userMountCache = $userMountCache; } public function getName(): string { return $this->l10n->t('File'); } public function getIcon(): string { return $this->urlGenerator->imagePath('core', 'categories/files.svg'); } public function getEvents(): array { return [ new GenericEntityEvent($this->l10n->t('File created'), self::EVENT_NAMESPACE . 'postCreate'), new GenericEntityEvent($this->l10n->t('File updated'), self::EVENT_NAMESPACE . 'postWrite'), new GenericEntityEvent($this->l10n->t('File renamed'), self::EVENT_NAMESPACE . 'postRename'), new GenericEntityEvent($this->l10n->t('File deleted'), self::EVENT_NAMESPACE . 'postDelete'), new GenericEntityEvent($this->l10n->t('File accessed'), self::EVENT_NAMESPACE . 'postTouch'), new GenericEntityEvent($this->l10n->t('File copied'), self::EVENT_NAMESPACE . 'postCopy'), new GenericEntityEvent($this->l10n->t('Tag assigned'), MapperEvent::EVENT_ASSIGN), ]; } public function prepareRuleMatcher(IRuleMatcher $ruleMatcher, string $eventName, Event $event): void { if (!$event instanceof GenericEvent && !$event instanceof MapperEvent) { return; } $this->eventName = $eventName; $this->event = $event; $this->actingUser = $this->actingUser ?? $this->userSession->getUser(); try { $node = $this->getNode(); $ruleMatcher->setEntitySubject($this, $node); $ruleMatcher->setFileInfo($node->getStorage(), $node->getInternalPath()); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { // pass } } public function isLegitimatedForUserId(string $userId): bool { try { $node = $this->getNode(); if ($node->getOwner()?->getUID() === $userId) { return true; } if ($this->eventName === self::EVENT_NAMESPACE . 'postDelete') { // At postDelete, the file no longer exists. Check for parent folder instead. $fileId = $node->getParentId(); } else { $fileId = $node->getId(); } $mountInfos = $this->userMountCache->getMountsForFileId($fileId, $userId); foreach ($mountInfos as $mountInfo) { $mount = $this->mountManager->getMountFromMountInfo($mountInfo); if ($mount && $mount->getStorage() && !empty($mount->getStorage()->getCache()->get($fileId))) { return true; } } return false; } catch (NotFoundException $e) { return false; } } /** * @throws NotFoundException */ protected function getNode(): Node { if ($this->node) { return $this->node; } if (!$this->event instanceof GenericEvent && !$this->event instanceof MapperEvent) { throw new NotFoundException(); } switch ($this->eventName) { case self::EVENT_NAMESPACE . 'postCreate': case self::EVENT_NAMESPACE . 'postWrite': case self::EVENT_NAMESPACE . 'postDelete': case self::EVENT_NAMESPACE . 'postTouch': return $this->event->getSubject(); case self::EVENT_NAMESPACE . 'postRename': case self::EVENT_NAMESPACE . 'postCopy': return $this->event->getSubject()[1]; case MapperEvent::EVENT_ASSIGN: if (!$this->event instanceof MapperEvent || $this->event->getObjectType() !== 'files') { throw new NotFoundException(); } $nodes = $this->root->getById((int)$this->event->getObjectId()); if (is_array($nodes) && isset($nodes[0])) { $this->node = $nodes[0]; return $this->node; } break; } throw new NotFoundException(); } public function getDisplayText(int $verbosity = 0): string { try { $node = $this->getNode(); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { return ''; } $options = [ $this->actingUser ? $this->actingUser->getDisplayName() : $this->l10n->t('Someone'), $node->getName() ]; switch ($this->eventName) { case self::EVENT_NAMESPACE . 'postCreate': return $this->l10n->t('%s created %s', $options); case self::EVENT_NAMESPACE . 'postWrite': return $this->l10n->t('%s modified %s', $options); case self::EVENT_NAMESPACE . 'postDelete': return $this->l10n->t('%s deleted %s', $options); case self::EVENT_NAMESPACE . 'postTouch': return $this->l10n->t('%s accessed %s', $options); case self::EVENT_NAMESPACE . 'postRename': return $this->l10n->t('%s renamed %s', $options); case self::EVENT_NAMESPACE . 'postCopy': return $this->l10n->t('%s copied %s', $options); case MapperEvent::EVENT_ASSIGN: $tagNames = []; if ($this->event instanceof MapperEvent) { $tagIDs = $this->event->getTags(); $tagObjects = $this->tagManager->getTagsByIds($tagIDs); foreach ($tagObjects as $systemTag) { /** @var ISystemTag $systemTag */ if ($systemTag->isUserVisible()) { $tagNames[] = $systemTag->getName(); } } } $filename = array_pop($options); $tagString = implode(', ', $tagNames); if ($tagString === '') { return ''; } array_push($options, $tagString, $filename); return $this->l10n->t('%s assigned %s to %s', $options); } } public function getUrl(): string { try { return $this->urlGenerator->linkToRouteAbsolute('files.viewcontroller.showFile', ['fileid' => $this->getNode()->getId()]); } catch (InvalidPathException $e) { return ''; } catch (NotFoundException $e) { return ''; } } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function exportContextIDs(): array { $nodeOwner = $this->getNode()->getOwner(); $actingUserId = null; if ($this->actingUser instanceof IUser) { $actingUserId = $this->actingUser->getUID(); } elseif ($this->userSession->getUser() instanceof IUser) { $actingUserId = $this->userSession->getUser()->getUID(); } return [ 'eventName' => $this->eventName, 'nodeId' => $this->getNode()->getId(), 'nodeOwnerId' => $nodeOwner ? $nodeOwner->getUID() : null, 'actingUserId' => $actingUserId, ]; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function importContextIDs(array $contextIDs): void { $this->eventName = $contextIDs['eventName']; if ($contextIDs['nodeOwnerId'] !== null) { $userFolder = $this->root->getUserFolder($contextIDs['nodeOwnerId']); $nodes = $userFolder->getById($contextIDs['nodeId']); } else { $nodes = $this->root->getById($contextIDs['nodeId']); } $this->node = $nodes[0] ?? null; if ($contextIDs['actingUserId']) { $this->actingUser = $this->userManager->get($contextIDs['actingUserId']); } } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getIconUrl(): string { return $this->getIcon(); } }