themingDefaults = $themingDefaults; $this->iconBuilder = $iconBuilder; $this->imageManager = $imageManager; $this->fileAccessHelper = $fileAccessHelper; $this->appManager = $appManager; } /** * Get a themed icon * * @param string $app ID of the app * @param string $image image file name (svg required) * @return FileDisplayResponse|NotFoundResponse * @throws \Exception * * 200: Themed icon returned * 404: Themed icon not found */ #[PublicPage] #[NoCSRFRequired] public function getThemedIcon(string $app, string $image): Response { if ($app !== 'core' && !$this->appManager->isEnabledForUser($app)) { $app = 'core'; $image = 'favicon.png'; } $color = $this->themingDefaults->getColorPrimary(); try { $iconFileName = $this->imageManager->getCachedImage('icon-' . $app . '-' . $color . str_replace('/', '_', $image)); } catch (NotFoundException $exception) { $icon = $this->iconBuilder->colorSvg($app, $image); if ($icon === false || $icon === '') { return new NotFoundResponse(); } $iconFileName = $this->imageManager->setCachedImage('icon-' . $app . '-' . $color . str_replace('/', '_', $image), $icon); } $response = new FileDisplayResponse($iconFileName, Http::STATUS_OK, ['Content-Type' => 'image/svg+xml']); $response->cacheFor(86400, false, true); return $response; } /** * Return a 32x32 favicon as png * * @param string $app ID of the app * @return DataDisplayResponse|FileDisplayResponse|NotFoundResponse * @throws \Exception * * 200: Favicon returned * 404: Favicon not found */ #[PublicPage] #[NoCSRFRequired] public function getFavicon(string $app = 'core'): Response { if ($app !== 'core' && !$this->appManager->isEnabledForUser($app)) { $app = 'core'; } $response = null; $iconFile = null; try { $iconFile = $this->imageManager->getImage('favicon', false); $response = new FileDisplayResponse($iconFile, Http::STATUS_OK, ['Content-Type' => 'image/x-icon']); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { } if ($iconFile === null && $this->imageManager->shouldReplaceIcons()) { $color = $this->themingDefaults->getColorPrimary(); try { $iconFile = $this->imageManager->getCachedImage('favIcon-' . $app . $color); } catch (NotFoundException $exception) { $icon = $this->iconBuilder->getFavicon($app); if ($icon === false || $icon === '') { return new NotFoundResponse(); } $iconFile = $this->imageManager->setCachedImage('favIcon-' . $app . $color, $icon); } $response = new FileDisplayResponse($iconFile, Http::STATUS_OK, ['Content-Type' => 'image/x-icon']); } if ($response === null) { $fallbackLogo = \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/core/img/favicon.png'; $response = new DataDisplayResponse($this->fileAccessHelper->file_get_contents($fallbackLogo), Http::STATUS_OK, ['Content-Type' => 'image/x-icon']); } $response->cacheFor(86400); return $response; } /** * Return a 512x512 icon for touch devices * * @param string $app ID of the app * @return DataDisplayResponse|FileDisplayResponse|NotFoundResponse * @throws \Exception * * 200: Touch icon returned * 404: Touch icon not found */ #[PublicPage] #[NoCSRFRequired] public function getTouchIcon(string $app = 'core'): Response { if ($app !== 'core' && !$this->appManager->isEnabledForUser($app)) { $app = 'core'; } $response = null; try { $iconFile = $this->imageManager->getImage('favicon'); $response = new FileDisplayResponse($iconFile, Http::STATUS_OK, ['Content-Type' => 'image/x-icon']); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { } if ($this->imageManager->shouldReplaceIcons()) { $color = $this->themingDefaults->getColorPrimary(); try { $iconFile = $this->imageManager->getCachedImage('touchIcon-' . $app . $color); } catch (NotFoundException $exception) { $icon = $this->iconBuilder->getTouchIcon($app); if ($icon === false || $icon === '') { return new NotFoundResponse(); } $iconFile = $this->imageManager->setCachedImage('touchIcon-' . $app . $color, $icon); } $response = new FileDisplayResponse($iconFile, Http::STATUS_OK, ['Content-Type' => 'image/png']); } if ($response === null) { $fallbackLogo = \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/core/img/favicon-touch.png'; $response = new DataDisplayResponse($this->fileAccessHelper->file_get_contents($fallbackLogo), Http::STATUS_OK, ['Content-Type' => 'image/png']); } $response->cacheFor(86400); return $response; } }