* @author Björn Schießle * @author Christoph Wurst * @author Daniel Calviño Sánchez * @author Daniel Kesselberg * @author Joas Schilling * @author Julius Härtl * @author Lukas Reschke * @author Morris Jobke * @author Roeland Jago Douma * @author Thomas Citharel * @author Vincent Petry * * @license AGPL-3.0 * * This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * along with this program. If not, see * */ namespace OC\Accounts; use Exception; use InvalidArgumentException; use libphonenumber\NumberParseException; use libphonenumber\PhoneNumber; use libphonenumber\PhoneNumberFormat; use libphonenumber\PhoneNumberUtil; use OC\Profile\TProfileHelper; use OCP\Cache\CappedMemoryCache; use OCA\Settings\BackgroundJobs\VerifyUserData; use OCP\Accounts\IAccount; use OCP\Accounts\IAccountManager; use OCP\Accounts\IAccountProperty; use OCP\Accounts\IAccountPropertyCollection; use OCP\Accounts\PropertyDoesNotExistException; use OCP\BackgroundJob\IJobList; use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IQueryBuilder; use OCP\Defaults; use OCP\IConfig; use OCP\IDBConnection; use OCP\IL10N; use OCP\IURLGenerator; use OCP\IUser; use OCP\L10N\IFactory; use OCP\Mail\IMailer; use OCP\Security\ICrypto; use OCP\Security\VerificationToken\IVerificationToken; use OCP\Util; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface; use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\GenericEvent; use function array_flip; use function iterator_to_array; use function json_decode; use function json_encode; use function json_last_error; /** * Class AccountManager * * Manage system accounts table * * @group DB * @package OC\Accounts */ class AccountManager implements IAccountManager { use TAccountsHelper; use TProfileHelper; /** @var IDBConnection database connection */ private $connection; /** @var IConfig */ private $config; /** @var string table name */ private $table = 'accounts'; /** @var string table name */ private $dataTable = 'accounts_data'; /** @var EventDispatcherInterface */ private $eventDispatcher; /** @var IJobList */ private $jobList; /** @var LoggerInterface */ private $logger; /** @var IVerificationToken */ private $verificationToken; /** @var IMailer */ private $mailer; /** @var Defaults */ private $defaults; /** @var IL10N */ private $l10n; /** @var IURLGenerator */ private $urlGenerator; /** @var ICrypto */ private $crypto; /** @var IFactory */ private $l10nfactory; private CappedMemoryCache $internalCache; /** * The list of default scopes for each property. */ public const DEFAULT_SCOPES = [ self::PROPERTY_DISPLAYNAME => self::SCOPE_FEDERATED, self::PROPERTY_ADDRESS => self::SCOPE_LOCAL, self::PROPERTY_WEBSITE => self::SCOPE_LOCAL, self::PROPERTY_EMAIL => self::SCOPE_FEDERATED, self::PROPERTY_AVATAR => self::SCOPE_FEDERATED, self::PROPERTY_PHONE => self::SCOPE_LOCAL, self::PROPERTY_TWITTER => self::SCOPE_LOCAL, self::PROPERTY_ORGANISATION => self::SCOPE_LOCAL, self::PROPERTY_ROLE => self::SCOPE_LOCAL, self::PROPERTY_HEADLINE => self::SCOPE_LOCAL, self::PROPERTY_BIOGRAPHY => self::SCOPE_LOCAL, ]; public function __construct( IDBConnection $connection, IConfig $config, EventDispatcherInterface $eventDispatcher, IJobList $jobList, LoggerInterface $logger, IVerificationToken $verificationToken, IMailer $mailer, Defaults $defaults, IFactory $factory, IURLGenerator $urlGenerator, ICrypto $crypto ) { $this->connection = $connection; $this->config = $config; $this->eventDispatcher = $eventDispatcher; $this->jobList = $jobList; $this->logger = $logger; $this->verificationToken = $verificationToken; $this->mailer = $mailer; $this->defaults = $defaults; $this->urlGenerator = $urlGenerator; $this->crypto = $crypto; // DIing IL10N results in a dependency loop $this->l10nfactory = $factory; $this->internalCache = new CappedMemoryCache(); } /** * @param string $input * @return string Provided phone number in E.164 format when it was a valid number * @throws InvalidArgumentException When the phone number was invalid or no default region is set and the number doesn't start with a country code */ protected function parsePhoneNumber(string $input): string { $defaultRegion = $this->config->getSystemValueString('default_phone_region', ''); if ($defaultRegion === '') { // When no default region is set, only +49… numbers are valid if (strpos($input, '+') !== 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(self::PROPERTY_PHONE); } $defaultRegion = 'EN'; } $phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil::getInstance(); try { $phoneNumber = $phoneUtil->parse($input, $defaultRegion); if ($phoneNumber instanceof PhoneNumber && $phoneUtil->isValidNumber($phoneNumber)) { return $phoneUtil->format($phoneNumber, PhoneNumberFormat::E164); } } catch (NumberParseException $e) { } throw new InvalidArgumentException(self::PROPERTY_PHONE); } /** * * @param string $input * @return string * @throws InvalidArgumentException When the website did not have http(s) as protocol or the host name was empty */ protected function parseWebsite(string $input): string { $parts = parse_url($input); if (!isset($parts['scheme']) || ($parts['scheme'] !== 'https' && $parts['scheme'] !== 'http')) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(self::PROPERTY_WEBSITE); } if (!isset($parts['host']) || $parts['host'] === '') { throw new InvalidArgumentException(self::PROPERTY_WEBSITE); } return $input; } /** * @param IAccountProperty[] $properties */ protected function testValueLengths(array $properties, bool $throwOnData = false): void { foreach ($properties as $property) { if (strlen($property->getValue()) > 2048) { if ($throwOnData) { throw new InvalidArgumentException($property->getName()); } else { $property->setValue(''); } } } } protected function testPropertyScope(IAccountProperty $property, array $allowedScopes, bool $throwOnData): void { if ($throwOnData && !in_array($property->getScope(), $allowedScopes, true)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('scope'); } if ( $property->getScope() === self::SCOPE_PRIVATE && in_array($property->getName(), [self::PROPERTY_DISPLAYNAME, self::PROPERTY_EMAIL]) ) { if ($throwOnData) { // v2-private is not available for these fields throw new InvalidArgumentException('scope'); } else { // default to local $property->setScope(self::SCOPE_LOCAL); } } else { // migrate scope values to the new format // invalid scopes are mapped to a default value $property->setScope(AccountProperty::mapScopeToV2($property->getScope())); } } protected function sanitizePhoneNumberValue(IAccountProperty $property, bool $throwOnData = false) { if ($property->getName() !== self::PROPERTY_PHONE) { if ($throwOnData) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('sanitizePhoneNumberValue can only sanitize phone numbers, %s given', $property->getName())); } return; } if ($property->getValue() === '') { return; } try { $property->setValue($this->parsePhoneNumber($property->getValue())); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { if ($throwOnData) { throw $e; } $property->setValue(''); } } protected function sanitizeWebsite(IAccountProperty $property, bool $throwOnData = false) { if ($property->getName() !== self::PROPERTY_WEBSITE) { if ($throwOnData) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('sanitizeWebsite can only sanitize web domains, %s given', $property->getName())); } } try { $property->setValue($this->parseWebsite($property->getValue())); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { if ($throwOnData) { throw $e; } $property->setValue(''); } } protected function updateUser(IUser $user, array $data, ?array $oldUserData, bool $throwOnData = false): array { if ($oldUserData === null) { $oldUserData = $this->getUser($user, false); } $updated = true; if ($oldUserData !== $data) { $this->updateExistingUser($user, $data, $oldUserData); } else { // nothing needs to be done if new and old data set are the same $updated = false; } if ($updated) { $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch( 'OC\AccountManager::userUpdated', new GenericEvent($user, $data) ); } return $data; } /** * delete user from accounts table * * @param IUser $user */ public function deleteUser(IUser $user) { $uid = $user->getUID(); $query = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $query->delete($this->table) ->where($query->expr()->eq('uid', $query->createNamedParameter($uid))) ->execute(); $this->deleteUserData($user); } /** * delete user from accounts table * * @param IUser $user */ public function deleteUserData(IUser $user): void { $uid = $user->getUID(); $query = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $query->delete($this->dataTable) ->where($query->expr()->eq('uid', $query->createNamedParameter($uid))) ->execute(); } /** * get stored data from a given user */ protected function getUser(IUser $user, bool $insertIfNotExists = true): array { $uid = $user->getUID(); $query = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $query->select('data') ->from($this->table) ->where($query->expr()->eq('uid', $query->createParameter('uid'))) ->setParameter('uid', $uid); $result = $query->executeQuery(); $accountData = $result->fetchAll(); $result->closeCursor(); if (empty($accountData)) { $userData = $this->buildDefaultUserRecord($user); if ($insertIfNotExists) { $this->insertNewUser($user, $userData); } return $userData; } $userDataArray = $this->importFromJson($accountData[0]['data'], $uid); if ($userDataArray === null || $userDataArray === []) { return $this->buildDefaultUserRecord($user); } return $this->addMissingDefaultValues($userDataArray, $this->buildDefaultUserRecord($user)); } public function searchUsers(string $property, array $values): array { // the value col is limited to 255 bytes. It is used for searches only. $values = array_map(function (string $value) { return Util::shortenMultibyteString($value, 255); }, $values); $chunks = array_chunk($values, 500); $query = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $query->select('*') ->from($this->dataTable) ->where($query->expr()->eq('name', $query->createNamedParameter($property))) ->andWhere($query->expr()->in('value', $query->createParameter('values'))); $matches = []; foreach ($chunks as $chunk) { $query->setParameter('values', $chunk, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR_ARRAY); $result = $query->executeQuery(); while ($row = $result->fetch()) { $matches[$row['uid']] = $row['value']; } $result->closeCursor(); } $result = array_merge($matches, $this->searchUsersForRelatedCollection($property, $values)); return array_flip($result); } protected function searchUsersForRelatedCollection(string $property, array $values): array { switch ($property) { case IAccountManager::PROPERTY_EMAIL: return array_flip($this->searchUsers(IAccountManager::COLLECTION_EMAIL, $values)); default: return []; } } /** * check if we need to ask the server for email verification, if yes we create a cronjob */ protected function checkEmailVerification(IAccount $updatedAccount, array $oldData): void { try { $property = $updatedAccount->getProperty(self::PROPERTY_EMAIL); } catch (PropertyDoesNotExistException $e) { return; } $oldMailIndex = array_search(self::PROPERTY_EMAIL, array_column($oldData, 'name'), true); $oldMail = $oldMailIndex !== false ? $oldData[$oldMailIndex]['value'] : ''; if ($oldMail !== $property->getValue()) { $this->jobList->add( VerifyUserData::class, [ 'verificationCode' => '', 'data' => $property->getValue(), 'type' => self::PROPERTY_EMAIL, 'uid' => $updatedAccount->getUser()->getUID(), 'try' => 0, 'lastRun' => time() ] ); $property->setVerified(self::VERIFICATION_IN_PROGRESS); } } protected function checkLocalEmailVerification(IAccount $updatedAccount, array $oldData): void { $mailCollection = $updatedAccount->getPropertyCollection(self::COLLECTION_EMAIL); foreach ($mailCollection->getProperties() as $property) { if ($property->getLocallyVerified() !== self::NOT_VERIFIED) { continue; } if ($this->sendEmailVerificationEmail($updatedAccount->getUser(), $property->getValue())) { $property->setLocallyVerified(self::VERIFICATION_IN_PROGRESS); } } } protected function sendEmailVerificationEmail(IUser $user, string $email): bool { $ref = \substr(hash('sha256', $email), 0, 8); $key = $this->crypto->encrypt($email); $token = $this->verificationToken->create($user, 'verifyMail' . $ref, $email); $link = $this->urlGenerator->linkToRouteAbsolute( 'provisioning_api.Verification.verifyMail', [ 'userId' => $user->getUID(), 'token' => $token, 'key' => $key ] ); $emailTemplate = $this->mailer->createEMailTemplate('core.EmailVerification', [ 'link' => $link, ]); if (!$this->l10n) { $this->l10n = $this->l10nfactory->get('core'); } $emailTemplate->setSubject($this->l10n->t('%s email verification', [$this->defaults->getName()])); $emailTemplate->addHeader(); $emailTemplate->addHeading($this->l10n->t('Email verification')); $emailTemplate->addBodyText( htmlspecialchars($this->l10n->t('Click the following button to confirm your email.')), $this->l10n->t('Click the following link to confirm your email.') ); $emailTemplate->addBodyButton( htmlspecialchars($this->l10n->t('Confirm your email')), $link, false ); $emailTemplate->addFooter(); try { $message = $this->mailer->createMessage(); $message->setTo([$email => $user->getDisplayName()]); $message->setFrom([Util::getDefaultEmailAddress('verification-noreply') => $this->defaults->getName()]); $message->useTemplate($emailTemplate); $this->mailer->send($message); } catch (Exception $e) { // Log the exception and continue $this->logger->info('Failed to send verification mail', [ 'app' => 'core', 'exception' => $e ]); return false; } return true; } /** * Make sure that all expected data are set */ protected function addMissingDefaultValues(array $userData, array $defaultUserData): array { foreach ($defaultUserData as $defaultDataItem) { // If property does not exist, initialize it $userDataIndex = array_search($defaultDataItem['name'], array_column($userData, 'name')); if ($userDataIndex === false) { $userData[] = $defaultDataItem; continue; } // Merge and extend default missing values $userData[$userDataIndex] = array_merge($defaultDataItem, $userData[$userDataIndex]); } return $userData; } protected function updateVerificationStatus(IAccount $updatedAccount, array $oldData): void { static $propertiesVerifiableByLookupServer = [ self::PROPERTY_TWITTER, self::PROPERTY_WEBSITE, self::PROPERTY_EMAIL, ]; foreach ($propertiesVerifiableByLookupServer as $propertyName) { try { $property = $updatedAccount->getProperty($propertyName); } catch (PropertyDoesNotExistException $e) { continue; } $wasVerified = isset($oldData[$propertyName]) && isset($oldData[$propertyName]['verified']) && $oldData[$propertyName]['verified'] === self::VERIFIED; if ((!isset($oldData[$propertyName]) || !isset($oldData[$propertyName]['value']) || $property->getValue() !== $oldData[$propertyName]['value']) && ($property->getVerified() !== self::NOT_VERIFIED || $wasVerified) ) { $property->setVerified(self::NOT_VERIFIED); } } } /** * add new user to accounts table * * @param IUser $user * @param array $data */ protected function insertNewUser(IUser $user, array $data): void { $uid = $user->getUID(); $jsonEncodedData = $this->prepareJson($data); $query = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $query->insert($this->table) ->values( [ 'uid' => $query->createNamedParameter($uid), 'data' => $query->createNamedParameter($jsonEncodedData), ] ) ->executeStatement(); $this->deleteUserData($user); $this->writeUserData($user, $data); } protected function prepareJson(array $data): string { $preparedData = []; foreach ($data as $dataRow) { $propertyName = $dataRow['name']; unset($dataRow['name']); if (isset($dataRow['locallyVerified']) && $dataRow['locallyVerified'] === self::NOT_VERIFIED) { // do not write default value, save DB space unset($dataRow['locallyVerified']); } if (!$this->isCollection($propertyName)) { $preparedData[$propertyName] = $dataRow; continue; } if (!isset($preparedData[$propertyName])) { $preparedData[$propertyName] = []; } $preparedData[$propertyName][] = $dataRow; } return json_encode($preparedData); } protected function importFromJson(string $json, string $userId): ?array { $result = []; $jsonArray = json_decode($json, true); $jsonError = json_last_error(); if ($jsonError !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) { $this->logger->critical( 'User data of {uid} contained invalid JSON (error {json_error}), hence falling back to a default user record', [ 'uid' => $userId, 'json_error' => $jsonError ] ); return null; } foreach ($jsonArray as $propertyName => $row) { if (!$this->isCollection($propertyName)) { $result[] = array_merge($row, ['name' => $propertyName]); continue; } foreach ($row as $singleRow) { $result[] = array_merge($singleRow, ['name' => $propertyName]); } } return $result; } /** * Update existing user in accounts table */ protected function updateExistingUser(IUser $user, array $data, array $oldData): void { $uid = $user->getUID(); $jsonEncodedData = $this->prepareJson($data); $query = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $query->update($this->table) ->set('data', $query->createNamedParameter($jsonEncodedData)) ->where($query->expr()->eq('uid', $query->createNamedParameter($uid))) ->executeStatement(); $this->deleteUserData($user); $this->writeUserData($user, $data); } protected function writeUserData(IUser $user, array $data): void { $query = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $query->insert($this->dataTable) ->values( [ 'uid' => $query->createNamedParameter($user->getUID()), 'name' => $query->createParameter('name'), 'value' => $query->createParameter('value'), ] ); $this->writeUserDataProperties($query, $data); } protected function writeUserDataProperties(IQueryBuilder $query, array $data): void { foreach ($data as $property) { if ($property['name'] === self::PROPERTY_AVATAR) { continue; } // the value col is limited to 255 bytes. It is used for searches only. $value = $property['value'] ? Util::shortenMultibyteString($property['value'], 255) : ''; $query->setParameter('name', $property['name']) ->setParameter('value', $value); $query->executeStatement(); } } /** * build default user record in case not data set exists yet */ protected function buildDefaultUserRecord(IUser $user): array { $scopes = array_merge(self::DEFAULT_SCOPES, array_filter($this->config->getSystemValue('account_manager.default_property_scope', []), static function (string $scope, string $property) { return in_array($property, self::ALLOWED_PROPERTIES, true) && in_array($scope, self::ALLOWED_SCOPES, true); }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_BOTH)); return [ [ 'name' => self::PROPERTY_DISPLAYNAME, 'value' => $user->getDisplayName(), // Display name must be at least SCOPE_LOCAL 'scope' => $scopes[self::PROPERTY_DISPLAYNAME] === self::SCOPE_PRIVATE ? self::SCOPE_LOCAL : $scopes[self::PROPERTY_DISPLAYNAME], 'verified' => self::NOT_VERIFIED, ], [ 'name' => self::PROPERTY_ADDRESS, 'value' => '', 'scope' => $scopes[self::PROPERTY_ADDRESS], 'verified' => self::NOT_VERIFIED, ], [ 'name' => self::PROPERTY_WEBSITE, 'value' => '', 'scope' => $scopes[self::PROPERTY_WEBSITE], 'verified' => self::NOT_VERIFIED, ], [ 'name' => self::PROPERTY_EMAIL, 'value' => $user->getEMailAddress(), // Email must be at least SCOPE_LOCAL 'scope' => $scopes[self::PROPERTY_EMAIL] === self::SCOPE_PRIVATE ? self::SCOPE_LOCAL : $scopes[self::PROPERTY_EMAIL], 'verified' => self::NOT_VERIFIED, ], [ 'name' => self::PROPERTY_AVATAR, 'scope' => $scopes[self::PROPERTY_AVATAR], ], [ 'name' => self::PROPERTY_PHONE, 'value' => '', 'scope' => $scopes[self::PROPERTY_PHONE], 'verified' => self::NOT_VERIFIED, ], [ 'name' => self::PROPERTY_TWITTER, 'value' => '', 'scope' => $scopes[self::PROPERTY_TWITTER], 'verified' => self::NOT_VERIFIED, ], [ 'name' => self::PROPERTY_ORGANISATION, 'value' => '', 'scope' => $scopes[self::PROPERTY_ORGANISATION], ], [ 'name' => self::PROPERTY_ROLE, 'value' => '', 'scope' => $scopes[self::PROPERTY_ROLE], ], [ 'name' => self::PROPERTY_HEADLINE, 'value' => '', 'scope' => $scopes[self::PROPERTY_HEADLINE], ], [ 'name' => self::PROPERTY_BIOGRAPHY, 'value' => '', 'scope' => $scopes[self::PROPERTY_BIOGRAPHY], ], [ 'name' => self::PROPERTY_PROFILE_ENABLED, 'value' => $this->isProfileEnabledByDefault($this->config) ? '1' : '0', ], ]; } private function arrayDataToCollection(IAccount $account, array $data): IAccountPropertyCollection { $collection = $account->getPropertyCollection($data['name']); $p = new AccountProperty( $data['name'], $data['value'] ?? '', $data['scope'] ?? self::SCOPE_LOCAL, $data['verified'] ?? self::NOT_VERIFIED, '' ); $p->setLocallyVerified($data['locallyVerified'] ?? self::NOT_VERIFIED); $collection->addProperty($p); return $collection; } private function parseAccountData(IUser $user, $data): Account { $account = new Account($user); foreach ($data as $accountData) { if ($this->isCollection($accountData['name'])) { $account->setPropertyCollection($this->arrayDataToCollection($account, $accountData)); } else { $account->setProperty($accountData['name'], $accountData['value'] ?? '', $accountData['scope'] ?? self::SCOPE_LOCAL, $accountData['verified'] ?? self::NOT_VERIFIED); if (isset($accountData['locallyVerified'])) { $property = $account->getProperty($accountData['name']); $property->setLocallyVerified($accountData['locallyVerified']); } } } return $account; } public function getAccount(IUser $user): IAccount { if ($this->internalCache->hasKey($user->getUID())) { return $this->internalCache->get($user->getUID()); } $account = $this->parseAccountData($user, $this->getUser($user)); $this->internalCache->set($user->getUID(), $account); return $account; } public function updateAccount(IAccount $account): void { $this->testValueLengths(iterator_to_array($account->getAllProperties()), true); try { $property = $account->getProperty(self::PROPERTY_PHONE); $this->sanitizePhoneNumberValue($property); } catch (PropertyDoesNotExistException $e) { // valid case, nothing to do } try { $property = $account->getProperty(self::PROPERTY_WEBSITE); $this->sanitizeWebsite($property); } catch (PropertyDoesNotExistException $e) { // valid case, nothing to do } foreach ($account->getAllProperties() as $property) { $this->testPropertyScope($property, self::ALLOWED_SCOPES, true); } $oldData = $this->getUser($account->getUser(), false); $this->updateVerificationStatus($account, $oldData); $this->checkEmailVerification($account, $oldData); $this->checkLocalEmailVerification($account, $oldData); $data = []; foreach ($account->getAllProperties() as $property) { /** @var IAccountProperty $property */ $data[] = [ 'name' => $property->getName(), 'value' => $property->getValue(), 'scope' => $property->getScope(), 'verified' => $property->getVerified(), 'locallyVerified' => $property->getLocallyVerified(), ]; } $this->updateUser($account->getUser(), $data, $oldData, true); $this->internalCache->set($account->getUser()->getUID(), $account); } }