cache = $cacheFactory->createDistributed(__CLASS__); } private function hash( string $methodIdentifier, string $userIdentifier, ): string { return hash('sha512', $methodIdentifier . $userIdentifier); } private function getExistingAttempts(string $identifier): array { $cachedAttempts = $this->cache->get($identifier); if ($cachedAttempts === null) { return []; } $cachedAttempts = json_decode($cachedAttempts, true); if (\is_array($cachedAttempts)) { return $cachedAttempts; } return []; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getAttempts( string $methodIdentifier, string $userIdentifier, ): int { $identifier = $this->hash($methodIdentifier, $userIdentifier); $existingAttempts = $this->getExistingAttempts($identifier); $count = 0; $currentTime = $this->timeFactory->getTime(); foreach ($existingAttempts as $expirationTime) { if ($expirationTime > $currentTime) { $count++; } } return $count; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function registerAttempt( string $methodIdentifier, string $userIdentifier, int $period, ): void { $identifier = $this->hash($methodIdentifier, $userIdentifier); $existingAttempts = $this->getExistingAttempts($identifier); $currentTime = $this->timeFactory->getTime(); // Unset all attempts that are already expired foreach ($existingAttempts as $key => $expirationTime) { if ($expirationTime < $currentTime) { unset($existingAttempts[$key]); } } $existingAttempts = array_values($existingAttempts); // Store the new attempt $existingAttempts[] = (string)($currentTime + $period); if (!$this->config->getSystemValueBool('', true)) { return; } $this->cache->set($identifier, json_encode($existingAttempts)); } }