createMock(IDBConnection::class); $mapper = $this->getMapper($dbMock); $this->assertTrue($mapper->isColNameValid('ldap_dn')); $this->assertFalse($mapper->isColNameValid('foobar')); } /** * returns an array of test entries with dn, name and uuid as keys * @return array */ protected function getTestData() { $data = [ [ 'dn' => 'uid=foobar,dc=example,dc=org', 'name' => 'Foobar', 'uuid' => '1111-AAAA-1234-CDEF', ], [ 'dn' => 'uid=barfoo,dc=example,dc=org', 'name' => 'Barfoo', 'uuid' => '2222-BBBB-1234-CDEF', ], [ 'dn' => 'uid=barabara,dc=example,dc=org', 'name' => 'BaraBara', 'uuid' => '3333-CCCC-1234-CDEF', ] ]; return $data; } /** * calls map() on the given mapper and asserts result for true * @param \OCA\User_LDAP\Mapping\AbstractMapping $mapper * @param array $data */ protected function mapEntries($mapper, $data) { foreach ($data as $entry) { $done = $mapper->map($entry['dn'], $entry['name'], $entry['uuid']); $this->assertTrue($done); } } /** * initializes environment for a test run and returns an array with * test objects. Preparing environment means that all mappings are cleared * first and then filled with test entries. * @return array 0 = \OCA\User_LDAP\Mapping\AbstractMapping, 1 = array of * users or groups */ private function initTest() { $dbc = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection(); $mapper = $this->getMapper($dbc); $data = $this->getTestData(); // make sure DB is pristine, then fill it with test entries $mapper->clear(); $this->mapEntries($mapper, $data); return [$mapper, $data]; } /** * tests map() method with input that should result in not-mapping. * Hint: successful mapping is tested inherently with mapEntries(). */ public function testMap() { [$mapper, $data] = $this->initTest(); // test that mapping will not happen when it shall not $tooLongDN = 'uid=joann,ou=Secret Small Specialized Department,ou=Some Tremendously Important Department,ou=Another Very Important Department,ou=Pretty Meaningful Derpartment,ou=Quite Broad And General Department,ou=The Topmost Department,dc=hugelysuccessfulcompany,dc=com'; $paramKeys = ['', 'dn', 'name', 'uuid', $tooLongDN]; foreach ($paramKeys as $key) { $failEntry = $data[0]; if (!empty($key)) { $failEntry[$key] = 'do-not-get-mapped'; } $isMapped = $mapper->map($failEntry['dn'], $failEntry['name'], $failEntry['uuid']); $this->assertFalse($isMapped); } } /** * tests unmap() for both successful and unsuccessful removing of * mapping entries */ public function testUnmap() { [$mapper, $data] = $this->initTest(); foreach ($data as $entry) { $fdnBefore = $mapper->getDNByName($entry['name']); $result = $mapper->unmap($entry['name']); $fdnAfter = $mapper->getDNByName($entry['name']); $this->assertTrue($result); $this->assertSame($fdnBefore, $entry['dn']); $this->assertFalse($fdnAfter); } $result = $mapper->unmap('notAnEntry'); $this->assertFalse($result); } /** * tests getDNByName(), getNameByDN() and getNameByUUID() for successful * and unsuccessful requests. */ public function testGetMethods() { [$mapper, $data] = $this->initTest(); foreach ($data as $entry) { $fdn = $mapper->getDNByName($entry['name']); $this->assertSame($fdn, $entry['dn']); } $fdn = $mapper->getDNByName('nosuchname'); $this->assertFalse($fdn); foreach ($data as $entry) { $name = $mapper->getNameByDN($entry['dn']); $this->assertSame($name, $entry['name']); } $name = $mapper->getNameByDN('nosuchdn'); $this->assertFalse($name); foreach ($data as $entry) { $name = $mapper->getNameByUUID($entry['uuid']); $this->assertSame($name, $entry['name']); } $name = $mapper->getNameByUUID('nosuchuuid'); $this->assertFalse($name); } /** * tests getNamesBySearch() for successful and unsuccessful requests. */ public function testSearch() { [$mapper,] = $this->initTest(); $names = $mapper->getNamesBySearch('oo', '%', '%'); $this->assertTrue(is_array($names)); $this->assertSame(2, count($names)); $this->assertTrue(in_array('Foobar', $names)); $this->assertTrue(in_array('Barfoo', $names)); $names = $mapper->getNamesBySearch('nada'); $this->assertTrue(is_array($names)); $this->assertSame(0, count($names)); } /** * tests setDNbyUUID() for successful and unsuccessful update. */ public function testSetDNMethod() { [$mapper, $data] = $this->initTest(); $newDN = 'uid=modified,dc=example,dc=org'; $done = $mapper->setDNbyUUID($newDN, $data[0]['uuid']); $this->assertTrue($done); $fdn = $mapper->getDNByName($data[0]['name']); $this->assertSame($fdn, $newDN); $newDN = 'uid=notme,dc=example,dc=org'; $done = $mapper->setDNbyUUID($newDN, 'iamnothere'); $this->assertFalse($done); $name = $mapper->getNameByDN($newDN); $this->assertFalse($name); } /** * tests setUUIDbyDN() for successful and unsuccessful update. */ public function testSetUUIDMethod() { /** @var AbstractMapping $mapper */ [$mapper, $data] = $this->initTest(); $newUUID = 'ABC737-DEF754'; $done = $mapper->setUUIDbyDN($newUUID, 'uid=notme,dc=example,dc=org'); $this->assertFalse($done); $name = $mapper->getNameByUUID($newUUID); $this->assertFalse($name); $done = $mapper->setUUIDbyDN($newUUID, $data[0]['dn']); $this->assertTrue($done); $uuid = $mapper->getUUIDByDN($data[0]['dn']); $this->assertSame($uuid, $newUUID); } /** * tests clear() for successful update. */ public function testClear() { [$mapper, $data] = $this->initTest(); $done = $mapper->clear(); $this->assertTrue($done); foreach ($data as $entry) { $name = $mapper->getNameByUUID($entry['uuid']); $this->assertFalse($name); } } /** * tests clear() for successful update. */ public function testClearCb() { [$mapper, $data] = $this->initTest(); $callbackCalls = 0; $test = $this; $callback = function (string $id) use ($test, &$callbackCalls) { $test->assertTrue(trim($id) !== ''); $callbackCalls++; }; $done = $mapper->clearCb($callback, $callback); $this->assertTrue($done); $this->assertSame(count($data) * 2, $callbackCalls); foreach ($data as $entry) { $name = $mapper->getNameByUUID($entry['uuid']); $this->assertFalse($name); } } /** * tests getList() method */ public function testList() { [$mapper, $data] = $this->initTest(); // get all entries without specifying offset or limit $results = $mapper->getList(); $this->assertSame(3, count($results)); // get all-1 entries by specifying offset, and an high limit // specifying only offset without limit will not work by underlying lib $results = $mapper->getList(1, 999); $this->assertSame(count($data) - 1, count($results)); // get first 2 entries by limit, but not offset $results = $mapper->getList(0, 2); $this->assertSame(2, count($results)); // get 2nd entry by specifying both offset and limit $results = $mapper->getList(1, 1); $this->assertSame(1, count($results)); } public function testGetListOfIdsByDn() { /** @var AbstractMapping $mapper */ [$mapper,] = $this->initTest(); $listOfDNs = []; for ($i = 0; $i < 66640; $i++) { // Postgres has a limit of 65535 values in a single IN list $name = 'as_' . $i; $dn = 'uid=' . $name . ',dc=example,dc=org'; $listOfDNs[] = $dn; if ($i % 20 === 0) { $mapper->map($dn, $name, 'fake-uuid-' . $i); } } $result = $mapper->getListOfIdsByDn($listOfDNs); $this->assertSame(66640 / 20, count($result)); } }