version = $appManager->getAppVersion(Application::APP_ID); $this->client = $clientService->newClient(); $this->cache = $cacheFactory->createDistributed('weatherstatus'); } /** * Change the weather status mode. There are currently 2 modes: * - ask the browser * - use the user defined address * @param int $mode New mode * @return WeatherStatusSuccess success state */ public function setMode(int $mode): array { $this->config->setUserValue($this->userId, Application::APP_ID, 'mode', strval($mode)); return ['success' => true]; } /** * Get favorites list * @return list */ public function getFavorites(): array { $favoritesJson = $this->config->getUserValue($this->userId, Application::APP_ID, 'favorites', ''); return json_decode($favoritesJson, true) ?: []; } /** * Set favorites list * @param list $favorites * @return WeatherStatusSuccess success state */ public function setFavorites(array $favorites): array { $this->config->setUserValue($this->userId, Application::APP_ID, 'favorites', json_encode($favorites)); return ['success' => true]; } /** * Try to use the address set in user personal settings as weather location * * @return WeatherStatusLocationWithSuccess with success state and address information */ public function usePersonalAddress(): array { $account = $this->accountManager->getAccount($this->userManager->get($this->userId)); try { $address = $account->getProperty('address')->getValue(); } catch (PropertyDoesNotExistException $e) { return ['success' => false]; } if ($address === '') { return ['success' => false]; } return $this->setAddress($address); } /** * Set address and resolve it to get coordinates * or directly set coordinates and get address with reverse geocoding * * @param string|null $address Any approximative or exact address * @param float|null $lat Latitude in decimal degree format * @param float|null $lon Longitude in decimal degree format * @return WeatherStatusLocationWithSuccess with success state and address information */ public function setLocation(?string $address, ?float $lat, ?float $lon): array { if (!is_null($lat) && !is_null($lon)) { // store coordinates $this->config->setUserValue($this->userId, Application::APP_ID, 'lat', strval($lat)); $this->config->setUserValue($this->userId, Application::APP_ID, 'lon', strval($lon)); // resolve and store formatted address $address = $this->resolveLocation($lat, $lon); $address = $address ?: $this->l10n->t('Unknown address'); $this->config->setUserValue($this->userId, Application::APP_ID, 'address', $address); // get and store altitude $altitude = $this->getAltitude($lat, $lon); $this->config->setUserValue($this->userId, Application::APP_ID, 'altitude', strval($altitude)); return [ 'address' => $address, 'success' => true, ]; } elseif ($address) { return $this->setAddress($address); } else { return ['success' => false]; } } /** * Provide address information from coordinates * * @param float $lat Latitude in decimal degree format * @param float $lon Longitude in decimal degree format */ private function resolveLocation(float $lat, float $lon): ?string { $params = [ 'lat' => number_format($lat, 2), 'lon' => number_format($lon, 2), 'addressdetails' => 1, 'format' => 'json', ]; $url = ''; $result = $this->requestJSON($url, $params); return $this->formatOsmAddress($result); } /** * Get altitude from coordinates * * @param float $lat Latitude in decimal degree format * @param float $lon Longitude in decimal degree format * @return float altitude in meter */ private function getAltitude(float $lat, float $lon): float { $params = [ 'locations' => $lat . ',' . $lon, ]; $url = ''; $result = $this->requestJSON($url, $params); $altitude = 0; if (isset($result['results']) && is_array($result['results']) && count($result['results']) > 0 && is_array($result['results'][0]) && isset($result['results'][0]['elevation'])) { $altitude = floatval($result['results'][0]['elevation']); } return $altitude; } /** * @return string Formatted address from JSON nominatim result */ private function formatOsmAddress(array $json): ?string { if (isset($json['address']) && isset($json['display_name'])) { $jsonAddr = $json['address']; $cityAddress = ''; // priority : city, town, village, municipality if (isset($jsonAddr['city'])) { $cityAddress .= $jsonAddr['city']; } elseif (isset($jsonAddr['town'])) { $cityAddress .= $jsonAddr['town']; } elseif (isset($jsonAddr['village'])) { $cityAddress .= $jsonAddr['village']; } elseif (isset($jsonAddr['municipality'])) { $cityAddress .= $jsonAddr['municipality']; } else { return $json['display_name']; } // post code if (isset($jsonAddr['postcode'])) { $cityAddress .= ', ' . $jsonAddr['postcode']; } // country if (isset($jsonAddr['country'])) { $cityAddress .= ', ' . $jsonAddr['country']; return $cityAddress; } else { return $json['display_name']; } } elseif (isset($json['display_name'])) { return $json['display_name']; } return null; } /** * Set address and resolve it to get coordinates * * @param string $address Any approximative or exact address * @return WeatherStatusLocationWithSuccess with success state and address information (coordinates and formatted address) */ public function setAddress(string $address): array { $addressInfo = $this->searchForAddress($address); if (isset($addressInfo['display_name']) && isset($addressInfo['lat']) && isset($addressInfo['lon'])) { $formattedAddress = $this->formatOsmAddress($addressInfo); $this->config->setUserValue($this->userId, Application::APP_ID, 'address', $formattedAddress); $this->config->setUserValue($this->userId, Application::APP_ID, 'lat', strval($addressInfo['lat'])); $this->config->setUserValue($this->userId, Application::APP_ID, 'lon', strval($addressInfo['lon'])); $this->config->setUserValue($this->userId, Application::APP_ID, 'mode', strval(self::MODE_MANUAL_LOCATION)); // get and store altitude $altitude = $this->getAltitude(floatval($addressInfo['lat']), floatval($addressInfo['lon'])); $this->config->setUserValue($this->userId, Application::APP_ID, 'altitude', strval($altitude)); return [ 'lat' => $addressInfo['lat'], 'lon' => $addressInfo['lon'], 'address' => $formattedAddress, 'success' => true, ]; } else { return ['success' => false]; } } /** * Ask nominatim information about an unformatted address * * @param string Unformatted address * @return array{display_name?: string, lat?: string, lon?: string, error?: string} Full Nominatim result for the given address */ private function searchForAddress(string $address): array { $params = [ 'q' => $address, 'format' => 'json', 'addressdetails' => '1', 'extratags' => '1', 'namedetails' => '1', 'limit' => '1', ]; $url = ''; $results = $this->requestJSON($url, $params); if ($results['error'] !== null) { return $results; } if (count($results) > 0) { return $results[0]; } return ['error' => $this->l10n->t('No result.')]; } /** * Get stored user location * * @return WeatherStatusLocationWithMode which contains coordinates, formatted address and current weather status mode */ public function getLocation(): array { $lat = $this->config->getUserValue($this->userId, Application::APP_ID, 'lat', ''); $lon = $this->config->getUserValue($this->userId, Application::APP_ID, 'lon', ''); $address = $this->config->getUserValue($this->userId, Application::APP_ID, 'address', ''); $mode = $this->config->getUserValue($this->userId, Application::APP_ID, 'mode', self::MODE_MANUAL_LOCATION); return [ 'lat' => $lat, 'lon' => $lon, 'address' => $address, 'mode' => intval($mode), ]; } /** * Get forecast for current location * * @return list|array{error: string}|WeatherStatusSuccess which contains success state and filtered forecast data */ public function getForecast(): array { $lat = $this->config->getUserValue($this->userId, Application::APP_ID, 'lat', ''); $lon = $this->config->getUserValue($this->userId, Application::APP_ID, 'lon', ''); $alt = $this->config->getUserValue($this->userId, Application::APP_ID, 'altitude', ''); if (!is_numeric($alt)) { $alt = 0; } if (is_numeric($lat) && is_numeric($lon)) { return $this->forecastRequest(floatval($lat), floatval($lon), floatval($alt)); } else { return ['success' => false]; } } /** * Actually make the request to the forecast service * * @param float $lat Latitude of requested forecast, in decimal degree format * @param float $lon Longitude of requested forecast, in decimal degree format * @param float $altitude Altitude of requested forecast, in meter * @param int $nbValues Number of forecast values (hours) * @return list|array{error: string} Filtered forecast data */ private function forecastRequest(float $lat, float $lon, float $altitude, int $nbValues = 10): array { $params = [ 'lat' => number_format($lat, 2), 'lon' => number_format($lon, 2), 'altitude' => $altitude, ]; $url = ''; $weather = $this->requestJSON($url, $params); if (isset($weather['properties']) && isset($weather['properties']['timeseries']) && is_array($weather['properties']['timeseries'])) { return array_slice($weather['properties']['timeseries'], 0, $nbValues); } return ['error' => $this->l10n->t('Malformed JSON data.')]; } /** * Make a HTTP GET request and parse JSON result. * Request results are cached until the 'Expires' response header says so * * @param string $url Base URL to query * @param array $params GET parameters * @return array which contains the error message or the parsed JSON result */ private function requestJSON(string $url, array $params = []): array { $cacheKey = $url . '|' . implode(',', $params) . '|' . implode(',', array_keys($params)); $cacheValue = $this->cache->get($cacheKey); if ($cacheValue !== null) { return $cacheValue; } try { $options = [ 'headers' => [ 'User-Agent' => 'NextcloudWeatherStatus/' . $this->version . '' ], ]; $reqUrl = $url; if (count($params) > 0) { $paramsContent = http_build_query($params); $reqUrl = $url . '?' . $paramsContent; } $response = $this->client->get($reqUrl, $options); $body = $response->getBody(); $headers = $response->getHeaders(); $respCode = $response->getStatusCode(); if ($respCode >= 400) { return ['error' => $this->l10n->t('Error')]; } else { $json = json_decode($body, true); // default cache duration is one hour $cacheDuration = 60 * 60; if (isset($headers['Expires']) && count($headers['Expires']) > 0) { // if the Expires response header is set, use it to define cache duration $expireTs = (new \DateTime($headers['Expires'][0]))->getTimestamp(); $nowTs = (new \DateTime())->getTimestamp(); $duration = $expireTs - $nowTs; if ($duration > $cacheDuration) { $cacheDuration = $duration; } } $this->cache->set($cacheKey, $json, $cacheDuration); return $json; } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->logger->warning($url . ' API error : ' . $e->getMessage(), ['exception' => $e]); return ['error' => $e->getMessage()]; } } }