$cachedUsers */ private array $cachedUsers = []; private ICache $cache; private DisplayNameCache $displayNameCache; public function __construct( private IConfig $config, ICacheFactory $cacheFactory, private IEventDispatcher $eventDispatcher, ) { $this->cache = new WithLocalCache($cacheFactory->createDistributed('user_backend_map')); $this->listen('\OC\User', 'postDelete', function (IUser $user): void { unset($this->cachedUsers[$user->getUID()]); }); $this->displayNameCache = new DisplayNameCache($cacheFactory, $this); } /** * Get the active backends * @return \OCP\UserInterface[] */ public function getBackends() { return $this->backends; } /** * register a user backend * * @param \OCP\UserInterface $backend */ public function registerBackend($backend) { $this->backends[] = $backend; } /** * remove a user backend * * @param \OCP\UserInterface $backend */ public function removeBackend($backend) { $this->cachedUsers = []; if (($i = array_search($backend, $this->backends)) !== false) { unset($this->backends[$i]); } } /** * remove all user backends */ public function clearBackends() { $this->cachedUsers = []; $this->backends = []; } /** * get a user by user id * * @param string $uid * @return \OC\User\User|null Either the user or null if the specified user does not exist */ public function get($uid) { if (is_null($uid) || $uid === '' || $uid === false) { return null; } if (isset($this->cachedUsers[$uid])) { //check the cache first to prevent having to loop over the backends return $this->cachedUsers[$uid]; } $cachedBackend = $this->cache->get(sha1($uid)); if ($cachedBackend !== null && isset($this->backends[$cachedBackend])) { // Cache has the info of the user backend already, so ask that one directly $backend = $this->backends[$cachedBackend]; if ($backend->userExists($uid)) { return $this->getUserObject($uid, $backend); } } foreach ($this->backends as $i => $backend) { if ($i === $cachedBackend) { // Tried that one already continue; } if ($backend->userExists($uid)) { // Hash $uid to ensure that only valid characters are used for the cache key $this->cache->set(sha1($uid), $i, 300); return $this->getUserObject($uid, $backend); } } return null; } public function getDisplayName(string $uid): ?string { return $this->displayNameCache->getDisplayName($uid); } /** * get or construct the user object * * @param string $uid * @param \OCP\UserInterface $backend * @param bool $cacheUser If false the newly created user object will not be cached * @return \OC\User\User */ public function getUserObject($uid, $backend, $cacheUser = true) { if ($backend instanceof IGetRealUIDBackend) { $uid = $backend->getRealUID($uid); } if (isset($this->cachedUsers[$uid])) { return $this->cachedUsers[$uid]; } $user = new User($uid, $backend, $this->eventDispatcher, $this, $this->config); if ($cacheUser) { $this->cachedUsers[$uid] = $user; } return $user; } /** * check if a user exists * * @param string $uid * @return bool */ public function userExists($uid) { $user = $this->get($uid); return ($user !== null); } /** * Check if the password is valid for the user * * @param string $loginName * @param string $password * @return IUser|false the User object on success, false otherwise */ public function checkPassword($loginName, $password) { $result = $this->checkPasswordNoLogging($loginName, $password); if ($result === false) { \OCP\Server::get(LoggerInterface::class)->warning('Login failed: \''. $loginName .'\' (Remote IP: \''. \OC::$server->getRequest()->getRemoteAddress(). '\')', ['app' => 'core']); } return $result; } /** * Check if the password is valid for the user * * @internal * @param string $loginName * @param string $password * @return IUser|false the User object on success, false otherwise */ public function checkPasswordNoLogging($loginName, $password) { $loginName = str_replace("\0", '', $loginName); $password = str_replace("\0", '', $password); $cachedBackend = $this->cache->get($loginName); if ($cachedBackend !== null && isset($this->backends[$cachedBackend])) { $backends = [$this->backends[$cachedBackend]]; } else { $backends = $this->backends; } foreach ($backends as $backend) { if ($backend instanceof ICheckPasswordBackend || $backend->implementsActions(Backend::CHECK_PASSWORD)) { /** @var ICheckPasswordBackend $backend */ $uid = $backend->checkPassword($loginName, $password); if ($uid !== false) { return $this->getUserObject($uid, $backend); } } } // since http basic auth doesn't provide a standard way of handling non ascii password we allow password to be urlencoded // we only do this decoding after using the plain password fails to maintain compatibility with any password that happens // to contain urlencoded patterns by "accident". $password = urldecode($password); foreach ($backends as $backend) { if ($backend instanceof ICheckPasswordBackend || $backend->implementsActions(Backend::CHECK_PASSWORD)) { /** @var ICheckPasswordBackend|UserInterface $backend */ $uid = $backend->checkPassword($loginName, $password); if ($uid !== false) { return $this->getUserObject($uid, $backend); } } } return false; } /** * Search by user id * * @param string $pattern * @param int $limit * @param int $offset * @return IUser[] * @deprecated since 27.0.0, use searchDisplayName instead */ public function search($pattern, $limit = null, $offset = null) { $users = []; foreach ($this->backends as $backend) { $backendUsers = $backend->getUsers($pattern, $limit, $offset); if (is_array($backendUsers)) { foreach ($backendUsers as $uid) { $users[$uid] = new LazyUser($uid, $this, null, $backend); } } } uasort($users, function (IUser $a, IUser $b) { return strcasecmp($a->getUID(), $b->getUID()); }); return $users; } /** * Search by displayName * * @param string $pattern * @param int $limit * @param int $offset * @return IUser[] */ public function searchDisplayName($pattern, $limit = null, $offset = null) { $users = []; foreach ($this->backends as $backend) { $backendUsers = $backend->getDisplayNames($pattern, $limit, $offset); if (is_array($backendUsers)) { foreach ($backendUsers as $uid => $displayName) { $users[] = new LazyUser($uid, $this, $displayName, $backend); } } } usort($users, function (IUser $a, IUser $b) { return strcasecmp($a->getDisplayName(), $b->getDisplayName()); }); return $users; } /** * @return IUser[] */ public function getDisabledUsers(?int $limit = null, int $offset = 0, string $search = ''): array { $users = $this->config->getUsersForUserValue('core', 'enabled', 'false'); $users = array_combine( $users, array_map( fn (string $uid): IUser => new LazyUser($uid, $this), $users ) ); if ($search !== '') { $users = array_filter( $users, fn (IUser $user): bool => mb_stripos($user->getUID(), $search) !== false || mb_stripos($user->getDisplayName(), $search) !== false || mb_stripos($user->getEMailAddress() ?? '', $search) !== false, ); } $tempLimit = ($limit === null ? null : $limit + $offset); foreach ($this->backends as $backend) { if (($tempLimit !== null) && (count($users) >= $tempLimit)) { break; } if ($backend instanceof IProvideEnabledStateBackend) { $backendUsers = $backend->getDisabledUserList(($tempLimit === null ? null : $tempLimit - count($users)), 0, $search); foreach ($backendUsers as $uid) { $users[$uid] = new LazyUser($uid, $this, null, $backend); } } } return array_slice($users, $offset, $limit); } /** * Search known users (from phonebook sync) by displayName * * @param string $searcher * @param string $pattern * @param int|null $limit * @param int|null $offset * @return IUser[] */ public function searchKnownUsersByDisplayName(string $searcher, string $pattern, ?int $limit = null, ?int $offset = null): array { $users = []; foreach ($this->backends as $backend) { if ($backend instanceof ISearchKnownUsersBackend) { $backendUsers = $backend->searchKnownUsersByDisplayName($searcher, $pattern, $limit, $offset); } else { // Better than nothing, but filtering after pagination can remove lots of results. $backendUsers = $backend->getDisplayNames($pattern, $limit, $offset); } if (is_array($backendUsers)) { foreach ($backendUsers as $uid => $displayName) { $users[] = $this->getUserObject($uid, $backend); } } } usort($users, function ($a, $b) { /** * @var IUser $a * @var IUser $b */ return strcasecmp($a->getDisplayName(), $b->getDisplayName()); }); return $users; } /** * @param string $uid * @param string $password * @return false|IUser the created user or false * @throws \InvalidArgumentException * @throws HintException */ public function createUser($uid, $password) { // DI injection is not used here as IRegistry needs the user manager itself for user count and thus it would create a cyclic dependency /** @var IAssertion $assertion */ $assertion = \OC::$server->get(IAssertion::class); $assertion->createUserIsLegit(); $localBackends = []; foreach ($this->backends as $backend) { if ($backend instanceof Database) { // First check if there is another user backend $localBackends[] = $backend; continue; } if ($backend->implementsActions(Backend::CREATE_USER)) { return $this->createUserFromBackend($uid, $password, $backend); } } foreach ($localBackends as $backend) { if ($backend->implementsActions(Backend::CREATE_USER)) { return $this->createUserFromBackend($uid, $password, $backend); } } return false; } /** * @param string $uid * @param string $password * @param UserInterface $backend * @return IUser|false * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function createUserFromBackend($uid, $password, UserInterface $backend) { $l = \OCP\Util::getL10N('lib'); $this->validateUserId($uid, true); // No empty password if (trim($password) === '') { throw new \InvalidArgumentException($l->t('A valid password must be provided')); } // Check if user already exists if ($this->userExists($uid)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException($l->t('The Login is already being used')); } /** @deprecated 21.0.0 use BeforeUserCreatedEvent event with the IEventDispatcher instead */ $this->emit('\OC\User', 'preCreateUser', [$uid, $password]); $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchTyped(new BeforeUserCreatedEvent($uid, $password)); $state = $backend->createUser($uid, $password); if ($state === false) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException($l->t('Could not create account')); } $user = $this->getUserObject($uid, $backend); if ($user instanceof IUser) { /** @deprecated 21.0.0 use UserCreatedEvent event with the IEventDispatcher instead */ $this->emit('\OC\User', 'postCreateUser', [$user, $password]); $this->eventDispatcher->dispatchTyped(new UserCreatedEvent($user, $password)); return $user; } return false; } /** * returns how many users per backend exist (if supported by backend) * * @param boolean $hasLoggedIn when true only users that have a lastLogin * entry in the preferences table will be affected * @return array an array of backend class as key and count number as value */ public function countUsers() { $userCountStatistics = []; foreach ($this->backends as $backend) { if ($backend instanceof ICountUsersBackend || $backend->implementsActions(Backend::COUNT_USERS)) { /** @var ICountUsersBackend|IUserBackend $backend */ $backendUsers = $backend->countUsers(); if ($backendUsers !== false) { if ($backend instanceof IUserBackend) { $name = $backend->getBackendName(); } else { $name = get_class($backend); } if (isset($userCountStatistics[$name])) { $userCountStatistics[$name] += $backendUsers; } else { $userCountStatistics[$name] = $backendUsers; } } } } return $userCountStatistics; } /** * returns how many users per backend exist in the requested groups (if supported by backend) * * @param IGroup[] $groups an array of gid to search in * @return array|int an array of backend class as key and count number as value * if $hasLoggedIn is true only an int is returned */ public function countUsersOfGroups(array $groups) { $users = []; foreach ($groups as $group) { $usersIds = array_map(function ($user) { return $user->getUID(); }, $group->getUsers()); $users = array_merge($users, $usersIds); } return count(array_unique($users)); } /** * The callback is executed for each user on each backend. * If the callback returns false no further users will be retrieved. * * @psalm-param \Closure(\OCP\IUser):?bool $callback * @param string $search * @param boolean $onlySeen when true only users that have a lastLogin entry * in the preferences table will be affected * @since 9.0.0 */ public function callForAllUsers(\Closure $callback, $search = '', $onlySeen = false) { if ($onlySeen) { $this->callForSeenUsers($callback); } else { foreach ($this->getBackends() as $backend) { $limit = 500; $offset = 0; do { $users = $backend->getUsers($search, $limit, $offset); foreach ($users as $uid) { if (!$backend->userExists($uid)) { continue; } $user = $this->getUserObject($uid, $backend, false); $return = $callback($user); if ($return === false) { break; } } $offset += $limit; } while (count($users) >= $limit); } } } /** * returns how many users are disabled * * @return int * @since 12.0.0 */ public function countDisabledUsers(): int { $queryBuilder = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection()->getQueryBuilder(); $queryBuilder->select($queryBuilder->func()->count('*')) ->from('preferences') ->where($queryBuilder->expr()->eq('appid', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter('core'))) ->andWhere($queryBuilder->expr()->eq('configkey', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter('enabled'))) ->andWhere($queryBuilder->expr()->eq('configvalue', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter('false'), IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR)); $result = $queryBuilder->execute(); $count = $result->fetchOne(); $result->closeCursor(); if ($count !== false) { $count = (int)$count; } else { $count = 0; } return $count; } /** * returns how many users are disabled in the requested groups * * @param array $groups groupids to search * @return int * @since 14.0.0 */ public function countDisabledUsersOfGroups(array $groups): int { $queryBuilder = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection()->getQueryBuilder(); $queryBuilder->select($queryBuilder->createFunction('COUNT(DISTINCT ' . $queryBuilder->getColumnName('uid') . ')')) ->from('preferences', 'p') ->innerJoin('p', 'group_user', 'g', $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('p.userid', 'g.uid')) ->where($queryBuilder->expr()->eq('appid', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter('core'))) ->andWhere($queryBuilder->expr()->eq('configkey', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter('enabled'))) ->andWhere($queryBuilder->expr()->eq('configvalue', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter('false'), IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR)) ->andWhere($queryBuilder->expr()->in('gid', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter($groups, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR_ARRAY))); $result = $queryBuilder->execute(); $count = $result->fetchOne(); $result->closeCursor(); if ($count !== false) { $count = (int)$count; } else { $count = 0; } return $count; } /** * returns how many users have logged in once * * @return int * @since 11.0.0 */ public function countSeenUsers() { $queryBuilder = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection()->getQueryBuilder(); $queryBuilder->select($queryBuilder->func()->count('*')) ->from('preferences') ->where($queryBuilder->expr()->eq('appid', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter('login'))) ->andWhere($queryBuilder->expr()->eq('configkey', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter('lastLogin'))); $query = $queryBuilder->execute(); $result = (int)$query->fetchOne(); $query->closeCursor(); return $result; } /** * @param \Closure $callback * @psalm-param \Closure(\OCP\IUser):?bool $callback * @since 11.0.0 */ public function callForSeenUsers(\Closure $callback) { $limit = 1000; $offset = 0; do { $userIds = $this->getSeenUserIds($limit, $offset); $offset += $limit; foreach ($userIds as $userId) { foreach ($this->backends as $backend) { if ($backend->userExists($userId)) { $user = $this->getUserObject($userId, $backend, false); $return = $callback($user); if ($return === false) { return; } break; } } } } while (count($userIds) >= $limit); } /** * Getting all userIds that have a listLogin value requires checking the * value in php because on oracle you cannot use a clob in a where clause, * preventing us from doing a not null or length(value) > 0 check. * * @param int $limit * @param int $offset * @return string[] with user ids */ private function getSeenUserIds($limit = null, $offset = null) { $queryBuilder = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection()->getQueryBuilder(); $queryBuilder->select(['userid']) ->from('preferences') ->where($queryBuilder->expr()->eq( 'appid', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter('login')) ) ->andWhere($queryBuilder->expr()->eq( 'configkey', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter('lastLogin')) ) ->andWhere($queryBuilder->expr()->isNotNull('configvalue') ); if ($limit !== null) { $queryBuilder->setMaxResults($limit); } if ($offset !== null) { $queryBuilder->setFirstResult($offset); } $query = $queryBuilder->execute(); $result = []; while ($row = $query->fetch()) { $result[] = $row['userid']; } $query->closeCursor(); return $result; } /** * @param string $email * @return IUser[] * @since 9.1.0 */ public function getByEmail($email) { // looking for 'email' only (and not primary_mail) is intentional $userIds = $this->config->getUsersForUserValueCaseInsensitive('settings', 'email', $email); $users = array_map(function ($uid) { return $this->get($uid); }, $userIds); return array_values(array_filter($users, function ($u) { return ($u instanceof IUser); })); } /** * @param string $uid * @param bool $checkDataDirectory * @throws \InvalidArgumentException Message is an already translated string with a reason why the id is not valid * @since 26.0.0 */ public function validateUserId(string $uid, bool $checkDataDirectory = false): void { $l = Server::get(IFactory::class)->get('lib'); // Check the name for bad characters // Allowed are: "a-z", "A-Z", "0-9", spaces and "_.@-'" if (preg_match('/[^a-zA-Z0-9 _.@\-\']/', $uid)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException($l->t('Only the following characters are allowed in an Login:' . ' "a-z", "A-Z", "0-9", spaces and "_.@-\'"')); } // No empty username if (trim($uid) === '') { throw new \InvalidArgumentException($l->t('A valid Login must be provided')); } // No whitespace at the beginning or at the end if (trim($uid) !== $uid) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException($l->t('Login contains whitespace at the beginning or at the end')); } // Username only consists of 1 or 2 dots (directory traversal) if ($uid === '.' || $uid === '..') { throw new \InvalidArgumentException($l->t('Login must not consist of dots only')); } if (!$this->verifyUid($uid, $checkDataDirectory)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException($l->t('Login is invalid because files already exist for this user')); } } /** * Gets the list of user ids sorted by lastLogin, from most recent to least recent * * @param int|null $limit how many users to fetch * @param int $offset from which offset to fetch * @param string $search search users based on search params * @return list list of user IDs */ public function getLastLoggedInUsers(?int $limit = null, int $offset = 0, string $search = ''): array { $connection = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection(); $queryBuilder = $connection->getQueryBuilder(); $queryBuilder->selectDistinct('uid') ->from('users', 'u') ->leftJoin('u', 'preferences', 'p', $queryBuilder->expr()->andX( $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('p.userid', 'uid'), $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('p.appid', $queryBuilder->expr()->literal('login')), $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('p.configkey', $queryBuilder->expr()->literal('lastLogin'))) ); if ($search !== '') { $queryBuilder->leftJoin('u', 'preferences', 'p1', $queryBuilder->expr()->andX( $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('p1.userid', 'uid'), $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('p1.appid', $queryBuilder->expr()->literal('settings')), $queryBuilder->expr()->eq('p1.configkey', $queryBuilder->expr()->literal('email'))) ) // sqlite doesn't like re-using a single named parameter here ->where($queryBuilder->expr()->iLike('uid', $queryBuilder->createPositionalParameter('%' . $connection->escapeLikeParameter($search) . '%'))) ->orWhere($queryBuilder->expr()->iLike('displayname', $queryBuilder->createPositionalParameter('%' . $connection->escapeLikeParameter($search) . '%'))) ->orWhere($queryBuilder->expr()->iLike('p1.configvalue', $queryBuilder->createPositionalParameter('%' . $connection->escapeLikeParameter($search) . '%')) ); } $queryBuilder->orderBy($queryBuilder->func()->lower('p.configvalue'), 'DESC') ->addOrderBy('uid_lower', 'ASC') ->setFirstResult($offset) ->setMaxResults($limit); $result = $queryBuilder->executeQuery(); /** @var list $uids */ $uids = $result->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); $result->closeCursor(); return $uids; } private function verifyUid(string $uid, bool $checkDataDirectory = false): bool { $appdata = 'appdata_' . $this->config->getSystemValueString('instanceid'); if (\in_array($uid, [ '.htaccess', 'files_external', '__groupfolders', '.ncdata', 'owncloud.log', 'nextcloud.log', 'updater.log', 'audit.log', $appdata], true)) { return false; } if (!$checkDataDirectory) { return true; } $dataDirectory = $this->config->getSystemValueString('datadirectory', \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/data'); return !file_exists(rtrim($dataDirectory, '/') . '/' . $uid); } public function getDisplayNameCache(): DisplayNameCache { return $this->displayNameCache; } }