*/ private array $calendarInfo, private CalDavBackend $backend, ) { } /** * @return string defining the technical unique key * @since 13.0.0 */ public function getKey(): string { return (string)$this->calendarInfo['id']; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getUri(): string { return $this->calendarInfo['uri']; } /** * In comparison to getKey() this function returns a human readable (maybe translated) name * @since 13.0.0 */ public function getDisplayName(): ?string { return $this->calendarInfo['{DAV:}displayname']; } /** * Calendar color * @since 13.0.0 */ public function getDisplayColor(): ?string { return $this->calendarInfo['{http://apple.com/ns/ical/}calendar-color']; } public function getSchedulingTransparency(): ?ScheduleCalendarTransp { return $this->calendarInfo['{' . \OCA\DAV\CalDAV\Schedule\Plugin::NS_CALDAV . '}schedule-calendar-transp']; } public function getSchedulingTimezone(): ?VTimeZone { $tzProp = '{' . \OCA\DAV\CalDAV\Schedule\Plugin::NS_CALDAV . '}calendar-timezone'; if (!isset($this->calendarInfo[$tzProp])) { return null; } // This property contains a VCALENDAR with a single VTIMEZONE /** @var string $timezoneProp */ $timezoneProp = $this->calendarInfo[$tzProp]; /** @var VCalendar $vobj */ $vobj = Reader::read($timezoneProp); $components = $vobj->getComponents(); if (empty($components)) { return null; } /** @var VTimeZone $vtimezone */ $vtimezone = $components[0]; return $vtimezone; } /** * @param string $pattern which should match within the $searchProperties * @param array $searchProperties defines the properties within the query pattern should match * @param array $options - optional parameters: * ['timerange' => ['start' => new DateTime(...), 'end' => new DateTime(...)]] * @param int|null $limit - limit number of search results * @param int|null $offset - offset for paging of search results * @return array an array of events/journals/todos which are arrays of key-value-pairs * @since 13.0.0 */ public function search(string $pattern, array $searchProperties = [], array $options = [], $limit = null, $offset = null): array { return $this->backend->search($this->calendarInfo, $pattern, $searchProperties, $options, $limit, $offset); } /** * @return int build up using \OCP\Constants * @since 13.0.0 */ public function getPermissions(): int { $permissions = $this->calendar->getACL(); $result = 0; foreach ($permissions as $permission) { if ($this->calendarInfo['principaluri'] !== $permission['principal']) { continue; } switch ($permission['privilege']) { case '{DAV:}read': $result |= Constants::PERMISSION_READ; break; case '{DAV:}write': $result |= Constants::PERMISSION_CREATE; $result |= Constants::PERMISSION_UPDATE; break; case '{DAV:}all': $result |= Constants::PERMISSION_ALL; break; } } return $result; } /** * @since 31.0.0 */ public function isWritable(): bool { return $this->calendar->canWrite(); } /** * @since 26.0.0 */ public function isDeleted(): bool { return $this->calendar->isDeleted(); } /** * @since 31.0.0 */ public function isShared(): bool { return $this->calendar->isShared(); } /** * Create a new calendar event for this calendar * by way of an ICS string * * @param string $name the file name - needs to contain the .ics ending * @param string $calendarData a string containing a valid VEVENT ics * * @throws CalendarException */ public function createFromString(string $name, string $calendarData): void { $server = new InvitationResponseServer(false); /** @var CustomPrincipalPlugin $plugin */ $plugin = $server->getServer()->getPlugin('auth'); // we're working around the previous implementation // that only allowed the public system principal to be used // so set the custom principal here $plugin->setCurrentPrincipal($this->calendar->getPrincipalURI()); if (empty($this->calendarInfo['uri'])) { throw new CalendarException('Could not write to calendar as URI parameter is missing'); } // Build full calendar path [, $user] = uriSplit($this->calendar->getPrincipalURI()); $fullCalendarFilename = sprintf('calendars/%s/%s/%s', $user, $this->calendarInfo['uri'], $name); // Force calendar change URI /** @var Schedule\Plugin $schedulingPlugin */ $schedulingPlugin = $server->getServer()->getPlugin('caldav-schedule'); $schedulingPlugin->setPathOfCalendarObjectChange($fullCalendarFilename); $stream = fopen('php://memory', 'rb+'); fwrite($stream, $calendarData); rewind($stream); try { $server->getServer()->createFile($fullCalendarFilename, $stream); } catch (Conflict $e) { throw new CalendarException('Could not create new calendar event: ' . $e->getMessage(), 0, $e); } finally { fclose($stream); } } /** * @throws CalendarException */ public function handleIMipMessage(string $name, string $calendarData): void { $server = $this->getInvitationResponseServer(); /** @var CustomPrincipalPlugin $plugin */ $plugin = $server->getServer()->getPlugin('auth'); // we're working around the previous implementation // that only allowed the public system principal to be used // so set the custom principal here $plugin->setCurrentPrincipal($this->calendar->getPrincipalURI()); if (empty($this->calendarInfo['uri'])) { throw new CalendarException('Could not write to calendar as URI parameter is missing'); } // Force calendar change URI /** @var Schedule\Plugin $schedulingPlugin */ $schedulingPlugin = $server->getServer()->getPlugin('caldav-schedule'); // Let sabre handle the rest $iTipMessage = new Message(); /** @var VCalendar $vObject */ $vObject = Reader::read($calendarData); /** @var VEvent $vEvent */ $vEvent = $vObject->{'VEVENT'}; if ($vObject->{'METHOD'} === null) { throw new CalendarException('No Method provided for scheduling data. Could not process message'); } if (!isset($vEvent->{'ORGANIZER'}) || !isset($vEvent->{'ATTENDEE'})) { throw new CalendarException('Could not process scheduling data, neccessary data missing from ICAL'); } $organizer = $vEvent->{'ORGANIZER'}->getValue(); $attendee = $vEvent->{'ATTENDEE'}->getValue(); $iTipMessage->method = $vObject->{'METHOD'}->getValue(); if ($iTipMessage->method === 'REQUEST') { $iTipMessage->sender = $organizer; $iTipMessage->recipient = $attendee; } elseif ($iTipMessage->method === 'REPLY') { if ($server->isExternalAttendee($vEvent->{'ATTENDEE'}->getValue())) { $iTipMessage->recipient = $organizer; } else { $iTipMessage->recipient = $attendee; } $iTipMessage->sender = $attendee; } elseif ($iTipMessage->method === 'CANCEL') { $iTipMessage->recipient = $attendee; $iTipMessage->sender = $organizer; } $iTipMessage->uid = isset($vEvent->{'UID'}) ? $vEvent->{'UID'}->getValue() : ''; $iTipMessage->component = 'VEVENT'; $iTipMessage->sequence = isset($vEvent->{'SEQUENCE'}) ? (int)$vEvent->{'SEQUENCE'}->getValue() : 0; $iTipMessage->message = $vObject; $server->server->emit('schedule', [$iTipMessage]); } public function getInvitationResponseServer(): InvitationResponseServer { return new InvitationResponseServer(false); } }