container = $container; $this->appManager = $appManager; } /** * Returns an array of app-registered plugins * * @return ServerPlugin[] */ public function getAppPlugins() { $this->populate(); return $this->plugins; } /** * Returns an array of app-registered collections * * @return array */ public function getAppCollections() { $this->populate(); return $this->collections; } /** * @return IAddressBookProvider[] */ public function getAddressBookPlugins(): array { $this->populate(); return $this->addressBookPlugins; } /** * Returns an array of app-registered calendar plugins * * @return ICalendarProvider[] */ public function getCalendarPlugins():array { $this->populate(); return $this->calendarPlugins; } /** * Retrieve plugin and collection list and populate attributes */ private function populate(): void { if ($this->populated) { return; } $this->populated = true; $this->calendarPlugins[] = $this->container->get(AppCalendarPlugin::class); foreach ($this->appManager->getInstalledApps() as $app) { // load plugins and collections from info.xml $info = $this->appManager->getAppInfo($app); if (!isset($info['types']) || !in_array('dav', $info['types'], true)) { continue; } $plugins = $this->loadSabrePluginsFromInfoXml($this->extractPluginList($info)); foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { $this->plugins[] = $plugin; } $collections = $this->loadSabreCollectionsFromInfoXml($this->extractCollectionList($info)); foreach ($collections as $collection) { $this->collections[] = $collection; } $addresbookPlugins = $this->loadSabreAddressBookPluginsFromInfoXml($this->extractAddressBookPluginList($info)); foreach ($addresbookPlugins as $addresbookPlugin) { $this->addressBookPlugins[] = $addresbookPlugin; } $calendarPlugins = $this->loadSabreCalendarPluginsFromInfoXml($this->extractCalendarPluginList($info)); foreach ($calendarPlugins as $calendarPlugin) { $this->calendarPlugins[] = $calendarPlugin; } } } /** * @param array $array * @return string[] */ private function extractPluginList(array $array): array { if (isset($array['sabre']) && is_array($array['sabre'])) { if (isset($array['sabre']['plugins']) && is_array($array['sabre']['plugins'])) { if (isset($array['sabre']['plugins']['plugin'])) { $items = $array['sabre']['plugins']['plugin']; if (!is_array($items)) { $items = [$items]; } return $items; } } } return []; } /** * @param array $array * @return string[] */ private function extractCollectionList(array $array): array { if (isset($array['sabre']) && is_array($array['sabre'])) { if (isset($array['sabre']['collections']) && is_array($array['sabre']['collections'])) { if (isset($array['sabre']['collections']['collection'])) { $items = $array['sabre']['collections']['collection']; if (!is_array($items)) { $items = [$items]; } return $items; } } } return []; } /** * @param array $array * @return string[] */ private function extractAddressBookPluginList(array $array): array { if (!isset($array['sabre']) || !is_array($array['sabre'])) { return []; } if (!isset($array['sabre']['address-book-plugins']) || !is_array($array['sabre']['address-book-plugins'])) { return []; } if (!isset($array['sabre']['address-book-plugins']['plugin'])) { return []; } $items = $array['sabre']['address-book-plugins']['plugin']; if (!is_array($items)) { $items = [$items]; } return $items; } /** * @param array $array * @return string[] */ private function extractCalendarPluginList(array $array): array { if (isset($array['sabre']) && is_array($array['sabre'])) { if (isset($array['sabre']['calendar-plugins']) && is_array($array['sabre']['calendar-plugins'])) { if (isset($array['sabre']['calendar-plugins']['plugin'])) { $items = $array['sabre']['calendar-plugins']['plugin']; if (!is_array($items)) { $items = [$items]; } return $items; } } } return []; } private function createClass(string $className): object { try { return $this->container->get($className); } catch (QueryException $e) { if (class_exists($className)) { return new $className(); } } throw new \Exception('Could not load ' . $className, 0, $e); } /** * @param string[] $classes * @return ServerPlugin[] * @throws \Exception */ private function loadSabrePluginsFromInfoXml(array $classes): array { return array_map(function (string $className): ServerPlugin { $instance = $this->createClass($className); if (!($instance instanceof ServerPlugin)) { throw new \Exception('Sabre server plugin ' . $className . ' does not implement the ' . ServerPlugin::class . ' interface'); } return $instance; }, $classes); } /** * @param string[] $classes * @return Collection[] */ private function loadSabreCollectionsFromInfoXml(array $classes): array { return array_map(function (string $className): Collection { $instance = $this->createClass($className); if (!($instance instanceof Collection)) { throw new \Exception('Sabre collection plugin ' . $className . ' does not implement the ' . Collection::class . ' interface'); } return $instance; }, $classes); } /** * @param string[] $classes * @return IAddressBookProvider[] */ private function loadSabreAddressBookPluginsFromInfoXml(array $classes): array { return array_map(function (string $className): IAddressBookProvider { $instance = $this->createClass($className); if (!($instance instanceof IAddressBookProvider)) { throw new \Exception('Sabre address book plugin class ' . $className . ' does not implement the ' . IAddressBookProvider::class . ' interface'); } return $instance; }, $classes); } /** * @param string[] $classes * @return ICalendarProvider[] */ private function loadSabreCalendarPluginsFromInfoXml(array $classes): array { return array_map(function (string $className): ICalendarProvider { $instance = $this->createClass($className); if (!($instance instanceof ICalendarProvider)) { throw new \Exception('Sabre calendar plugin class ' . $className . ' does not implement the ' . ICalendarProvider::class . ' interface'); } return $instance; }, $classes); } }