. * */ use Behat\Behat\Context\Context; use PHPUnit\Framework\Assert; class ThemingAppContext implements Context, ActorAwareInterface { use ActorAware; /** * @return Locator */ public static function inputFieldFor($parameterName) { return Locator::forThe()->css("input")-> descendantOf(self::parameterDivFor($parameterName))-> describedAs("Input field for $parameterName parameter in Theming app"); } /** * @return Locator */ public static function resetButtonFor($parameterName) { return Locator::forThe()->css(".theme-undo")-> descendantOf(self::parameterDivFor($parameterName))-> describedAs("Reset button for $parameterName parameter in Theming app"); } /** * @return Locator */ private static function parameterDivFor($parameterName) { return Locator::forThe()->xpath("//*[@id='theming']//label//*[normalize-space() = '$parameterName']/ancestor::div[1]")-> describedAs("Div for $parameterName parameter in Theming app"); } /** * @return Locator */ public static function statusMessage() { return Locator::forThe()->id("theming_settings_msg")-> describedAs("Status message in Theming app"); } /** * @When I set the :parameterName parameter in the Theming app to :parameterValue */ public function iSetTheParameterInTheThemingAppTo($parameterName, $parameterValue) { $this->actor->find(self::inputFieldFor($parameterName), 10)->setValue($parameterValue); } /** * @When I reset the :parameterName parameter in the Theming app to its default value */ public function iSetTheParameterInTheThemingAppToItsDefaultValue($parameterName) { // The reset button is not shown when the cursor is outside the input // field, so ensure that the cursor is on the input field by clicking on // it. $this->actor->find(self::inputFieldFor($parameterName), 10)->click(); $this->actor->find(self::resetButtonFor($parameterName), 10)->click(); } /** * @Then I see that the color selector in the Theming app has loaded */ public function iSeeThatTheColorSelectorInTheThemingAppHasLoaded() { // Checking if the color selector has loaded by getting the background color // of the input element. If the value present in the element matches the // background of the input element, it means the color element has been // initialized. Assert::assertTrue($this->actor->find(self::inputFieldFor("Color"), 10)->isVisible()); $actor = $this->actor; $colorSelectorLoadedCallback = function () use ($actor) { $colorSelectorValue = $this->getRGBArray($actor->getSession()->evaluateScript("return $('#admin-theming-color').text().trim();")); $inputBgColorRgb = $this->getRGBArray($actor->getSession()->evaluateScript("return $('#admin-theming-color').css('background-color');")); $matches = []; preg_match_all('/\d+/', $inputBgColorRgb, $matches); $inputBgColorHex = sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", $matches[0][0], $matches[0][1], $matches[0][2]); if ($colorSelectorValue == $inputBgColorHex) { return true; } return false; }; if (!Utils::waitFor($colorSelectorLoadedCallback, $timeout = 10 * $this->actor->getFindTimeoutMultiplier(), $timeoutStep = 1)) { Assert::fail("The color selector in Theming app has not been loaded after $timeout seconds"); } } private function getRGBArray($color) { if (preg_match("/rgb\(\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)/", $color, $matches)) { // Already an RGB (R, G, B) color // Convert from "rgb(R, G, B)" string to RGB array $tmpColor = array_splice($matches, 1); } elseif ($color[0] === '#') { $color = substr($color, 1); // HEX Color, convert to RGB array. $tmpColor = sscanf($color, "%02X%02X%02X"); } else { Assert::fail("The acceptance test does not know how to handle the color string : '$color'. " . "Please provide # before HEX colors in your features."); } return $tmpColor; } /** * @Then I see that the primary color is eventually :color */ public function iSeeThatThePrimaryColorIsEventually($color) { $primaryColorMatchesCallback = function () use ($color) { $primaryColor = $this->actor->getSession()->evaluateScript("return getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue('--color-primary').trim();"); $primaryColor = $this->getRGBArray($primaryColor); $color = $this->getRGBArray($color); return $primaryColor == $color; }; if (!Utils::waitFor($primaryColorMatchesCallback, $timeout = 10 * $this->actor->getFindTimeoutMultiplier(), $timeoutStep = 1)) { Assert::fail("The primary color is not $color yet after $timeout seconds"); } } /** * @Then I see that the non-plain background color variable is eventually :color */ public function iSeeThatTheNonPlainBackgroundColorVariableIsEventually($color) { $colorVariableMatchesCallback = function () use ($color) { $colorVariable = $this->actor->getSession()->evaluateScript("return getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue('--color-primary-default').trim();"); $colorVariable = $this->getRGBArray($colorVariable); $color = $this->getRGBArray($color); return $colorVariable == $color; }; if (!Utils::waitFor($colorVariableMatchesCallback, $timeout = 10 * $this->actor->getFindTimeoutMultiplier(), $timeoutStep = 1)) { Assert::fail("The non-plain background color variable is not $color yet after $timeout seconds"); } } /** * @Then I see that the parameters in the Theming app are eventually saved */ public function iSeeThatTheParametersInTheThemingAppAreEventuallySaved() { Assert::assertTrue($this->actor->find(self::statusMessage(), 10)->isVisible()); $actor = $this->actor; $savedStatusMessageShownCallback = function () use ($actor) { if ($actor->find(self::statusMessage())->getText() !== "Saved") { return false; } return true; }; if (!Utils::waitFor($savedStatusMessageShownCallback, $timeout = 10 * $this->actor->getFindTimeoutMultiplier(), $timeoutStep = 1)) { Assert::fail("The 'Saved' status messages in Theming app has not been shown after $timeout seconds"); } } }