config = $this->createMock(IConfig::class); $this->userManager = $this->createMock(IUserManager::class); $this->groupManager = $this->createMock(IGroupManager::class); $this->session = $this->createMock(IUserSession::class); $this->knownUserService = $this->createMock(KnownUserService::class); $this->userStatusManager = $this->createMock(IUserStatusManager::class); $this->searchResult = new SearchResult(); $this->user = $this->getUserMock('admin', 'Administrator'); } public function instantiatePlugin() { // cannot be done within setUp, because dependent mocks needs to be set // up with configuration etc. first $this->plugin = new UserPlugin( $this->config, $this->userManager, $this->groupManager, $this->session, $this->knownUserService, $this->userStatusManager ); } public function mockConfig($mockedSettings) { $this->config->expects($this->any()) ->method('getAppValue') ->willReturnCallback( function ($appName, $key, $default) use ($mockedSettings) { return $mockedSettings[$appName][$key] ?? $default; } ); } public function getUserMock($uid, $displayName, $enabled = true, $groups = []) { $user = $this->createMock(IUser::class); $user->expects($this->any()) ->method('getUID') ->willReturn($uid); $user->expects($this->any()) ->method('getDisplayName') ->willReturn($displayName); $user->expects($this->any()) ->method('isEnabled') ->willReturn($enabled); return $user; } public function getGroupMock($gid) { $group = $this->createMock(IGroup::class); $group->expects($this->any()) ->method('getGID') ->willReturn($gid); return $group; } public function dataGetUsers() { return [ ['test', false, true, [], [], [], [], true, false], ['test', false, false, [], [], [], [], true, false], ['test', true, true, [], [], [], [], true, false], ['test', true, false, [], [], [], [], true, false], [ 'test', false, true, [], [], [ ['label' => 'Test', 'value' => ['shareType' => IShare::TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test'], 'icon' => 'icon-user', 'subline' => null, 'status' => [], 'shareWithDisplayNameUnique' => 'test'], ], [], true, $this->getUserMock('test', 'Test'), ], [ 'test', false, false, [], [], [ ['label' => 'Test', 'value' => ['shareType' => IShare::TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test'], 'icon' => 'icon-user', 'subline' => null, 'status' => [], 'shareWithDisplayNameUnique' => 'test'], ], [], true, $this->getUserMock('test', 'Test'), ], [ 'test', true, true, [], [], [], [], true, $this->getUserMock('test', 'Test'), ], [ 'test', true, false, [], [], [], [], true, $this->getUserMock('test', 'Test'), ], [ 'test', true, true, ['test-group'], [['test-group', 'test', 2, 0, []]], [ ['label' => 'Test', 'value' => ['shareType' => IShare::TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test'], 'icon' => 'icon-user', 'subline' => null, 'status' => [], 'shareWithDisplayNameUnique' => 'test'], ], [], true, $this->getUserMock('test', 'Test'), ], [ 'test', true, false, ['test-group'], [['test-group', 'test', 2, 0, []]], [ ['label' => 'Test', 'value' => ['shareType' => IShare::TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test'], 'icon' => 'icon-user', 'subline' => null, 'status' => [], 'shareWithDisplayNameUnique' => 'test'], ], [], true, $this->getUserMock('test', 'Test'), ], [ 'test', false, true, [], [ $this->getUserMock('test1', 'Test One'), ], [], [ ['label' => 'Test One', 'value' => ['shareType' => IShare::TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test1'], 'icon' => 'icon-user', 'subline' => null, 'status' => [], 'shareWithDisplayNameUnique' => 'test1'], ], true, false, ], [ 'test', false, false, [], [ $this->getUserMock('test1', 'Test One'), ], [], [], true, false, ], [ 'test', false, true, [], [ $this->getUserMock('test1', 'Test One'), $this->getUserMock('test2', 'Test Two'), ], [], [ ['label' => 'Test One', 'value' => ['shareType' => IShare::TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test1'], 'icon' => 'icon-user', 'subline' => null, 'status' => [], 'shareWithDisplayNameUnique' => 'test1'], ['label' => 'Test Two', 'value' => ['shareType' => IShare::TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test2'], 'icon' => 'icon-user', 'subline' => null, 'status' => [], 'shareWithDisplayNameUnique' => 'test2'], ], false, false, ], [ 'test', false, false, [], [ $this->getUserMock('test1', 'Test One'), $this->getUserMock('test2', 'Test Two'), ], [], [], true, false, ], [ 'test', false, true, [], [ $this->getUserMock('test0', 'Test'), $this->getUserMock('test1', 'Test One'), $this->getUserMock('test2', 'Test Two'), ], [ ['label' => 'Test', 'value' => ['shareType' => IShare::TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test0'], 'icon' => 'icon-user', 'subline' => null, 'status' => [], 'shareWithDisplayNameUnique' => 'test0'], ], [ ['label' => 'Test One', 'value' => ['shareType' => IShare::TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test1'], 'icon' => 'icon-user', 'subline' => null, 'status' => [], 'shareWithDisplayNameUnique' => 'test1'], ['label' => 'Test Two', 'value' => ['shareType' => IShare::TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test2'], 'icon' => 'icon-user', 'subline' => null, 'status' => [], 'shareWithDisplayNameUnique' => 'test2'], ], false, false, ], [ 'test', false, true, [], [ $this->getUserMock('test0', 'Test'), $this->getUserMock('test1', 'Test One'), $this->getUserMock('test2', 'Test Two'), ], [ ['label' => 'Test', 'value' => ['shareType' => IShare::TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test0'], 'icon' => 'icon-user', 'subline' => null, 'status' => [], 'shareWithDisplayNameUnique' => 'test0'], ], [ ['label' => 'Test One', 'value' => ['shareType' => IShare::TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test1'], 'icon' => 'icon-user', 'subline' => null, 'status' => [], 'shareWithDisplayNameUnique' => 'test1'], ['label' => 'Test Two', 'value' => ['shareType' => IShare::TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test2'], 'icon' => 'icon-user', 'subline' => null, 'status' => [], 'shareWithDisplayNameUnique' => 'test2'], ], false, false, [], true, ], [ 'test', false, false, [], [ $this->getUserMock('test0', 'Test'), $this->getUserMock('test1', 'Test One'), $this->getUserMock('test2', 'Test Two'), ], [ ['label' => 'Test', 'value' => ['shareType' => IShare::TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test0'], 'icon' => 'icon-user', 'subline' => null, 'status' => [], 'shareWithDisplayNameUnique' => 'test0'], ], [], true, false, ], [ 'test', true, true, ['abc', 'xyz'], [ ['abc', 'test', 2, 0, ['test1' => 'Test One']], ['xyz', 'test', 2, 0, []], ], [], [ ['label' => 'Test One', 'value' => ['shareType' => IShare::TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test1'], 'icon' => 'icon-user', 'subline' => null, 'status' => [], 'shareWithDisplayNameUnique' => 'test1'], ], true, false, [['test1', $this->getUserMock('test1', 'Test One')]], ], [ 'test', true, false, ['abc', 'xyz'], [ ['abc', 'test', 2, 0, ['test1' => 'Test One']], ['xyz', 'test', 2, 0, []], ], [], [], true, false, [['test1', $this->getUserMock('test1', 'Test One')]], ], [ 'test', true, true, ['abc', 'xyz'], [ ['abc', 'test', 2, 0, [ 'test1' => 'Test One', 'test2' => 'Test Two', ]], ['xyz', 'test', 2, 0, [ 'test1' => 'Test One', 'test2' => 'Test Two', ]], ], [], [ ['label' => 'Test One', 'value' => ['shareType' => IShare::TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test1'], 'icon' => 'icon-user', 'subline' => null, 'status' => [], 'shareWithDisplayNameUnique' => 'test1'], ['label' => 'Test Two', 'value' => ['shareType' => IShare::TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test2'], 'icon' => 'icon-user', 'subline' => null, 'status' => [], 'shareWithDisplayNameUnique' => 'test2'], ], true, false, [ ['test1', $this->getUserMock('test1', 'Test One')], ['test2', $this->getUserMock('test2', 'Test Two')], ], ], [ 'test', true, false, ['abc', 'xyz'], [ ['abc', 'test', 2, 0, [ 'test1' => 'Test One', 'test2' => 'Test Two', ]], ['xyz', 'test', 2, 0, [ 'test1' => 'Test One', 'test2' => 'Test Two', ]], ], [], [], true, false, [ ['test1', $this->getUserMock('test1', 'Test One')], ['test2', $this->getUserMock('test2', 'Test Two')], ], ], [ 'test', true, true, ['abc', 'xyz'], [ ['abc', 'test', 2, 0, [ 'test' => 'Test One', ]], ['xyz', 'test', 2, 0, [ 'test2' => 'Test Two', ]], ], [ ['label' => 'Test One', 'value' => ['shareType' => IShare::TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test'], 'icon' => 'icon-user', 'subline' => null, 'status' => [], 'shareWithDisplayNameUnique' => 'test'], ], [ ['label' => 'Test Two', 'value' => ['shareType' => IShare::TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test2'], 'icon' => 'icon-user', 'subline' => null, 'status' => [], 'shareWithDisplayNameUnique' => 'test2'], ], false, false, [ ['test', $this->getUserMock('test', 'Test One')], ['test2', $this->getUserMock('test2', 'Test Two')], ], ], [ 'test', true, false, ['abc', 'xyz'], [ ['abc', 'test', 2, 0, [ 'test' => 'Test One', ]], ['xyz', 'test', 2, 0, [ 'test2' => 'Test Two', ]], ], [ ['label' => 'Test One', 'value' => ['shareType' => IShare::TYPE_USER, 'shareWith' => 'test'], 'icon' => 'icon-user', 'subline' => null, 'status' => [], 'shareWithDisplayNameUnique' => 'test'], ], [], true, false, [ ['test', $this->getUserMock('test', 'Test One')], ['test2', $this->getUserMock('test2', 'Test Two')], ], ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider dataGetUsers * * @param string $searchTerm * @param bool $shareWithGroupOnly * @param bool $shareeEnumeration * @param array $groupResponse * @param array $userResponse * @param array $exactExpected * @param array $expected * @param bool $reachedEnd * @param bool|IUser $singleUser * @param array $users */ public function testSearch( $searchTerm, $shareWithGroupOnly, $shareeEnumeration, array $groupResponse, array $userResponse, array $exactExpected, array $expected, $reachedEnd, $singleUser, array $users = [], $shareeEnumerationPhone = false, ): void { $this->mockConfig(['core' => [ 'shareapi_only_share_with_group_members' => $shareWithGroupOnly ? 'yes' : 'no', 'shareapi_allow_share_dialog_user_enumeration' => $shareeEnumeration? 'yes' : 'no', 'shareapi_restrict_user_enumeration_to_group' => false ? 'yes' : 'no', 'shareapi_restrict_user_enumeration_to_phone' => $shareeEnumerationPhone ? 'yes' : 'no', ]]); $this->instantiatePlugin(); $this->session->expects($this->any()) ->method('getUser') ->willReturn($this->user); if (!$shareWithGroupOnly) { if ($shareeEnumerationPhone) { $this->userManager->expects($this->once()) ->method('searchKnownUsersByDisplayName') ->with($this->user->getUID(), $searchTerm, $this->limit, $this->offset) ->willReturn($userResponse); $this->knownUserService->method('isKnownToUser') ->willReturnMap([ [$this->user->getUID(), 'test0', true], [$this->user->getUID(), 'test1', true], [$this->user->getUID(), 'test2', true], ]); } else { $this->userManager->expects($this->once()) ->method('searchDisplayName') ->with($searchTerm, $this->limit, $this->offset) ->willReturn($userResponse); } } else { $this->groupManager->method('getUserGroupIds') ->with($this->user) ->willReturn($groupResponse); if ($singleUser !== false) { $this->groupManager->method('getUserGroupIds') ->with($singleUser) ->willReturn($groupResponse); } $this->groupManager->method('displayNamesInGroup') ->willReturnMap($userResponse); } if ($singleUser !== false) { $users[] = [$searchTerm, $singleUser]; } if (!empty($users)) { $this->userManager->expects($this->atLeastOnce()) ->method('get') ->willReturnMap($users); } $moreResults = $this->plugin->search($searchTerm, $this->limit, $this->offset, $this->searchResult); $result = $this->searchResult->asArray(); $this->assertEquals($exactExpected, $result['exact']['users']); $this->assertEquals($expected, $result['users']); $this->assertSame($reachedEnd, $moreResults); } public function takeOutCurrentUserProvider() { $inputUsers = [ 'alice' => 'Alice', 'bob' => 'Bob', 'carol' => 'Carol', ]; return [ [ $inputUsers, ['alice', 'carol'], 'bob', ], [ $inputUsers, ['alice', 'bob', 'carol'], 'dave', ], [ $inputUsers, ['alice', 'bob', 'carol'], null, ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider takeOutCurrentUserProvider * @param array $users * @param array $expectedUIDs * @param $currentUserId */ public function testTakeOutCurrentUser(array $users, array $expectedUIDs, $currentUserId): void { $this->instantiatePlugin(); $this->session->expects($this->once()) ->method('getUser') ->willReturnCallback(function () use ($currentUserId) { if ($currentUserId !== null) { return $this->getUserMock($currentUserId, $currentUserId); } return null; }); $this->plugin->takeOutCurrentUser($users); $this->assertSame($expectedUIDs, array_keys($users)); } public function dataSearchEnumeration() { return [ [ 'test', ['groupA'], [ ['uid' => 'test1', 'groups' => ['groupA']], ['uid' => 'test2', 'groups' => ['groupB']], ], ['exact' => [], 'wide' => ['test1']], ['core' => ['shareapi_restrict_user_enumeration_to_group' => 'yes']], ], [ 'test', ['groupA'], [ ['uid' => 'test1', 'displayName' => 'Test user 1', 'groups' => ['groupA']], ['uid' => 'test2', 'displayName' => 'Test user 2', 'groups' => ['groupA']], ], ['exact' => [], 'wide' => []], ['core' => ['shareapi_allow_share_dialog_user_enumeration' => 'no']], ], [ 'test1', ['groupA'], [ ['uid' => 'test1', 'displayName' => 'Test user 1', 'groups' => ['groupA']], ['uid' => 'test2', 'displayName' => 'Test user 2', 'groups' => ['groupA']], ], ['exact' => ['test1'], 'wide' => []], ['core' => ['shareapi_allow_share_dialog_user_enumeration' => 'no']], ], [ 'test1', ['groupA'], [ ['uid' => 'test1', 'displayName' => 'Test user 1', 'groups' => ['groupA']], ['uid' => 'test2', 'displayName' => 'Test user 2', 'groups' => ['groupA']], ], ['exact' => [], 'wide' => []], [ 'core' => [ 'shareapi_allow_share_dialog_user_enumeration' => 'no', 'shareapi_restrict_user_enumeration_full_match_userid' => 'no', ], ] ], [ 'Test user 1', ['groupA'], [ ['uid' => 'test1', 'displayName' => 'Test user 1', 'groups' => ['groupA']], ['uid' => 'test2', 'displayName' => 'Test user 2', 'groups' => ['groupA']], ], ['exact' => ['test1'], 'wide' => []], [ 'core' => [ 'shareapi_allow_share_dialog_user_enumeration' => 'no', 'shareapi_restrict_user_enumeration_full_match_userid' => 'no', ], ] ], [ 'Test user 1', ['groupA'], [ ['uid' => 'test1', 'displayName' => 'Test user 1 (Second displayName for user 1)', 'groups' => ['groupA']], ['uid' => 'test2', 'displayName' => 'Test user 2 (Second displayName for user 2)', 'groups' => ['groupA']], ], ['exact' => [], 'wide' => []], ['core' => ['shareapi_allow_share_dialog_user_enumeration' => 'no'], ] ], [ 'Test user 1', ['groupA'], [ ['uid' => 'test1', 'displayName' => 'Test user 1 (Second displayName for user 1)', 'groups' => ['groupA']], ['uid' => 'test2', 'displayName' => 'Test user 2 (Second displayName for user 2)', 'groups' => ['groupA']], ], ['exact' => ['test1'], 'wide' => []], [ 'core' => [ 'shareapi_allow_share_dialog_user_enumeration' => 'no', 'shareapi_restrict_user_enumeration_full_match_ignore_second_dn' => 'yes', ], ] ], [ 'test1', ['groupA'], [ ['uid' => 'test1', 'groups' => ['groupA']], ['uid' => 'test2', 'groups' => ['groupB']], ], ['exact' => ['test1'], 'wide' => []], ['core' => ['shareapi_restrict_user_enumeration_to_group' => 'yes']], ], [ 'test', ['groupA'], [ ['uid' => 'test1', 'groups' => ['groupA']], ['uid' => 'test2', 'groups' => ['groupB', 'groupA']], ], ['exact' => [], 'wide' => ['test1', 'test2']], ['core' => ['shareapi_restrict_user_enumeration_to_group' => 'yes']], ], [ 'test', ['groupA'], [ ['uid' => 'test1', 'groups' => ['groupA', 'groupC']], ['uid' => 'test2', 'groups' => ['groupB', 'groupA']], ], ['exact' => [], 'wide' => ['test1', 'test2']], ['core' => ['shareapi_restrict_user_enumeration_to_group' => 'yes']], ], [ 'test', ['groupC', 'groupB'], [ ['uid' => 'test1', 'groups' => ['groupA', 'groupC']], ['uid' => 'test2', 'groups' => ['groupB', 'groupA']], ], ['exact' => [], 'wide' => ['test1', 'test2']], ['core' => ['shareapi_restrict_user_enumeration_to_group' => 'yes']], ], [ 'test', [], [ ['uid' => 'test1', 'groups' => ['groupA']], ['uid' => 'test2', 'groups' => ['groupB', 'groupA']], ], ['exact' => [], 'wide' => []], ['core' => ['shareapi_restrict_user_enumeration_to_group' => 'yes']], ], [ 'test', ['groupC', 'groupB'], [ ['uid' => 'test1', 'groups' => []], ['uid' => 'test2', 'groups' => []], ], ['exact' => [], 'wide' => []], ['core' => ['shareapi_restrict_user_enumeration_to_group' => 'yes']], ], [ 'test', ['groupC', 'groupB'], [ ['uid' => 'test1', 'groups' => []], ['uid' => 'test2', 'groups' => []], ], ['exact' => [], 'wide' => []], ['core' => ['shareapi_restrict_user_enumeration_to_group' => 'yes']], ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider dataSearchEnumeration */ public function testSearchEnumerationLimit($search, $userGroups, $matchingUsers, $result, $mockedSettings): void { $this->mockConfig($mockedSettings); $userResults = []; foreach ($matchingUsers as $user) { $userResults[$user['uid']] = $user['uid']; } $usersById = []; foreach ($matchingUsers as $user) { $usersById[$user['uid']] = $user; } $mappedResultExact = array_map(function ($user) use ($usersById, $search) { return [ 'label' => $search === $user ? $user : $usersById[$user]['displayName'], 'value' => ['shareType' => 0, 'shareWith' => $user], 'icon' => 'icon-user', 'subline' => null, 'status' => [], 'shareWithDisplayNameUnique' => $user, ]; }, $result['exact']); $mappedResultWide = array_map(function ($user) { return [ 'label' => $user, 'value' => ['shareType' => 0, 'shareWith' => $user], 'icon' => 'icon-user', 'subline' => null, 'status' => [], 'shareWithDisplayNameUnique' => $user, ]; }, $result['wide']); $this->userManager ->method('get') ->willReturnCallback(function ($userId) use ($userResults) { if (isset($userResults[$userId])) { return $this->getUserMock($userId, $userId); } return null; }); $this->userManager ->method('searchDisplayName') ->willReturnCallback(function ($search) use ($matchingUsers) { $users = array_filter( $matchingUsers, fn ($user) => str_contains(strtolower($user['displayName']), strtolower($search)) ); return array_map( fn ($user) => $this->getUserMock($user['uid'], $user['displayName']), $users); }); $this->groupManager->method('displayNamesInGroup') ->willReturn($userResults); $this->session->expects($this->any()) ->method('getUser') ->willReturn($this->getUserMock('test', 'foo')); $this->groupManager->expects($this->any()) ->method('getUserGroupIds') ->willReturnCallback(function ($user) use ($matchingUsers, $userGroups) { static $firstCall = true; if ($firstCall) { $firstCall = false; // current user return $userGroups; } $neededObject = array_filter( $matchingUsers, function ($e) use ($user) { return $user->getUID() === $e['uid']; } ); if (count($neededObject) > 0) { return array_shift($neededObject)['groups']; } return []; }); $this->instantiatePlugin(); $this->plugin->search($search, $this->limit, $this->offset, $this->searchResult); $result = $this->searchResult->asArray(); $this->assertEquals($mappedResultExact, $result['exact']['users']); $this->assertEquals($mappedResultWide, $result['users']); } }