OC.L10N.register( "files_sharing", { "Shared with you" : "Koplietots ar jums", "Nothing shared with you yet" : "Nekas vēl nav koplietots", "Files and folders others share with you will show up here" : "Šeit būs redzamas koplietotās datnes un mapes, ko citi koplietos ar jums", "Shared with others" : "Koplietots ar citiem", "Nothing shared yet" : "Nekas vēl nav koplietots", "Files and folders you share will show up here" : "Šeit būs redzamas jūsu koplietotās datnes un mapes", "Shared by link" : "Koplietots ar saiti", "No shared links" : "Nav koplietotu saišu", "Files and folders you share by link will show up here" : "Šeit būs redzamas ar saiti koplietotās datnes un mapes", "Deleted shares" : "Dzēstie koplietojumi", "No deleted shares" : "Nav dzēstu koplietojumu", "Shares you deleted will show up here" : "Šeit būs redzami jūsu dzēstie koplietojumi", "Pending shares" : "Gaidošie koplietojumi", "No pending shares" : "Nav gaidošie koplietojumi", "Shares you have received but not confirmed will show up here" : "Šeit tiks rādīti jūsu saņemtie, bet neapstiprinātie koplietojumi", "Shares" : "Koplietots", "No shares" : "Nav koplietojumu", "Shares will show up here" : "Šeit tiks rādīti koplietojumi", "Restore" : "Atjaunot", "Restore share" : "Atjaunot koplietojumu", "Something happened. Unable to restore the share." : "Kaut kas atgadījās. Nevar atjaunot kopīgošanu.", "Accept share" : "Pieņemt koplietojumu", "Something happened. Unable to accept the share." : "Kaut kas atgadījās. Nevar apstiprināt koplietošanu.", "Reject share" : "Noraidīt koplietojumu", "Something happened. Unable to reject the share." : "Kaut kas atgadījās. Nevar noraidīt koplietojumu.", "Waiting…" : "Gaida...", "error" : "kļūda", "finished" : "pabeigts", "This will stop your current uploads." : "Tādējādi tiks pārtraukta jūsu pašreizējā augšupielāde.", "Move or copy" : "Pārvietot vai kopēt", "Download" : "Lejupielādēt", "Delete" : "Dzēst", "You can upload into this folder" : "Jūs variet augšuplādēt šajā mapē", "Terms of service" : "Pakalpojuma noteikumi", "No compatible server found at {remote}" : "Nav atrasts neviens saderīgs serveris {remote}", "Invalid server URL" : "Nederīgs servera url", "Failed to add the public link to your Nextcloud" : "Neizdevās pievienot publisku saiti jūsu Nextcloud", "No expiration date set" : "Nav noteikts derīguma termiņa beigu datums", "Shared by" : "Koplietoja", "File shares" : "Datņu koplietojumi", "Downloaded via public link" : "Lejupielādēt izmantojot publisku saiti", "Downloaded by {email}" : "Lejupielādēts {email}", "{file} downloaded via public link" : "{file} lejupielādēts izmantojot publisku saiti", "{email} downloaded {file}" : "{email} lejupielādēts {file}", "Shared with group {group}" : "Koplietots ar grupu {group}", "Removed share for group {group}" : "Noņēma koplietošanu grupai {group}", "{actor} shared with group {group}" : "{actor} koplietoja ar grupu {group}", "{actor} removed share for group {group}" : "{actor} noņēma koplietošanu grupai {group}", "Share for group {group} expired" : "Kopīgošana grupai {group} ir beigusies", "You shared {file} with group {group}" : "Jūs koplietojāt {file} ar grupu {group}", "You removed group {group} from {file}" : "Jūs noņēmāt grupu {group} no {file}", "{actor} shared {file} with group {group}" : "{actor} koplietoja {file} ar grupu {group}", "{actor} removed group {group} from {file}" : "{actor} noņēma grupu {group} no {file}", "Share for file {file} with group {group} expired" : "Datnes {file} kopīgošana ar grupu {group} ir beigusies", "Shared as public link" : "Koplietots kā publiska saite", "Removed public link" : "Noņemta publiska saite", "Public link expired" : "Publiskā saite ir beigusies", "{actor} shared as public link" : "{actor} koplietoja kā publisku saiti", "{actor} removed public link" : "{actor} noņēma publisko saiti", "Public link of {actor} expired" : "{actor} publiskā saite beidzās", "You shared {file} as public link" : "Jūs koplietojāt {file} kā publisku saiti", "You removed public link for {file}" : "Jūs noņēmāt {file} publisko saiti", "Public link expired for {file}" : "{file} publiskā saite beidzās", "{actor} shared {file} as public link" : "{actor} koplietoja {file} kā publisko saiti", "{actor} removed public link for {file}" : "{actor} noņēma {file} publisko saiti", "Public link of {actor} for {file} expired" : "{actor} publiskā saite {file} beidzās", "{user} accepted the remote share" : "{user} apstiprināja attālo koplietošanu", "{user} declined the remote share" : "{user} noraidīja attālo koplietošanu", "You received a new remote share {file} from {user}" : "Jūs saņēmāt attālo {file} koplietošanu no {user}", "{user} accepted the remote share of {file}" : "{user} apstiprināja {file} attālo koplietošanu", "{user} declined the remote share of {file}" : "{user} noraidīja {file} attālo koplietošanu", "{user} unshared {file} from you" : "{user} noņēma {file} koplietošanu ar jums", "Shared with {user}" : "Koplietoja ar {user}", "Removed share for {user}" : "Noņēma koplietošanu ar {user}", "You removed yourself" : "Jūs noņēmāt sevi", "{actor} removed themselves" : "{actor} noņēma sevi", "{actor} shared with {user}" : "{actor} koplietoja ar {user}", "{actor} removed share for {user}" : "{actor} noņēma koplietošanu {user}", "Shared by {actor}" : "Koplietoja {actor}", "{actor} removed share" : "{actor} noņēma koplietošanu", "Share for {user} expired" : "Koplietošana {user} beidzās", "Share expired" : "Koplietošana beidzās", "You shared {file} with {user}" : "Jūs koplietojāt {file} ar {user}", "You removed {user} from {file}" : "Jūs noņēmāt koplietošanu {user} no {file}", "You removed yourself from {file}" : "Jūs noņēmāt sevi no {file}", "{actor} removed themselves from {file}" : "{actor} noņēma sevi no {file}", "{actor} shared {file} with {user}" : "{actor} koplietoja {file} ar {user}", "{actor} removed {user} from {file}" : "{actor} noņemts {user} no {file}", "{actor} shared {file} with you" : "{actor} koplietoja {file} ar jums", "{actor} removed you from the share named {file}" : "{actor} noņēma jūs ko koplietošanas ar nosaukumu {file}", "Share for file {file} with {user} expired" : "Koplietošana datnei {file} ar {user} beidzās", "Share for file {file} expired" : "Koplietošana datnei {file} beidzās", "A file or folder shared by mail or by public link was downloaded" : "E-pastā vai saitē koplietotā datne vai mape tika lejupielādēta", "A file or folder was shared from another server" : "Datne vai mape tika koplietota no cita servera", "Files" : "Datnes", "A file or folder has been shared" : "Koplietota datne vai mape", "Shared link" : "Koplietota saite", "Could not delete share" : "Neizdevās dzēst koplietotni", "Please specify a file or folder path" : "Lūdzu norādiet datnes vai mapes ceļu", "Could not create share" : "Nevar izveidot koplietošanu", "Please specify a valid user" : "Lūdzu norādiet derīgu lietotāju", "Group sharing is disabled by the administrator" : "Administrators grupas koplietošanu ir atslēdzis", "Please specify a valid group" : "Lūdzu norādiet derīgu grupu", "Public link sharing is disabled by the administrator" : "Administrators publisku saites koplietošanu ir atslēdzis", "Public upload disabled by the administrator" : "Administrators publisku augšupielādi ir atslēdzis", "Public upload is only possible for publicly shared folders" : "Publiska augšupielāde iespējama tikai publiski koplietotām mapēm", "Invalid date, date format must be YYYY-MM-DD" : "Nepareizs datums, datumam jābūt YYYY-MM-DD formātā", "Unknown share type" : "Nezināms koplietošanas tips", "Not a directory" : "Nav direktorijs", "Could not lock node" : "Nevarēja bloķēt", "Could not lock path" : "Nevarēja bloķēt ceļu", "Wrong or no update parameter given" : "Nepareizs atjaunināšanas parametrs vai tas nav norādīts", "shared by %s" : "Koplietoja %s", "Download all files" : "Lejupielādēt visas datnes", "Direct link" : "Tiešā saite", "Share API is disabled" : "Koplietošanas API ir atslēgta", "File sharing" : "Datņu koplietošana", "Share will expire tomorrow" : "Koplietošana rīt beigsies", "One or more of your shares will expire tomorrow" : "Vienam vai vairākiem jūsu koplietojumiem rīt beigsies termiņš", "Your share of {node} will expire tomorrow" : "Jūsu koplietotajam {node} rīt beigsies termiņš", "You received {share} as a share by {user}" : "Jūs saņēmāt koplietotu {share} no {user}", "You received {share} to group {group} as a share by {user}" : "Jūs saņēmāt koplietotu {share} grupai {group} no {user}", "Accept" : "Pieņemt", "Reject" : "Noraidīt", "Sharing" : "Koplietošana", "Accept user and group shares by default" : "Pēc noklusējuma pieņemt koplietošanu no lietotājiem un grupām", "Reset" : "Atiestatīt", "Unknown error" : "Nezināma kļūda", "Allow editing" : "Atļaut rediģēšanu", "Read only" : "Tikai lasāms", "Allow upload and editing" : "Atļaut augšupielādi un rediģēšanu", "File drop (upload only)" : "Datņu mešana (tikai augšupielādei)", "Read" : "Lasīt", "Upload" : "Augšupielādēt", "Edit" : "Rediģēt", "Allow creating" : "Atļaut veidošanu", "Allow deleting" : "Atļaut dzēšanu", "Allow resharing" : "Atļaut atkārtotu koplietošanu", "Expiration date enforced" : "Piespiedu derīguma termiņš", "Set expiration date" : "Uzstādīt beigu termiņu", "Enter a date" : "Ievadiet datumu", "Note to recipient" : "Piezīme saņēmējam", "Unshare" : "Pārtraukt koplietošanu", "group" : "grupa", "conversation" : "saruna", "remote" : "attālināti", "remote group" : "attālinātā grupa", "guest" : "viesis", "Link copied" : "Saite nokopēta", "Copy to clipboard" : "Kopēt starpliktuvē", "Only works for users with access to this file" : "Darbojas tikai lietotājiem, kuriem ir piekļuve šai datnei", "Password protection" : "Password protection", "Enter a password" : "Enter a password", "Cancel" : "Atcelt", "Hide download" : "Slēpt lejupielādi", "Password protect" : "Aizsargāt ar paroli", "Video verification" : "Video verifikācija", "Add another link" : "Pievienot citu saiti", "Share link" : "Koplietot saiti", "Resharing is not allowed" : "Atkārtota koplietošana nav atļauta", "Name or email …" : "Vārds vai e-pasts ...", "Name, email, or Federated Cloud ID …" : "Vārds, e-pasts vai federatīvā mākoņa ID ...", "Searching …" : "Meklē...", "No elements found." : "Elementi netika atrasti.", "Search globally" : "Meklēt globāli", "on {server}" : "uz {server}", "Others with access" : "Citi ar pieeju", "No other users with access found" : "Nav atrasti citi lietotāji ar pieeju", "Expires {relativetime}" : "Termiņš beidzas {relativetime}", "this share just expired." : "šai koplietošanai tikko beidzās termiņš.", "Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner} koplietoja ar jums", "Link to a file" : "Datnes saite", "Shared" : "Koplietots", "Share" : "Koplietot", "Shared with" : "Koplietots ar", "Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "{owner} koplietoja ar jums un grupu {group}", "Shared with you and {circle} by {owner}" : "{owner} koplietoja ar jums un {circle}", "Shared with you and the conversation {conversation} by {owner}" : "{owner} koplietoja ar jums un sarunu {conversation}", "Shared with you in a conversation by {owner}" : " {owner} koplietoja ar jums sarunā", "No entries found in this folder" : "Šajā mapē nekas nav atrasts", "Name" : "Nosaukums", "Share time" : "Koplietošanas laiks", "Expiration date" : "Termiņa datums", "Reasons might be:" : "Iespējamie iemesli:", "the item was removed" : "vienums tika dzēsts", "the link expired" : "saitei beidzies termiņš", "sharing is disabled" : "koplietošana nav ieslēgta", "For more info, please ask the person who sent this link." : "Vairāk informācijas vaicā personai, kas nosūtīja šo saiti.", "Share note" : "Koplietot piezīmi", "Upload files to %s" : "Augšupielādēt datnes uz %s", "Note" : "Piezīme", "Select or drop files" : "Izvēlies vai ievelc datnes", "Uploading files" : "Augšupielādē datnes", "Uploaded files:" : "Augšupielādētas datnes:", "By uploading files, you agree to the %1$sterms of service%2$s." : "Veicot datņu augšupielādi, jūs piekrītat %1$spakalpojuma noteikumiem%2$s.", "Add to your Nextcloud" : "Pievienot savam Nextcloud", "Wrong share ID, share doesn't exist" : "Nepareizs koplietošanas ID, koplietotne neeksistē", "Wrong path, file/folder doesn't exist" : "Nepareizs ceļš, datne/mape neeksistē", "Sorry, this link doesn’t seem to work anymore." : "Izskatās, ka šī saite vairs nedarbojas", "Toggle grid view" : "Pārslēgt režģa skatu" }, "nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : 2);");