retrieveCommentsInformation($context['itemType'], $context['itemId']); if (count($commenters) === 0) { return; } foreach ($sortArray as $type => &$byType) { if (!isset($commenters[$type])) { continue; } // at least on PHP 5.6 usort turned out to be not stable. So we add // the current index to the value and compare it on a draw $i = 0; $workArray = array_map(function ($element) use (&$i) { return [$i++, $element]; }, $byType); usort($workArray, function ($a, $b) use ($commenters, $type) { $r = $this->compare($a[1], $b[1], $commenters[$type]); if ($r === 0) { $r = $a[0] - $b[0]; } return $r; }); // and remove the index values again $byType = array_column($workArray, 1); } } /** * @return array> */ protected function retrieveCommentsInformation(string $type, string $id): array { $comments = $this->commentsManager->getForObject($type, $id); if (count($comments) === 0) { return []; } $actors = []; foreach ($comments as $comment) { if (!isset($actors[$comment->getActorType()])) { $actors[$comment->getActorType()] = []; } if (!isset($actors[$comment->getActorType()][$comment->getActorId()])) { $actors[$comment->getActorType()][$comment->getActorId()] = 1; } else { $actors[$comment->getActorType()][$comment->getActorId()]++; } } return $actors; } protected function compare(array $a, array $b, array $commenters): int { $a = $a['value']['shareWith']; $b = $b['value']['shareWith']; $valueA = $commenters[$a] ?? 0; $valueB = $commenters[$b] ?? 0; return $valueB - $valueA; } }