appendIfExist($this->serverroot, $style.'.css') || $this->appendIfExist($this->serverroot, 'core/'.$style.'.css') ) { return; } $style = substr($style, strpos($style, '/') + 1); $app_path = \OC_App::getAppPath($app); $app_url = \OC_App::getAppWebPath($app); if ($app_path === false && $app_url === false) { $this->logger->error('Could not find resource {resource} to load', [ 'resource' => $app . '/' . $style . '.css', 'app' => 'cssresourceloader', ]); return; } // Account for the possibility of having symlinks in app path. Doing // this here instead of above as an empty argument to realpath gets // turned into cwd. $app_path = realpath($app_path); $this->append($app_path, $style.'.css', $app_url); } /** * @param string $style */ public function doFindTheme($style) { $theme_dir = 'themes/'.$this->theme.'/'; $this->appendIfExist($this->serverroot, $theme_dir.'apps/'.$style.'.css') || $this->appendIfExist($this->serverroot, $theme_dir.$style.'.css') || $this->appendIfExist($this->serverroot, $theme_dir.'core/'.$style.'.css'); } public function append($root, $file, $webRoot = null, $throw = true, $scss = false) { if (!$scss) { parent::append($root, $file, $webRoot, $throw); } else { if (!$webRoot) { $webRoot = $this->findWebRoot($root); if ($webRoot === null) { $webRoot = ''; $this->logger->error('ResourceLocator can not find a web root (root: {root}, file: {file}, webRoot: {webRoot}, throw: {throw})', [ 'app' => 'lib', 'root' => $root, 'file' => $file, 'webRoot' => $webRoot, 'throw' => $throw ? 'true' : 'false' ]); if ($throw && $root === '/') { throw new ResourceNotFoundException($file, $webRoot); } } } $this->resources[] = [$webRoot ?: \OC::$WEBROOT, $webRoot, $file]; } } }