containerName = $parameters['container']; $this->accountName = $parameters['account_name']; $this->accountKey = $parameters['account_key']; if (isset($parameters['endpoint'])) { $this->endpoint = $parameters['endpoint']; } if (isset($parameters['autocreate'])) { $this->autoCreate = $parameters['autocreate']; } } /** * @return BlobRestProxy */ private function getBlobClient() { if (!$this->blobClient) { $protocol = $this->endpoint ? substr($this->endpoint, 0, strpos($this->endpoint, ':')) : 'https'; $connectionString = 'DefaultEndpointsProtocol=' . $protocol . ';AccountName=' . $this->accountName . ';AccountKey=' . $this->accountKey; if ($this->endpoint) { $connectionString .= ';BlobEndpoint=' . $this->endpoint; } $this->blobClient = BlobRestProxy::createBlobService($connectionString); if ($this->autoCreate) { try { $this->blobClient->createContainer($this->containerName); } catch (ServiceException $e) { if ($e->getCode() === 409) { // already exists } else { throw $e; } } } } return $this->blobClient; } /** * @return string the container or bucket name where objects are stored */ public function getStorageId() { return 'azure::blob::' . $this->containerName; } /** * @param string $urn the unified resource name used to identify the object * @return resource stream with the read data * @throws \Exception when something goes wrong, message will be logged */ public function readObject($urn) { $blob = $this->getBlobClient()->getBlob($this->containerName, $urn); return $blob->getContentStream(); } public function writeObject($urn, $stream, ?string $mimetype = null) { $options = new CreateBlockBlobOptions(); if ($mimetype) { $options->setContentType($mimetype); } $this->getBlobClient()->createBlockBlob($this->containerName, $urn, $stream, $options); } /** * @param string $urn the unified resource name used to identify the object * @return void * @throws \Exception when something goes wrong, message will be logged */ public function deleteObject($urn) { $this->getBlobClient()->deleteBlob($this->containerName, $urn); } public function objectExists($urn) { try { $this->getBlobClient()->getBlobMetadata($this->containerName, $urn); return true; } catch (ServiceException $e) { if ($e->getCode() === 404) { return false; } else { throw $e; } } } public function copyObject($from, $to) { $this->getBlobClient()->copyBlob($this->containerName, $to, $this->containerName, $from); } }