time = $timeFactory; $this->setInterval(60 * 60 * 24 * 14); $this->setTimeSensitivity(self::TIME_INSENSITIVE); } protected function run($argument) { $uid = $argument['uid']; $user = $this->userManager->get($uid); if ($user === null) { // We can't run with an invalid user $this->jobList->remove(self::class, $argument); return; } $providers = $this->registry->getProviderStates($user); $state2fa = array_reduce($providers, function (bool $carry, bool $state) { return $carry || $state; }, false); /* * If no provider is active or if the backup codes are already generate * we can remove the job */ if ($state2fa === false || (isset($providers['backup_codes']) && $providers['backup_codes'] === true)) { // Backup codes already generated lets remove this job $this->jobList->remove(self::class, $argument); return; } $date = new \DateTime(); $date->setTimestamp($this->time->getTime()); $notification = $this->notificationManager->createNotification(); $notification->setApp('twofactor_backupcodes') ->setUser($user->getUID()) ->setObject('create', 'codes') ->setSubject('create_backupcodes'); $this->notificationManager->markProcessed($notification); if (!$user->isEnabled()) { // Don't recreate a notification for a user that can not read it $this->jobList->remove(self::class, $argument); return; } $notification->setDateTime($date); $this->notificationManager->notify($notification); } }