* * @author Ari Selseng * @author Christoph Wurst * @author Joas Schilling * @author Robin Appelman * @author Roeland Jago Douma * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ namespace OCA\Files_External\Command; use Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\DriverException; use OC\Core\Command\Base; use OCA\Files_External\Lib\InsufficientDataForMeaningfulAnswerException; use OCA\Files_External\Lib\StorageConfig; use OCA\Files_External\Service\GlobalStoragesService; use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IQueryBuilder; use OCP\Files\Notify\IChange; use OCP\Files\Notify\INotifyHandler; use OCP\Files\Notify\IRenameChange; use OCP\Files\Storage\INotifyStorage; use OCP\Files\Storage\IStorage; use OCP\Files\StorageNotAvailableException; use OCP\IDBConnection; use OCP\IUserManager; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption; use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; class Notify extends Base { private GlobalStoragesService $globalService; private IDBConnection $connection; private LoggerInterface $logger; /** @var IUserManager */ private $userManager; public function __construct( GlobalStoragesService $globalService, IDBConnection $connection, LoggerInterface $logger, IUserManager $userManager ) { parent::__construct(); $this->globalService = $globalService; $this->connection = $connection; $this->logger = $logger; $this->userManager = $userManager; } protected function configure(): void { $this ->setName('files_external:notify') ->setDescription('Listen for active update notifications for a configured external mount') ->addArgument( 'mount_id', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'the mount id of the mount to listen to' )->addOption( 'user', 'u', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'The username for the remote mount (required only for some mount configuration that don\'t store credentials)' )->addOption( 'password', 'p', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'The password for the remote mount (required only for some mount configuration that don\'t store credentials)' )->addOption( 'path', '', InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'The directory in the storage to listen for updates in', '/' )->addOption( 'no-self-check', '', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Disable self check on startup' )->addOption( 'dry-run', '', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Don\'t make any changes, only log detected changes' ); parent::configure(); } private function getUserOption(InputInterface $input): ?string { if ($input->getOption('user')) { return (string)$input->getOption('user'); } elseif (isset($_ENV['NOTIFY_USER'])) { return (string)$_ENV['NOTIFY_USER']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['NOTIFY_USER'])) { return (string)$_SERVER['NOTIFY_USER']; } else { return null; } } private function getPasswordOption(InputInterface $input): ?string { if ($input->getOption('password')) { return (string)$input->getOption('password'); } elseif (isset($_ENV['NOTIFY_PASSWORD'])) { return (string)$_ENV['NOTIFY_PASSWORD']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['NOTIFY_PASSWORD'])) { return (string)$_SERVER['NOTIFY_PASSWORD']; } else { return null; } } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int { $mount = $this->globalService->getStorage($input->getArgument('mount_id')); if (is_null($mount)) { $output->writeln('Mount not found'); return 1; } $noAuth = false; $userOption = $this->getUserOption($input); $passwordOption = $this->getPasswordOption($input); // if only the user is provided, we get the user object to pass along to the auth backend // this allows using saved user credentials $user = ($userOption && !$passwordOption) ? $this->userManager->get($userOption) : null; try { $authBackend = $mount->getAuthMechanism(); $authBackend->manipulateStorageConfig($mount, $user); } catch (InsufficientDataForMeaningfulAnswerException $e) { $noAuth = true; } catch (StorageNotAvailableException $e) { $noAuth = true; } if ($userOption) { $mount->setBackendOption('user', $userOption); } if ($passwordOption) { $mount->setBackendOption('password', $passwordOption); } try { $backend = $mount->getBackend(); $backend->manipulateStorageConfig($mount, $user); } catch (InsufficientDataForMeaningfulAnswerException $e) { $noAuth = true; } catch (StorageNotAvailableException $e) { $noAuth = true; } try { $storage = $this->createStorage($mount); } catch (\Exception $e) { $output->writeln('Error while trying to create storage'); if ($noAuth) { $output->writeln('Username and/or password required'); } return 1; } if (!$storage instanceof INotifyStorage) { $output->writeln('Mount of type "' . $mount->getBackend()->getText() . '" does not support active update notifications'); return 1; } $dryRun = $input->getOption('dry-run'); if ($dryRun && $output->getVerbosity() < OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE) { $output->setVerbosity(OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE); } $path = trim($input->getOption('path'), '/'); $notifyHandler = $storage->notify($path); if (!$input->getOption('no-self-check')) { $this->selfTest($storage, $notifyHandler, $output); } $notifyHandler->listen(function (IChange $change) use ($mount, $output, $dryRun) { $this->logUpdate($change, $output); if ($change instanceof IRenameChange) { $this->markParentAsOutdated($mount->getId(), $change->getTargetPath(), $output, $dryRun); } $this->markParentAsOutdated($mount->getId(), $change->getPath(), $output, $dryRun); }); return 0; } private function createStorage(StorageConfig $mount): IStorage { $class = $mount->getBackend()->getStorageClass(); return new $class($mount->getBackendOptions()); } private function markParentAsOutdated($mountId, $path, OutputInterface $output, bool $dryRun) { $parent = ltrim(dirname($path), '/'); if ($parent === '.') { $parent = ''; } try { $storages = $this->getStorageIds($mountId, $parent); } catch (DriverException $ex) { $this->logger->warning('Error while trying to find correct storage ids.', ['exception' => $ex]); $this->connection = $this->reconnectToDatabase($this->connection, $output); $output->writeln('Needed to reconnect to the database'); $storages = $this->getStorageIds($mountId, $path); } if (count($storages) === 0) { $output->writeln(" no users found with access to '$parent', skipping", OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE); return; } $users = array_map(function (array $storage) { return $storage['user_id']; }, $storages); $output->writeln(" marking '$parent' as outdated for " . implode(', ', $users), OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE); $storageIds = array_map(function (array $storage) { return intval($storage['storage_id']); }, $storages); $storageIds = array_values(array_unique($storageIds)); if ($dryRun) { $output->writeln(" dry-run: skipping database write"); } else { $result = $this->updateParent($storageIds, $parent); if ($result === 0) { //TODO: Find existing parent further up the tree in the database and register that folder instead. $this->logger->info('Failed updating parent for "' . $path . '" while trying to register change. It may not exist in the filecache.'); } } } private function logUpdate(IChange $change, OutputInterface $output) { switch ($change->getType()) { case INotifyStorage::NOTIFY_ADDED: $text = 'added'; break; case INotifyStorage::NOTIFY_MODIFIED: $text = 'modified'; break; case INotifyStorage::NOTIFY_REMOVED: $text = 'removed'; break; case INotifyStorage::NOTIFY_RENAMED: $text = 'renamed'; break; default: return; } $text .= ' ' . $change->getPath(); if ($change instanceof IRenameChange) { $text .= ' to ' . $change->getTargetPath(); } $output->writeln($text, OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE); } private function getStorageIds(int $mountId, string $path): array { $pathHash = md5(trim((string)\OC_Util::normalizeUnicode($path), '/')); $qb = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); return $qb ->select('storage_id', 'user_id') ->from('mounts', 'm') ->innerJoin('m', 'filecache', 'f', $qb->expr()->eq('m.storage_id', 'f.storage')) ->where($qb->expr()->eq('mount_id', $qb->createNamedParameter($mountId, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT))) ->andWhere($qb->expr()->eq('path_hash', $qb->createNamedParameter($pathHash, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR))) ->execute() ->fetchAll(); } private function updateParent(array $storageIds, string $parent): int { $pathHash = md5(trim((string)\OC_Util::normalizeUnicode($parent), '/')); $qb = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); return $qb ->update('filecache') ->set('size', $qb->createNamedParameter(-1, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT)) ->where($qb->expr()->in('storage', $qb->createNamedParameter($storageIds, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT_ARRAY, ':storage_ids'))) ->andWhere($qb->expr()->eq('path_hash', $qb->createNamedParameter($pathHash, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR))) ->executeStatement(); } private function reconnectToDatabase(IDBConnection $connection, OutputInterface $output): IDBConnection { try { $connection->close(); } catch (\Exception $ex) { $this->logger->warning('Error while disconnecting from DB', ['exception' => $ex]); $output->writeln("Error while disconnecting from database: {$ex->getMessage()}"); } $connected = false; while (!$connected) { try { $connected = $connection->connect(); } catch (\Exception $ex) { $this->logger->warning('Error while re-connecting to database', ['exception' => $ex]); $output->writeln("Error while re-connecting to database: {$ex->getMessage()}"); sleep(60); } } return $connection; } private function selfTest(IStorage $storage, INotifyHandler $notifyHandler, OutputInterface $output) { usleep(100 * 1000); //give time for the notify to start $storage->file_put_contents('/.nc_test_file.txt', 'test content'); $storage->mkdir('/.nc_test_folder'); $storage->file_put_contents('/.nc_test_folder/subfile.txt', 'test content'); usleep(100 * 1000); //time for all changes to be processed $changes = $notifyHandler->getChanges(); $storage->unlink('/.nc_test_file.txt'); $storage->unlink('/.nc_test_folder/subfile.txt'); $storage->rmdir('/.nc_test_folder'); usleep(100 * 1000); //time for all changes to be processed $notifyHandler->getChanges(); // flush $foundRootChange = false; $foundSubfolderChange = false; foreach ($changes as $change) { if ($change->getPath() === '/.nc_test_file.txt' || $change->getPath() === '.nc_test_file.txt') { $foundRootChange = true; } elseif ($change->getPath() === '/.nc_test_folder/subfile.txt' || $change->getPath() === '.nc_test_folder/subfile.txt') { $foundSubfolderChange = true; } } if ($foundRootChange && $foundSubfolderChange) { $output->writeln('Self-test successful', OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE); } elseif ($foundRootChange) { $output->writeln('Error while running self-test, change is subfolder not detected'); } else { $output->writeln('Error while running self-test, no changes detected'); } } }