storage = $parameters['storage']; } public function getWrapperStorage(): Storage { if (!$this->storage) { $message = 'storage wrapper ' . get_class($this) . " doesn't have a wrapped storage set"; $logger = Server::get(LoggerInterface::class); $logger->error($message); $this->storage = new FailedStorage(['exception' => new \Exception($message)]); } return $this->storage; } public function getId(): string { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->getId(); } public function mkdir(string $path): bool { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->mkdir($path); } public function rmdir(string $path): bool { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->rmdir($path); } public function opendir(string $path) { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->opendir($path); } public function is_dir(string $path): bool { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->is_dir($path); } public function is_file(string $path): bool { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->is_file($path); } public function stat(string $path): array|false { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->stat($path); } public function filetype(string $path): string|false { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->filetype($path); } public function filesize(string $path): int|float|false { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->filesize($path); } public function isCreatable(string $path): bool { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->isCreatable($path); } public function isReadable(string $path): bool { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->isReadable($path); } public function isUpdatable(string $path): bool { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->isUpdatable($path); } public function isDeletable(string $path): bool { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->isDeletable($path); } public function isSharable(string $path): bool { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->isSharable($path); } public function getPermissions(string $path): int { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->getPermissions($path); } public function file_exists(string $path): bool { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->file_exists($path); } public function filemtime(string $path): int|false { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->filemtime($path); } public function file_get_contents(string $path): string|false { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->file_get_contents($path); } public function file_put_contents(string $path, mixed $data): int|float|false { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->file_put_contents($path, $data); } public function unlink(string $path): bool { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->unlink($path); } public function rename(string $source, string $target): bool { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->rename($source, $target); } public function copy(string $source, string $target): bool { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->copy($source, $target); } public function fopen(string $path, string $mode) { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->fopen($path, $mode); } public function getMimeType(string $path): string|false { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->getMimeType($path); } public function hash(string $type, string $path, bool $raw = false): string|false { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->hash($type, $path, $raw); } public function free_space(string $path): int|float|false { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->free_space($path); } public function touch(string $path, ?int $mtime = null): bool { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->touch($path, $mtime); } public function getLocalFile(string $path): string|false { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->getLocalFile($path); } public function hasUpdated(string $path, int $time): bool { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->hasUpdated($path, $time); } public function getCache(string $path = '', ?IStorage $storage = null): ICache { if (!$storage) { $storage = $this; } return $this->getWrapperStorage()->getCache($path, $storage); } public function getScanner(string $path = '', ?IStorage $storage = null): IScanner { if (!$storage) { $storage = $this; } return $this->getWrapperStorage()->getScanner($path, $storage); } public function getOwner(string $path): string|false { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->getOwner($path); } public function getWatcher(string $path = '', ?IStorage $storage = null): IWatcher { if (!$storage) { $storage = $this; } return $this->getWrapperStorage()->getWatcher($path, $storage); } public function getPropagator(?IStorage $storage = null): IPropagator { if (!$storage) { $storage = $this; } return $this->getWrapperStorage()->getPropagator($storage); } public function getUpdater(?IStorage $storage = null): IUpdater { if (!$storage) { $storage = $this; } return $this->getWrapperStorage()->getUpdater($storage); } public function getStorageCache(): \OC\Files\Cache\Storage { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->getStorageCache(); } public function getETag(string $path): string|false { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->getETag($path); } public function test(): bool { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->test(); } public function isLocal(): bool { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->isLocal(); } public function instanceOfStorage(string $class): bool { if (ltrim($class, '\\') === 'OC\Files\Storage\Shared') { // FIXME Temporary fix to keep existing checks working $class = '\OCA\Files_Sharing\SharedStorage'; } return is_a($this, $class) or $this->getWrapperStorage()->instanceOfStorage($class); } /** * @psalm-template T of IStorage * @psalm-param class-string $class * @psalm-return T|null */ public function getInstanceOfStorage(string $class): ?IStorage { $storage = $this; while ($storage instanceof Wrapper) { if ($storage instanceof $class) { break; } $storage = $storage->getWrapperStorage(); } if (!($storage instanceof $class)) { return null; } return $storage; } /** * Pass any methods custom to specific storage implementations to the wrapped storage * * @return mixed */ public function __call(string $method, array $args) { return call_user_func_array([$this->getWrapperStorage(), $method], $args); } public function getDirectDownload(string $path): array|false { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->getDirectDownload($path); } public function getAvailability(): array { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->getAvailability(); } public function setAvailability(bool $isAvailable): void { $this->getWrapperStorage()->setAvailability($isAvailable); } public function verifyPath(string $path, string $fileName): void { $this->getWrapperStorage()->verifyPath($path, $fileName); } public function copyFromStorage(IStorage $sourceStorage, string $sourceInternalPath, string $targetInternalPath): bool { if ($sourceStorage === $this) { return $this->copy($sourceInternalPath, $targetInternalPath); } return $this->getWrapperStorage()->copyFromStorage($sourceStorage, $sourceInternalPath, $targetInternalPath); } public function moveFromStorage(IStorage $sourceStorage, string $sourceInternalPath, string $targetInternalPath): bool { if ($sourceStorage === $this) { return $this->rename($sourceInternalPath, $targetInternalPath); } return $this->getWrapperStorage()->moveFromStorage($sourceStorage, $sourceInternalPath, $targetInternalPath); } public function getMetaData(string $path): ?array { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->getMetaData($path); } public function acquireLock(string $path, int $type, ILockingProvider $provider): void { if ($this->getWrapperStorage()->instanceOfStorage('\OCP\Files\Storage\ILockingStorage')) { $this->getWrapperStorage()->acquireLock($path, $type, $provider); } } public function releaseLock(string $path, int $type, ILockingProvider $provider): void { if ($this->getWrapperStorage()->instanceOfStorage('\OCP\Files\Storage\ILockingStorage')) { $this->getWrapperStorage()->releaseLock($path, $type, $provider); } } public function changeLock(string $path, int $type, ILockingProvider $provider): void { if ($this->getWrapperStorage()->instanceOfStorage('\OCP\Files\Storage\ILockingStorage')) { $this->getWrapperStorage()->changeLock($path, $type, $provider); } } public function needsPartFile(): bool { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->needsPartFile(); } public function writeStream(string $path, $stream, ?int $size = null): int { $storage = $this->getWrapperStorage(); if ($storage->instanceOfStorage(IWriteStreamStorage::class)) { /** @var IWriteStreamStorage $storage */ return $storage->writeStream($path, $stream, $size); } else { $target = $this->fopen($path, 'w'); [$count, $result] = \OC_Helper::streamCopy($stream, $target); fclose($stream); fclose($target); return $count; } } public function getDirectoryContent(string $directory): \Traversable { return $this->getWrapperStorage()->getDirectoryContent($directory); } public function isWrapperOf(IStorage $storage): bool { $wrapped = $this->getWrapperStorage(); if ($wrapped === $storage) { return true; } if ($wrapped instanceof Wrapper) { return $wrapped->isWrapperOf($storage); } return false; } public function setOwner(?string $user): void { $this->getWrapperStorage()->setOwner($user); } }