getSorters(); while ($sorter = array_shift($sorters)) { if (isset($sorterInstances[$sorter])) { $sorterInstances[$sorter]->sort($sortArray, $context); } else { $this->logger->warning('No sorter for ID "{id}", skipping', [ 'app' => 'core', 'id' => $sorter ]); } } } public function registerSorter($className): void { $this->sorters[] = $className; } protected function getSorters(): array { if (count($this->sorterInstances) === 0) { foreach ($this->sorters as $sorter) { try { $instance = $this->container->get($sorter); } catch (ContainerExceptionInterface) { $this->logger->notice( 'Skipping not registered sorter. Class name: {class}', ['app' => 'core', 'class' => $sorter], ); continue; } if (!$instance instanceof ISorter) { $this->logger->notice('Skipping sorter which is not an instance of ISorter. Class name: {class}', ['app' => 'core', 'class' => $sorter]); continue; } $sorterId = trim($instance->getId()); if (trim($sorterId) === '') { $this->logger->notice('Skipping sorter with empty ID. Class name: {class}', ['app' => 'core', 'class' => $sorter]); continue; } $this->sorterInstances[$sorterId] = $instance; } } return $this->sorterInstances; } }