-1, 'parent' => -1, 'name' => '', 'path' => '', 'size' => '0', 'mtime' => time(), 'storage_mtime' => time(), 'etag' => '', 'mimetype' => FileInfo::MIMETYPE_FOLDER, 'mimepart' => 'httpd', 'permissions' => Constants::PERMISSION_READ ]); } public function getFolderContents($folder) { return []; } public function getFolderContentsById($fileId) { return []; } public function put($file, array $data) { throw new \OC\ForbiddenException('This request is not allowed to access the filesystem'); } public function insert($file, array $data) { throw new \OC\ForbiddenException('This request is not allowed to access the filesystem'); } public function update($id, array $data) { throw new \OC\ForbiddenException('This request is not allowed to access the filesystem'); } public function getId($file) { return -1; } public function getParentId($file) { return -1; } public function inCache($file) { return $file === ''; } public function remove($file) { throw new \OC\ForbiddenException('This request is not allowed to access the filesystem'); } public function move($source, $target) { throw new \OC\ForbiddenException('This request is not allowed to access the filesystem'); } public function moveFromCache(ICache $sourceCache, $sourcePath, $targetPath) { throw new \OC\ForbiddenException('This request is not allowed to access the filesystem'); } public function getStatus($file) { return ICache::COMPLETE; } public function search($pattern) { return []; } public function searchByMime($mimetype) { return []; } public function searchQuery(ISearchQuery $query) { return []; } public function getIncomplete() { return []; } public function getPathById($id) { return ''; } public function normalize($path) { return $path; } public function copyFromCache(ICache $sourceCache, ICacheEntry $sourceEntry, string $targetPath): int { throw new \OC\ForbiddenException('This request is not allowed to access the filesystem'); } public function getQueryFilterForStorage(): ISearchOperator { return new SearchComparison(ISearchComparison::COMPARE_EQUAL, 'storage', -1); } public function getCacheEntryFromSearchResult(ICacheEntry $rawEntry): ?ICacheEntry { return null; } }