l10n = $this->createMock(IL10N::class); $this->l10n->method('t') ->willReturnArgument(0); $this->config = $this->createMock(IConfig::class); $this->urlGenerator = $this->createMock(IURLGenerator::class); $this->clientService = $this->createMock(IClientService::class); $this->logger = $this->createMock(LoggerInterface::class); $this->trait = new CheckServerResponseTraitImplementation( $this->l10n, $this->config, $this->urlGenerator, $this->clientService, $this->logger, ); } /** * @dataProvider dataNormalizeUrl */ public function testNormalizeUrl(string $url, bool $isRootRequest, string $expected): void { $this->assertEquals($expected, $this->trait->normalizeUrl($url, $isRootRequest)); } public static function dataNormalizeUrl(): array { return [ // untouched web-root 'valid and nothing to change' => ['http://example.com/root', false, 'http://example.com/root'], 'valid with port and nothing to change' => ['http://example.com:8081/root', false, 'http://example.com:8081/root'], 'trailing slash' => ['http://example.com/root/', false, 'http://example.com/root'], 'deep web root' => ['http://example.com/deep/webroot', false, 'http://example.com/deep/webroot'], // removal of the web-root 'remove web root' => ['http://example.com/root/', true, 'http://example.com'], 'remove web root but empty' => ['http://example.com', true, 'http://example.com'], 'remove deep web root' => ['http://example.com/deep/webroot', true, 'http://example.com'], 'remove web root with port' => ['http://example.com:8081/root', true, 'http://example.com:8081'], 'remove web root with port but empty' => ['http://example.com:8081', true, 'http://example.com:8081'], 'remove web root from IP' => ['', true, ''], 'remove web root from IP with port' => ['', true, ''], 'remove web root from IPv6' => ['https://[ff02::1]/root', true, 'https://[ff02::1]'], 'remove web root from IPv6 with port' => ['https://[ff02::1]:8080/root', true, 'https://[ff02::1]:8080'], ]; } /** * @dataProvider dataGetTestUrls */ public function testGetTestUrls( string $url, bool $isRootRequest, string $cliUrl, string $webRoot, array $trustedDomains, array $expected, ): void { $this->config->expects(self::atLeastOnce()) ->method('getSystemValueString') ->with('overwrite.cli.url', '') ->willReturn($cliUrl); $this->config->expects(self::atLeastOnce()) ->method('getSystemValue') ->with('trusted_domains', []) ->willReturn($trustedDomains); $this->urlGenerator->expects(self::atLeastOnce()) ->method('getWebroot') ->willReturn($webRoot); $this->urlGenerator->expects(self::atLeastOnce()) ->method('getBaseUrl') ->willReturn(self::BASE_URL . $webRoot); $result = $this->trait->getTestUrls($url, $isRootRequest); $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); } /** * @return array, list}> */ public static function dataGetTestUrls(): array { return [ 'same cli and base URL' => [ '/apps/files/js/example.js', false, 'https://nextcloud.local', '', ['nextcloud.local'], [ // from cli url 'https://nextcloud.local/apps/files/js/example.js', // http variant from trusted domains 'http://nextcloud.local/apps/files/js/example.js', ] ], 'different cli and base URL' => [ '/apps/files/js/example.js', false, 'https://example.com', '', ['nextcloud.local'], [ // from cli url 'https://example.com/apps/files/js/example.js', // from base url 'https://nextcloud.local/apps/files/js/example.js', // http variant from trusted domains 'http://nextcloud.local/apps/files/js/example.js', ] ], 'different cli and base URL and trusted domains' => [ '/apps/files/js/example.js', false, 'https://example.com', '', ['nextcloud.local', 'example.com', ''], [ // from cli url 'https://example.com/apps/files/js/example.js', // from base url 'https://nextcloud.local/apps/files/js/example.js', // http variant from trusted domains 'http://nextcloud.local/apps/files/js/example.js', 'http://example.com/apps/files/js/example.js', // trusted domains '', '', ] ], 'wildcard trusted domains' => [ '/apps/files/js/example.js', false, '', '', ['nextcloud.local', '*.example.com'], [ // from base url 'https://nextcloud.local/apps/files/js/example.js', // http variant from trusted domains 'http://nextcloud.local/apps/files/js/example.js', // trusted domains with wild card are skipped ] ], 'missing leading slash' => [ 'apps/files/js/example.js', false, 'https://nextcloud.local', '', ['nextcloud.local'], [ // from cli url 'https://nextcloud.local/apps/files/js/example.js', // http variant from trusted domains 'http://nextcloud.local/apps/files/js/example.js', ] ], 'keep web-root' => [ '/apps/files/js/example.js', false, 'https://example.com', '/nextcloud', ['nextcloud.local', 'example.com', ''], [ // from cli url (note that the CLI url has NO web root) 'https://example.com/apps/files/js/example.js', // from base url 'https://nextcloud.local/nextcloud/apps/files/js/example.js', // http variant from trusted domains 'http://nextcloud.local/nextcloud/apps/files/js/example.js', // trusted domains with web-root 'https://example.com/nextcloud/apps/files/js/example.js', 'http://example.com/nextcloud/apps/files/js/example.js', '', '', ] ], // example if the URL is generated by the URL generator 'keep web-root and web root in url' => [ '/nextcloud/apps/files/js/example.js', false, 'https://example.com', '/nextcloud', ['nextcloud.local', 'example.com', ''], [ // from cli url (note that the CLI url has NO web root) 'https://example.com/apps/files/js/example.js', // from base url 'https://nextcloud.local/nextcloud/apps/files/js/example.js', // http variant from trusted domains 'http://nextcloud.local/nextcloud/apps/files/js/example.js', // trusted domains with web-root 'https://example.com/nextcloud/apps/files/js/example.js', 'http://example.com/nextcloud/apps/files/js/example.js', '', '', ] ], 'remove web-root' => [ '/.well-known/caldav', true, 'https://example.com', '/nextcloud', ['nextcloud.local', 'example.com', ''], [ // from cli url (note that the CLI url has NO web root) 'https://example.com/.well-known/caldav', // from base url 'https://nextcloud.local/.well-known/caldav', // http variant from trusted domains 'http://nextcloud.local/.well-known/caldav', 'http://example.com/.well-known/caldav', // trusted domains with web-root '', '', ] ], ]; } }