/* eslint-disable */ /* * Copyright (c) 2014 Vincent Petry * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 * or later. * * See the COPYING-README file. * */ (function() { /** * @class OCA.Sharing.FileList * @augments OCA.Files.FileList * * @classdesc Sharing file list. * Contains both "shared with others" and "shared with you" modes. * * @param $el container element with existing markup for the .files-controls * and a table * @param [options] map of options, see other parameters * @param {boolean} [options.sharedWithUser] true to return files shared with * the current user, false to return files that the user shared with others. * Defaults to false. * @param {boolean} [options.linksOnly] true to return only link shares */ var FileList = function($el, options) { this.initialize($el, options) } FileList.prototype = _.extend({}, OCA.Files.FileList.prototype, /** @lends OCA.Sharing.FileList.prototype */ { appName: 'Shares', /** * Whether the list shows the files shared with the user (true) or * the files that the user shared with others (false). */ _sharedWithUser: false, _linksOnly: false, _showDeleted: false, _showPending: false, _clientSideSort: true, _allowSelection: false, _isOverview: false, /** * @private */ initialize: function($el, options) { OCA.Files.FileList.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments) if (this.initialized) { return } // TODO: consolidate both options if (options && options.sharedWithUser) { this._sharedWithUser = true } if (options && options.linksOnly) { this._linksOnly = true } if (options && options.showDeleted) { this._showDeleted = true } if (options && options.showPending) { this._showPending = true } if (options && options.isOverview) { this._isOverview = true } }, _renderRow: function() { // HACK: needed to call the overridden _renderRow // this is because at the time this class is created // the overriding hasn't been done yet... return OCA.Files.FileList.prototype._renderRow.apply(this, arguments) }, _createRow: function(fileData) { // TODO: hook earlier and render the whole row here var $tr = OCA.Files.FileList.prototype._createRow.apply(this, arguments) $tr.find('.filesize').remove() $tr.find('td.date').before($tr.children('td:first')) $tr.find('td.filename input:checkbox').remove() $tr.attr('data-share-id', _.pluck(fileData.shares, 'id').join(',')) if (this._sharedWithUser) { $tr.attr('data-share-owner', fileData.shareOwner) $tr.attr('data-mounttype', 'shared-root') var permission = parseInt($tr.attr('data-permissions')) | OC.PERMISSION_DELETE $tr.attr('data-permissions', permission) } if (this._showDeleted || this._showPending) { var permission = fileData.permissions $tr.attr('data-share-permissions', permission) } if (fileData.remoteId) { $tr.attr('data-remote-id', fileData.remoteId) } if (fileData.shareType) { $tr.attr('data-share-type', fileData.shareType) } // add row with expiration date for link only shares - influenced by _createRow of filelist if (this._linksOnly) { var expirationTimestamp = 0 if (fileData.shares && fileData.shares[0].expiration !== null) { expirationTimestamp = moment(fileData.shares[0].expiration).valueOf() } $tr.attr('data-expiration', expirationTimestamp) // date column (1000 milliseconds to seconds, 60 seconds, 60 minutes, 24 hours) // difference in days multiplied by 5 - brightest shade for expiry dates in more than 32 days (160/5) var modifiedColor = Math.round((expirationTimestamp - (new Date()).getTime()) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24 * 5) // ensure that the brightest color is still readable if (modifiedColor >= 160) { modifiedColor = 160 } var formatted var text if (expirationTimestamp > 0) { formatted = OC.Util.formatDate(expirationTimestamp) text = OC.Util.relativeModifiedDate(expirationTimestamp) } else { formatted = t('files_sharing', 'No expiration date set') text = '' modifiedColor = 160 } td = $('').attr({ 'class': 'date' }) td.append($('').attr({ 'class': 'modified', 'title': formatted, 'style': 'color:rgb(' + modifiedColor + ',' + modifiedColor + ',' + modifiedColor + ')' }).text(text) .tooltip({ placement: 'top' }) ) $tr.append(td) } return $tr }, /** * Set whether the list should contain outgoing shares * or incoming shares. * * @param state true for incoming shares, false otherwise */ setSharedWithUser: function(state) { this._sharedWithUser = !!state }, updateEmptyContent: function() { var dir = this.getCurrentDirectory() if (dir === '/') { // root has special permissions this.$el.find('.emptyfilelist.emptycontent').toggleClass('hidden', !this.isEmpty) this.$el.find('.files-filestable thead th').toggleClass('hidden', this.isEmpty) // hide expiration date header for non link only shares if (!this._linksOnly) { this.$el.find('th.column-expiration').addClass('hidden') } } else { OCA.Files.FileList.prototype.updateEmptyContent.apply(this, arguments) } }, getDirectoryPermissions: function() { return OC.PERMISSION_READ | OC.PERMISSION_DELETE }, updateStorageStatistics: function() { // no op because it doesn't have // storage info like free space / used space }, reload: function() { this.showMask() if (this._reloadCall) { this._reloadCall.abort() } // there is only root this._setCurrentDir('/', false) var promises = [] var deletedShares = { url: OC.linkToOCS('apps/files_sharing/api/v1', 2) + 'deletedshares', /* jshint camelcase: false */ data: { format: 'json', include_tags: true }, type: 'GET', beforeSend: function(xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader('OCS-APIREQUEST', 'true') } } var pendingShares = { url: OC.linkToOCS('apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares', 2) + 'pending', /* jshint camelcase: false */ data: { format: 'json' }, type: 'GET', beforeSend: function(xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader('OCS-APIREQUEST', 'true') } } var pendingRemoteShares = { url: OC.linkToOCS('apps/files_sharing/api/v1/remote_shares', 2) + 'pending', /* jshint camelcase: false */ data: { format: 'json' }, type: 'GET', beforeSend: function(xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader('OCS-APIREQUEST', 'true') } } var shares = { url: OC.linkToOCS('apps/files_sharing/api/v1') + 'shares', /* jshint camelcase: false */ data: { format: 'json', shared_with_me: this._sharedWithUser !== false, include_tags: true }, type: 'GET', beforeSend: function(xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader('OCS-APIREQUEST', 'true') } } var remoteShares = { url: OC.linkToOCS('apps/files_sharing/api/v1') + 'remote_shares', /* jshint camelcase: false */ data: { format: 'json', include_tags: true }, type: 'GET', beforeSend: function(xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader('OCS-APIREQUEST', 'true') } } // Add the proper ajax requests to the list and run them // and make sure we have 2 promises if (this._showDeleted) { promises.push($.ajax(deletedShares)) } else if (this._showPending) { promises.push($.ajax(pendingShares)) promises.push($.ajax(pendingRemoteShares)) } else { promises.push($.ajax(shares)) if (this._sharedWithUser !== false || this._isOverview) { promises.push($.ajax(remoteShares)) } if (this._isOverview) { shares.data.shared_with_me = !shares.data.shared_with_me promises.push($.ajax(shares)) } } this._reloadCall = $.when.apply($, promises) var callBack = this.reloadCallback.bind(this) return this._reloadCall.then(callBack, callBack) }, reloadCallback: function(shares, remoteShares, additionalShares) { delete this._reloadCall this.hideMask() this.$el.find('#headerSharedWith').text( t('files_sharing', this._sharedWithUser ? 'Shared by' : 'Shared with') ) var files = [] // make sure to use the same format if (shares[0] && shares[0].ocs) { shares = shares[0] } if (remoteShares && remoteShares[0] && remoteShares[0].ocs) { remoteShares = remoteShares[0] } if (additionalShares && additionalShares[0] && additionalShares[0].ocs) { additionalShares = additionalShares[0] } if (shares.ocs && shares.ocs.data) { files = files.concat(this._makeFilesFromShares(shares.ocs.data, this._sharedWithUser)) } if (remoteShares && remoteShares.ocs && remoteShares.ocs.data) { files = files.concat(this._makeFilesFromRemoteShares(remoteShares.ocs.data)) } if (additionalShares && additionalShares.ocs && additionalShares.ocs.data) { if (this._showPending) { // in this case the second callback is about pending remote shares files = files.concat(this._makeFilesFromRemoteShares(additionalShares.ocs.data)) } else { files = files.concat(this._makeFilesFromShares(additionalShares.ocs.data, !this._sharedWithUser)) } } this.setFiles(files) return true }, _makeFilesFromRemoteShares: function(data) { var files = data files = _.chain(files) // convert share data to file data .map(function(share) { var file = { shareOwner: share.owner + '@' + share.remote.replace(/.*?:\/\//g, ''), name: OC.basename(share.mountpoint), mtime: share.mtime * 1000, mimetype: share.mimetype, type: share.type, // remote share types are different and need to be mapped shareType: (parseInt(share.share_type, 10) === 1) ? OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE_GROUP : OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE, id: share.file_id, path: OC.dirname(share.mountpoint), permissions: share.permissions, tags: share.tags || [] } if (share.remote_id) { // remote share if (share.accepted !== '1') { file.name = OC.basename(share.name) file.path = '/' } file.remoteId = share.remote_id file.shareOwnerId = share.owner } if (!file.mimetype) { // pending shares usually have no type, so default to showing a directory icon file.mimetype = 'dir-shared' } file.shares = [{ id: share.id, type: OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE }] return file }) .value() return files }, /** * Converts the OCS API share response data to a file info * list * @param {Array} data OCS API share array * @param {boolean} sharedWithUser * @returns {Array.} array of shared file info */ _makeFilesFromShares: function(data, sharedWithUser) { /* jshint camelcase: false */ var files = data if (this._linksOnly) { files = _.filter(data, function(share) { return share.share_type === OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_LINK }) } // OCS API uses non-camelcased names files = _.chain(files) // convert share data to file data .map(function(share) { // TODO: use OC.Files.FileInfo var file = { id: share.file_source, icon: OC.MimeType.getIconUrl(share.mimetype), mimetype: share.mimetype, hasPreview: share.has_preview, tags: share.tags || [] } if (share.item_type === 'folder') { file.type = 'dir' file.mimetype = 'httpd/unix-directory' } else { file.type = 'file' } file.share = { id: share.id, type: share.share_type, target: share.share_with, stime: share.stime * 1000, expiration: share.expiration } if (sharedWithUser) { file.shareOwner = share.displayname_owner file.shareOwnerId = share.uid_owner file.name = OC.basename(share.file_target) file.path = OC.dirname(share.file_target) file.permissions = share.permissions if (file.path) { file.extraData = share.file_target } } else { if (share.share_type !== OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_LINK) { file.share.targetDisplayName = share.share_with_displayname file.share.targetShareWithId = share.share_with } file.name = OC.basename(share.path) file.path = OC.dirname(share.path) file.permissions = OC.PERMISSION_ALL if (file.path) { file.extraData = share.path } } return file }) // Group all files and have a "shares" array with // the share info for each file. // // This uses a hash memo to cumulate share information // inside the same file object (by file id). .reduce(function(memo, file) { var data = memo[file.id] var recipient = file.share.targetDisplayName var recipientId = file.share.targetShareWithId if (!data) { data = memo[file.id] = file data.shares = [file.share] // using a hash to make them unique, // this is only a list to be displayed data.recipients = {} data.recipientData = {} // share types data.shareTypes = {} // counter is cheaper than calling _.keys().length data.recipientsCount = 0 data.mtime = file.share.stime } else { // always take the most recent stime if (file.share.stime > data.mtime) { data.mtime = file.share.stime } data.shares.push(file.share) } if (recipient) { // limit counterparts for output if (data.recipientsCount < 4) { // only store the first ones, they will be the only ones // displayed data.recipients[recipient] = true data.recipientData[data.recipientsCount] = { 'shareWith': recipientId, 'shareWithDisplayName': recipient } } data.recipientsCount++ } data.shareTypes[file.share.type] = true delete file.share return memo }, {}) // Retrieve only the values of the returned hash .values() // Clean up .each(function(data) { // convert the recipients map to a flat // array of sorted names data.mountType = 'shared' delete data.recipientsCount if (sharedWithUser) { // only for outgoing shares delete data.shareTypes } else { data.shareTypes = _.keys(data.shareTypes) } }) // Finish the chain by getting the result .value() // Sort by expected sort comparator return files.sort(this._sortComparator) } }) /** * Share info attributes. * * @typedef {Object} OCA.Sharing.ShareInfo * * @property {number} id share ID * @property {number} type share type * @property {String} target share target, either user name or group name * @property {number} stime share timestamp in milliseconds * @property {String} [targetDisplayName] display name of the recipient * (only when shared with others) * @property {String} [targetShareWithId] id of the recipient * */ /** * Recipient attributes * * @typedef {Object} OCA.Sharing.RecipientInfo * @property {String} shareWith the id of the recipient * @property {String} shareWithDisplayName the display name of the recipient */ /** * Shared file info attributes. * * @typedef {OCA.Files.FileInfo} OCA.Sharing.SharedFileInfo * * @property {Array.} shares array of shares for * this file * @property {number} mtime most recent share time (if multiple shares) * @property {String} shareOwner name of the share owner * @property {Array.} recipients name of the first 4 recipients * (this is mostly for display purposes) * @property {Object.} recipientData (as object for easier * passing to HTML data attributes with jQuery) */ OCA.Sharing.FileList = FileList })()