->setDescription('Remove a background job from database')
'The ID of the job in the database'
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int {
$jobId = (int) $input->getArgument('job-id');
$job = $this->jobList->getById($jobId);
if ($job === null) {
$output->writeln('Job with ID ' . $jobId . ' could not be found in the database');
return 1;
$output->writeln('Job class: ' . get_class($job));
$output->writeln('Arguments: ' . json_encode($job->getArgument()));
$question = new ConfirmationQuestion(
'Do you really want to delete this background job ? It could create some misbehaviours in Nextcloud. (y/N) ', false,
$helper = $this->getHelper('question');
if (!$helper->ask($input, $output, $question)) {
return 0;
$this->jobList->remove($job, $job->getArgument());
return 0;