setName('encryption:disable-master-key') ->setDescription('Disable the master key and use per-user keys instead. Only available for fresh installations with no existing encrypted data! There is no way to enable it again.'); } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int { $isMasterKeyEnabled = $this->util->isMasterKeyEnabled(); if (!$isMasterKeyEnabled) { $output->writeln('Master key already disabled'); return self::SUCCESS; } $question = new ConfirmationQuestion( 'Warning: Only perform this operation for a fresh installations with no existing encrypted data! ' . 'There is no way to enable the master key again. ' . 'We strongly recommend to keep the master key, it provides significant performance improvements ' . 'and is easier to handle for both, users and administrators. ' . 'Do you really want to switch to per-user keys? (y/n) ', false); if ($this->questionHelper->ask($input, $output, $question)) { $this->config->setAppValue('encryption', 'useMasterKey', '0'); $output->writeln('Master key successfully disabled.'); return self::SUCCESS; } $output->writeln('aborted.'); return self::FAILURE; } }