config->getSystemValue('updatedirectory', null) ?? $this->config->getSystemValue('datadirectory', \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/data'); $instanceId = $this->config->getSystemValue('instanceid', null); if (!is_string($instanceId) || empty($instanceId)) { return; } $updaterFolderPath = $updateDir . '/updater-' . $instanceId; $backupFolderPath = $updaterFolderPath . '/backups'; if (file_exists($backupFolderPath)) { $this->log->info("$backupFolderPath exists - start to clean it up"); $dirList = []; $dirs = new \DirectoryIterator($backupFolderPath); foreach ($dirs as $dir) { // skip files and dot dirs if ($dir->isFile() || $dir->isDot()) { continue; } $mtime = $dir->getMTime(); $realPath = $dir->getRealPath(); if ($realPath === false) { continue; } $dirList[$mtime] = $realPath; } ksort($dirList); // drop the newest 3 directories $dirList = array_slice($dirList, 0, -3); $this->log->info('List of all directories that will be deleted: ' . json_encode($dirList)); foreach ($dirList as $dir) { $this->log->info("Removing $dir ..."); \OC_Helper::rmdirr($dir); } $this->log->info('Cleanup finished'); } else { $this->log->info("Could not find updater directory $backupFolderPath - cleanup step not needed"); } } }