abid index to the cards table, this can take some time...</info>');
-				foreach ($table->getIndexes() as $index) {
-					if ($index->getColumns() === ['addressbookid']) {
-						$table->dropIndex($index->getName());
-					}
-				}
-				$table->addIndex(['addressbookid'], 'cards_abid');
-				$sqlQueries = $this->connection->migrateToSchema($schema->getWrappedSchema(), $dryRun);
-				if ($dryRun && $sqlQueries !== null) {
-					$output->writeln($sqlQueries);
-				}
-				$cardsUpdated = true;
-			}
-			if (!$table->hasIndex('cards_abiduri')) {
-				$output->writeln('<info>Adding cards_abiduri index to the cards table, this can take some time...</info>');
-				foreach ($table->getIndexes() as $index) {
-					if ($index->getColumns() === ['addressbookid', 'uri']) {
-						$table->dropIndex($index->getName());
-					}
-				}
-				$table->addIndex(['addressbookid', 'uri'], 'cards_abiduri');
-				$sqlQueries = $this->connection->migrateToSchema($schema->getWrappedSchema(), $dryRun);
-				if ($dryRun && $sqlQueries !== null) {
-					$output->writeln($sqlQueries);
-				}
-				$cardsUpdated = true;
-			}
-			if ($cardsUpdated) {
-				$updated = true;
-				$output->writeln('<info>cards table updated successfully.</info>');
-			}
-		}
-		$output->writeln('<info>Check indices of the cards_properties table.</info>');
-		if ($schema->hasTable('cards_properties')) {
-			$table = $schema->getTable('cards_properties');
-			if (!$table->hasIndex('cards_prop_abid')) {
-				$output->writeln('<info>Adding cards_prop_abid index to the cards_properties table, this can take some time...</info>');
-				foreach ($table->getIndexes() as $index) {
-					if ($index->getColumns() === ['addressbookid']) {
-						$table->dropIndex($index->getName());
-					}
-				}
-				$table->addIndex(['addressbookid'], 'cards_prop_abid');
-				$sqlQueries = $this->connection->migrateToSchema($schema->getWrappedSchema(), $dryRun);
-				if ($dryRun && $sqlQueries !== null) {
-					$output->writeln($sqlQueries);
-				}
-				$updated = true;
-				$output->writeln('<info>cards_properties table updated successfully.</info>');
-			}
-		}
-		$output->writeln('<info>Check indices of the calendarobjects_props table.</info>');
-		if ($schema->hasTable('calendarobjects_props')) {
-			$table = $schema->getTable('calendarobjects_props');
-			if (!$table->hasIndex('calendarobject_calid_index')) {
-				$output->writeln('<info>Adding calendarobject_calid_index index to the calendarobjects_props table, this can take some time...</info>');
-				$table->addIndex(['calendarid', 'calendartype'], 'calendarobject_calid_index');
-				$sqlQueries = $this->connection->migrateToSchema($schema->getWrappedSchema(), $dryRun);
-				if ($dryRun && $sqlQueries !== null) {
-					$output->writeln($sqlQueries);
-				}
-				$updated = true;
-				$output->writeln('<info>calendarobjects_props table updated successfully.</info>');
-			}
-		}
-		$output->writeln('<info>Check indices of the schedulingobjects table.</info>');
-		if ($schema->hasTable('schedulingobjects')) {
-			$table = $schema->getTable('schedulingobjects');
-			if (!$table->hasIndex('schedulobj_principuri_index')) {
-				$output->writeln('<info>Adding schedulobj_principuri_index index to the schedulingobjects table, this can take some time...</info>');
-				$table->addIndex(['principaluri'], 'schedulobj_principuri_index');
-				$sqlQueries = $this->connection->migrateToSchema($schema->getWrappedSchema(), $dryRun);
-				if ($dryRun && $sqlQueries !== null) {
-					$output->writeln($sqlQueries);
-				}
-				$updated = true;
-				$output->writeln('<info>schedulingobjects table updated successfully.</info>');
-			}
-		}
-		$output->writeln('<info>Check indices of the oc_properties table.</info>');
-		if ($schema->hasTable('properties')) {
-			$table = $schema->getTable('properties');
-			$propertiesUpdated = false;
-			if (!$table->hasIndex('properties_path_index')) {
-				$output->writeln('<info>Adding properties_path_index index to the oc_properties table, this can take some time...</info>');
-				$table->addIndex(['userid', 'propertypath'], 'properties_path_index');
-				$sqlQueries = $this->connection->migrateToSchema($schema->getWrappedSchema(), $dryRun);
-				if ($dryRun && $sqlQueries !== null) {
-					$output->writeln($sqlQueries);
-				}
-				$propertiesUpdated = true;
-			}
-			if (!$table->hasIndex('properties_pathonly_index')) {
-				$output->writeln('<info>Adding properties_pathonly_index index to the oc_properties table, this can take some time...</info>');
-				$table->addIndex(['propertypath'], 'properties_pathonly_index');
-				$sqlQueries = $this->connection->migrateToSchema($schema->getWrappedSchema(), $dryRun);
-				if ($dryRun && $sqlQueries !== null) {
-					$output->writeln($sqlQueries);
-				}
-				$propertiesUpdated = true;
-			}
-			if ($propertiesUpdated) {
-				$updated = true;
-				$output->writeln('<info>oc_properties table updated successfully.</info>');
-			}
-		}
-		$output->writeln('<info>Check indices of the oc_jobs table.</info>');
-		if ($schema->hasTable('jobs')) {
-			$table = $schema->getTable('jobs');
-			if (!$table->hasIndex('job_lastcheck_reserved')) {
-				$output->writeln('<info>Adding job_lastcheck_reserved index to the oc_jobs table, this can take some time...</info>');
-				$table->addIndex(['last_checked', 'reserved_at'], 'job_lastcheck_reserved');
-				$sqlQueries = $this->connection->migrateToSchema($schema->getWrappedSchema(), $dryRun);
-				if ($dryRun && $sqlQueries !== null) {
-					$output->writeln($sqlQueries);
-				}
-				$updated = true;
-				$output->writeln('<info>oc_properties table updated successfully.</info>');
-			}
-		}
-		$output->writeln('<info>Check indices of the oc_direct_edit table.</info>');
-		if ($schema->hasTable('direct_edit')) {
-			$table = $schema->getTable('direct_edit');
-			if (!$table->hasIndex('direct_edit_timestamp')) {
-				$output->writeln('<info>Adding direct_edit_timestamp index to the oc_direct_edit table, this can take some time...</info>');
-				$table->addIndex(['timestamp'], 'direct_edit_timestamp');
-				$sqlQueries = $this->connection->migrateToSchema($schema->getWrappedSchema(), $dryRun);
-				if ($dryRun && $sqlQueries !== null) {
-					$output->writeln($sqlQueries);
-				}
-				$updated = true;
-				$output->writeln('<info>oc_direct_edit table updated successfully.</info>');
-			}
-		}
-		$output->writeln('<info>Check indices of the oc_preferences table.</info>');
-		if ($schema->hasTable('preferences')) {
-			$table = $schema->getTable('preferences');
-			if (!$table->hasIndex('preferences_app_key')) {
-				$output->writeln('<info>Adding preferences_app_key index to the oc_preferences table, this can take some time...</info>');
-				$table->addIndex(['appid', 'configkey'], 'preferences_app_key');
-				$this->connection->migrateToSchema($schema->getWrappedSchema());
-				$updated = true;
-				$output->writeln('<info>oc_properties table updated successfully.</info>');
-			}
-		}
-		$output->writeln('<info>Check indices of the oc_mounts table.</info>');
-		if ($schema->hasTable('mounts')) {
-			$table = $schema->getTable('mounts');
-			if (!$table->hasIndex('mounts_class_index')) {
-				$output->writeln('<info>Adding mounts_class_index index to the oc_mounts table, this can take some time...</info>');
-				$table->addIndex(['mount_provider_class'], 'mounts_class_index');
-				$this->connection->migrateToSchema($schema->getWrappedSchema());
-				$updated = true;
-				$output->writeln('<info>oc_mounts table updated successfully.</info>');
-			}
-			if (!$table->hasIndex('mounts_user_root_path_index')) {
-				$output->writeln('<info>Adding mounts_user_root_path_index index to the oc_mounts table, this can take some time...</info>');
-				$table->addIndex(['user_id', 'root_id', 'mount_point'], 'mounts_user_root_path_index', [], ['lengths' => [null, null, 128]]);
-				$this->connection->migrateToSchema($schema->getWrappedSchema());
-				$updated = true;
-				$output->writeln('<info>oc_mounts table updated successfully.</info>');
-			}
-		}
-		$output->writeln('<info>Check indices of the oc_systemtag_object_mapping table.</info>');
-		if ($schema->hasTable('systemtag_object_mapping')) {
-			$table = $schema->getTable('systemtag_object_mapping');
-			if (!$table->hasIndex('systag_by_tagid')) {
-				$output->writeln('<info>Adding systag_by_tagid index to the oc_systemtag_object_mapping table, this can take some time...</info>');
-				$table->addIndex(['systemtagid', 'objecttype'], 'systag_by_tagid');
-				$this->connection->migrateToSchema($schema->getWrappedSchema());
-				$updated = true;
-				$output->writeln('<info>oc_systemtag_object_mapping table updated successfully.</info>');
-			}
-		}
-		if (!$updated) {
-			$output->writeln('<info>Done.</info>');
-		}
-	}