baseUrl . "v{$this->apiVersion}.php/apps/files_sharing/api/v{$this->sharingApiVersion}/shares"; $client = new Client(); $options = [ 'headers' => [ 'OCS-APIREQUEST' => 'true', ], ]; if ($user === 'admin') { $options['auth'] = $this->adminUser; } else { $options['auth'] = [$user, $this->regularUser]; } if ($body instanceof TableNode) { $fd = $body->getRowsHash(); if (array_key_exists('expireDate', $fd)) { $dateModification = $fd['expireDate']; if (!empty($dateModification)) { $fd['expireDate'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($dateModification)); } } $options['form_params'] = $fd; } try { $this->response = $client->request("POST", $fullUrl, $options); } catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException $ex) { $this->response = $ex->getResponse(); } $this->lastShareData = simplexml_load_string($this->response->getBody()); } /** * @When /^save the last share data as "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function saveLastShareData($name) { $this->storedShareData[$name] = $this->lastShareData; } /** * @When /^restore the last share data from "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function restoreLastShareData($name) { $this->lastShareData = $this->storedShareData[$name]; } /** * @When /^creating a share with$/ * @param TableNode|null $body */ public function creatingShare($body) { $this->asCreatingAShareWith($this->currentUser, $body); } /** * @When /^accepting last share$/ */ public function acceptingLastShare() { $share_id = $this->lastShareData->data[0]->id; $url = "/apps/files_sharing/api/v{$this->sharingApiVersion}/shares/pending/$share_id"; $this->sendingToWith("POST", $url, null); $this->theHTTPStatusCodeShouldBe('200'); } /** * @When /^user "([^"]*)" accepts last share$/ * * @param string $user */ public function userAcceptsLastShare(string $user) { // "As userXXX" and "user userXXX accepts last share" steps are not // expected to be used in the same scenario, but restore the user just // in case. $previousUser = $this->currentUser; $this->currentUser = $user; $share_id = $this->lastShareData->data[0]->id; $url = "/apps/files_sharing/api/v{$this->sharingApiVersion}/shares/pending/$share_id"; $this->sendingToWith("POST", $url, null); $this->currentUser = $previousUser; $this->theHTTPStatusCodeShouldBe('200'); } /** * @Then /^last link share can be downloaded$/ */ public function lastLinkShareCanBeDownloaded() { if (count($this->lastShareData->data->element) > 0) { $url = $this->lastShareData->data[0]->url; } else { $url = $this->lastShareData->data->url; } $fullUrl = $url . "/download"; $this->checkDownload($fullUrl, null, 'text/plain'); } /** * @Then /^last share can be downloaded$/ */ public function lastShareCanBeDownloaded() { if (count($this->lastShareData->data->element) > 0) { $token = $this->lastShareData->data[0]->token; } else { $token = $this->lastShareData->data->token; } $fullUrl = substr($this->baseUrl, 0, -4) . "index.php/s/" . $token . "/download"; $this->checkDownload($fullUrl, null, 'text/plain'); } /** * @Then /^last share with password "([^"]*)" can be downloaded$/ */ public function lastShareWithPasswordCanBeDownloaded($password) { if (count($this->lastShareData->data->element) > 0) { $token = $this->lastShareData->data[0]->token; } else { $token = $this->lastShareData->data->token; } $fullUrl = substr($this->baseUrl, 0, -4) . "public.php/dav/files/$token/"; $this->checkDownload($fullUrl, ['', $password], 'text/plain'); } private function checkDownload($url, $auth = null, $mimeType = null) { if ($auth !== null) { $options['auth'] = $auth; } $options['stream'] = true; $client = new Client(); $this->response = $client->get($url, $options); Assert::assertEquals(200, $this->response->getStatusCode()); $buf = ''; $body = $this->response->getBody(); while (!$body->eof()) { // read everything $buf .= $body->read(8192); } $body->close(); if ($mimeType !== null) { $finfo = new finfo; Assert::assertEquals($mimeType, $finfo->buffer($buf, FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE)); } } /** * @When /^Adding expiration date to last share$/ */ public function addingExpirationDate() { $share_id = (string) $this->lastShareData->data[0]->id; $fullUrl = $this->baseUrl . "v{$this->apiVersion}.php/apps/files_sharing/api/v{$this->sharingApiVersion}/shares/$share_id"; $client = new Client(); $options = []; if ($this->currentUser === 'admin') { $options['auth'] = $this->adminUser; } else { $options['auth'] = [$this->currentUser, $this->regularUser]; } $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+3 days")); $options['form_params'] = ['expireDate' => $date]; $this->response = $this->response = $client->request("PUT", $fullUrl, $options); Assert::assertEquals(200, $this->response->getStatusCode()); } /** * @When /^Updating last share with$/ * @param TableNode|null $body */ public function updatingLastShare($body) { $share_id = (string) $this->lastShareData->data[0]->id; $fullUrl = $this->baseUrl . "v{$this->apiVersion}.php/apps/files_sharing/api/v{$this->sharingApiVersion}/shares/$share_id"; $client = new Client(); $options = [ 'headers' => [ 'OCS-APIREQUEST' => 'true', ], ]; if ($this->currentUser === 'admin') { $options['auth'] = $this->adminUser; } else { $options['auth'] = [$this->currentUser, $this->regularUser]; } if ($body instanceof TableNode) { $fd = $body->getRowsHash(); if (array_key_exists('expireDate', $fd)) { $dateModification = $fd['expireDate']; $fd['expireDate'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($dateModification)); } $options['form_params'] = $fd; } try { $this->response = $client->request("PUT", $fullUrl, $options); } catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException $ex) { $this->response = $ex->getResponse(); } } public function createShare($user, $path = null, $shareType = null, $shareWith = null, $publicUpload = null, $password = null, $permissions = null, $viewOnly = false) { $fullUrl = $this->baseUrl . "v{$this->apiVersion}.php/apps/files_sharing/api/v{$this->sharingApiVersion}/shares"; $client = new Client(); $options = [ 'headers' => [ 'OCS-APIREQUEST' => 'true', ], ]; if ($user === 'admin') { $options['auth'] = $this->adminUser; } else { $options['auth'] = [$user, $this->regularUser]; } $body = []; if (!is_null($path)) { $body['path'] = $path; } if (!is_null($shareType)) { $body['shareType'] = $shareType; } if (!is_null($shareWith)) { $body['shareWith'] = $shareWith; } if (!is_null($publicUpload)) { $body['publicUpload'] = $publicUpload; } if (!is_null($password)) { $body['password'] = $password; } if (!is_null($permissions)) { $body['permissions'] = $permissions; } if ($viewOnly === true) { $body['attributes'] = json_encode([['scope' => 'permissions', 'key' => 'download', 'enabled' => false]]); } $options['form_params'] = $body; try { $this->response = $client->request("POST", $fullUrl, $options); $this->lastShareData = simplexml_load_string($this->response->getBody()); } catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException $ex) { $this->response = $ex->getResponse(); throw new \Exception($this->response->getBody()); } } public function isFieldInResponse($field, $contentExpected) { $data = simplexml_load_string($this->response->getBody())->data[0]; if ((string)$field == 'expiration') { if(!empty($contentExpected)) { $contentExpected = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($contentExpected)) . " 00:00:00"; } } if (count($data->element) > 0) { foreach ($data as $element) { if ($contentExpected == "A_TOKEN") { return (strlen((string)$element->$field) == 15); } elseif ($contentExpected == "A_NUMBER") { return is_numeric((string)$element->$field); } elseif ($contentExpected == "AN_URL") { return $this->isExpectedUrl((string)$element->$field, "index.php/s/"); } elseif ((string)$element->$field == $contentExpected) { return true; } else { print($element->$field); } } return false; } else { if ($contentExpected == "A_TOKEN") { return (strlen((string)$data->$field) == 15); } elseif ($contentExpected == "A_NUMBER") { return is_numeric((string)$data->$field); } elseif ($contentExpected == "AN_URL") { return $this->isExpectedUrl((string)$data->$field, "index.php/s/"); } elseif ($contentExpected == $data->$field) { return true; } return false; } } /** * @Then /^File "([^"]*)" should be included in the response$/ * * @param string $filename */ public function checkSharedFileInResponse($filename) { Assert::assertEquals(true, $this->isFieldInResponse('file_target', "/$filename")); } /** * @Then /^File "([^"]*)" should not be included in the response$/ * * @param string $filename */ public function checkSharedFileNotInResponse($filename) { Assert::assertEquals(false, $this->isFieldInResponse('file_target', "/$filename")); } /** * @Then /^User "([^"]*)" should be included in the response$/ * * @param string $user */ public function checkSharedUserInResponse($user) { Assert::assertEquals(true, $this->isFieldInResponse('share_with', "$user")); } /** * @Then /^User "([^"]*)" should not be included in the response$/ * * @param string $user */ public function checkSharedUserNotInResponse($user) { Assert::assertEquals(false, $this->isFieldInResponse('share_with', "$user")); } public function isUserOrGroupInSharedData($userOrGroup, $permissions = null) { $data = simplexml_load_string($this->response->getBody())->data[0]; foreach ($data as $element) { if ($element->share_with == $userOrGroup && ($permissions === null || $permissions == $element->permissions)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @Given /^(file|folder|entry) "([^"]*)" of user "([^"]*)" is shared with user "([^"]*)"( with permissions ([\d]*))?( view-only)?$/ * * @param string $filepath * @param string $user1 * @param string $user2 */ public function assureFileIsShared($entry, $filepath, $user1, $user2, $withPerms = null, $permissions = null, $viewOnly = null) { // when view-only is set, permissions is empty string instead of null... if ($permissions === '') { $permissions = null; } $fullUrl = $this->baseUrl . "v{$this->apiVersion}.php/apps/files_sharing/api/v{$this->sharingApiVersion}/shares" . "?path=$filepath"; $client = new Client(); $options = []; if ($user1 === 'admin') { $options['auth'] = $this->adminUser; } else { $options['auth'] = [$user1, $this->regularUser]; } $options['headers'] = [ 'OCS-APIREQUEST' => 'true', ]; $this->response = $client->get($fullUrl, $options); if ($this->isUserOrGroupInSharedData($user2, $permissions)) { return; } else { $this->createShare($user1, $filepath, 0, $user2, null, null, $permissions, $viewOnly !== null); } $this->response = $client->get($fullUrl, $options); Assert::assertEquals(true, $this->isUserOrGroupInSharedData($user2, $permissions)); } /** * @Given /^(file|folder|entry) "([^"]*)" of user "([^"]*)" is shared with group "([^"]*)"( with permissions ([\d]*))?( view-only)?$/ * * @param string $filepath * @param string $user * @param string $group */ public function assureFileIsSharedWithGroup($entry, $filepath, $user, $group, $withPerms = null, $permissions = null, $viewOnly = null) { // when view-only is set, permissions is empty string instead of null... if ($permissions === '') { $permissions = null; } $fullUrl = $this->baseUrl . "v{$this->apiVersion}.php/apps/files_sharing/api/v{$this->sharingApiVersion}/shares" . "?path=$filepath"; $client = new Client(); $options = []; if ($user === 'admin') { $options['auth'] = $this->adminUser; } else { $options['auth'] = [$user, $this->regularUser]; } $options['headers'] = [ 'OCS-APIREQUEST' => 'true', ]; $this->response = $client->get($fullUrl, $options); if ($this->isUserOrGroupInSharedData($group, $permissions)) { return; } else { $this->createShare($user, $filepath, 1, $group, null, null, $permissions, $viewOnly !== null); } $this->response = $client->get($fullUrl, $options); Assert::assertEquals(true, $this->isUserOrGroupInSharedData($group, $permissions)); } /** * @When /^Deleting last share$/ */ public function deletingLastShare() { $share_id = $this->lastShareData->data[0]->id; $url = "/apps/files_sharing/api/v{$this->sharingApiVersion}/shares/$share_id"; $this->sendingToWith("DELETE", $url, null); } /** * @When /^Getting info of last share$/ */ public function gettingInfoOfLastShare() { $share_id = $this->lastShareData->data[0]->id; $url = "/apps/files_sharing/api/v{$this->sharingApiVersion}/shares/$share_id"; $this->sendingToWith("GET", $url, null); } /** * @Then /^last share_id is included in the answer$/ */ public function checkingLastShareIDIsIncluded() { $share_id = $this->lastShareData->data[0]->id; if (!$this->isFieldInResponse('id', $share_id)) { Assert::fail("Share id $share_id not found in response"); } } /** * @Then /^last share_id is not included in the answer$/ */ public function checkingLastShareIDIsNotIncluded() { $share_id = $this->lastShareData->data[0]->id; if ($this->isFieldInResponse('id', $share_id)) { Assert::fail("Share id $share_id has been found in response"); } } /** * @Then /^Share fields of last share match with$/ * @param TableNode|null $body */ public function checkShareFields($body) { if ($body instanceof TableNode) { $fd = $body->getRowsHash(); foreach ($fd as $field => $value) { if (substr($field, 0, 10) === "share_with") { $value = str_replace("REMOTE", substr($this->remoteBaseUrl, 0, -5), $value); $value = str_replace("LOCAL", substr($this->localBaseUrl, 0, -5), $value); } if (substr($field, 0, 6) === "remote") { $value = str_replace("REMOTE", substr($this->remoteBaseUrl, 0, -4), $value); $value = str_replace("LOCAL", substr($this->localBaseUrl, 0, -4), $value); } if (!$this->isFieldInResponse($field, $value)) { Assert::fail("$field" . " doesn't have value " . "$value"); } } } } /** * @Then the list of returned shares has :count shares */ public function theListOfReturnedSharesHasShares(int $count) { $this->theHTTPStatusCodeShouldBe('200'); $this->theOCSStatusCodeShouldBe('100'); $returnedShares = $this->getXmlResponse()->data[0]; Assert::assertEquals($count, count($returnedShares->element)); } /** * @Then share :count is returned with * * @param int $number * @param TableNode $body */ public function shareXIsReturnedWith(int $number, TableNode $body) { $this->theHTTPStatusCodeShouldBe('200'); $this->theOCSStatusCodeShouldBe('100'); if (!($body instanceof TableNode)) { return; } $returnedShare = $this->getXmlResponse()->data[0]; if ($returnedShare->element) { $returnedShare = $returnedShare->element[$number]; } $defaultExpectedFields = [ 'id' => 'A_NUMBER', 'permissions' => '19', 'stime' => 'A_NUMBER', 'parent' => '', 'expiration' => '', 'token' => '', 'storage' => 'A_NUMBER', 'item_source' => 'A_NUMBER', 'file_source' => 'A_NUMBER', 'file_parent' => 'A_NUMBER', 'mail_send' => '0' ]; $expectedFields = array_merge($defaultExpectedFields, $body->getRowsHash()); if (!array_key_exists('uid_file_owner', $expectedFields) && array_key_exists('uid_owner', $expectedFields)) { $expectedFields['uid_file_owner'] = $expectedFields['uid_owner']; } if (!array_key_exists('displayname_file_owner', $expectedFields) && array_key_exists('displayname_owner', $expectedFields)) { $expectedFields['displayname_file_owner'] = $expectedFields['displayname_owner']; } if (array_key_exists('share_type', $expectedFields) && $expectedFields['share_type'] == 10 /* IShare::TYPE_ROOM */ && array_key_exists('share_with', $expectedFields)) { if ($expectedFields['share_with'] === 'private_conversation') { $expectedFields['share_with'] = 'REGEXP /^private_conversation_[0-9a-f]{6}$/'; } else { $expectedFields['share_with'] = FeatureContext::getTokenForIdentifier($expectedFields['share_with']); } } foreach ($expectedFields as $field => $value) { $this->assertFieldIsInReturnedShare($field, $value, $returnedShare); } } /** * @return SimpleXMLElement */ private function getXmlResponse(): \SimpleXMLElement { return simplexml_load_string($this->response->getBody()); } /** * @param string $field * @param string $contentExpected * @param \SimpleXMLElement $returnedShare */ private function assertFieldIsInReturnedShare(string $field, string $contentExpected, \SimpleXMLElement $returnedShare) { if ($contentExpected === 'IGNORE') { return; } if (!property_exists($returnedShare, $field)) { Assert::fail("$field was not found in response"); } if ($field === 'expiration' && !empty($contentExpected)) { $contentExpected = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($contentExpected)) . " 00:00:00"; } if ($contentExpected === 'A_NUMBER') { Assert::assertTrue(is_numeric((string)$returnedShare->$field), "Field '$field' is not a number: " . $returnedShare->$field); } elseif ($contentExpected === 'A_TOKEN') { // A token is composed by 15 characters from // ISecureRandom::CHAR_HUMAN_READABLE. Assert::assertRegExp('/^[abcdefgijkmnopqrstwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTWXYZ23456789]{15}$/', (string)$returnedShare->$field, "Field '$field' is not a token"); } elseif (strpos($contentExpected, 'REGEXP ') === 0) { Assert::assertRegExp(substr($contentExpected, strlen('REGEXP ')), (string)$returnedShare->$field, "Field '$field' does not match"); } else { Assert::assertEquals($contentExpected, (string)$returnedShare->$field, "Field '$field' does not match"); } } /** * @Then As :user remove all shares from the file named :fileName */ public function asRemoveAllSharesFromTheFileNamed($user, $fileName) { $url = $this->baseUrl . "v{$this->apiVersion}.php/apps/files_sharing/api/v{$this->sharingApiVersion}/shares?format=json"; $client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(); $res = $client->get( $url, [ 'auth' => [ $user, '123456', ], 'headers' => [ 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'OCS-APIREQUEST' => 'true', ], ] ); $json = json_decode($res->getBody()->getContents(), true); $deleted = false; foreach ($json['ocs']['data'] as $data) { if (stripslashes($data['path']) === $fileName) { $id = $data['id']; $client->delete( $this->baseUrl . "v{$this->apiVersion}.php/apps/files_sharing/api/v{$this->sharingApiVersion}/shares/{$id}", [ 'auth' => [ $user, '123456', ], 'headers' => [ 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'OCS-APIREQUEST' => 'true', ], ] ); $deleted = true; } } if ($deleted === false) { throw new \Exception("Could not delete file $fileName"); } } /** * @When save last share id */ public function saveLastShareId() { $this->savedShareId = ($this->lastShareData['data']['id'] ?? null); } /** * @Then share ids should match */ public function shareIdsShouldMatch() { if ($this->savedShareId !== ($this->lastShareData['data']['id'] ?? null)) { throw new \Exception('Expected the same link share to be returned'); } } /** * @When /^getting sharees for$/ * @param TableNode $body */ public function whenGettingShareesFor($body) { $url = '/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/sharees'; if ($body instanceof TableNode) { $parameters = []; foreach ($body->getRowsHash() as $key => $value) { $parameters[] = $key . '=' . $value; } if (!empty($parameters)) { $url .= '?' . implode('&', $parameters); } } $this->sendingTo('GET', $url); } /** * @Then /^"([^"]*)" sharees returned (are|is empty)$/ * @param string $shareeType * @param string $isEmpty * @param TableNode|null $shareesList */ public function thenListOfSharees($shareeType, $isEmpty, $shareesList = null) { if ($isEmpty !== 'is empty') { $sharees = $shareesList->getRows(); $respondedArray = $this->getArrayOfShareesResponded($this->response, $shareeType); Assert::assertEquals($sharees, $respondedArray); } else { $respondedArray = $this->getArrayOfShareesResponded($this->response, $shareeType); Assert::assertEmpty($respondedArray); } } public function getArrayOfShareesResponded(ResponseInterface $response, $shareeType) { $elements = simplexml_load_string($response->getBody())->data; $elements = json_decode(json_encode($elements), 1); if (strpos($shareeType, 'exact ') === 0) { $elements = $elements['exact']; $shareeType = substr($shareeType, 6); } $sharees = []; foreach ($elements[$shareeType] as $element) { $sharees[] = [$element['label'], $element['value']['shareType'], $element['value']['shareWith']]; } return $sharees; } }