coordinator->getRegistrationContext(); if ($context === null) { return []; } if ($this->providers !== null) { return $this->providers; } $this->providers = []; foreach ($context->getSpeechToTextProviders() as $providerServiceRegistration) { $class = $providerServiceRegistration->getService(); try { $this->providers[$class] = $this->serverContainer->get($class); } catch (NotFoundExceptionInterface|ContainerExceptionInterface|Throwable $e) { $this->logger->error('Failed to load SpeechToText provider ' . $class, [ 'exception' => $e, ]); } } return $this->providers; } public function hasProviders(): bool { $context = $this->coordinator->getRegistrationContext(); if ($context === null) { return false; } return !empty($context->getSpeechToTextProviders()); } public function scheduleFileTranscription(File $file, ?string $userId, string $appId): void { if (!$this->hasProviders()) { throw new PreConditionNotMetException('No SpeechToText providers have been registered'); } try { $this->jobList->add(TranscriptionJob::class, [ 'fileId' => $file->getId(), 'owner' => $file->getOwner()->getUID(), 'userId' => $userId, 'appId' => $appId, ]); } catch (NotFoundException|InvalidPathException $e) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid file provided for file transcription: ' . $e->getMessage()); } } public function cancelScheduledFileTranscription(File $file, ?string $userId, string $appId): void { try { $jobArguments = [ 'fileId' => $file->getId(), 'owner' => $file->getOwner()->getUID(), 'userId' => $userId, 'appId' => $appId, ]; if (!$this->jobList->has(TranscriptionJob::class, $jobArguments)) { $this->logger->debug('Failed to cancel a Speech-to-text job for file ' . $file->getId() . '. No related job was found.'); return; } $this->jobList->remove(TranscriptionJob::class, $jobArguments); } catch (NotFoundException|InvalidPathException $e) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid file provided to cancel file transcription: ' . $e->getMessage()); } } public function transcribeFile(File $file, ?string $userId = null, string $appId = 'core'): string { // try to run a TaskProcessing core:audio2text task // this covers scheduling as well because OC\SpeechToText\TranscriptionJob calls this method try { if (isset($this->taskProcessingManager->getAvailableTaskTypes()['core:audio2text'])) { $taskProcessingTask = new Task( AudioToText::ID, ['input' => $file->getId()], $appId, $userId, 'from-SpeechToTextManager||' . $file->getId() . '||' . ($userId ?? '') . '||' . $appId, ); $resultTask = $this->taskProcessingManager->runTask($taskProcessingTask); if ($resultTask->getStatus() === Task::STATUS_SUCCESSFUL) { $output = $resultTask->getOutput(); if (isset($output['output']) && is_string($output['output'])) { return $output['output']; } } } } catch (Throwable $e) { throw new RuntimeException('Failed to run a Speech-to-text job from STTManager with TaskProcessing for file ' . $file->getId(), 0, $e); } if (!$this->hasProviders()) { throw new PreConditionNotMetException('No SpeechToText providers have been registered'); } $providers = $this->getProviders(); $json = $this->config->getAppValue('core', 'ai.stt_provider', ''); if ($json !== '') { $classNameOrId = json_decode($json, true); $provider = current(array_filter($providers, function ($provider) use ($classNameOrId) { if ($provider instanceof ISpeechToTextProviderWithId) { return $provider->getId() === $classNameOrId; } return $provider::class === $classNameOrId; })); if ($provider !== false) { $providers = [$provider]; } } foreach ($providers as $provider) { try { if ($provider instanceof ISpeechToTextProviderWithUserId) { $provider->setUserId($this->userSession->getUser()?->getUID()); } return $provider->transcribeFile($file); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->logger->info('SpeechToText transcription using provider ' . $provider->getName() . ' failed', ['exception' => $e]); throw new RuntimeException('SpeechToText transcription using provider "' . $provider->getName() . '" failed: ' . $e->getMessage()); } } throw new RuntimeException('Could not transcribe file'); } }