l10n->t('.well-known URLs'); } public function run(): SetupResult { if (!$this->config->getSystemValueBool('check_for_working_wellknown_setup', true)) { return SetupResult::info($this->l10n->t('`check_for_working_wellknown_setup` is set to false in your configuration, so this check was skipped.')); } $urls = [ ['get', '/.well-known/webfinger', [200, 404], true], ['get', '/.well-known/nodeinfo', [200, 404], true], ['propfind', '/.well-known/caldav', [207], false], ['propfind', '/.well-known/carddav', [207], false], ]; $requestOptions = ['httpErrors' => false, 'options' => ['allow_redirects' => ['track_redirects' => true]]]; foreach ($urls as [$verb,$url,$validStatuses,$checkCustomHeader]) { $works = null; foreach ($this->runRequest($verb, $url, $requestOptions, isRootRequest: true) as $response) { // Check that the response status matches $works = in_array($response->getStatusCode(), $validStatuses); // and (if needed) the custom Nextcloud header is set if ($checkCustomHeader) { $works = $works && !empty($response->getHeader('X-NEXTCLOUD-WELL-KNOWN')); } else { // For default DAV endpoints we lack authorization, but we still can check that the redirect works as expected if (!$works && $response->getStatusCode() === 401) { $redirectHops = explode(',', $response->getHeader('X-Guzzle-Redirect-History')); $effectiveUri = end($redirectHops); $works = str_ends_with(rtrim($effectiveUri, '/'), '/remote.php/dav'); } } // Skip the other requests if one works if ($works === true) { break; } } // If 'works' is null then we could not connect to the server if ($works === null) { return SetupResult::info( $this->l10n->t('Could not check that your web server serves `.well-known` correctly. Please check manually.') . "\n" . $this->serverConfigHelp(), $this->urlGenerator->linkToDocs('admin-setup-well-known-URL'), ); } // Otherwise if we fail we can abort here if ($works === false) { return SetupResult::warning( $this->l10n->t("Your web server is not properly set up to resolve `.well-known` URLs, failed on:\n`%s`", [$url]), $this->urlGenerator->linkToDocs('admin-setup-well-known-URL'), ); } } return SetupResult::success( $this->l10n->t('Your server is correctly configured to serve `.well-known` URLs.') ); } }