fileUtils = $fileUtils; parent::__construct(); } protected function configure(): void { $this ->setName('files:move') ->setDescription('Move a file or folder') ->addArgument('source', InputArgument::REQUIRED, "Source file id or path") ->addArgument('target', InputArgument::REQUIRED, "Target path") ->addOption('force', 'f', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, "Don't ask for configuration and don't output any warnings"); } public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int { $sourceInput = $input->getArgument('source'); $targetInput = $input->getArgument('target'); $force = $input->getOption('force'); $node = $this->fileUtils->getNode($sourceInput); $targetNode = $this->fileUtils->getNode($targetInput); if (!$node) { $output->writeln("file $sourceInput not found"); return 1; } $targetParentPath = dirname(rtrim($targetInput, '/')); $targetParent = $this->fileUtils->getNode($targetParentPath); if (!$targetParent) { $output->writeln("Target parent path $targetParentPath doesn't exist"); return 1; } $wouldRequireDelete = false; if ($targetNode) { if (!$targetNode->isUpdateable()) { $output->writeln("$targetInput already exists and isn't writable"); return 1; } if ($node instanceof Folder && $targetNode instanceof File) { $output->writeln("Warning: $sourceInput is a folder, but $targetInput is a file"); $wouldRequireDelete = true; } if ($node instanceof File && $targetNode instanceof Folder) { $output->writeln("Warning: $sourceInput is a file, but $targetInput is a folder"); $wouldRequireDelete = true; } if ($wouldRequireDelete && $targetNode->getInternalPath() === '') { $output->writeln("Mount root can't be overwritten with a different type"); return 1; } if ($wouldRequireDelete && !$targetNode->isDeletable()) { $output->writeln("$targetInput can't be deleted to be replaced with $sourceInput"); return 1; } if (!$force) { /** @var QuestionHelper $helper */ $helper = $this->getHelper('question'); $question = new ConfirmationQuestion("" . $targetInput . " already exists, overwrite? [y/N] ", false); if (!$helper->ask($input, $output, $question)) { return 1; } } } if ($wouldRequireDelete && $targetNode) { $targetNode->delete(); } $node->move($targetInput); return 0; } }