setName('db:add-missing-primary-keys') ->setDescription('Add missing primary keys to the database tables') ->addOption('dry-run', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Output the SQL queries instead of running them.'); } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int { $dryRun = $input->getOption('dry-run'); // Dispatch event so apps can also update indexes if needed $event = new AddMissingPrimaryKeyEvent(); $this->dispatcher->dispatchTyped($event); $missingKeys = $event->getMissingPrimaryKeys(); $updated = false; if (!empty($missingKeys)) { $schema = new SchemaWrapper($this->connection); foreach ($missingKeys as $missingKey) { if ($schema->hasTable($missingKey['tableName'])) { $table = $schema->getTable($missingKey['tableName']); if (!$table->hasPrimaryKey()) { $output->writeln('Adding primary key to the ' . $missingKey['tableName'] . ' table, this can take some time...'); $table->setPrimaryKey($missingKey['columns'], $missingKey['primaryKeyName']); if ($missingKey['formerIndex'] && $table->hasIndex($missingKey['formerIndex'])) { $table->dropIndex($missingKey['formerIndex']); } $sqlQueries = $this->connection->migrateToSchema($schema->getWrappedSchema(), $dryRun); if ($dryRun && $sqlQueries !== null) { $output->writeln($sqlQueries); } $updated = true; $output->writeln('' . $missingKey['tableName'] . ' table updated successfully.'); } } } } if (!$updated) { $output->writeln('Done.'); } return 0; } }