setName('db:convert-filecache-bigint') ->setDescription('Convert the ID columns of the filecache to BigInt'); } /** * @return array */ public static function getColumnsByTable(): array { return [ 'activity' => ['activity_id', 'object_id'], 'activity_mq' => ['mail_id'], 'authtoken' => ['id'], 'bruteforce_attempts' => ['id'], 'federated_reshares' => ['share_id'], 'filecache' => ['fileid', 'storage', 'parent', 'mimetype', 'mimepart', 'mtime', 'storage_mtime'], 'filecache_extended' => ['fileid'], 'files_trash' => ['auto_id'], 'file_locks' => ['id'], 'file_metadata' => ['id'], 'jobs' => ['id'], 'mimetypes' => ['id'], 'mounts' => ['id', 'storage_id', 'root_id', 'mount_id'], 'share_external' => ['id', 'parent'], 'storages' => ['numeric_id'], ]; } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int { $schema = new SchemaWrapper($this->connection); $isSqlite = $this->connection->getDatabaseProvider() === IDBConnection::PLATFORM_SQLITE; $updates = []; $tables = static::getColumnsByTable(); foreach ($tables as $tableName => $columns) { if (!$schema->hasTable($tableName)) { continue; } $table = $schema->getTable($tableName); foreach ($columns as $columnName) { $column = $table->getColumn($columnName); $isAutoIncrement = $column->getAutoincrement(); $isAutoIncrementOnSqlite = $isSqlite && $isAutoIncrement; if ($column->getType()->getName() !== Types::BIGINT && !$isAutoIncrementOnSqlite) { $column->setType(Type::getType(Types::BIGINT)); $column->setOptions(['length' => 20]); $updates[] = '* ' . $tableName . '.' . $columnName; } } } if (empty($updates)) { $output->writeln('All tables already up to date!'); return 0; } $output->writeln('Following columns will be updated:'); $output->writeln(''); $output->writeln($updates); $output->writeln(''); $output->writeln('This can take up to hours, depending on the number of files in your instance!'); if ($input->isInteractive()) { $helper = $this->getHelper('question'); $question = new ConfirmationQuestion('Continue with the conversion (y/n)? [n] ', false); if (!$helper->ask($input, $output, $question)) { return 1; } } $this->connection->migrateToSchema($schema->getWrappedSchema()); return 0; } }