/** * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Nextcloud GmbH and Nextcloud contributors * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015 ownCloud, Inc. * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later */ OCA = OCA || {}; (function() { /** * @classdesc this class represents a server configuration. It communicates * with the Nextcloud server to ensure to always have the up to date LDAP * configuration. It sends various events that views can listen to and * provides methods so they can modify the configuration based upon user * input. This model is also extended by so-called "detectors" who let the * Nextcloud server try to auto-detect settings and manipulate the * configuration as well. * * @constructor */ var ConfigModel = function() {}; ConfigModel.prototype = { /** @constant {number} */ FILTER_MODE_ASSISTED: 0, /** @constant {number} */ FILTER_MODE_RAW: 1, /** * initializes the instance. Always call it after creating the instance. * * @param {OCA.LDAP.Wizard.WizardDetectorQueue} detectorQueue */ init: function (detectorQueue) { /** @type {object} holds the configuration in key-value-pairs */ this.configuration = {}; /** @type {object} holds the subscribers that listen to the events */ this.subscribers = {}; /** @type {Array} holds registered detectors */ this.detectors = []; /** @type {boolean} whether a configuration is currently loading */ this.loadingConfig = false; if(detectorQueue instanceof OCA.LDAP.Wizard.WizardDetectorQueue) { /** @type {OCA.LDAP.Wizard.WizardDetectorQueue} */ this.detectorQueue = detectorQueue; } }, /** * loads a specified configuration * * @param {string} [configID] - the configuration id (or prefix) */ load: function (configID) { if(this.loadingConfig) { return; } this._resetDetectorQueue(); this.configID = configID; var url = OC.generateUrl('apps/user_ldap/ajax/getConfiguration.php'); var params = OC.buildQueryString({ldap_serverconfig_chooser: configID}); this.loadingConfig = true; var model = this; $.post(url, params, function (result) { model._processLoadConfig(model, result) }); }, /** * creates a new LDAP configuration * * @param {boolean} [copyCurrent] - if true, the current configuration * is copied, otherwise a blank one is created. */ newConfig: function(copyCurrent) { this._resetDetectorQueue(); var url = OC.generateUrl('apps/user_ldap/ajax/getNewServerConfigPrefix.php'); var params = {}; if(copyCurrent === true) { params['copyConfig'] = this.configID; } params = OC.buildQueryString(params); var model = this; copyCurrent = _.isUndefined(copyCurrent) ? false : copyCurrent; $.post(url, params, function (result) { model._processNewConfigPrefix(model, result, copyCurrent) }); }, /** * deletes the current configuration. This method will not ask for * confirmation, if desired it needs to be ensured by the caller. * * @param {string} [configID] - the configuration id (or prefix) */ deleteConfig: function(configID) { var url = OC.generateUrl('apps/user_ldap/ajax/deleteConfiguration.php'); var params = OC.buildQueryString({ldap_serverconfig_chooser: configID}); var model = this; $.post(url, params, function (result) { model._processDeleteConfig(model, result, configID) }); }, /** * @callback wizardCallBack * @param {ConfigModel} [model] * @param {OCA.LDAP.Wizard.WizardDetectorGeneric} [detector] * @param {object} [result] - response from the ajax request */ /** * calls an AJAX endpoint at Nextcloud. This method should be called by * detectors only! * * @param {string} [params] - as return by OC.buildQueryString * @param {wizardCallBack} [callback] * @param {OCA.LDAP.Wizard.WizardDetectorGeneric} [detector] * @returns {jqXHR} */ callWizard: function(params, callback, detector) { return this.callAjax('wizard.php', params, callback, detector); }, /** * calls an AJAX endpoint at Nextcloud. This method should be called by * detectors only! * * @param {string} destination - the desired end point * @param {string} [params] - as return by OC.buildQueryString * @param {wizardCallBack} [callback] * @param {OCA.LDAP.Wizard.WizardDetectorGeneric} [detector] * @returns {jqXHR} */ callAjax: function(destination, params, callback, detector) { var url = OC.generateUrl('apps/user_ldap/ajax/' + destination); var model = this; return $.post(url, params, function (result) { callback(model, detector,result); }); }, /** * setRequested Event * * @event ConfigModel#setRequested * @type{object} - empty */ /** * modifies a configuration key. If a provided configuration key does * not exist or the provided value equals the current setting, false is * returned. Otherwise Nextcloud server will be called to save the new * value, an event will notify when this is done. True is returned when * the request is sent, however it does not mean whether saving was * successful or not. * * This method is supposed to be called by views, after the user did a * change which needs to be saved. * * @param {string} [key] * @param {string|number} [value] * @returns {boolean} * @fires {ConfigModel#setRequested} */ set: function(key, value) { if(_.isUndefined(this.configuration[key])) { console.warn('will not save undefined key: ' + key); return false; } if(this.configuration[key] === value) { return false; } this._broadcast('setRequested', {}); var url = OC.generateUrl('apps/user_ldap/ajax/wizard.php'); var objParams = { ldap_serverconfig_chooser: this.configID, action: 'save', cfgkey: key, cfgval: value }; var strParams = OC.buildQueryString(objParams); var model = this; $.post(url, strParams, function(result) { model._processSetResult(model, result, objParams) }); return true; }, /** * configUpdated Event * * object property is a key-value-pair of the configuration key as index * and its value. * * @event ConfigModel#configUpdated * @type{object} */ /** * updates the model's configuration data. This should be called only, * when a new configuration value was received from the Nextcloud server. * This is typically done by detectors, but never by views. * * Cancels with false if old and new values already match. * * @param {string} [key] * @param {string} [value] * @returns {boolean} * @fires ConfigModel#configUpdated */ update: function(key, value) { if(this.configuration[key] === value) { return false; } if(!_.isUndefined(this.configuration[key])) { // don't write e.g. count values to the configuration // they don't go as feature, yet this.configuration[key] = value; } var configPart = {}; configPart[key] = value; this._broadcast('configUpdated', configPart); }, /** * @typedef {object} FeaturePayload * @property {string} feature * @property {Array} data */ /** * informs about a detected LDAP "feature" (wider sense). For examples, * the detected object classes for users or groups * * @param {FeaturePayload} payload */ inform: function(payload) { this._broadcast('receivedLdapFeature', payload); }, /** * @typedef {object} ErrorPayload * @property {string} message * @property {string} relatedKey */ /** * broadcasts an error message, if a wizard reply ended up in an error. * To be called by detectors. * * @param {ErrorPayload} payload */ gotServerError: function(payload) { this._broadcast('serverError', payload); }, /** * detectionStarted Event * * @event ConfigModel#detectionStarted * @type{string} - the target configuration key that is being * auto-detected */ /** * lets the model broadcast the info that a detector starts to run * * supposed to be called by detectors only * * @param {string} [key] * @fires ConfigModel#detectionStarted */ notifyAboutDetectionStart: function(key) { this._broadcast('detectionStarted', key); }, /** * detectionCompleted Event * * @event ConfigModel#detectionCompleted * @type{string} - the target configuration key that was * auto-detected */ /** * lets the model broadcast the info that a detector run was completed * * supposed to be called by detectors only * * @param {string} [key] * @fires ConfigModel#detectionCompleted */ notifyAboutDetectionCompletion: function(key) { this._broadcast('detectionCompleted', key); }, /** * @callback listenerCallback * @param {OCA.LDAP.Wizard.WizardTabGeneric|OCA.LDAP.Wizard.WizardView} [view] * @param {object} [params] */ /** * registers a listener to an event * * the idea is that only views listen. * * @param {string} [name] - the event name * @param {listenerCallback} [fn] * @param {OCA.LDAP.Wizard.WizardTabGeneric|OCA.LDAP.Wizard.WizardView} [context] */ on: function(name, fn, context) { if(_.isUndefined(this.subscribers[name])) { this.subscribers[name] = []; } this.subscribers[name].push({fn: fn, context: context}); }, /** * starts a configuration test on the Nextcloud server */ requestConfigurationTest: function() { var url = OC.generateUrl('apps/user_ldap/ajax/testConfiguration.php'); var params = OC.buildQueryString({ldap_serverconfig_chooser: this.configID}); var model = this; $.post(url, params, function(result) { model._processTestResult(model, result) }); //TODO: make sure only one test is running at a time }, /** * the view may request a call to the wizard, for instance to fetch * object classes or groups * * @param {string} featureKey * @param {Object} [additionalParams] */ requestWizard: function(featureKey, additionalParams) { var model = this; var detectorCount = this.detectors.length; var found = false; for(var i = 0; i < detectorCount; i++) { if(this.detectors[i].runsOnFeatureRequest(featureKey)) { found = true; (function (detector) { model.detectorQueue.add(function() { return detector.run(model, model.configID, additionalParams); }); })(model.detectors[i]); } } if(!found) { console.warn('No detector found for feature ' + featureKey); } }, /** * resets the detector queue * * @private */ _resetDetectorQueue: function() { if(!_.isUndefined(this.detectorQueue)) { this.detectorQueue.reset(); } }, /** * detectors can be registered herewith * * @param {OCA.LDAP.Wizard.WizardDetectorGeneric} [detector] */ registerDetector: function(detector) { if(detector instanceof OCA.LDAP.Wizard.WizardDetectorGeneric) { this.detectors.push(detector); } }, /** * emits an event * * @param {string} [name] - the event name * @param {*} [params] * @private */ _broadcast: function(name, params) { if(_.isUndefined(this.subscribers[name])) { return; } var subscribers = this.subscribers[name]; var subscriberCount = subscribers.length; for(var i = 0; i < subscriberCount; i++) { if(_.isUndefined(subscribers[i]['fn'])) { console.warn('callback method is not defined. Event ' + name); continue; } subscribers[i]['fn'](subscribers[i]['context'], params); } }, /** * ConfigModel#configLoaded Event * * @event ConfigModel#configLoaded * @type {object} - LDAP configuration as key-value-pairs */ /** * @typedef {object} ConfigLoadResponse * @property {string} [status] * @property {object} [configuration] - only present if status equals 'success' */ /** * processes the ajax response of a configuration load request * * @param {ConfigModel} [model] * @param {ConfigLoadResponse} [result] * @fires ConfigModel#configLoaded * @private */ _processLoadConfig: function(model, result) { model.configuration = {}; if(result['status'] === 'success') { $.each(result['configuration'], function(key, value) { model.configuration[key] = value; }); } model.loadingConfig = false; model._broadcast('configLoaded', model.configuration); }, /** * @typedef {object} ConfigSetPayload * @property {boolean} [isSuccess] * @property {string} [key] * @property {string} [value] * @property {string} [errorMessage] */ /** * ConfigModel#setCompleted Event * * @event ConfigModel#setCompleted * @type {ConfigSetPayload} */ /** * @typedef {object} ConfigSetResponse * @property {string} [status] * @property {object} [message] - might be present only in error cases */ /** * processes the ajax response of a configuration key set request * * @param {ConfigModel} [model] * @param {ConfigSetResponse} [result] * @param {object} [params] - the original changeSet * @fires ConfigModel#configLoaded * @private */ _processSetResult: function(model, result, params) { var isSuccess = (result['status'] === 'success'); if(isSuccess) { model.configuration[params.cfgkey] = params.cfgval; } var payload = { isSuccess: isSuccess, key: params.cfgkey, value: model.configuration[params.cfgkey], errorMessage: _.isUndefined(result['message']) ? '' : result['message'] }; model._broadcast('setCompleted', payload); // let detectors run // NOTE: detector's changes will not result in new _processSetResult // calls, … in case they interfere it is because of this ;) if(_.isUndefined(model.detectorQueue)) { console.warn("DetectorQueue was not set, detectors will not be fired"); return; } var detectorCount = model.detectors.length; for(var i = 0; i < detectorCount; i++) { if(model.detectors[i].triggersOn(params.cfgkey)) { (function (detector) { model.detectorQueue.add(function() { return detector.run(model, model.configID); }); })(model.detectors[i]); } } }, /** * @typedef {object} ConfigTestPayload * @property {boolean} [isSuccess] */ /** * ConfigModel#configurationTested Event * * @event ConfigModel#configurationTested * @type {ConfigTestPayload} */ /** * @typedef {object} StatusResponse * @property {string} [status] */ /** * processes the ajax response of a configuration test request * * @param {ConfigModel} [model] * @param {StatusResponse} [result] * @fires ConfigModel#configurationTested * @private */ _processTestResult: function(model, result) { var payload = { isSuccess: (result['status'] === 'success') }; model._broadcast('configurationTested', payload); }, /** * @typedef {object} BasicConfigPayload * @property {boolean} [isSuccess] * @property {string} [configPrefix] - the new config ID * @property {string} [errorMessage] */ /** * ConfigModel#newConfiguration Event * * @event ConfigModel#newConfiguration * @type {BasicConfigPayload} */ /** * @typedef {object} NewConfigResponse * @property {string} [status] * @property {string} [configPrefix] * @property {object} [defaults] - default configuration values * @property {string} [message] - might only appear with status being * not 'success' */ /** * processes the ajax response of a new configuration request * * @param {ConfigModel} [model] * @param {NewConfigResponse} [result] * @param {boolean} [copyCurrent] * @fires ConfigModel#newConfiguration * @fires ConfigModel#configLoaded * @private */ _processNewConfigPrefix: function(model, result, copyCurrent) { var isSuccess = (result['status'] === 'success'); var payload = { isSuccess: isSuccess, configPrefix: result['configPrefix'], errorMessage: _.isUndefined(result['message']) ? '' : result['message'] }; model._broadcast('newConfiguration', payload); if(isSuccess) { this.configID = result['configPrefix']; if(!copyCurrent) { model.configuration = {}; $.each(result['defaults'], function(key, value) { model.configuration[key] = value; }); // view / tabs need to update with new blank config model._broadcast('configLoaded', model.configuration); } } }, /** * ConfigModel#deleteConfiguration Event * * @event ConfigModel#deleteConfiguration * @type {BasicConfigPayload} */ /** * processes the ajax response of a delete configuration request * * @param {ConfigModel} [model] * @param {StatusResponse} [result] * @param {string} [configID] * @fires ConfigModel#deleteConfiguration * @private */ _processDeleteConfig: function(model, result, configID) { var isSuccess = (result['status'] === 'success'); var payload = { isSuccess: isSuccess, configPrefix: configID, errorMessage: _.isUndefined(result['message']) ? '' : result['message'] }; model._broadcast('deleteConfiguration', payload); } }; OCA.LDAP.Wizard.ConfigModel = ConfigModel; })();