|null */ private ?array $providers = null; /** * @var array, optionalInputShape: ShapeDescriptor[], optionalInputShapeEnumValues: ShapeEnumValue[][], optionalInputShapeDefaults: array, outputShape: ShapeDescriptor[], outputShapeEnumValues: ShapeEnumValue[][], optionalOutputShape: ShapeDescriptor[], optionalOutputShapeEnumValues: ShapeEnumValue[][]}> */ private ?array $availableTaskTypes = null; private IAppData $appData; public function __construct( private IConfig $config, private Coordinator $coordinator, private IServerContainer $serverContainer, private LoggerInterface $logger, private TaskMapper $taskMapper, private IJobList $jobList, private IEventDispatcher $dispatcher, IAppDataFactory $appDataFactory, private IRootFolder $rootFolder, private \OCP\TextToImage\IManager $textToImageManager, private IUserMountCache $userMountCache, private IClientService $clientService, private IAppManager $appManager, ) { $this->appData = $appDataFactory->get('core'); } /** * This is almost a copy of textProcessingManager->getProviders * to avoid a dependency cycle between TextProcessingManager and TaskProcessingManager */ private function _getRawTextProcessingProviders(): array { $context = $this->coordinator->getRegistrationContext(); if ($context === null) { return []; } $providers = []; foreach ($context->getTextProcessingProviders() as $providerServiceRegistration) { $class = $providerServiceRegistration->getService(); try { $providers[$class] = $this->serverContainer->get($class); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->logger->error('Failed to load Text processing provider ' . $class, [ 'exception' => $e, ]); } } return $providers; } private function _getTextProcessingProviders(): array { $oldProviders = $this->_getRawTextProcessingProviders(); $newProviders = []; foreach ($oldProviders as $oldProvider) { $provider = new class($oldProvider) implements IProvider, ISynchronousProvider { private \OCP\TextProcessing\IProvider $provider; public function __construct(\OCP\TextProcessing\IProvider $provider) { $this->provider = $provider; } public function getId(): string { if ($this->provider instanceof \OCP\TextProcessing\IProviderWithId) { return $this->provider->getId(); } return Manager::LEGACY_PREFIX_TEXTPROCESSING . $this->provider::class; } public function getName(): string { return $this->provider->getName(); } public function getTaskTypeId(): string { return match ($this->provider->getTaskType()) { \OCP\TextProcessing\FreePromptTaskType::class => TextToText::ID, \OCP\TextProcessing\HeadlineTaskType::class => TextToTextHeadline::ID, \OCP\TextProcessing\TopicsTaskType::class => TextToTextTopics::ID, \OCP\TextProcessing\SummaryTaskType::class => TextToTextSummary::ID, default => Manager::LEGACY_PREFIX_TEXTPROCESSING . $this->provider->getTaskType(), }; } public function getExpectedRuntime(): int { if ($this->provider instanceof \OCP\TextProcessing\IProviderWithExpectedRuntime) { return $this->provider->getExpectedRuntime(); } return 60; } public function getOptionalInputShape(): array { return []; } public function getOptionalOutputShape(): array { return []; } public function process(?string $userId, array $input, callable $reportProgress): array { if ($this->provider instanceof \OCP\TextProcessing\IProviderWithUserId) { $this->provider->setUserId($userId); } try { return ['output' => $this->provider->process($input['input'])]; } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { throw new ProcessingException($e->getMessage(), 0, $e); } } public function getInputShapeEnumValues(): array { return []; } public function getInputShapeDefaults(): array { return []; } public function getOptionalInputShapeEnumValues(): array { return []; } public function getOptionalInputShapeDefaults(): array { return []; } public function getOutputShapeEnumValues(): array { return []; } public function getOptionalOutputShapeEnumValues(): array { return []; } }; $newProviders[$provider->getId()] = $provider; } return $newProviders; } /** * @return ITaskType[] */ private function _getTextProcessingTaskTypes(): array { $oldProviders = $this->_getRawTextProcessingProviders(); $newTaskTypes = []; foreach ($oldProviders as $oldProvider) { // These are already implemented in the TaskProcessing realm if (in_array($oldProvider->getTaskType(), [ \OCP\TextProcessing\FreePromptTaskType::class, \OCP\TextProcessing\HeadlineTaskType::class, \OCP\TextProcessing\TopicsTaskType::class, \OCP\TextProcessing\SummaryTaskType::class ], true)) { continue; } $taskType = new class($oldProvider->getTaskType()) implements ITaskType { private string $oldTaskTypeClass; private \OCP\TextProcessing\ITaskType $oldTaskType; private IL10N $l; public function __construct(string $oldTaskTypeClass) { $this->oldTaskTypeClass = $oldTaskTypeClass; $this->oldTaskType = \OCP\Server::get($oldTaskTypeClass); $this->l = \OCP\Server::get(IFactory::class)->get('core'); } public function getId(): string { return Manager::LEGACY_PREFIX_TEXTPROCESSING . $this->oldTaskTypeClass; } public function getName(): string { return $this->oldTaskType->getName(); } public function getDescription(): string { return $this->oldTaskType->getDescription(); } public function getInputShape(): array { return ['input' => new ShapeDescriptor($this->l->t('Input text'), $this->l->t('The input text'), EShapeType::Text)]; } public function getOutputShape(): array { return ['output' => new ShapeDescriptor($this->l->t('Input text'), $this->l->t('The input text'), EShapeType::Text)]; } }; $newTaskTypes[$taskType->getId()] = $taskType; } return $newTaskTypes; } /** * @return IProvider[] */ private function _getTextToImageProviders(): array { $oldProviders = $this->textToImageManager->getProviders(); $newProviders = []; foreach ($oldProviders as $oldProvider) { $newProvider = new class($oldProvider, $this->appData) implements IProvider, ISynchronousProvider { private \OCP\TextToImage\IProvider $provider; private IAppData $appData; public function __construct(\OCP\TextToImage\IProvider $provider, IAppData $appData) { $this->provider = $provider; $this->appData = $appData; } public function getId(): string { return Manager::LEGACY_PREFIX_TEXTTOIMAGE . $this->provider->getId(); } public function getName(): string { return $this->provider->getName(); } public function getTaskTypeId(): string { return TextToImage::ID; } public function getExpectedRuntime(): int { return $this->provider->getExpectedRuntime(); } public function getOptionalInputShape(): array { return []; } public function getOptionalOutputShape(): array { return []; } public function process(?string $userId, array $input, callable $reportProgress): array { try { $folder = $this->appData->getFolder('text2image'); } catch (\OCP\Files\NotFoundException) { $folder = $this->appData->newFolder('text2image'); } $resources = []; $files = []; for ($i = 0; $i < $input['numberOfImages']; $i++) { $file = $folder->newFile(time() . '-' . rand(1, 100000) . '-' . $i); $files[] = $file; $resource = $file->write(); if ($resource !== false && $resource !== true && is_resource($resource)) { $resources[] = $resource; } else { throw new ProcessingException('Text2Image generation using provider "' . $this->getName() . '" failed: Couldn\'t open file to write.'); } } if ($this->provider instanceof \OCP\TextToImage\IProviderWithUserId) { $this->provider->setUserId($userId); } try { $this->provider->generate($input['input'], $resources); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { throw new ProcessingException($e->getMessage(), 0, $e); } for ($i = 0; $i < $input['numberOfImages']; $i++) { if (is_resource($resources[$i])) { // If $resource hasn't been closed yet, we'll do that here fclose($resources[$i]); } } return ['images' => array_map(fn (ISimpleFile $file) => $file->getContent(), $files)]; } public function getInputShapeEnumValues(): array { return []; } public function getInputShapeDefaults(): array { return []; } public function getOptionalInputShapeEnumValues(): array { return []; } public function getOptionalInputShapeDefaults(): array { return []; } public function getOutputShapeEnumValues(): array { return []; } public function getOptionalOutputShapeEnumValues(): array { return []; } }; $newProviders[$newProvider->getId()] = $newProvider; } return $newProviders; } /** * This is almost a copy of SpeechToTextManager->getProviders * to avoid a dependency cycle between SpeechToTextManager and TaskProcessingManager */ private function _getRawSpeechToTextProviders(): array { $context = $this->coordinator->getRegistrationContext(); if ($context === null) { return []; } $providers = []; foreach ($context->getSpeechToTextProviders() as $providerServiceRegistration) { $class = $providerServiceRegistration->getService(); try { $providers[$class] = $this->serverContainer->get($class); } catch (NotFoundExceptionInterface|ContainerExceptionInterface|\Throwable $e) { $this->logger->error('Failed to load SpeechToText provider ' . $class, [ 'exception' => $e, ]); } } return $providers; } /** * @return IProvider[] */ private function _getSpeechToTextProviders(): array { $oldProviders = $this->_getRawSpeechToTextProviders(); $newProviders = []; foreach ($oldProviders as $oldProvider) { $newProvider = new class($oldProvider, $this->rootFolder, $this->appData) implements IProvider, ISynchronousProvider { private ISpeechToTextProvider $provider; private IAppData $appData; private IRootFolder $rootFolder; public function __construct(ISpeechToTextProvider $provider, IRootFolder $rootFolder, IAppData $appData) { $this->provider = $provider; $this->rootFolder = $rootFolder; $this->appData = $appData; } public function getId(): string { if ($this->provider instanceof ISpeechToTextProviderWithId) { return Manager::LEGACY_PREFIX_SPEECHTOTEXT . $this->provider->getId(); } return Manager::LEGACY_PREFIX_SPEECHTOTEXT . $this->provider::class; } public function getName(): string { return $this->provider->getName(); } public function getTaskTypeId(): string { return AudioToText::ID; } public function getExpectedRuntime(): int { return 60; } public function getOptionalInputShape(): array { return []; } public function getOptionalOutputShape(): array { return []; } public function process(?string $userId, array $input, callable $reportProgress): array { if ($this->provider instanceof \OCP\SpeechToText\ISpeechToTextProviderWithUserId) { $this->provider->setUserId($userId); } try { $result = $this->provider->transcribeFile($input['input']); } catch (\RuntimeException $e) { throw new ProcessingException($e->getMessage(), 0, $e); } return ['output' => $result]; } public function getInputShapeEnumValues(): array { return []; } public function getInputShapeDefaults(): array { return []; } public function getOptionalInputShapeEnumValues(): array { return []; } public function getOptionalInputShapeDefaults(): array { return []; } public function getOutputShapeEnumValues(): array { return []; } public function getOptionalOutputShapeEnumValues(): array { return []; } }; $newProviders[$newProvider->getId()] = $newProvider; } return $newProviders; } /** * @return IProvider[] */ private function _getProviders(): array { $context = $this->coordinator->getRegistrationContext(); if ($context === null) { return []; } $providers = []; foreach ($context->getTaskProcessingProviders() as $providerServiceRegistration) { $class = $providerServiceRegistration->getService(); try { /** @var IProvider $provider */ $provider = $this->serverContainer->get($class); if (isset($providers[$provider->getId()])) { $this->logger->warning('Task processing provider ' . $class . ' is using ID ' . $provider->getId() . ' which is already used by ' . $providers[$provider->getId()]::class); } $providers[$provider->getId()] = $provider; } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->logger->error('Failed to load task processing provider ' . $class, [ 'exception' => $e, ]); } } $providers += $this->_getTextProcessingProviders() + $this->_getTextToImageProviders() + $this->_getSpeechToTextProviders(); return $providers; } /** * @return ITaskType[] */ private function _getTaskTypes(): array { $context = $this->coordinator->getRegistrationContext(); if ($context === null) { return []; } // Default task types $taskTypes = [ \OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToText::ID => \OCP\Server::get(\OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToText::class), \OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToTextTopics::ID => \OCP\Server::get(\OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToTextTopics::class), \OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToTextHeadline::ID => \OCP\Server::get(\OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToTextHeadline::class), \OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToTextSummary::ID => \OCP\Server::get(\OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToTextSummary::class), \OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToTextFormalization::ID => \OCP\Server::get(\OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToTextFormalization::class), \OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToTextSimplification::ID => \OCP\Server::get(\OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToTextSimplification::class), \OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToTextChat::ID => \OCP\Server::get(\OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToTextChat::class), \OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToTextTranslate::ID => \OCP\Server::get(\OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToTextTranslate::class), \OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToTextReformulation::ID => \OCP\Server::get(\OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToTextReformulation::class), \OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToImage::ID => \OCP\Server::get(\OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\TextToImage::class), \OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\AudioToText::ID => \OCP\Server::get(\OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\AudioToText::class), \OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\ContextWrite::ID => \OCP\Server::get(\OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\ContextWrite::class), \OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\GenerateEmoji::ID => \OCP\Server::get(\OCP\TaskProcessing\TaskTypes\GenerateEmoji::class), ]; foreach ($context->getTaskProcessingTaskTypes() as $providerServiceRegistration) { $class = $providerServiceRegistration->getService(); try { /** @var ITaskType $provider */ $taskType = $this->serverContainer->get($class); if (isset($taskTypes[$taskType->getId()])) { $this->logger->warning('Task processing task type ' . $class . ' is using ID ' . $taskType->getId() . ' which is already used by ' . $taskTypes[$taskType->getId()]::class); } $taskTypes[$taskType->getId()] = $taskType; } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->logger->error('Failed to load task processing task type ' . $class, [ 'exception' => $e, ]); } } $taskTypes += $this->_getTextProcessingTaskTypes(); return $taskTypes; } /** * @param ShapeDescriptor[] $spec * @param array $defaults * @param array $enumValues * @param array $io * @param bool $optional * @return void * @throws ValidationException */ private static function validateInput(array $spec, array $defaults, array $enumValues, array $io, bool $optional = false): void { foreach ($spec as $key => $descriptor) { $type = $descriptor->getShapeType(); if (!isset($io[$key])) { if ($optional) { continue; } if (isset($defaults[$key])) { if (EShapeType::getScalarType($type) !== $type) { throw new ValidationException('Provider tried to set a default value for a non-scalar slot'); } if (EShapeType::isFileType($type)) { throw new ValidationException('Provider tried to set a default value for a slot that is not text or number'); } $type->validateInput($defaults[$key]); continue; } throw new ValidationException('Missing key: "' . $key . '"'); } try { $type->validateInput($io[$key]); if ($type === EShapeType::Enum) { if (!isset($enumValues[$key])) { throw new ValidationException('Provider did not provide enum values for an enum slot: "' . $key . '"'); } $type->validateEnum($io[$key], $enumValues[$key]); } } catch (ValidationException $e) { throw new ValidationException('Failed to validate input key "' . $key . '": ' . $e->getMessage()); } } } /** * Takes task input data and replaces fileIds with File objects * * @param array|numeric|string> $input * @param array ...$defaultSpecs the specs * @return array|numeric|string> */ public function fillInputDefaults(array $input, ...$defaultSpecs): array { $spec = array_reduce($defaultSpecs, fn ($carry, $spec) => array_merge($carry, $spec), []); return array_merge($spec, $input); } /** * @param ShapeDescriptor[] $spec * @param array $enumValues * @param array $io * @param bool $optional * @return void * @throws ValidationException */ private static function validateOutputWithFileIds(array $spec, array $enumValues, array $io, bool $optional = false): void { foreach ($spec as $key => $descriptor) { $type = $descriptor->getShapeType(); if (!isset($io[$key])) { if ($optional) { continue; } throw new ValidationException('Missing key: "' . $key . '"'); } try { $type->validateOutputWithFileIds($io[$key]); if (isset($enumValues[$key])) { $type->validateEnum($io[$key], $enumValues[$key]); } } catch (ValidationException $e) { throw new ValidationException('Failed to validate output key "' . $key . '": ' . $e->getMessage()); } } } /** * @param ShapeDescriptor[] $spec * @param array $enumValues * @param array $io * @param bool $optional * @return void * @throws ValidationException */ private static function validateOutputWithFileData(array $spec, array $enumValues, array $io, bool $optional = false): void { foreach ($spec as $key => $descriptor) { $type = $descriptor->getShapeType(); if (!isset($io[$key])) { if ($optional) { continue; } throw new ValidationException('Missing key: "' . $key . '"'); } try { $type->validateOutputWithFileData($io[$key]); if (isset($enumValues[$key])) { $type->validateEnum($io[$key], $enumValues[$key]); } } catch (ValidationException $e) { throw new ValidationException('Failed to validate output key "' . $key . '": ' . $e->getMessage()); } } } /** * @param array $array The array to filter * @param ShapeDescriptor[] ...$specs the specs that define which keys to keep * @return array * @psalm-template T */ private function removeSuperfluousArrayKeys(array $array, ...$specs): array { $keys = array_unique(array_reduce($specs, fn ($carry, $spec) => array_merge($carry, array_keys($spec)), [])); $keys = array_filter($keys, fn ($key) => array_key_exists($key, $array)); $values = array_map(fn (string $key) => $array[$key], $keys); return array_combine($keys, $values); } public function hasProviders(): bool { return count($this->getProviders()) !== 0; } public function getProviders(): array { if ($this->providers === null) { $this->providers = $this->_getProviders(); } return $this->providers; } public function getPreferredProvider(string $taskTypeId) { try { $preferences = json_decode($this->config->getAppValue('core', 'ai.taskprocessing_provider_preferences', 'null'), associative: true, flags: JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR); $providers = $this->getProviders(); if (isset($preferences[$taskTypeId])) { $provider = current(array_values(array_filter($providers, fn ($provider) => $provider->getId() === $preferences[$taskTypeId]))); if ($provider !== false) { return $provider; } } // By default, use the first available provider foreach ($providers as $provider) { if ($provider->getTaskTypeId() === $taskTypeId) { return $provider; } } } catch (\JsonException $e) { $this->logger->warning('Failed to parse provider preferences while getting preferred provider for task type ' . $taskTypeId, ['exception' => $e]); } throw new \OCP\TaskProcessing\Exception\Exception('No matching provider found'); } public function getAvailableTaskTypes(): array { if ($this->availableTaskTypes === null) { $taskTypes = $this->_getTaskTypes(); $availableTaskTypes = []; foreach ($taskTypes as $taskType) { try { $provider = $this->getPreferredProvider($taskType->getId()); } catch (\OCP\TaskProcessing\Exception\Exception $e) { continue; } try { $availableTaskTypes[$provider->getTaskTypeId()] = [ 'name' => $taskType->getName(), 'description' => $taskType->getDescription(), 'optionalInputShape' => $provider->getOptionalInputShape(), 'inputShapeEnumValues' => $provider->getInputShapeEnumValues(), 'inputShapeDefaults' => $provider->getInputShapeDefaults(), 'inputShape' => $taskType->getInputShape(), 'optionalInputShapeEnumValues' => $provider->getOptionalInputShapeEnumValues(), 'optionalInputShapeDefaults' => $provider->getOptionalInputShapeDefaults(), 'outputShape' => $taskType->getOutputShape(), 'outputShapeEnumValues' => $provider->getOutputShapeEnumValues(), 'optionalOutputShape' => $provider->getOptionalOutputShape(), 'optionalOutputShapeEnumValues' => $provider->getOptionalOutputShapeEnumValues(), ]; } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->logger->error('Failed to set up TaskProcessing provider ' . $provider::class, ['exception' => $e]); } } $this->availableTaskTypes = $availableTaskTypes; } return $this->availableTaskTypes; } public function canHandleTask(Task $task): bool { return isset($this->getAvailableTaskTypes()[$task->getTaskTypeId()]); } public function scheduleTask(Task $task): void { if (!$this->canHandleTask($task)) { throw new \OCP\TaskProcessing\Exception\PreConditionNotMetException('No task processing provider is installed that can handle this task type: ' . $task->getTaskTypeId()); } $this->prepareTask($task); $task->setStatus(Task::STATUS_SCHEDULED); $this->storeTask($task); // schedule synchronous job if the provider is synchronous $provider = $this->getPreferredProvider($task->getTaskTypeId()); if ($provider instanceof ISynchronousProvider) { $this->jobList->add(SynchronousBackgroundJob::class, null); } } public function runTask(Task $task): Task { if (!$this->canHandleTask($task)) { throw new \OCP\TaskProcessing\Exception\PreConditionNotMetException('No task processing provider is installed that can handle this task type: ' . $task->getTaskTypeId()); } $provider = $this->getPreferredProvider($task->getTaskTypeId()); if ($provider instanceof ISynchronousProvider) { $this->prepareTask($task); $task->setStatus(Task::STATUS_SCHEDULED); $this->storeTask($task); $this->processTask($task, $provider); $task = $this->getTask($task->getId()); } else { $this->scheduleTask($task); // poll task while ($task->getStatus() === Task::STATUS_SCHEDULED || $task->getStatus() === Task::STATUS_RUNNING) { sleep(1); $task = $this->getTask($task->getId()); } } return $task; } public function processTask(Task $task, ISynchronousProvider $provider): bool { try { try { $input = $this->prepareInputData($task); } catch (GenericFileException|NotPermittedException|LockedException|ValidationException|UnauthorizedException $e) { $this->logger->warning('Failed to prepare input data for a TaskProcessing task with synchronous provider ' . $provider->getId(), ['exception' => $e]); $this->setTaskResult($task->getId(), $e->getMessage(), null); return false; } try { $this->setTaskStatus($task, Task::STATUS_RUNNING); $output = $provider->process($task->getUserId(), $input, fn (float $progress) => $this->setTaskProgress($task->getId(), $progress)); } catch (ProcessingException $e) { $this->logger->warning('Failed to process a TaskProcessing task with synchronous provider ' . $provider->getId(), ['exception' => $e]); $this->setTaskResult($task->getId(), $e->getMessage(), null); return false; } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->logger->error('Unknown error while processing TaskProcessing task', ['exception' => $e]); $this->setTaskResult($task->getId(), $e->getMessage(), null); return false; } $this->setTaskResult($task->getId(), null, $output); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $this->logger->info('Could not find task anymore after execution. Moving on.', ['exception' => $e]); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->logger->error('Failed to report result of TaskProcessing task', ['exception' => $e]); } return true; } public function deleteTask(Task $task): void { $taskEntity = \OC\TaskProcessing\Db\Task::fromPublicTask($task); $this->taskMapper->delete($taskEntity); } public function getTask(int $id): Task { try { $taskEntity = $this->taskMapper->find($id); return $taskEntity->toPublicTask(); } catch (DoesNotExistException $e) { throw new NotFoundException('Couldn\'t find task with id ' . $id, 0, $e); } catch (MultipleObjectsReturnedException|\OCP\DB\Exception $e) { throw new \OCP\TaskProcessing\Exception\Exception('There was a problem finding the task', 0, $e); } catch (\JsonException $e) { throw new \OCP\TaskProcessing\Exception\Exception('There was a problem parsing JSON after finding the task', 0, $e); } } public function cancelTask(int $id): void { $task = $this->getTask($id); if ($task->getStatus() !== Task::STATUS_SCHEDULED && $task->getStatus() !== Task::STATUS_RUNNING) { return; } $task->setStatus(Task::STATUS_CANCELLED); $task->setEndedAt(time()); $taskEntity = \OC\TaskProcessing\Db\Task::fromPublicTask($task); try { $this->taskMapper->update($taskEntity); $this->runWebhook($task); } catch (\OCP\DB\Exception $e) { throw new \OCP\TaskProcessing\Exception\Exception('There was a problem finding the task', 0, $e); } } public function setTaskProgress(int $id, float $progress): bool { // TODO: Not sure if we should rather catch the exceptions of getTask here and fail silently $task = $this->getTask($id); if ($task->getStatus() === Task::STATUS_CANCELLED) { return false; } // only set the start time if the task is going from scheduled to running if ($task->getstatus() === Task::STATUS_SCHEDULED) { $task->setStartedAt(time()); } $task->setStatus(Task::STATUS_RUNNING); $task->setProgress($progress); $taskEntity = \OC\TaskProcessing\Db\Task::fromPublicTask($task); try { $this->taskMapper->update($taskEntity); } catch (\OCP\DB\Exception $e) { throw new \OCP\TaskProcessing\Exception\Exception('There was a problem finding the task', 0, $e); } return true; } public function setTaskResult(int $id, ?string $error, ?array $result, bool $isUsingFileIds = false): void { // TODO: Not sure if we should rather catch the exceptions of getTask here and fail silently $task = $this->getTask($id); if ($task->getStatus() === Task::STATUS_CANCELLED) { $this->logger->info('A TaskProcessing ' . $task->getTaskTypeId() . ' task with id ' . $id . ' finished but was cancelled in the mean time. Moving on without storing result.'); return; } if ($error !== null) { $task->setStatus(Task::STATUS_FAILED); $task->setEndedAt(time()); // truncate error message to 1000 characters $task->setErrorMessage(mb_substr($error, 0, 1000)); $this->logger->warning('A TaskProcessing ' . $task->getTaskTypeId() . ' task with id ' . $id . ' failed with the following message: ' . $error); } elseif ($result !== null) { $taskTypes = $this->getAvailableTaskTypes(); $outputShape = $taskTypes[$task->getTaskTypeId()]['outputShape']; $outputShapeEnumValues = $taskTypes[$task->getTaskTypeId()]['outputShapeEnumValues']; $optionalOutputShape = $taskTypes[$task->getTaskTypeId()]['optionalOutputShape']; $optionalOutputShapeEnumValues = $taskTypes[$task->getTaskTypeId()]['optionalOutputShapeEnumValues']; try { // validate output if (!$isUsingFileIds) { $this->validateOutputWithFileData($outputShape, $outputShapeEnumValues, $result); $this->validateOutputWithFileData($optionalOutputShape, $optionalOutputShapeEnumValues, $result, true); } else { $this->validateOutputWithFileIds($outputShape, $outputShapeEnumValues, $result); $this->validateOutputWithFileIds($optionalOutputShape, $optionalOutputShapeEnumValues, $result, true); } $output = $this->removeSuperfluousArrayKeys($result, $outputShape, $optionalOutputShape); // extract raw data and put it in files, replace it with file ids if (!$isUsingFileIds) { $output = $this->encapsulateOutputFileData($output, $outputShape, $optionalOutputShape); } else { $this->validateOutputFileIds($output, $outputShape, $optionalOutputShape); } // Turn file objects into IDs foreach ($output as $key => $value) { if ($value instanceof Node) { $output[$key] = $value->getId(); } if (is_array($value) && $value[0] instanceof Node) { $output[$key] = array_map(fn ($node) => $node->getId(), $value); } } $task->setOutput($output); $task->setProgress(1); $task->setStatus(Task::STATUS_SUCCESSFUL); $task->setEndedAt(time()); } catch (ValidationException $e) { $task->setProgress(1); $task->setStatus(Task::STATUS_FAILED); $task->setEndedAt(time()); $error = 'The task was processed successfully but the provider\'s output doesn\'t pass validation against the task type\'s outputShape spec and/or the provider\'s own optionalOutputShape spec'; $task->setErrorMessage($error); $this->logger->error($error, ['exception' => $e]); } catch (NotPermittedException $e) { $task->setProgress(1); $task->setStatus(Task::STATUS_FAILED); $task->setEndedAt(time()); $error = 'The task was processed successfully but storing the output in a file failed'; $task->setErrorMessage($error); $this->logger->error($error, ['exception' => $e]); } catch (InvalidPathException|\OCP\Files\NotFoundException $e) { $task->setProgress(1); $task->setStatus(Task::STATUS_FAILED); $task->setEndedAt(time()); $error = 'The task was processed successfully but the result file could not be found'; $task->setErrorMessage($error); $this->logger->error($error, ['exception' => $e]); } } $taskEntity = \OC\TaskProcessing\Db\Task::fromPublicTask($task); try { $this->taskMapper->update($taskEntity); $this->runWebhook($task); } catch (\OCP\DB\Exception $e) { throw new \OCP\TaskProcessing\Exception\Exception($e->getMessage()); } if ($task->getStatus() === Task::STATUS_SUCCESSFUL) { $event = new TaskSuccessfulEvent($task); } else { $event = new TaskFailedEvent($task, $error); } $this->dispatcher->dispatchTyped($event); } public function getNextScheduledTask(array $taskTypeIds = [], array $taskIdsToIgnore = []): Task { try { $taskEntity = $this->taskMapper->findOldestScheduledByType($taskTypeIds, $taskIdsToIgnore); return $taskEntity->toPublicTask(); } catch (DoesNotExistException $e) { throw new \OCP\TaskProcessing\Exception\NotFoundException('Could not find the task', 0, $e); } catch (\OCP\DB\Exception $e) { throw new \OCP\TaskProcessing\Exception\Exception('There was a problem finding the task', 0, $e); } catch (\JsonException $e) { throw new \OCP\TaskProcessing\Exception\Exception('There was a problem parsing JSON after finding the task', 0, $e); } } /** * Takes task input data and replaces fileIds with File objects * * @param string|null $userId * @param array|numeric|string> $input * @param ShapeDescriptor[] ...$specs the specs * @return array|numeric|string|File> * @throws GenericFileException|LockedException|NotPermittedException|ValidationException|UnauthorizedException */ public function fillInputFileData(?string $userId, array $input, ...$specs): array { if ($userId !== null) { \OC_Util::setupFS($userId); } $newInputOutput = []; $spec = array_reduce($specs, fn ($carry, $spec) => $carry + $spec, []); foreach ($spec as $key => $descriptor) { $type = $descriptor->getShapeType(); if (!isset($input[$key])) { continue; } if (!in_array(EShapeType::getScalarType($type), [EShapeType::Image, EShapeType::Audio, EShapeType::Video, EShapeType::File], true)) { $newInputOutput[$key] = $input[$key]; continue; } if (EShapeType::getScalarType($type) === $type) { // is scalar $node = $this->validateFileId((int)$input[$key]); $this->validateUserAccessToFile($input[$key], $userId); $newInputOutput[$key] = $node; } else { // is list $newInputOutput[$key] = []; foreach ($input[$key] as $item) { $node = $this->validateFileId((int)$item); $this->validateUserAccessToFile($item, $userId); $newInputOutput[$key][] = $node; } } } return $newInputOutput; } public function getUserTask(int $id, ?string $userId): Task { try { $taskEntity = $this->taskMapper->findByIdAndUser($id, $userId); return $taskEntity->toPublicTask(); } catch (DoesNotExistException $e) { throw new \OCP\TaskProcessing\Exception\NotFoundException('Could not find the task', 0, $e); } catch (MultipleObjectsReturnedException|\OCP\DB\Exception $e) { throw new \OCP\TaskProcessing\Exception\Exception('There was a problem finding the task', 0, $e); } catch (\JsonException $e) { throw new \OCP\TaskProcessing\Exception\Exception('There was a problem parsing JSON after finding the task', 0, $e); } } public function getUserTasks(?string $userId, ?string $taskTypeId = null, ?string $customId = null): array { try { $taskEntities = $this->taskMapper->findByUserAndTaskType($userId, $taskTypeId, $customId); return array_map(fn ($taskEntity): Task => $taskEntity->toPublicTask(), $taskEntities); } catch (\OCP\DB\Exception $e) { throw new \OCP\TaskProcessing\Exception\Exception('There was a problem finding the tasks', 0, $e); } catch (\JsonException $e) { throw new \OCP\TaskProcessing\Exception\Exception('There was a problem parsing JSON after finding the tasks', 0, $e); } } public function getTasks( ?string $userId, ?string $taskTypeId = null, ?string $appId = null, ?string $customId = null, ?int $status = null, ?int $scheduleAfter = null, ?int $endedBefore = null, ): array { try { $taskEntities = $this->taskMapper->findTasks($userId, $taskTypeId, $appId, $customId, $status, $scheduleAfter, $endedBefore); return array_map(fn ($taskEntity): Task => $taskEntity->toPublicTask(), $taskEntities); } catch (\OCP\DB\Exception $e) { throw new \OCP\TaskProcessing\Exception\Exception('There was a problem finding the tasks', 0, $e); } catch (\JsonException $e) { throw new \OCP\TaskProcessing\Exception\Exception('There was a problem parsing JSON after finding the tasks', 0, $e); } } public function getUserTasksByApp(?string $userId, string $appId, ?string $customId = null): array { try { $taskEntities = $this->taskMapper->findUserTasksByApp($userId, $appId, $customId); return array_map(fn ($taskEntity): Task => $taskEntity->toPublicTask(), $taskEntities); } catch (\OCP\DB\Exception $e) { throw new \OCP\TaskProcessing\Exception\Exception('There was a problem finding a task', 0, $e); } catch (\JsonException $e) { throw new \OCP\TaskProcessing\Exception\Exception('There was a problem parsing JSON after finding a task', 0, $e); } } /** *Takes task input or output and replaces base64 data with file ids * * @param array $output * @param ShapeDescriptor[] ...$specs the specs that define which keys to keep * @return array * @throws NotPermittedException */ public function encapsulateOutputFileData(array $output, ...$specs): array { $newOutput = []; try { $folder = $this->appData->getFolder('TaskProcessing'); } catch (\OCP\Files\NotFoundException) { $folder = $this->appData->newFolder('TaskProcessing'); } $spec = array_reduce($specs, fn ($carry, $spec) => $carry + $spec, []); foreach ($spec as $key => $descriptor) { $type = $descriptor->getShapeType(); if (!isset($output[$key])) { continue; } if (!in_array(EShapeType::getScalarType($type), [EShapeType::Image, EShapeType::Audio, EShapeType::Video, EShapeType::File], true)) { $newOutput[$key] = $output[$key]; continue; } if (EShapeType::getScalarType($type) === $type) { /** @var SimpleFile $file */ $file = $folder->newFile(time() . '-' . rand(1, 100000), $output[$key]); $newOutput[$key] = $file->getId(); // polymorphic call to SimpleFile } else { $newOutput = []; foreach ($output[$key] as $item) { /** @var SimpleFile $file */ $file = $folder->newFile(time() . '-' . rand(1, 100000), $item); $newOutput[$key][] = $file->getId(); } } } return $newOutput; } /** * @param Task $task * @return array|numeric|string|File> * @throws GenericFileException * @throws LockedException * @throws NotPermittedException * @throws ValidationException|UnauthorizedException */ public function prepareInputData(Task $task): array { $taskTypes = $this->getAvailableTaskTypes(); $inputShape = $taskTypes[$task->getTaskTypeId()]['inputShape']; $optionalInputShape = $taskTypes[$task->getTaskTypeId()]['optionalInputShape']; $input = $task->getInput(); $input = $this->removeSuperfluousArrayKeys($input, $inputShape, $optionalInputShape); $input = $this->fillInputFileData($task->getUserId(), $input, $inputShape, $optionalInputShape); return $input; } public function lockTask(Task $task): bool { $taskEntity = \OC\TaskProcessing\Db\Task::fromPublicTask($task); if ($this->taskMapper->lockTask($taskEntity) === 0) { return false; } $task->setStatus(Task::STATUS_RUNNING); return true; } /** * @throws \JsonException * @throws Exception */ public function setTaskStatus(Task $task, int $status): void { $currentTaskStatus = $task->getStatus(); if ($currentTaskStatus === Task::STATUS_SCHEDULED && $status === Task::STATUS_RUNNING) { $task->setStartedAt(time()); } elseif ($currentTaskStatus === Task::STATUS_RUNNING && ($status === Task::STATUS_FAILED || $status === Task::STATUS_CANCELLED)) { $task->setEndedAt(time()); } elseif ($currentTaskStatus === Task::STATUS_UNKNOWN && $status === Task::STATUS_SCHEDULED) { $task->setScheduledAt(time()); } $task->setStatus($status); $taskEntity = \OC\TaskProcessing\Db\Task::fromPublicTask($task); $this->taskMapper->update($taskEntity); } /** * Validate input, fill input default values, set completionExpectedAt, set scheduledAt * * @param Task $task * @return void * @throws UnauthorizedException * @throws ValidationException * @throws \OCP\TaskProcessing\Exception\Exception */ private function prepareTask(Task $task): void { $taskTypes = $this->getAvailableTaskTypes(); $taskType = $taskTypes[$task->getTaskTypeId()]; $inputShape = $taskType['inputShape']; $inputShapeDefaults = $taskType['inputShapeDefaults']; $inputShapeEnumValues = $taskType['inputShapeEnumValues']; $optionalInputShape = $taskType['optionalInputShape']; $optionalInputShapeEnumValues = $taskType['optionalInputShapeEnumValues']; $optionalInputShapeDefaults = $taskType['optionalInputShapeDefaults']; // validate input $this->validateInput($inputShape, $inputShapeDefaults, $inputShapeEnumValues, $task->getInput()); $this->validateInput($optionalInputShape, $optionalInputShapeDefaults, $optionalInputShapeEnumValues, $task->getInput(), true); // authenticate access to mentioned files $ids = []; foreach ($inputShape + $optionalInputShape as $key => $descriptor) { if (in_array(EShapeType::getScalarType($descriptor->getShapeType()), [EShapeType::File, EShapeType::Image, EShapeType::Audio, EShapeType::Video], true)) { /** @var list|int $inputSlot */ $inputSlot = $task->getInput()[$key]; if (is_array($inputSlot)) { $ids += $inputSlot; } else { $ids[] = $inputSlot; } } } foreach ($ids as $fileId) { $this->validateFileId($fileId); $this->validateUserAccessToFile($fileId, $task->getUserId()); } // remove superfluous keys and set input $input = $this->removeSuperfluousArrayKeys($task->getInput(), $inputShape, $optionalInputShape); $inputWithDefaults = $this->fillInputDefaults($input, $inputShapeDefaults, $optionalInputShapeDefaults); $task->setInput($inputWithDefaults); $task->setScheduledAt(time()); $provider = $this->getPreferredProvider($task->getTaskTypeId()); // calculate expected completion time $completionExpectedAt = new \DateTime('now'); $completionExpectedAt->add(new \DateInterval('PT' . $provider->getExpectedRuntime() . 'S')); $task->setCompletionExpectedAt($completionExpectedAt); } /** * Store the task in the DB and set its ID in the \OCP\TaskProcessing\Task input param * * @param Task $task * @return void * @throws Exception * @throws \JsonException */ private function storeTask(Task $task): void { // create a db entity and insert into db table $taskEntity = \OC\TaskProcessing\Db\Task::fromPublicTask($task); $this->taskMapper->insert($taskEntity); // make sure the scheduler knows the id $task->setId($taskEntity->getId()); } /** * @param array $output * @param ShapeDescriptor[] ...$specs the specs that define which keys to keep * @return array * @throws NotPermittedException */ private function validateOutputFileIds(array $output, ...$specs): array { $newOutput = []; $spec = array_reduce($specs, fn ($carry, $spec) => $carry + $spec, []); foreach ($spec as $key => $descriptor) { $type = $descriptor->getShapeType(); if (!isset($output[$key])) { continue; } if (!in_array(EShapeType::getScalarType($type), [EShapeType::Image, EShapeType::Audio, EShapeType::Video, EShapeType::File], true)) { $newOutput[$key] = $output[$key]; continue; } if (EShapeType::getScalarType($type) === $type) { // Is scalar file ID $newOutput[$key] = $this->validateFileId($output[$key]); } else { // Is list of file IDs $newOutput = []; foreach ($output[$key] as $item) { $newOutput[$key][] = $this->validateFileId($item); } } } return $newOutput; } /** * @param mixed $id * @return File * @throws ValidationException */ private function validateFileId(mixed $id): File { $node = $this->rootFolder->getFirstNodeById($id); if ($node === null) { $node = $this->rootFolder->getFirstNodeByIdInPath($id, '/' . $this->rootFolder->getAppDataDirectoryName() . '/'); if ($node === null) { throw new ValidationException('Could not find file ' . $id); } elseif (!$node instanceof File) { throw new ValidationException('File with id "' . $id . '" is not a file'); } } elseif (!$node instanceof File) { throw new ValidationException('File with id "' . $id . '" is not a file'); } return $node; } /** * @param mixed $fileId * @param string|null $userId * @return void * @throws UnauthorizedException */ private function validateUserAccessToFile(mixed $fileId, ?string $userId): void { if ($userId === null) { throw new UnauthorizedException('User does not have access to file ' . $fileId); } $mounts = $this->userMountCache->getMountsForFileId($fileId); $userIds = array_map(fn ($mount) => $mount->getUser()->getUID(), $mounts); if (!in_array($userId, $userIds)) { throw new UnauthorizedException('User ' . $userId . ' does not have access to file ' . $fileId); } } /** * Make a request to the task's webhookUri if necessary * * @param Task $task */ private function runWebhook(Task $task): void { $uri = $task->getWebhookUri(); $method = $task->getWebhookMethod(); if (!$uri || !$method) { return; } if (in_array($method, ['HTTP:GET', 'HTTP:POST', 'HTTP:PUT', 'HTTP:DELETE'], true)) { $client = $this->clientService->newClient(); $httpMethod = preg_replace('/^HTTP:/', '', $method); $options = [ 'timeout' => 30, 'body' => json_encode([ 'task' => $task->jsonSerialize(), ]), 'headers' => ['Content-Type' => 'application/json'], ]; try { $client->request($httpMethod, $uri, $options); } catch (ClientException|ServerException $e) { $this->logger->warning('Task processing HTTP webhook failed for task ' . $task->getId() . '. Request failed', ['exception' => $e]); } catch (\Exception|\Throwable $e) { $this->logger->warning('Task processing HTTP webhook failed for task ' . $task->getId() . '. Unknown error', ['exception' => $e]); } } elseif (str_starts_with($method, 'AppAPI:') && str_starts_with($uri, '/')) { $parsedMethod = explode(':', $method, 4); if (count($parsedMethod) < 3) { $this->logger->warning('Task processing AppAPI webhook failed for task ' . $task->getId() . '. Invalid method: ' . $method); } [, $exAppId, $httpMethod] = $parsedMethod; if (!$this->appManager->isInstalled('app_api')) { $this->logger->warning('Task processing AppAPI webhook failed for task ' . $task->getId() . '. AppAPI is disabled or not installed.'); return; } try { $appApiFunctions = \OCP\Server::get(\OCA\AppAPI\PublicFunctions::class); } catch (ContainerExceptionInterface|NotFoundExceptionInterface) { $this->logger->warning('Task processing AppAPI webhook failed for task ' . $task->getId() . '. Could not get AppAPI public functions.'); return; } $exApp = $appApiFunctions->getExApp($exAppId); if ($exApp === null) { $this->logger->warning('Task processing AppAPI webhook failed for task ' . $task->getId() . '. ExApp ' . $exAppId . ' is missing.'); return; } elseif (!$exApp['enabled']) { $this->logger->warning('Task processing AppAPI webhook failed for task ' . $task->getId() . '. ExApp ' . $exAppId . ' is disabled.'); return; } $requestParams = [ 'task' => $task->jsonSerialize(), ]; $requestOptions = [ 'timeout' => 30, ]; $response = $appApiFunctions->exAppRequest($exAppId, $uri, $task->getUserId(), $httpMethod, $requestParams, $requestOptions); if (is_array($response) && isset($response['error'])) { $this->logger->warning('Task processing AppAPI webhook failed for task ' . $task->getId() . '. Error during request to ExApp(' . $exAppId . '): ', $response['error']); } } } }