* @author Bastien Ho * @author Bjoern Schiessle * @author Björn Schießle * @author Christoph Wurst * @author Daniel Kesselberg * @author Florin Peter * @author Georg Ehrke * @author Joas Schilling * @author Jörn Friedrich Dreyer * @author Juan Pablo Villafáñez * @author Julius Härtl * @author Lars Knickrehm * @author Lukas Reschke * @author Morris Jobke * @author Qingping Hou * @author Robin Appelman * @author Robin McCorkell * @author Roeland Jago Douma * @author Sjors van der Pluijm * @author Steven Bühner * @author Thomas Müller * @author Victor Dubiniuk * @author Vincent Petry * * @license AGPL-3.0 * * This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * along with this program. If not, see * */ namespace OCA\Files_Trashbin; use OC_User; use OC\Files\Cache\Cache; use OC\Files\Cache\CacheEntry; use OC\Files\Cache\CacheQueryBuilder; use OC\Files\Filesystem; use OC\Files\ObjectStore\ObjectStoreStorage; use OC\Files\View; use OCA\Files_Trashbin\AppInfo\Application; use OCA\Files_Trashbin\Command\Expire; use OCP\AppFramework\Utility\ITimeFactory; use OCP\App\IAppManager; use OCP\Files\File; use OCP\Files\Folder; use OCP\Files\NotFoundException; use OCP\Files\NotPermittedException; use OCP\IConfig; use OCP\Lock\ILockingProvider; use OCP\Lock\LockedException; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; class Trashbin { // unit: percentage; 50% of available disk space/quota public const DEFAULTMAXSIZE = 50; /** * Ensure we don't need to scan the file during the move to trash * by triggering the scan in the pre-hook * * @param array $params */ public static function ensureFileScannedHook($params) { try { self::getUidAndFilename($params['path']); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { // nothing to scan for non existing files } } /** * get the UID of the owner of the file and the path to the file relative to * owners files folder * * @param string $filename * @return array * @throws \OC\User\NoUserException */ public static function getUidAndFilename($filename) { $uid = Filesystem::getOwner($filename); $userManager = \OC::$server->getUserManager(); // if the user with the UID doesn't exists, e.g. because the UID points // to a remote user with a federated cloud ID we use the current logged-in // user. We need a valid local user to move the file to the right trash bin if (!$userManager->userExists($uid)) { $uid = OC_User::getUser(); } if (!$uid) { // no owner, usually because of share link from ext storage return [null, null]; } Filesystem::initMountPoints($uid); if ($uid !== OC_User::getUser()) { $info = Filesystem::getFileInfo($filename); $ownerView = new View('/' . $uid . '/files'); try { $filename = $ownerView->getPath($info['fileid']); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $filename = null; } } return [$uid, $filename]; } /** * get original location of files for user * * @param string $user * @return array (filename => array (timestamp => original location)) */ public static function getLocations($user) { $query = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection()->getQueryBuilder(); $query->select('id', 'timestamp', 'location') ->from('files_trash') ->where($query->expr()->eq('user', $query->createNamedParameter($user))); $result = $query->executeQuery(); $array = []; while ($row = $result->fetch()) { if (isset($array[$row['id']])) { $array[$row['id']][$row['timestamp']] = $row['location']; } else { $array[$row['id']] = [$row['timestamp'] => $row['location']]; } } $result->closeCursor(); return $array; } /** * get original location of file * * @param string $user * @param string $filename * @param string $timestamp * @return string original location */ public static function getLocation($user, $filename, $timestamp) { $query = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection()->getQueryBuilder(); $query->select('location') ->from('files_trash') ->where($query->expr()->eq('user', $query->createNamedParameter($user))) ->andWhere($query->expr()->eq('id', $query->createNamedParameter($filename))) ->andWhere($query->expr()->eq('timestamp', $query->createNamedParameter($timestamp))); $result = $query->executeQuery(); $row = $result->fetch(); $result->closeCursor(); if (isset($row['location'])) { return $row['location']; } else { return false; } } private static function setUpTrash($user) { $view = new View('/' . $user); if (!$view->is_dir('files_trashbin')) { $view->mkdir('files_trashbin'); } if (!$view->is_dir('files_trashbin/files')) { $view->mkdir('files_trashbin/files'); } if (!$view->is_dir('files_trashbin/versions')) { $view->mkdir('files_trashbin/versions'); } if (!$view->is_dir('files_trashbin/keys')) { $view->mkdir('files_trashbin/keys'); } } /** * copy file to owners trash * * @param string $sourcePath * @param string $owner * @param string $targetPath * @param $user * @param int $timestamp */ private static function copyFilesToUser($sourcePath, $owner, $targetPath, $user, $timestamp) { self::setUpTrash($owner); $targetFilename = basename($targetPath); $targetLocation = dirname($targetPath); $sourceFilename = basename($sourcePath); $view = new View('/'); $target = $user . '/files_trashbin/files/' . static::getTrashFilename($targetFilename, $timestamp); $source = $owner . '/files_trashbin/files/' . static::getTrashFilename($sourceFilename, $timestamp); $free = $view->free_space($target); $isUnknownOrUnlimitedFreeSpace = $free < 0; $isEnoughFreeSpaceLeft = $view->filesize($source) < $free; if ($isUnknownOrUnlimitedFreeSpace || $isEnoughFreeSpaceLeft) { self::copy_recursive($source, $target, $view); } if ($view->file_exists($target)) { $query = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection()->getQueryBuilder(); $query->insert('files_trash') ->setValue('id', $query->createNamedParameter($targetFilename)) ->setValue('timestamp', $query->createNamedParameter($timestamp)) ->setValue('location', $query->createNamedParameter($targetLocation)) ->setValue('user', $query->createNamedParameter($user)); $result = $query->executeStatement(); if (!$result) { \OC::$server->get(LoggerInterface::class)->error('trash bin database couldn\'t be updated for the files owner', ['app' => 'files_trashbin']); } } } /** * move file to the trash bin * * @param string $file_path path to the deleted file/directory relative to the files root directory * @param bool $ownerOnly delete for owner only (if file gets moved out of a shared folder) * * @return bool */ public static function move2trash($file_path, $ownerOnly = false) { // get the user for which the filesystem is setup $root = Filesystem::getRoot(); [, $user] = explode('/', $root); [$owner, $ownerPath] = self::getUidAndFilename($file_path); // if no owner found (ex: ext storage + share link), will use the current user's trashbin then if (is_null($owner)) { $owner = $user; $ownerPath = $file_path; } $ownerView = new View('/' . $owner); // file has been deleted in between if (is_null($ownerPath) || $ownerPath === '') { return true; } $sourceInfo = $ownerView->getFileInfo('/files/' . $ownerPath); if ($sourceInfo === false) { return true; } self::setUpTrash($user); if ($owner !== $user) { // also setup for owner self::setUpTrash($owner); } $path_parts = pathinfo($ownerPath); $filename = $path_parts['basename']; $location = $path_parts['dirname']; /** @var ITimeFactory $timeFactory */ $timeFactory = \OC::$server->query(ITimeFactory::class); $timestamp = $timeFactory->getTime(); $lockingProvider = \OC::$server->getLockingProvider(); // disable proxy to prevent recursive calls $trashPath = '/files_trashbin/files/' . static::getTrashFilename($filename, $timestamp); $gotLock = false; while (!$gotLock) { try { /** @var \OC\Files\Storage\Storage $trashStorage */ [$trashStorage, $trashInternalPath] = $ownerView->resolvePath($trashPath); $trashStorage->acquireLock($trashInternalPath, ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, $lockingProvider); $gotLock = true; } catch (LockedException $e) { // a file with the same name is being deleted concurrently // nudge the timestamp a bit to resolve the conflict $timestamp = $timestamp + 1; $trashPath = '/files_trashbin/files/' . static::getTrashFilename($filename, $timestamp); } } $sourceStorage = $sourceInfo->getStorage(); $sourceInternalPath = $sourceInfo->getInternalPath(); if ($trashStorage->file_exists($trashInternalPath)) { $trashStorage->unlink($trashInternalPath); } $configuredTrashbinSize = static::getConfiguredTrashbinSize($owner); if ($configuredTrashbinSize >= 0 && $sourceInfo->getSize() >= $configuredTrashbinSize) { return false; } $trashStorage->getUpdater()->renameFromStorage($sourceStorage, $sourceInternalPath, $trashInternalPath); try { $moveSuccessful = true; // when moving within the same object store, the cache update done above is enough to move the file if (!($trashStorage->instanceOfStorage(ObjectStoreStorage::class) && $trashStorage->getId() === $sourceStorage->getId())) { $trashStorage->moveFromStorage($sourceStorage, $sourceInternalPath, $trashInternalPath); } } catch (\OCA\Files_Trashbin\Exceptions\CopyRecursiveException $e) { $moveSuccessful = false; if ($trashStorage->file_exists($trashInternalPath)) { $trashStorage->unlink($trashInternalPath); } \OC::$server->get(LoggerInterface::class)->error('Couldn\'t move ' . $file_path . ' to the trash bin', ['app' => 'files_trashbin']); } if ($sourceStorage->file_exists($sourceInternalPath)) { // failed to delete the original file, abort if ($sourceStorage->is_dir($sourceInternalPath)) { $sourceStorage->rmdir($sourceInternalPath); } else { $sourceStorage->unlink($sourceInternalPath); } if ($sourceStorage->file_exists($sourceInternalPath)) { // undo the cache move $sourceStorage->getUpdater()->renameFromStorage($trashStorage, $trashInternalPath, $sourceInternalPath); } else { $trashStorage->getUpdater()->remove($trashInternalPath); } return false; } if ($moveSuccessful) { $query = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection()->getQueryBuilder(); $query->insert('files_trash') ->setValue('id', $query->createNamedParameter($filename)) ->setValue('timestamp', $query->createNamedParameter($timestamp)) ->setValue('location', $query->createNamedParameter($location)) ->setValue('user', $query->createNamedParameter($owner)); $result = $query->executeStatement(); if (!$result) { \OC::$server->get(LoggerInterface::class)->error('trash bin database couldn\'t be updated', ['app' => 'files_trashbin']); } \OCP\Util::emitHook('\OCA\Files_Trashbin\Trashbin', 'post_moveToTrash', ['filePath' => Filesystem::normalizePath($file_path), 'trashPath' => Filesystem::normalizePath(static::getTrashFilename($filename, $timestamp))]); self::retainVersions($filename, $owner, $ownerPath, $timestamp); // if owner !== user we need to also add a copy to the users trash if ($user !== $owner && $ownerOnly === false) { self::copyFilesToUser($ownerPath, $owner, $file_path, $user, $timestamp); } } $trashStorage->releaseLock($trashInternalPath, ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE, $lockingProvider); self::scheduleExpire($user); // if owner !== user we also need to update the owners trash size if ($owner !== $user) { self::scheduleExpire($owner); } return $moveSuccessful; } private static function getConfiguredTrashbinSize(string $user): int|float { $config = \OC::$server->get(IConfig::class); $userTrashbinSize = $config->getUserValue($user, 'files_trashbin', 'trashbin_size', '-1'); if (is_numeric($userTrashbinSize) && ($userTrashbinSize > -1)) { return \OCP\Util::numericToNumber($userTrashbinSize); } $systemTrashbinSize = $config->getAppValue('files_trashbin', 'trashbin_size', '-1'); if (is_numeric($systemTrashbinSize)) { return \OCP\Util::numericToNumber($systemTrashbinSize); } return -1; } /** * Move file versions to trash so that they can be restored later * * @param string $filename of deleted file * @param string $owner owner user id * @param string $ownerPath path relative to the owner's home storage * @param int $timestamp when the file was deleted */ private static function retainVersions($filename, $owner, $ownerPath, $timestamp) { if (\OCP\Server::get(IAppManager::class)->isEnabledForUser('files_versions') && !empty($ownerPath)) { $user = OC_User::getUser(); $rootView = new View('/'); if ($rootView->is_dir($owner . '/files_versions/' . $ownerPath)) { if ($owner !== $user) { self::copy_recursive($owner . '/files_versions/' . $ownerPath, $owner . '/files_trashbin/versions/' . static::getTrashFilename(basename($ownerPath), $timestamp), $rootView); } self::move($rootView, $owner . '/files_versions/' . $ownerPath, $user . '/files_trashbin/versions/' . static::getTrashFilename($filename, $timestamp)); } elseif ($versions = \OCA\Files_Versions\Storage::getVersions($owner, $ownerPath)) { foreach ($versions as $v) { if ($owner !== $user) { self::copy($rootView, $owner . '/files_versions' . $v['path'] . '.v' . $v['version'], $owner . '/files_trashbin/versions/' . static::getTrashFilename($v['name'] . '.v' . $v['version'], $timestamp)); } self::move($rootView, $owner . '/files_versions' . $v['path'] . '.v' . $v['version'], $user . '/files_trashbin/versions/' . static::getTrashFilename($filename . '.v' . $v['version'], $timestamp)); } } } } /** * Move a file or folder on storage level * * @param View $view * @param string $source * @param string $target * @return bool */ private static function move(View $view, $source, $target) { /** @var \OC\Files\Storage\Storage $sourceStorage */ [$sourceStorage, $sourceInternalPath] = $view->resolvePath($source); /** @var \OC\Files\Storage\Storage $targetStorage */ [$targetStorage, $targetInternalPath] = $view->resolvePath($target); /** @var \OC\Files\Storage\Storage $ownerTrashStorage */ $result = $targetStorage->moveFromStorage($sourceStorage, $sourceInternalPath, $targetInternalPath); if ($result) { $targetStorage->getUpdater()->renameFromStorage($sourceStorage, $sourceInternalPath, $targetInternalPath); } return $result; } /** * Copy a file or folder on storage level * * @param View $view * @param string $source * @param string $target * @return bool */ private static function copy(View $view, $source, $target) { /** @var \OC\Files\Storage\Storage $sourceStorage */ [$sourceStorage, $sourceInternalPath] = $view->resolvePath($source); /** @var \OC\Files\Storage\Storage $targetStorage */ [$targetStorage, $targetInternalPath] = $view->resolvePath($target); /** @var \OC\Files\Storage\Storage $ownerTrashStorage */ $result = $targetStorage->copyFromStorage($sourceStorage, $sourceInternalPath, $targetInternalPath); if ($result) { $targetStorage->getUpdater()->update($targetInternalPath); } return $result; } /** * Restore a file or folder from trash bin * * @param string $file path to the deleted file/folder relative to "files_trashbin/files/", * including the timestamp suffix ".d12345678" * @param string $filename name of the file/folder * @param int $timestamp time when the file/folder was deleted * * @return bool true on success, false otherwise */ public static function restore($file, $filename, $timestamp) { $user = OC_User::getUser(); $view = new View('/' . $user); $location = ''; if ($timestamp) { $location = self::getLocation($user, $filename, $timestamp); if ($location === false) { \OC::$server->get(LoggerInterface::class)->error('trash bin database inconsistent! ($user: ' . $user . ' $filename: ' . $filename . ', $timestamp: ' . $timestamp . ')', ['app' => 'files_trashbin']); } else { // if location no longer exists, restore file in the root directory if ($location !== '/' && (!$view->is_dir('files/' . $location) || !$view->isCreatable('files/' . $location)) ) { $location = ''; } } } // we need a extension in case a file/dir with the same name already exists $uniqueFilename = self::getUniqueFilename($location, $filename, $view); $source = Filesystem::normalizePath('files_trashbin/files/' . $file); $target = Filesystem::normalizePath('files/' . $location . '/' . $uniqueFilename); if (!$view->file_exists($source)) { return false; } $mtime = $view->filemtime($source); // restore file if (!$view->isCreatable(dirname($target))) { throw new NotPermittedException("Can't restore trash item because the target folder is not writable"); } $restoreResult = $view->rename($source, $target); // handle the restore result if ($restoreResult) { $fakeRoot = $view->getRoot(); $view->chroot('/' . $user . '/files'); $view->touch('/' . $location . '/' . $uniqueFilename, $mtime); $view->chroot($fakeRoot); \OCP\Util::emitHook('\OCA\Files_Trashbin\Trashbin', 'post_restore', ['filePath' => Filesystem::normalizePath('/' . $location . '/' . $uniqueFilename), 'trashPath' => Filesystem::normalizePath($file)]); self::restoreVersions($view, $file, $filename, $uniqueFilename, $location, $timestamp); if ($timestamp) { $query = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection()->getQueryBuilder(); $query->delete('files_trash') ->where($query->expr()->eq('user', $query->createNamedParameter($user))) ->andWhere($query->expr()->eq('id', $query->createNamedParameter($filename))) ->andWhere($query->expr()->eq('timestamp', $query->createNamedParameter($timestamp))); $query->executeStatement(); } return true; } return false; } /** * restore versions from trash bin * * @param View $view file view * @param string $file complete path to file * @param string $filename name of file once it was deleted * @param string $uniqueFilename new file name to restore the file without overwriting existing files * @param string $location location if file * @param int $timestamp deletion time * @return false|null */ private static function restoreVersions(View $view, $file, $filename, $uniqueFilename, $location, $timestamp) { if (\OCP\Server::get(IAppManager::class)->isEnabledForUser('files_versions')) { $user = OC_User::getUser(); $rootView = new View('/'); $target = Filesystem::normalizePath('/' . $location . '/' . $uniqueFilename); [$owner, $ownerPath] = self::getUidAndFilename($target); // file has been deleted in between if (empty($ownerPath)) { return false; } if ($timestamp) { $versionedFile = $filename; } else { $versionedFile = $file; } if ($view->is_dir('/files_trashbin/versions/' . $file)) { $rootView->rename(Filesystem::normalizePath($user . '/files_trashbin/versions/' . $file), Filesystem::normalizePath($owner . '/files_versions/' . $ownerPath)); } elseif ($versions = self::getVersionsFromTrash($versionedFile, $timestamp, $user)) { foreach ($versions as $v) { if ($timestamp) { $rootView->rename($user . '/files_trashbin/versions/' . static::getTrashFilename($versionedFile . '.v' . $v, $timestamp), $owner . '/files_versions/' . $ownerPath . '.v' . $v); } else { $rootView->rename($user . '/files_trashbin/versions/' . $versionedFile . '.v' . $v, $owner . '/files_versions/' . $ownerPath . '.v' . $v); } } } } } /** * delete all files from the trash */ public static function deleteAll() { $user = OC_User::getUser(); $userRoot = \OC::$server->getUserFolder($user)->getParent(); $view = new View('/' . $user); $fileInfos = $view->getDirectoryContent('files_trashbin/files'); try { $trash = $userRoot->get('files_trashbin'); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { return false; } // Array to store the relative path in (after the file is deleted, the view won't be able to relativise the path anymore) $filePaths = []; foreach ($fileInfos as $fileInfo) { $filePaths[] = $view->getRelativePath($fileInfo->getPath()); } unset($fileInfos); // save memory // Bulk PreDelete-Hook \OC_Hook::emit('\OCP\Trashbin', 'preDeleteAll', ['paths' => $filePaths]); // Single-File Hooks foreach ($filePaths as $path) { self::emitTrashbinPreDelete($path); } // actual file deletion $trash->delete(); $query = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection()->getQueryBuilder(); $query->delete('files_trash') ->where($query->expr()->eq('user', $query->createNamedParameter($user))); $query->executeStatement(); // Bulk PostDelete-Hook \OC_Hook::emit('\OCP\Trashbin', 'deleteAll', ['paths' => $filePaths]); // Single-File Hooks foreach ($filePaths as $path) { self::emitTrashbinPostDelete($path); } $trash = $userRoot->newFolder('files_trashbin'); $trash->newFolder('files'); return true; } /** * wrapper function to emit the 'preDelete' hook of \OCP\Trashbin before a file is deleted * * @param string $path */ protected static function emitTrashbinPreDelete($path) { \OC_Hook::emit('\OCP\Trashbin', 'preDelete', ['path' => $path]); } /** * wrapper function to emit the 'delete' hook of \OCP\Trashbin after a file has been deleted * * @param string $path */ protected static function emitTrashbinPostDelete($path) { \OC_Hook::emit('\OCP\Trashbin', 'delete', ['path' => $path]); } /** * delete file from trash bin permanently * * @param string $filename path to the file * @param string $user * @param int $timestamp of deletion time * * @return int|float size of deleted files */ public static function delete($filename, $user, $timestamp = null) { $userRoot = \OC::$server->getUserFolder($user)->getParent(); $view = new View('/' . $user); $size = 0; if ($timestamp) { $query = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection()->getQueryBuilder(); $query->delete('files_trash') ->where($query->expr()->eq('user', $query->createNamedParameter($user))) ->andWhere($query->expr()->eq('id', $query->createNamedParameter($filename))) ->andWhere($query->expr()->eq('timestamp', $query->createNamedParameter($timestamp))); $query->executeStatement(); $file = static::getTrashFilename($filename, $timestamp); } else { $file = $filename; } $size += self::deleteVersions($view, $file, $filename, $timestamp, $user); try { $node = $userRoot->get('/files_trashbin/files/' . $file); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { return $size; } if ($node instanceof Folder) { $size += self::calculateSize(new View('/' . $user . '/files_trashbin/files/' . $file)); } elseif ($node instanceof File) { $size += $view->filesize('/files_trashbin/files/' . $file); } self::emitTrashbinPreDelete('/files_trashbin/files/' . $file); $node->delete(); self::emitTrashbinPostDelete('/files_trashbin/files/' . $file); return $size; } /** * @param string $file * @param string $filename * @param ?int $timestamp */ private static function deleteVersions(View $view, $file, $filename, $timestamp, string $user): int|float { $size = 0; if (\OCP\Server::get(IAppManager::class)->isEnabledForUser('files_versions')) { if ($view->is_dir('files_trashbin/versions/' . $file)) { $size += self::calculateSize(new View('/' . $user . '/files_trashbin/versions/' . $file)); $view->unlink('files_trashbin/versions/' . $file); } elseif ($versions = self::getVersionsFromTrash($filename, $timestamp, $user)) { foreach ($versions as $v) { if ($timestamp) { $size += $view->filesize('/files_trashbin/versions/' . static::getTrashFilename($filename . '.v' . $v, $timestamp)); $view->unlink('/files_trashbin/versions/' . static::getTrashFilename($filename . '.v' . $v, $timestamp)); } else { $size += $view->filesize('/files_trashbin/versions/' . $filename . '.v' . $v); $view->unlink('/files_trashbin/versions/' . $filename . '.v' . $v); } } } } return $size; } /** * check to see whether a file exists in trashbin * * @param string $filename path to the file * @param int $timestamp of deletion time * @return bool true if file exists, otherwise false */ public static function file_exists($filename, $timestamp = null) { $user = OC_User::getUser(); $view = new View('/' . $user); if ($timestamp) { $filename = static::getTrashFilename($filename, $timestamp); } $target = Filesystem::normalizePath('files_trashbin/files/' . $filename); return $view->file_exists($target); } /** * deletes used space for trash bin in db if user was deleted * * @param string $uid id of deleted user * @return bool result of db delete operation */ public static function deleteUser($uid) { $query = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection()->getQueryBuilder(); $query->delete('files_trash') ->where($query->expr()->eq('user', $query->createNamedParameter($uid))); return (bool) $query->executeStatement(); } /** * calculate remaining free space for trash bin * * @param int|float $trashbinSize current size of the trash bin * @param string $user * @return int|float available free space for trash bin */ private static function calculateFreeSpace(int|float $trashbinSize, string $user): int|float { $configuredTrashbinSize = static::getConfiguredTrashbinSize($user); if ($configuredTrashbinSize > -1) { return $configuredTrashbinSize - $trashbinSize; } $userObject = \OC::$server->getUserManager()->get($user); if (is_null($userObject)) { return 0; } $softQuota = true; $quota = $userObject->getQuota(); if ($quota === null || $quota === 'none') { $quota = Filesystem::free_space('/'); $softQuota = false; // inf or unknown free space if ($quota < 0) { $quota = PHP_INT_MAX; } } else { $quota = \OCP\Util::computerFileSize($quota); // invalid quota if ($quota === false) { $quota = PHP_INT_MAX; } } // calculate available space for trash bin // subtract size of files and current trash bin size from quota if ($softQuota) { $userFolder = \OC::$server->getUserFolder($user); if (is_null($userFolder)) { return 0; } $free = $quota - $userFolder->getSize(false); // remaining free space for user if ($free > 0) { $availableSpace = ($free * self::DEFAULTMAXSIZE / 100) - $trashbinSize; // how much space can be used for versions } else { $availableSpace = $free - $trashbinSize; } } else { $availableSpace = $quota; } return \OCP\Util::numericToNumber($availableSpace); } /** * resize trash bin if necessary after a new file was added to Nextcloud * * @param string $user user id */ public static function resizeTrash($user) { $size = self::getTrashbinSize($user); $freeSpace = self::calculateFreeSpace($size, $user); if ($freeSpace < 0) { self::scheduleExpire($user); } } /** * clean up the trash bin * * @param string $user */ public static function expire($user) { $trashBinSize = self::getTrashbinSize($user); $availableSpace = self::calculateFreeSpace($trashBinSize, $user); $dirContent = Helper::getTrashFiles('/', $user, 'mtime'); // delete all files older then $retention_obligation [$delSize, $count] = self::deleteExpiredFiles($dirContent, $user); $availableSpace += $delSize; // delete files from trash until we meet the trash bin size limit again self::deleteFiles(array_slice($dirContent, $count), $user, $availableSpace); } /** * @param string $user */ private static function scheduleExpire($user) { // let the admin disable auto expire /** @var Application $application */ $application = \OC::$server->query(Application::class); $expiration = $application->getContainer()->query('Expiration'); if ($expiration->isEnabled()) { \OC::$server->getCommandBus()->push(new Expire($user)); } } /** * if the size limit for the trash bin is reached, we delete the oldest * files in the trash bin until we meet the limit again * * @param array $files * @param string $user * @param int|float $availableSpace available disc space * @return int|float size of deleted files */ protected static function deleteFiles(array $files, string $user, int|float $availableSpace): int|float { /** @var Application $application */ $application = \OC::$server->query(Application::class); $expiration = $application->getContainer()->query('Expiration'); $size = 0; if ($availableSpace < 0) { foreach ($files as $file) { if ($availableSpace < 0 && $expiration->isExpired($file['mtime'], true)) { $tmp = self::delete($file['name'], $user, $file['mtime']); \OC::$server->get(LoggerInterface::class)->info('remove "' . $file['name'] . '" (' . $tmp . 'B) to meet the limit of trash bin size (50% of available quota)', ['app' => 'files_trashbin']); $availableSpace += $tmp; $size += $tmp; } else { break; } } } return $size; } /** * delete files older then max storage time * * @param array $files list of files sorted by mtime * @param string $user * @return array{int|float, int} size of deleted files and number of deleted files */ public static function deleteExpiredFiles($files, $user) { /** @var Expiration $expiration */ $expiration = \OC::$server->query(Expiration::class); $size = 0; $count = 0; foreach ($files as $file) { $timestamp = $file['mtime']; $filename = $file['name']; if ($expiration->isExpired($timestamp)) { try { $size += self::delete($filename, $user, $timestamp); $count++; } catch (\OCP\Files\NotPermittedException $e) { \OC::$server->get(LoggerInterface::class)->warning('Removing "' . $filename . '" from trashbin failed.', [ 'exception' => $e, 'app' => 'files_trashbin', ] ); } \OC::$server->get(LoggerInterface::class)->info( 'Remove "' . $filename . '" from trashbin because it exceeds max retention obligation term.', ['app' => 'files_trashbin'] ); } else { break; } } return [$size, $count]; } /** * recursive copy to copy a whole directory * * @param string $source source path, relative to the users files directory * @param string $destination destination path relative to the users root directory * @param View $view file view for the users root directory * @return int|float * @throws Exceptions\CopyRecursiveException */ private static function copy_recursive($source, $destination, View $view): int|float { $size = 0; if ($view->is_dir($source)) { $view->mkdir($destination); $view->touch($destination, $view->filemtime($source)); foreach ($view->getDirectoryContent($source) as $i) { $pathDir = $source . '/' . $i['name']; if ($view->is_dir($pathDir)) { $size += self::copy_recursive($pathDir, $destination . '/' . $i['name'], $view); } else { $size += $view->filesize($pathDir); $result = $view->copy($pathDir, $destination . '/' . $i['name']); if (!$result) { throw new \OCA\Files_Trashbin\Exceptions\CopyRecursiveException(); } $view->touch($destination . '/' . $i['name'], $view->filemtime($pathDir)); } } } else { $size += $view->filesize($source); $result = $view->copy($source, $destination); if (!$result) { throw new \OCA\Files_Trashbin\Exceptions\CopyRecursiveException(); } $view->touch($destination, $view->filemtime($source)); } return $size; } /** * find all versions which belong to the file we want to restore * * @param string $filename name of the file which should be restored * @param int $timestamp timestamp when the file was deleted */ private static function getVersionsFromTrash($filename, $timestamp, string $user): array { $view = new View('/' . $user . '/files_trashbin/versions'); $versions = []; /** @var \OC\Files\Storage\Storage $storage */ [$storage,] = $view->resolvePath('/'); $pattern = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection()->escapeLikeParameter(basename($filename)); if ($timestamp) { // fetch for old versions $escapedTimestamp = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection()->escapeLikeParameter($timestamp); $pattern .= '.v%.d' . $escapedTimestamp; $offset = -strlen($escapedTimestamp) - 2; } else { $pattern .= '.v%'; } // Manually fetch all versions from the file cache to be able to filter them by their parent $cache = $storage->getCache(''); $query = new CacheQueryBuilder( \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection(), \OC::$server->getSystemConfig(), \OC::$server->get(LoggerInterface::class) ); $normalizedParentPath = ltrim(Filesystem::normalizePath(dirname('files_trashbin/versions/'. $filename)), '/'); $parentId = $cache->getId($normalizedParentPath); if ($parentId === -1) { return []; } $query->selectFileCache() ->whereStorageId($cache->getNumericStorageId()) ->andWhere($query->expr()->eq('parent', $query->createNamedParameter($parentId))) ->andWhere($query->expr()->iLike('name', $query->createNamedParameter($pattern))); $result = $query->executeQuery(); $entries = $result->fetchAll(); $result->closeCursor(); /** @var CacheEntry[] $matches */ $matches = array_map(function (array $data) { return Cache::cacheEntryFromData($data, \OC::$server->getMimeTypeLoader()); }, $entries); foreach ($matches as $ma) { if ($timestamp) { $parts = explode('.v', substr($ma['path'], 0, $offset)); $versions[] = end($parts); } else { $parts = explode('.v', $ma['path']); $versions[] = end($parts); } } return $versions; } /** * find unique extension for restored file if a file with the same name already exists * * @param string $location where the file should be restored * @param string $filename name of the file * @param View $view filesystem view relative to users root directory * @return string with unique extension */ private static function getUniqueFilename($location, $filename, View $view) { $ext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $name = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_FILENAME); $l = \OC::$server->getL10N('files_trashbin'); $location = '/' . trim($location, '/'); // if extension is not empty we set a dot in front of it if ($ext !== '') { $ext = '.' . $ext; } if ($view->file_exists('files' . $location . '/' . $filename)) { $i = 2; $uniqueName = $name . " (" . $l->t("restored") . ")" . $ext; while ($view->file_exists('files' . $location . '/' . $uniqueName)) { $uniqueName = $name . " (" . $l->t("restored") . " " . $i . ")" . $ext; $i++; } return $uniqueName; } return $filename; } /** * get the size from a given root folder * * @param View $view file view on the root folder * @return int|float size of the folder */ private static function calculateSize(View $view): int|float { $root = \OC::$server->getConfig()->getSystemValue('datadirectory', \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/data') . $view->getAbsolutePath(''); if (!file_exists($root)) { return 0; } $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($root), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST); $size = 0; /** * RecursiveDirectoryIterator on an NFS path isn't iterable with foreach * This bug is fixed in PHP 5.5.9 or before * See #8376 */ $iterator->rewind(); while ($iterator->valid()) { $path = $iterator->current(); $relpath = substr($path, strlen($root) - 1); if (!$view->is_dir($relpath)) { $size += $view->filesize($relpath); } $iterator->next(); } return $size; } /** * get current size of trash bin from a given user * * @param string $user user who owns the trash bin * @return int|float trash bin size */ private static function getTrashbinSize(string $user): int|float { $view = new View('/' . $user); $fileInfo = $view->getFileInfo('/files_trashbin'); return isset($fileInfo['size']) ? $fileInfo['size'] : 0; } /** * check if trash bin is empty for a given user * * @param string $user * @return bool */ public static function isEmpty($user) { $view = new View('/' . $user . '/files_trashbin'); if ($view->is_dir('/files') && $dh = $view->opendir('/files')) { while ($file = readdir($dh)) { if (!Filesystem::isIgnoredDir($file)) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * @param $path * @return string */ public static function preview_icon($path) { return \OC::$server->getURLGenerator()->linkToRoute('core_ajax_trashbin_preview', ['x' => 32, 'y' => 32, 'file' => $path]); } /** * Return the filename used in the trash bin */ public static function getTrashFilename(string $filename, int $timestamp): string { $trashFilename = $filename . '.d' . $timestamp; $length = strlen($trashFilename); // oc_filecache `name` column has a limit of 250 chars $maxLength = 250; if ($length > $maxLength) { $trashFilename = substr_replace( $trashFilename, '', $maxLength / 2, $length - $maxLength ); } return $trashFilename; } }