activityManager = $activityManager; $this->groupManager = $groupManager; $this->userSession = $userSession; $this->appManager = $appManager; $this->userManager = $userManager; } /** * Creates activities when a calendar was creates * * @param array $calendarData */ public function onCalendarAdd(array $calendarData) { $this->triggerCalendarActivity(Calendar::SUBJECT_ADD, $calendarData); } /** * Creates activities when a calendar was updated * * @param array $calendarData * @param array $shares * @param array $properties */ public function onCalendarUpdate(array $calendarData, array $shares, array $properties) { $this->triggerCalendarActivity(Calendar::SUBJECT_UPDATE, $calendarData, $shares, $properties); } /** * Creates activities when a calendar was moved to trash * * @param array $calendarData * @param array $shares */ public function onCalendarMovedToTrash(array $calendarData, array $shares): void { $this->triggerCalendarActivity(Calendar::SUBJECT_MOVE_TO_TRASH, $calendarData, $shares); } /** * Creates activities when a calendar was restored * * @param array $calendarData * @param array $shares */ public function onCalendarRestored(array $calendarData, array $shares): void { $this->triggerCalendarActivity(Calendar::SUBJECT_RESTORE, $calendarData, $shares); } /** * Creates activities when a calendar was deleted * * @param array $calendarData * @param array $shares */ public function onCalendarDelete(array $calendarData, array $shares): void { $this->triggerCalendarActivity(Calendar::SUBJECT_DELETE, $calendarData, $shares); } /** * Creates activities when a calendar was (un)published * * @param array $calendarData * @param bool $publishStatus */ public function onCalendarPublication(array $calendarData, bool $publishStatus): void { $this->triggerCalendarActivity($publishStatus ? Calendar::SUBJECT_PUBLISH : Calendar::SUBJECT_UNPUBLISH, $calendarData); } /** * Creates activities for all related users when a calendar was touched * * @param string $action * @param array $calendarData * @param array $shares * @param array $changedProperties */ protected function triggerCalendarActivity($action, array $calendarData, array $shares = [], array $changedProperties = []) { if (!isset($calendarData['principaluri'])) { return; } $principal = explode('/', $calendarData['principaluri']); $owner = array_pop($principal); $currentUser = $this->userSession->getUser(); if ($currentUser instanceof IUser) { $currentUser = $currentUser->getUID(); } else { $currentUser = $owner; } $event = $this->activityManager->generateEvent(); $event->setApp('dav') ->setObject('calendar', (int) $calendarData['id']) ->setType('calendar') ->setAuthor($currentUser); $changedVisibleInformation = array_intersect([ '{DAV:}displayname', '{}calendar-color' ], array_keys($changedProperties)); if (empty($shares) || ($action === Calendar::SUBJECT_UPDATE && empty($changedVisibleInformation))) { $users = [$owner]; } else { $users = $this->getUsersForShares($shares); $users[] = $owner; } foreach ($users as $user) { if ($action === Calendar::SUBJECT_DELETE && !$this->userManager->userExists($user)) { // Avoid creating calendar_delete activities for deleted users continue; } $event->setAffectedUser($user) ->setSubject( $user === $currentUser ? $action . '_self' : $action, [ 'actor' => $currentUser, 'calendar' => [ 'id' => (int) $calendarData['id'], 'uri' => $calendarData['uri'], 'name' => $calendarData['{DAV:}displayname'], ], ] ); $this->activityManager->publish($event); } } /** * Creates activities for all related users when a calendar was (un-)shared * * @param array $calendarData * @param array $shares * @param array $add * @param array $remove */ public function onCalendarUpdateShares(array $calendarData, array $shares, array $add, array $remove) { $principal = explode('/', $calendarData['principaluri']); $owner = $principal[2]; $currentUser = $this->userSession->getUser(); if ($currentUser instanceof IUser) { $currentUser = $currentUser->getUID(); } else { $currentUser = $owner; } $event = $this->activityManager->generateEvent(); $event->setApp('dav') ->setObject('calendar', (int) $calendarData['id']) ->setType('calendar') ->setAuthor($currentUser); foreach ($remove as $principal) { // principal:principals/users/test $parts = explode(':', $principal, 2); if ($parts[0] !== 'principal') { continue; } $principal = explode('/', $parts[1]); if ($principal[1] === 'users') { $this->triggerActivityUser( $principal[2], $event, $calendarData, Calendar::SUBJECT_UNSHARE_USER, Calendar::SUBJECT_DELETE . '_self' ); if ($owner !== $principal[2]) { $parameters = [ 'actor' => $event->getAuthor(), 'calendar' => [ 'id' => (int) $calendarData['id'], 'uri' => $calendarData['uri'], 'name' => $calendarData['{DAV:}displayname'], ], 'user' => $principal[2], ]; if ($owner === $event->getAuthor()) { $subject = Calendar::SUBJECT_UNSHARE_USER . '_you'; } elseif ($principal[2] === $event->getAuthor()) { $subject = Calendar::SUBJECT_UNSHARE_USER . '_self'; } else { $event->setAffectedUser($event->getAuthor()) ->setSubject(Calendar::SUBJECT_UNSHARE_USER . '_you', $parameters); $this->activityManager->publish($event); $subject = Calendar::SUBJECT_UNSHARE_USER . '_by'; } $event->setAffectedUser($owner) ->setSubject($subject, $parameters); $this->activityManager->publish($event); } } elseif ($principal[1] === 'groups') { $this->triggerActivityGroup($principal[2], $event, $calendarData, Calendar::SUBJECT_UNSHARE_USER); $parameters = [ 'actor' => $event->getAuthor(), 'calendar' => [ 'id' => (int) $calendarData['id'], 'uri' => $calendarData['uri'], 'name' => $calendarData['{DAV:}displayname'], ], 'group' => $principal[2], ]; if ($owner === $event->getAuthor()) { $subject = Calendar::SUBJECT_UNSHARE_GROUP . '_you'; } else { $event->setAffectedUser($event->getAuthor()) ->setSubject(Calendar::SUBJECT_UNSHARE_GROUP . '_you', $parameters); $this->activityManager->publish($event); $subject = Calendar::SUBJECT_UNSHARE_GROUP . '_by'; } $event->setAffectedUser($owner) ->setSubject($subject, $parameters); $this->activityManager->publish($event); } } foreach ($add as $share) { if ($this->isAlreadyShared($share['href'], $shares)) { continue; } // principal:principals/users/test $parts = explode(':', $share['href'], 2); if ($parts[0] !== 'principal') { continue; } $principal = explode('/', $parts[1]); if ($principal[1] === 'users') { $this->triggerActivityUser($principal[2], $event, $calendarData, Calendar::SUBJECT_SHARE_USER); if ($owner !== $principal[2]) { $parameters = [ 'actor' => $event->getAuthor(), 'calendar' => [ 'id' => (int) $calendarData['id'], 'uri' => $calendarData['uri'], 'name' => $calendarData['{DAV:}displayname'], ], 'user' => $principal[2], ]; if ($owner === $event->getAuthor()) { $subject = Calendar::SUBJECT_SHARE_USER . '_you'; } else { $event->setAffectedUser($event->getAuthor()) ->setSubject(Calendar::SUBJECT_SHARE_USER . '_you', $parameters); $this->activityManager->publish($event); $subject = Calendar::SUBJECT_SHARE_USER . '_by'; } $event->setAffectedUser($owner) ->setSubject($subject, $parameters); $this->activityManager->publish($event); } } elseif ($principal[1] === 'groups') { $this->triggerActivityGroup($principal[2], $event, $calendarData, Calendar::SUBJECT_SHARE_USER); $parameters = [ 'actor' => $event->getAuthor(), 'calendar' => [ 'id' => (int) $calendarData['id'], 'uri' => $calendarData['uri'], 'name' => $calendarData['{DAV:}displayname'], ], 'group' => $principal[2], ]; if ($owner === $event->getAuthor()) { $subject = Calendar::SUBJECT_SHARE_GROUP . '_you'; } else { $event->setAffectedUser($event->getAuthor()) ->setSubject(Calendar::SUBJECT_SHARE_GROUP . '_you', $parameters); $this->activityManager->publish($event); $subject = Calendar::SUBJECT_SHARE_GROUP . '_by'; } $event->setAffectedUser($owner) ->setSubject($subject, $parameters); $this->activityManager->publish($event); } } } /** * Checks if a calendar is already shared with a principal * * @param string $principal * @param array[] $shares * @return bool */ protected function isAlreadyShared($principal, $shares) { foreach ($shares as $share) { if ($principal === $share['href']) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Creates the given activity for all members of the given group * * @param string $gid * @param IEvent $event * @param array $properties * @param string $subject */ protected function triggerActivityGroup($gid, IEvent $event, array $properties, $subject) { $group = $this->groupManager->get($gid); if ($group instanceof IGroup) { foreach ($group->getUsers() as $user) { // Exclude current user if ($user->getUID() !== $event->getAuthor()) { $this->triggerActivityUser($user->getUID(), $event, $properties, $subject); } } } } /** * Creates the given activity for the given user * * @param string $user * @param IEvent $event * @param array $properties * @param string $subject * @param string $subjectSelf */ protected function triggerActivityUser($user, IEvent $event, array $properties, $subject, $subjectSelf = '') { $event->setAffectedUser($user) ->setSubject( $user === $event->getAuthor() && $subjectSelf ? $subjectSelf : $subject, [ 'actor' => $event->getAuthor(), 'calendar' => [ 'id' => (int) $properties['id'], 'uri' => $properties['uri'], 'name' => $properties['{DAV:}displayname'], ], ] ); $this->activityManager->publish($event); } /** * Creates activities when a calendar object was created/updated/deleted * * @param string $action * @param array $calendarData * @param array $shares * @param array $objectData */ public function onTouchCalendarObject($action, array $calendarData, array $shares, array $objectData) { if (!isset($calendarData['principaluri'])) { return; } $principal = explode('/', $calendarData['principaluri']); $owner = array_pop($principal); $currentUser = $this->userSession->getUser(); if ($currentUser instanceof IUser) { $currentUser = $currentUser->getUID(); } else { $currentUser = $owner; } $classification = $objectData['classification'] ?? CalDavBackend::CLASSIFICATION_PUBLIC; $object = $this->getObjectNameAndType($objectData); if (!$object) { return; } $action = $action . '_' . $object['type']; if ($object['type'] === 'todo' && str_starts_with($action, Event::SUBJECT_OBJECT_UPDATE) && $object['status'] === 'COMPLETED') { $action .= '_completed'; } elseif ($object['type'] === 'todo' && str_starts_with($action, Event::SUBJECT_OBJECT_UPDATE) && $object['status'] === 'NEEDS-ACTION') { $action .= '_needs_action'; } $event = $this->activityManager->generateEvent(); $event->setApp('dav') ->setObject('calendar', (int) $calendarData['id']) ->setType($object['type'] === 'event' ? 'calendar_event' : 'calendar_todo') ->setAuthor($currentUser); $users = $this->getUsersForShares($shares); $users[] = $owner; // Users for share can return the owner itself if the calendar is published foreach (array_unique($users) as $user) { if ($classification === CalDavBackend::CLASSIFICATION_PRIVATE && $user !== $owner) { // Private events are only shown to the owner continue; } $params = [ 'actor' => $event->getAuthor(), 'calendar' => [ 'id' => (int) $calendarData['id'], 'uri' => $calendarData['uri'], 'name' => $calendarData['{DAV:}displayname'], ], 'object' => [ 'id' => $object['id'], 'name' => $classification === CalDavBackend::CLASSIFICATION_CONFIDENTIAL && $user !== $owner ? 'Busy' : $object['name'], 'classified' => $classification === CalDavBackend::CLASSIFICATION_CONFIDENTIAL && $user !== $owner, ], ]; if ($object['type'] === 'event' && !str_contains($action, Event::SUBJECT_OBJECT_DELETE) && $this->appManager->isEnabledForUser('calendar')) { $params['object']['link']['object_uri'] = $objectData['uri']; $params['object']['link']['calendar_uri'] = $calendarData['uri']; $params['object']['link']['owner'] = $owner; } $event->setAffectedUser($user) ->setSubject( $user === $currentUser ? $action . '_self' : $action, $params ); $this->activityManager->publish($event); } } /** * Creates activities when a calendar object was moved */ public function onMovedCalendarObject(array $sourceCalendarData, array $targetCalendarData, array $sourceShares, array $targetShares, array $objectData): void { if (!isset($targetCalendarData['principaluri'])) { return; } $sourcePrincipal = explode('/', $sourceCalendarData['principaluri']); $sourceOwner = array_pop($sourcePrincipal); $targetPrincipal = explode('/', $targetCalendarData['principaluri']); $targetOwner = array_pop($targetPrincipal); if ($sourceOwner !== $targetOwner) { $this->onTouchCalendarObject( Event::SUBJECT_OBJECT_DELETE, $sourceCalendarData, $sourceShares, $objectData ); $this->onTouchCalendarObject( Event::SUBJECT_OBJECT_ADD, $targetCalendarData, $targetShares, $objectData ); return; } $currentUser = $this->userSession->getUser(); if ($currentUser instanceof IUser) { $currentUser = $currentUser->getUID(); } else { $currentUser = $targetOwner; } $classification = $objectData['classification'] ?? CalDavBackend::CLASSIFICATION_PUBLIC; $object = $this->getObjectNameAndType($objectData); if (!$object) { return; } $event = $this->activityManager->generateEvent(); $event->setApp('dav') ->setObject('calendar', (int) $targetCalendarData['id']) ->setType($object['type'] === 'event' ? 'calendar_event' : 'calendar_todo') ->setAuthor($currentUser); $users = $this->getUsersForShares(array_intersect($sourceShares, $targetShares)); $users[] = $targetOwner; // Users for share can return the owner itself if the calendar is published foreach (array_unique($users) as $user) { if ($classification === CalDavBackend::CLASSIFICATION_PRIVATE && $user !== $targetOwner) { // Private events are only shown to the owner continue; } $params = [ 'actor' => $event->getAuthor(), 'sourceCalendar' => [ 'id' => (int) $sourceCalendarData['id'], 'uri' => $sourceCalendarData['uri'], 'name' => $sourceCalendarData['{DAV:}displayname'], ], 'targetCalendar' => [ 'id' => (int) $targetCalendarData['id'], 'uri' => $targetCalendarData['uri'], 'name' => $targetCalendarData['{DAV:}displayname'], ], 'object' => [ 'id' => $object['id'], 'name' => $classification === CalDavBackend::CLASSIFICATION_CONFIDENTIAL && $user !== $targetOwner ? 'Busy' : $object['name'], 'classified' => $classification === CalDavBackend::CLASSIFICATION_CONFIDENTIAL && $user !== $targetOwner, ], ]; if ($object['type'] === 'event' && $this->appManager->isEnabledForUser('calendar')) { $params['object']['link']['object_uri'] = $objectData['uri']; $params['object']['link']['calendar_uri'] = $targetCalendarData['uri']; $params['object']['link']['owner'] = $targetOwner; } $event->setAffectedUser($user) ->setSubject( $user === $currentUser ? Event::SUBJECT_OBJECT_MOVE . '_' . $object['type'] . '_self' : Event::SUBJECT_OBJECT_MOVE . '_' . $object['type'], $params ); $this->activityManager->publish($event); } } /** * @param array $objectData * @return string[]|false */ protected function getObjectNameAndType(array $objectData) { $vObject = Reader::read($objectData['calendardata']); $component = $componentType = null; foreach ($vObject->getComponents() as $component) { if (in_array($component->name, ['VEVENT', 'VTODO'])) { $componentType = $component->name; break; } } if (!$componentType) { // Calendar objects must have a VEVENT or VTODO component return false; } if ($componentType === 'VEVENT') { return ['id' => (string) $component->UID, 'name' => (string) $component->SUMMARY, 'type' => 'event']; } return ['id' => (string) $component->UID, 'name' => (string) $component->SUMMARY, 'type' => 'todo', 'status' => (string) $component->STATUS]; } /** * Get all users that have access to a given calendar * * @param array $shares * @return string[] */ protected function getUsersForShares(array $shares) { $users = $groups = []; foreach ($shares as $share) { $principal = explode('/', $share['{}principal']); if ($principal[1] === 'users') { $users[] = $principal[2]; } elseif ($principal[1] === 'groups') { $groups[] = $principal[2]; } } if (!empty($groups)) { foreach ($groups as $gid) { $group = $this->groupManager->get($gid); if ($group instanceof IGroup) { foreach ($group->getUsers() as $user) { $users[] = $user->getUID(); } } } } return array_unique($users); } }