config->getAppValue(Application::APP_ID, 'cachebuster', '0'); if ($this->hasImage($key)) { return $this->urlGenerator->linkToRoute('theming.Theming.getImage', [ 'key' => $key ]) . '?v=' . $cacheBusterCounter; } elseif ($key === 'backgroundDark' && $this->hasImage('background')) { // Fall back to light variant return $this->urlGenerator->linkToRoute('theming.Theming.getImage', [ 'key' => 'background' ]) . '?v=' . $cacheBusterCounter; } switch ($key) { case 'logo': case 'logoheader': case 'favicon': return $this->urlGenerator->imagePath('core', 'logo/logo.png') . '?v=' . $cacheBusterCounter; case 'backgroundDark': case 'background': // Removing the background defines its mime as 'backgroundColor' $mimeSetting = $this->config->getAppValue('theming', 'backgroundMime', ''); if ($mimeSetting !== 'backgroundColor') { $image = BackgroundService::DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_IMAGE; if ($key === 'backgroundDark') { $image = BackgroundService::SHIPPED_BACKGROUNDS[$image]['dark_variant'] ?? $image; } return $this->urlGenerator->linkTo(Application::APP_ID, "img/background/$image"); } } return ''; } /** * Get the absolute url. See getImageUrl */ public function getImageUrlAbsolute(string $key): string { return $this->urlGenerator->getAbsoluteURL($this->getImageUrl($key)); } /** * @param string $key * @param bool $useSvg * @return ISimpleFile * @throws NotFoundException * @throws NotPermittedException */ public function getImage(string $key, bool $useSvg = true): ISimpleFile { $mime = $this->config->getAppValue('theming', $key . 'Mime', ''); $folder = $this->getRootFolder()->getFolder('images'); if ($mime === '' || !$folder->fileExists($key)) { throw new NotFoundException(); } if (!$useSvg && $this->shouldReplaceIcons()) { if (!$folder->fileExists($key . '.png')) { try { $finalIconFile = new \Imagick(); $finalIconFile->setBackgroundColor('none'); $finalIconFile->readImageBlob($folder->getFile($key)->getContent()); $finalIconFile->setImageFormat('png32'); $pngFile = $folder->newFile($key . '.png'); $pngFile->putContent($finalIconFile->getImageBlob()); return $pngFile; } catch (\ImagickException $e) { $this->logger->info('The image was requested to be no SVG file, but converting it to PNG failed: ' . $e->getMessage()); } } else { return $folder->getFile($key . '.png'); } } return $folder->getFile($key); } public function hasImage(string $key): bool { $mimeSetting = $this->config->getAppValue('theming', $key . 'Mime', ''); // Removing the background defines its mime as 'backgroundColor' return $mimeSetting !== '' && $mimeSetting !== 'backgroundColor'; } /** * @return array */ public function getCustomImages(): array { $images = []; foreach (self::SUPPORTED_IMAGE_KEYS as $key) { $images[$key] = [ 'mime' => $this->config->getAppValue('theming', $key . 'Mime', ''), 'url' => $this->getImageUrl($key), ]; } return $images; } /** * Get folder for current theming files * * @return ISimpleFolder * @throws NotPermittedException */ public function getCacheFolder(): ISimpleFolder { $cacheBusterValue = $this->config->getAppValue('theming', 'cachebuster', '0'); try { $folder = $this->getRootFolder()->getFolder($cacheBusterValue); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $folder = $this->getRootFolder()->newFolder($cacheBusterValue); $this->cleanup(); } return $folder; } /** * Get a file from AppData * * @param string $filename * @throws NotFoundException * @return ISimpleFile * @throws NotPermittedException */ public function getCachedImage(string $filename): ISimpleFile { $currentFolder = $this->getCacheFolder(); return $currentFolder->getFile($filename); } /** * Store a file for theming in AppData * * @param string $filename * @param string $data * @return ISimpleFile * @throws NotFoundException * @throws NotPermittedException */ public function setCachedImage(string $filename, string $data): ISimpleFile { $currentFolder = $this->getCacheFolder(); if ($currentFolder->fileExists($filename)) { $file = $currentFolder->getFile($filename); } else { $file = $currentFolder->newFile($filename); } $file->putContent($data); return $file; } public function delete(string $key): void { /* ignore exceptions, since we don't want to fail hard if something goes wrong during cleanup */ try { $file = $this->getRootFolder()->getFolder('images')->getFile($key); $file->delete(); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { } catch (NotPermittedException $e) { } try { $file = $this->getRootFolder()->getFolder('images')->getFile($key . '.png'); $file->delete(); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { } catch (NotPermittedException $e) { } if ($key === 'logo') { $this->config->deleteAppValue('theming', 'logoDimensions'); } } public function updateImage(string $key, string $tmpFile): string { $this->delete($key); try { $folder = $this->getRootFolder()->getFolder('images'); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $folder = $this->getRootFolder()->newFolder('images'); } $target = $folder->newFile($key); $supportedFormats = $this->getSupportedUploadImageFormats($key); $detectedMimeType = mime_content_type($tmpFile); if (!in_array($detectedMimeType, $supportedFormats, true)) { throw new \Exception('Unsupported image type: ' . $detectedMimeType); } if ($key === 'background') { if ($this->shouldOptimizeBackgroundImage($detectedMimeType, filesize($tmpFile))) { try { // Optimize the image since some people may upload images that will be // either to big or are not progressive rendering. $newImage = @imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($tmpFile)); if ($newImage === false) { throw new \Exception('Could not read background image, possibly corrupted.'); } // Preserve transparency imagesavealpha($newImage, true); imagealphablending($newImage, true); $imageWidth = imagesx($newImage); $imageHeight = imagesy($newImage); /** @var int */ $newWidth = min(4096, $imageWidth); $newHeight = intval($imageHeight / ($imageWidth / $newWidth)); $outputImage = imagescale($newImage, $newWidth, $newHeight); if ($outputImage === false) { throw new \Exception('Could not scale uploaded background image.'); } $newTmpFile = $this->tempManager->getTemporaryFile(); imageinterlace($outputImage, true); // Keep jpeg images encoded as jpeg if (str_contains($detectedMimeType, 'image/jpeg')) { if (!imagejpeg($outputImage, $newTmpFile, 90)) { throw new \Exception('Could not recompress background image as JPEG'); } } else { if (!imagepng($outputImage, $newTmpFile, 8)) { throw new \Exception('Could not recompress background image as PNG'); } } $tmpFile = $newTmpFile; imagedestroy($outputImage); } catch (\Exception $e) { if (isset($outputImage) && is_resource($outputImage) || $outputImage instanceof \GdImage) { imagedestroy($outputImage); } $this->logger->debug($e->getMessage()); } } // For background images we need to announce it $this->backgroundService->setGlobalBackground($tmpFile); } $target->putContent(file_get_contents($tmpFile)); if ($key === 'logo') { $content = file_get_contents($tmpFile); $newImage = @imagecreatefromstring($content); if ($newImage !== false) { $this->config->setAppValue('theming', 'logoDimensions', imagesx($newImage) . 'x' . imagesy($newImage)); } elseif (str_starts_with($detectedMimeType, 'image/svg')) { $matched = preg_match('/viewbox=["\']\d* \d* (\d*\.?\d*) (\d*\.?\d*)["\']/i', $content, $matches); if ($matched) { $this->config->setAppValue('theming', 'logoDimensions', $matches[1] . 'x' . $matches[2]); } else { $this->logger->warning('Could not read logo image dimensions to optimize for mail header'); $this->config->deleteAppValue('theming', 'logoDimensions'); } } else { $this->logger->warning('Could not read logo image dimensions to optimize for mail header'); $this->config->deleteAppValue('theming', 'logoDimensions'); } } return $detectedMimeType; } /** * Decide whether an image benefits from shrinking and reconverting * * @param string $mimeType the mime type of the image * @param int $contentSize size of the image file * @return bool */ private function shouldOptimizeBackgroundImage(string $mimeType, int $contentSize): bool { // Do not touch SVGs if (str_contains($mimeType, 'image/svg')) { return false; } // GIF does not benefit from converting if (str_contains($mimeType, 'image/gif')) { return false; } // WebP also does not benefit from converting // We could possibly try to convert to progressive image, but normally webP images are quite small if (str_contains($mimeType, 'image/webp')) { return false; } // As a rule of thumb background images should be max. 150-300 KiB, small images do not benefit from converting return $contentSize > 150000; } /** * Returns a list of supported mime types for image uploads. * "favicon" images are only allowed to be SVG when imagemagick with SVG support is available. * * @param string $key The image key, e.g. "favicon" * @return string[] */ public function getSupportedUploadImageFormats(string $key): array { $supportedFormats = ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif', 'image/webp']; if ($key !== 'favicon' || $this->shouldReplaceIcons() === true) { $supportedFormats[] = 'image/svg+xml'; $supportedFormats[] = 'image/svg'; } if ($key === 'favicon') { $supportedFormats[] = 'image/x-icon'; $supportedFormats[] = 'image/'; } return $supportedFormats; } /** * remove cached files that are not required any longer * * @throws NotPermittedException * @throws NotFoundException */ public function cleanup() { $currentFolder = $this->getCacheFolder(); $folders = $this->getRootFolder()->getDirectoryListing(); foreach ($folders as $folder) { if ($folder->getName() !== 'images' && $folder->getName() !== $currentFolder->getName()) { $folder->delete(); } } } /** * Check if Imagemagick is enabled and if SVG is supported * otherwise we can't render custom icons * * @return bool */ public function shouldReplaceIcons() { $cache = $this->cacheFactory->createDistributed('theming-' . $this->urlGenerator->getBaseUrl()); if ($value = $cache->get('shouldReplaceIcons')) { return (bool)$value; } $value = false; if (extension_loaded('imagick')) { if (count(\Imagick::queryFormats('SVG')) >= 1) { $value = true; } } $cache->set('shouldReplaceIcons', $value); return $value; } private function getRootFolder(): ISimpleFolder { try { return $this->appData->getFolder('global'); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { return $this->appData->newFolder('global'); } } }