setName('config:app:set') ->setDescription('Set an app config value') ->addArgument( 'app', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'Name of the app' ) ->addArgument( 'name', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'Name of the config to set' ) ->addOption( 'value', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'The new value of the config' ) ->addOption( 'type', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Value type [string, integer, float, boolean, array]', 'string' ) ->addOption( 'lazy', null, InputOption::VALUE_NEGATABLE, 'Set value as lazy loaded', ) ->addOption( 'sensitive', null, InputOption::VALUE_NEGATABLE, 'Set value as sensitive', ) ->addOption( 'update-only', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Only updates the value, if it is not set before, it is not being added' ) ; } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int { $appName = $input->getArgument('app'); $configName = $input->getArgument('name'); if (!($this->appConfig instanceof AppConfig)) { throw new \Exception('Only compatible with OC\AppConfig as it uses internal methods'); } if ($input->hasParameterOption('--update-only') && !$this->appConfig->hasKey($appName, $configName)) { $output->writeln( 'Config value ' . $configName . ' for app ' . $appName . ' not updated, as it has not been set before.' ); return 1; } $type = $typeString = null; if ($input->hasParameterOption('--type')) { $typeString = $input->getOption('type'); $type = $this->appConfig->convertTypeToInt($typeString); } /** * If --Value is not specified, returns an exception if no value exists in database * compare with current status in database and displays a reminder that this can break things. * confirmation is required by admin, unless --no-interaction */ $updated = false; if (!$input->hasParameterOption('--value')) { if (!$input->getOption('lazy') && $this->appConfig->isLazy($appName, $configName) && $this->ask($input, $output, 'NOT LAZY')) { $updated = $this->appConfig->updateLazy($appName, $configName, false); } if ($input->getOption('lazy') && !$this->appConfig->isLazy($appName, $configName) && $this->ask($input, $output, 'LAZY')) { $updated = $this->appConfig->updateLazy($appName, $configName, true) || $updated; } if (!$input->getOption('sensitive') && $this->appConfig->isSensitive($appName, $configName) && $this->ask($input, $output, 'NOT SENSITIVE')) { $updated = $this->appConfig->updateSensitive($appName, $configName, false) || $updated; } if ($input->getOption('sensitive') && !$this->appConfig->isSensitive($appName, $configName) && $this->ask($input, $output, 'SENSITIVE')) { $updated = $this->appConfig->updateSensitive($appName, $configName, true) || $updated; } if ($type !== null && $type !== $this->appConfig->getValueType($appName, $configName) && $typeString !== null && $this->ask($input, $output, $typeString)) { $updated = $this->appConfig->updateType($appName, $configName, $type) || $updated; } } else { /** * If --type is specified in the command line, we upgrade the type in database * after a confirmation from admin. * If not we get the type from current stored value or VALUE_MIXED as default. */ try { $currType = $this->appConfig->getValueType($appName, $configName); if ($type === null || $typeString === null || $type === $currType || !$this->ask($input, $output, $typeString)) { $type = $currType; } else { $updated = $this->appConfig->updateType($appName, $configName, $type); } } catch (AppConfigUnknownKeyException) { $type = $type ?? IAppConfig::VALUE_MIXED; } /** * if --lazy/--no-lazy option are set, compare with data stored in database. * If no data in database, or identical, continue. * If different, ask admin for confirmation. */ $lazy = $input->getOption('lazy'); try { $currLazy = $this->appConfig->isLazy($appName, $configName); if ($lazy === null || $lazy === $currLazy || !$this->ask($input, $output, ($lazy) ? 'LAZY' : 'NOT LAZY')) { $lazy = $currLazy; } } catch (AppConfigUnknownKeyException) { $lazy = $lazy ?? false; } /** * same with sensitive status */ $sensitive = $input->getOption('sensitive'); try { $currSensitive = $this->appConfig->isSensitive($appName, $configName, null); if ($sensitive === null || $sensitive === $currSensitive || !$this->ask($input, $output, ($sensitive) ? 'SENSITIVE' : 'NOT SENSITIVE')) { $sensitive = $currSensitive; } } catch (AppConfigUnknownKeyException) { $sensitive = $sensitive ?? false; } $value = (string)$input->getOption('value'); switch ($type) { case IAppConfig::VALUE_MIXED: $updated = $this->appConfig->setValueMixed($appName, $configName, $value, $lazy, $sensitive); break; case IAppConfig::VALUE_STRING: $updated = $this->appConfig->setValueString($appName, $configName, $value, $lazy, $sensitive); break; case IAppConfig::VALUE_INT: if ($value !== ((string) ((int) $value))) { throw new AppConfigIncorrectTypeException('Value is not an integer'); } $updated = $this->appConfig->setValueInt($appName, $configName, (int)$value, $lazy, $sensitive); break; case IAppConfig::VALUE_FLOAT: if ($value !== ((string) ((float) $value))) { throw new AppConfigIncorrectTypeException('Value is not a float'); } $updated = $this->appConfig->setValueFloat($appName, $configName, (float)$value, $lazy, $sensitive); break; case IAppConfig::VALUE_BOOL: if (in_array(strtolower($value), ['true', '1', 'on', 'yes'])) { $valueBool = true; } elseif (in_array(strtolower($value), ['false', '0', 'off', 'no'])) { $valueBool = false; } else { throw new AppConfigIncorrectTypeException('Value is not a boolean, please use \'true\' or \'false\''); } $updated = $this->appConfig->setValueBool($appName, $configName, $valueBool, $lazy); break; case IAppConfig::VALUE_ARRAY: $valueArray = json_decode($value, true, flags: JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR); $valueArray = (is_array($valueArray)) ? $valueArray : throw new AppConfigIncorrectTypeException('Value is not an array'); $updated = $this->appConfig->setValueArray($appName, $configName, $valueArray, $lazy, $sensitive); break; } } if ($updated) { $current = $this->appConfig->getDetails($appName, $configName); $output->writeln( sprintf( "Config value '%s' for app '%s' is now set to '%s', stored as %s in %s", $configName, $appName, $current['value'], $current['typeString'], $current['lazy'] ? 'lazy cache' : 'fast cache' ) ); } else { $output->writeln('Config value were not updated'); } return 0; } private function ask(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, string $request): bool { $helper = $this->getHelper('question'); if ($input->getOption('no-interaction')) { return true; } $output->writeln(sprintf('You are about to set config value %s as %s', '' . $input->getArgument('app') . '/' . $input->getArgument('name') . '', strtoupper($request) )); $output->writeln(''); $output->writeln('This might break thing, affect performance on your instance or its security!'); $result = (strtolower((string)$helper->ask( $input, $output, new Question('Confirm this action by typing \'yes\': '))) === 'yes'); $output->writeln(($result) ? 'done' : 'cancelled'); $output->writeln(''); return $result; } }