supportLegacy = false; parent::__construct(); } protected function configure(): void { parent::configure(); $this ->setName('encryption:fix-encrypted-version') ->setDescription('Fix the encrypted version if the encrypted file(s) are not downloadable.') ->addArgument( 'user', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'The id of the user whose files need fixing' )->addOption( 'path', 'p', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'Limit files to fix with path, e.g., --path="/Music/Artist". If path indicates a directory, all the files inside directory will be fixed.' )->addOption( 'all', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Run the fix for all users on the system, mutually exclusive with specifying a user id.' ); } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int { $skipSignatureCheck = $this->config->getSystemValueBool('encryption_skip_signature_check', false); $this->supportLegacy = $this->config->getSystemValueBool('encryption.legacy_format_support', false); if ($skipSignatureCheck) { $output->writeln("Repairing is not possible when \"encryption_skip_signature_check\" is set. Please disable this flag in the configuration.\n"); return 1; } if (!$this->util->isMasterKeyEnabled()) { $output->writeln("Repairing only works with master key encryption.\n"); return 1; } $user = $input->getArgument('user'); $all = $input->getOption('all'); $pathOption = \trim(($input->getOption('path') ?? ''), '/'); if ($user) { if ($all) { $output->writeln("Specifying a user id and --all are mutually exclusive"); return 1; } if ($this->userManager->get($user) === null) { $output->writeln("User id $user does not exist. Please provide a valid user id"); return 1; } return $this->runForUser($user, $pathOption, $output); } elseif ($all) { $result = 0; $this->userManager->callForSeenUsers(function (IUser $user) use ($pathOption, $output, &$result) { $output->writeln("Processing files for " . $user->getUID()); $result = $this->runForUser($user->getUID(), $pathOption, $output); return $result === 0; }); return $result; } else { $output->writeln("Either a user id or --all needs to be provided"); return 1; } } private function runForUser(string $user, string $pathOption, OutputInterface $output): int { $pathToWalk = "/$user/files"; if ($pathOption !== "") { $pathToWalk = "$pathToWalk/$pathOption"; } return $this->walkPathOfUser($user, $pathToWalk, $output); } /** * @return int 0 for success, 1 for error */ private function walkPathOfUser(string $user, string $path, OutputInterface $output): int { $this->setupUserFs($user); if (!$this->view->file_exists($path)) { $output->writeln("Path \"$path\" does not exist. Please provide a valid path."); return 1; } if ($this->view->is_file($path)) { $output->writeln("Verifying the content of file \"$path\""); $this->verifyFileContent($path, $output); return 0; } $directories = []; $directories[] = $path; while ($root = \array_pop($directories)) { $directoryContent = $this->view->getDirectoryContent($root); foreach ($directoryContent as $file) { $path = $root . '/' . $file['name']; if ($this->view->is_dir($path)) { $directories[] = $path; } else { $output->writeln("Verifying the content of file \"$path\""); $this->verifyFileContent($path, $output); } } } return 0; } /** * @param bool $ignoreCorrectEncVersionCall, setting this variable to false avoids recursion */ private function verifyFileContent(string $path, OutputInterface $output, bool $ignoreCorrectEncVersionCall = true): bool { try { // since we're manually poking around the encrypted state we need to ensure that this isn't cached in the encryption wrapper $mount = $this->view->getMount($path); $storage = $mount->getStorage(); if ($storage && $storage->instanceOfStorage(Encryption::class)) { $storage->clearIsEncryptedCache(); } /** * In encryption, the files are read in a block size of 8192 bytes * Read block size of 8192 and a bit more (808 bytes) * If there is any problem, the first block should throw the signature * mismatch error. Which as of now, is enough to proceed ahead to * correct the encrypted version. */ $handle = $this->view->fopen($path, 'rb'); if ($handle === false) { $output->writeln("Failed to open file: \"$path\" skipping"); return true; } if (\fread($handle, 9001) !== false) { $fileInfo = $this->view->getFileInfo($path); if (!$fileInfo) { $output->writeln("File info not found for file: \"$path\""); return true; } $encryptedVersion = $fileInfo->getEncryptedVersion(); $stat = $this->view->stat($path); if (($encryptedVersion == 0) && isset($stat['hasHeader']) && ($stat['hasHeader'] == true)) { // The file has encrypted to false but has an encryption header if ($ignoreCorrectEncVersionCall === true) { // Lets rectify the file by correcting encrypted version $output->writeln("Attempting to fix the path: \"$path\""); return $this->correctEncryptedVersion($path, $output); } return false; } $output->writeln("The file \"$path\" is: OK"); } \fclose($handle); return true; } catch (ServerNotAvailableException $e) { // not a "bad signature" error and likely "legacy cipher" exception // this could mean that the file is maybe not encrypted but the encrypted version is set if (!$this->supportLegacy && $ignoreCorrectEncVersionCall === true) { $output->writeln("Attempting to fix the path: \"$path\""); return $this->correctEncryptedVersion($path, $output, true); } return false; } catch (HintException $e) { $this->logger->warning("Issue: " . $e->getMessage()); // If allowOnce is set to false, this becomes recursive. if ($ignoreCorrectEncVersionCall === true) { // Lets rectify the file by correcting encrypted version $output->writeln("Attempting to fix the path: \"$path\""); return $this->correctEncryptedVersion($path, $output); } return false; } } /** * @param bool $includeZero whether to try zero version for unencrypted file */ private function correctEncryptedVersion(string $path, OutputInterface $output, bool $includeZero = false): bool { $fileInfo = $this->view->getFileInfo($path); if (!$fileInfo) { $output->writeln("File info not found for file: \"$path\""); return true; } $fileId = $fileInfo->getId(); if ($fileId === null) { $output->writeln("File info contains no id for file: \"$path\""); return true; } $encryptedVersion = $fileInfo->getEncryptedVersion(); $wrongEncryptedVersion = $encryptedVersion; $storage = $fileInfo->getStorage(); $cache = $storage->getCache(); $fileCache = $cache->get($fileId); if (!$fileCache) { $output->writeln("File cache entry not found for file: \"$path\""); return true; } if ($storage->instanceOfStorage('OCA\Files_Sharing\ISharedStorage')) { $output->writeln("The file: \"$path\" is a share. Please also run the script for the owner of the share"); return true; } // Save original encrypted version so we can restore it if decryption fails with all version $originalEncryptedVersion = $encryptedVersion; if ($encryptedVersion >= 0) { if ($includeZero) { // try with zero first $cacheInfo = ['encryptedVersion' => 0, 'encrypted' => 0]; $cache->put($fileCache->getPath(), $cacheInfo); $output->writeln("Set the encrypted version to 0 (unencrypted)"); if ($this->verifyFileContent($path, $output, false) === true) { $output->writeln("Fixed the file: \"$path\" with version 0 (unencrypted)"); return true; } } // Test by decrementing the value till 1 and if nothing works try incrementing $encryptedVersion--; while ($encryptedVersion > 0) { $cacheInfo = ['encryptedVersion' => $encryptedVersion, 'encrypted' => $encryptedVersion]; $cache->put($fileCache->getPath(), $cacheInfo); $output->writeln("Decrement the encrypted version to $encryptedVersion"); if ($this->verifyFileContent($path, $output, false) === true) { $output->writeln("Fixed the file: \"$path\" with version " . $encryptedVersion . ""); return true; } $encryptedVersion--; } // So decrementing did not work. Now lets increment. Max increment is till 5 $increment = 1; while ($increment <= 5) { /** * The wrongEncryptedVersion would not be incremented so nothing to worry about here. * Only the newEncryptedVersion is incremented. * For example if the wrong encrypted version is 4 then * cycle1 -> newEncryptedVersion = 5 ( 4 + 1) * cycle2 -> newEncryptedVersion = 6 ( 4 + 2) * cycle3 -> newEncryptedVersion = 7 ( 4 + 3) */ $newEncryptedVersion = $wrongEncryptedVersion + $increment; $cacheInfo = ['encryptedVersion' => $newEncryptedVersion, 'encrypted' => $newEncryptedVersion]; $cache->put($fileCache->getPath(), $cacheInfo); $output->writeln("Increment the encrypted version to $newEncryptedVersion"); if ($this->verifyFileContent($path, $output, false) === true) { $output->writeln("Fixed the file: \"$path\" with version " . $newEncryptedVersion . ""); return true; } $increment++; } } $cacheInfo = ['encryptedVersion' => $originalEncryptedVersion, 'encrypted' => $originalEncryptedVersion]; $cache->put($fileCache->getPath(), $cacheInfo); $output->writeln("No fix found for \"$path\", restored version to original: $originalEncryptedVersion"); return false; } /** * Setup user file system */ private function setupUserFs(string $uid): void { \OC_Util::tearDownFS(); \OC_Util::setupFS($uid); } }