l10n->t('Forwarded for headers'); } public function run(): SetupResult { $trustedProxies = $this->config->getSystemValue('trusted_proxies', []); $remoteAddress = $this->request->getHeader('REMOTE_ADDR'); $detectedRemoteAddress = $this->request->getRemoteAddress(); if (!\is_array($trustedProxies)) { return SetupResult::error($this->l10n->t('Your "trusted_proxies" setting is not correctly set, it should be an array.')); } foreach ($trustedProxies as $proxy) { $addressParts = explode('/', $proxy, 2); if (filter_var($addressParts[0], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) === false || !ctype_digit($addressParts[1] ?? '24')) { return SetupResult::error( $this->l10n->t('Your "trusted_proxies" setting is not correctly set, it should be an array of IP addresses - optionally with range in CIDR notation.'), $this->urlGenerator->linkToDocs('admin-reverse-proxy'), ); } } if (($remoteAddress === '') && ($detectedRemoteAddress === '')) { if (\OC::$CLI) { /* We were called from CLI */ return SetupResult::info($this->l10n->t('Your remote address could not be determined.')); } else { /* Should never happen */ return SetupResult::error($this->l10n->t('Your remote address could not be determined.')); } } if (empty($trustedProxies) && $this->request->getHeader('X-Forwarded-Host') !== '') { return SetupResult::error( $this->l10n->t('The reverse proxy header configuration is incorrect. This is a security issue and can allow an attacker to spoof their IP address as visible to the Nextcloud.'), $this->urlGenerator->linkToDocs('admin-reverse-proxy') ); } if (\in_array($remoteAddress, $trustedProxies, true) && ($remoteAddress !== '')) { if ($remoteAddress !== $detectedRemoteAddress) { /* Remote address was successfuly fixed */ return SetupResult::success($this->l10n->t('Your IP address was resolved as %s', [$detectedRemoteAddress])); } else { return SetupResult::warning( $this->l10n->t('The reverse proxy header configuration is incorrect, or you are accessing Nextcloud from a trusted proxy. If not, this is a security issue and can allow an attacker to spoof their IP address as visible to the Nextcloud.'), $this->urlGenerator->linkToDocs('admin-reverse-proxy') ); } } /* Either not enabled or working correctly */ return SetupResult::success(); } }