request = $request; $this->reflector = $reflector; } public function beforeController($controller, $methodName) { $requestUri = $this->request->getScriptName(); $processingScript = explode('/', $requestUri); $processingScript = $processingScript[count($processingScript) - 1]; if ($processingScript !== 'index.php') { return; } $noSSC = $this->reflector->hasAnnotation('NoSameSiteCookieRequired'); if ($noSSC) { return; } if (!$this->request->passesLaxCookieCheck()) { throw new LaxSameSiteCookieFailedException(); } } public function afterException($controller, $methodName, \Exception $exception) { if ($exception instanceof LaxSameSiteCookieFailedException) { $response = new Response(); $response->setStatus(Http::STATUS_FOUND); $response->addHeader('Location', $this->request->getRequestUri()); $this->setSameSiteCookie(); return $response; } throw $exception; } protected function setSameSiteCookie() { $cookieParams = $this->request->getCookieParams(); $secureCookie = ($cookieParams['secure'] === true) ? 'secure; ' : ''; $policies = [ 'lax', 'strict', ]; // Append __Host to the cookie if it meets the requirements $cookiePrefix = ''; if ($cookieParams['secure'] === true && $cookieParams['path'] === '/') { $cookiePrefix = '__Host-'; } foreach ($policies as $policy) { header( sprintf( 'Set-Cookie: %snc_sameSiteCookie%s=true; path=%s; httponly;' . $secureCookie . 'expires=Fri, 31-Dec-2100 23:59:59 GMT; SameSite=%s', $cookiePrefix, $policy, $cookieParams['path'], $policy ), false ); } } }