setName('files_external:create') ->setDescription('Create a new mount configuration') ->addOption( 'user', '', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'user to add the mount configuration for, if not set the mount will be added as system mount' ) ->addArgument( 'mount_point', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'mount point for the new mount' ) ->addArgument( 'storage_backend', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'storage backend identifier for the new mount, see `occ files_external:backends` for possible values' ) ->addArgument( 'authentication_backend', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'authentication backend identifier for the new mount, see `occ files_external:backends` for possible values' ) ->addOption( 'config', 'c', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED | InputOption::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, 'Mount configuration option in key=value format' ) ->addOption( 'dry', '', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Don\'t save the created mount, only list the new mount' ); parent::configure(); } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int { $user = (string)$input->getOption('user'); $mountPoint = $input->getArgument('mount_point'); $storageIdentifier = $input->getArgument('storage_backend'); $authIdentifier = $input->getArgument('authentication_backend'); $configInput = $input->getOption('config'); $storageBackend = $this->backendService->getBackend($storageIdentifier); $authBackend = $this->backendService->getAuthMechanism($authIdentifier); if (!Filesystem::isValidPath($mountPoint)) { $output->writeln('Invalid mountpoint "' . $mountPoint . '"'); return self::FAILURE; } if (is_null($storageBackend)) { $output->writeln('Storage backend with identifier "' . $storageIdentifier . '" not found (see `occ files_external:backends` for possible values)'); return Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } if (is_null($authBackend)) { $output->writeln('Authentication backend with identifier "' . $authIdentifier . '" not found (see `occ files_external:backends` for possible values)'); return Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } $supportedSchemes = array_keys($storageBackend->getAuthSchemes()); if (!in_array($authBackend->getScheme(), $supportedSchemes)) { $output->writeln('Authentication backend "' . $authIdentifier . '" not valid for storage backend "' . $storageIdentifier . '" (see `occ files_external:backends storage ' . $storageIdentifier . '` for possible values)'); return self::FAILURE; } $config = []; foreach ($configInput as $configOption) { if (!str_contains($configOption, '=')) { $output->writeln('Invalid mount configuration option "' . $configOption . '"'); return self::FAILURE; } [$key, $value] = explode('=', $configOption, 2); if (!$this->validateParam($key, $value, $storageBackend, $authBackend)) { $output->writeln('Unknown configuration for backends "' . $key . '"'); return self::FAILURE; } $config[$key] = $value; } $mount = new StorageConfig(); $mount->setMountPoint($mountPoint); $mount->setBackend($storageBackend); $mount->setAuthMechanism($authBackend); $mount->setBackendOptions($config); if ($user) { if (!$this->userManager->userExists($user)) { $output->writeln('User "' . $user . '" not found'); return self::FAILURE; } $mount->setApplicableUsers([$user]); } if ($input->getOption('dry')) { $this->showMount($user, $mount, $input, $output); } else { $this->getStorageService($user)->addStorage($mount); if ($input->getOption('output') === self::OUTPUT_FORMAT_PLAIN) { $output->writeln('Storage created with id ' . $mount->getId() . ''); } else { $output->writeln((string)$mount->getId()); } } return self::SUCCESS; } private function validateParam(string $key, &$value, Backend $storageBackend, AuthMechanism $authBackend): bool { $params = array_merge($storageBackend->getParameters(), $authBackend->getParameters()); foreach ($params as $param) { /** @var DefinitionParameter $param */ if ($param->getName() === $key) { if ($param->getType() === DefinitionParameter::VALUE_BOOLEAN) { $value = ($value === 'true'); } return true; } } return false; } private function showMount(string $user, StorageConfig $mount, InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): void { $listCommand = new ListCommand($this->globalService, $this->userService, $this->userSession, $this->userManager); $listInput = new ArrayInput([], $listCommand->getDefinition()); $listInput->setOption('output', $input->getOption('output')); $listInput->setOption('show-password', true); $listCommand->listMounts($user, [$mount], $listInput, $output); } protected function getStorageService(string $userId): StoragesService { if (empty($userId)) { return $this->globalService; } $user = $this->userManager->get($userId); if (is_null($user)) { throw new NoUserException("user $userId not found"); } $this->userSession->setUser($user); return $this->userService; } }