/** * Copyright (c) 2014 Vincent Petry * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 * or later. * * See the COPYING-README file. * */ describe('OC.L10N tests', function() { var TEST_APP = 'jsunittestapp'; beforeEach(function() { window._oc_appswebroots[TEST_APP] = OC.getRootPath() + '/apps3/jsunittestapp'; }); afterEach(function() { OC.L10N._unregister(TEST_APP); delete window._oc_appswebroots[TEST_APP]; }); describe('text translation', function() { beforeEach(function() { spyOn(console, 'warn'); OC.L10N.register(TEST_APP, { 'Hello world!': 'Hallo Welt!', 'Hello {name}, the weather is {weather}': 'Hallo {name}, das Wetter ist {weather}', 'sunny': 'sonnig' }); }); it('returns untranslated text when no bundle exists', function() { OC.L10N._unregister(TEST_APP); expect(t(TEST_APP, 'unknown text')).toEqual('unknown text'); }); it('returns untranslated text when no key exists', function() { expect(t(TEST_APP, 'unknown text')).toEqual('unknown text'); }); it('returns translated text when key exists', function() { expect(t(TEST_APP, 'Hello world!')).toEqual('Hallo Welt!'); }); it('returns translated text with placeholder', function() { expect( t(TEST_APP, 'Hello {name}, the weather is {weather}', {name: 'Steve', weather: t(TEST_APP, 'sunny')}) ).toEqual('Hallo Steve, das Wetter ist sonnig'); }); it('returns text with escaped placeholder', function() { expect( t(TEST_APP, 'Hello {name}', {name: 'Steve'}) ).toEqual('Hello <strong>Steve</strong>'); }); it('returns text with not escaped placeholder', function() { expect( t(TEST_APP, 'Hello {name}', {name: 'Steve'}, null, {escape: false}) ).toEqual('Hello Steve'); }); it('uses DOMPurify to escape the text', function() { expect( t(TEST_APP, 'These are your search results', null, {escape: false}) ).toEqual('These are your search results'); }); it('keeps old texts when registering existing bundle', function() { OC.L10N.register(TEST_APP, { 'sunny': 'sonnig', 'new': 'neu' }); expect(t(TEST_APP, 'sunny')).toEqual('sonnig'); expect(t(TEST_APP, 'new')).toEqual('neu'); }); }); describe('plurals', function() { function checkPlurals() { expect( n(TEST_APP, 'download %n file', 'download %n files', 0) ).toEqual('0 Dateien herunterladen'); expect( n(TEST_APP, 'download %n file', 'download %n files', 1) ).toEqual('1 Datei herunterladen'); expect( n(TEST_APP, 'download %n file', 'download %n files', 2) ).toEqual('2 Dateien herunterladen'); expect( n(TEST_APP, 'download %n file', 'download %n files', 1024) ).toEqual('1024 Dateien herunterladen'); } it('generates plural for default text when translation does not exist', function() { spyOn(console, 'warn'); OC.L10N.register(TEST_APP, { }); expect( n(TEST_APP, 'download %n file', 'download %n files', 0) ).toEqual('download 0 files'); expect( n(TEST_APP, 'download %n file', 'download %n files', 1) ).toEqual('download 1 file'); expect( n(TEST_APP, 'download %n file', 'download %n files', 2) ).toEqual('download 2 files'); expect( n(TEST_APP, 'download %n file', 'download %n files', 1024) ).toEqual('download 1024 files'); }); it('generates plural with default function when no forms specified', function() { spyOn(console, 'warn'); OC.L10N.register(TEST_APP, { '_download %n file_::_download %n files_': ['%n Datei herunterladen', '%n Dateien herunterladen'] }); checkPlurals(); }); }); describe('async loading of translations', function() { afterEach(() => { document.documentElement.removeAttribute('data-locale') }) it('loads bundle for given app and calls callback', function(done) { document.documentElement.setAttribute('data-locale', 'zh_CN') var callbackStub = sinon.stub(); var promiseStub = sinon.stub(); var loading = OC.L10N.load(TEST_APP, callbackStub); expect(callbackStub.notCalled).toEqual(true); var req = fakeServer.requests[0]; loading .then(promiseStub) .then(function() { expect(fakeServer.requests.length).toEqual(1); expect(req.url).toEqual( OC.getRootPath() + '/apps3/' + TEST_APP + '/l10n/zh_CN.json' ); expect(callbackStub.calledOnce).toEqual(true); expect(promiseStub.calledOnce).toEqual(true); expect(t(TEST_APP, 'Hello world!')).toEqual('你好世界!'); }) .then(done) .catch(e => expect(e).toBe('No error expected!')); expect(promiseStub.notCalled).toEqual(true); req.respond( 200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, JSON.stringify({ translations: {'Hello world!': '你好世界!'}, pluralForm: 'nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);' }) ); }); it('calls callback if translation already available', function(done) { var callbackStub = sinon.stub(); spyOn(console, 'warn'); OC.L10N.register(TEST_APP, { 'Hello world!': 'Hallo Welt!' }); OC.L10N.load(TEST_APP, callbackStub) .then(function() { expect(callbackStub.calledOnce).toEqual(true); expect(fakeServer.requests.length).toEqual(0); }) .then(done); }); it('calls callback if locale is en', function(done) { var callbackStub = sinon.stub(); OC.L10N.load(TEST_APP, callbackStub) .then(function() { expect(callbackStub.calledOnce).toEqual(true); expect(fakeServer.requests.length).toEqual(0); }) .then(done) .catch(done); }); }); });