getUID(); $destinationUid = $destinationUser->getUID(); $sourcePath = rtrim($sourceUid . '/files/' . $path, '/'); // If encryption is on we have to ensure the user has logged in before and that all encryption modules are ready if (($this->encryptionManager->isEnabled() && $destinationUser->getLastLogin() === 0) || !$this->encryptionManager->isReadyForUser($destinationUid)) { throw new TransferOwnershipException('The target user is not ready to accept files. The user has at least to have logged in once.', 2); } // setup filesystem // Requesting the user folder will set it up if the user hasn't logged in before // We need a setupFS for the full filesystem setup before as otherwise we will just return // a lazy root folder which does not create the destination users folder \OC_Util::setupFS($sourceUser->getUID()); \OC_Util::setupFS($destinationUser->getUID()); $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($sourceUser->getUID()); $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($destinationUser->getUID()); Filesystem::initMountPoints($sourceUid); Filesystem::initMountPoints($destinationUid); $view = new View(); if ($move) { $finalTarget = "$destinationUid/files/"; } else { $l = $this->l10nFactory->get('files', $this->l10nFactory->getUserLanguage($destinationUser)); $date = date('Y-m-d H-i-s'); $cleanUserName = $this->sanitizeFolderName($sourceUser->getDisplayName()) ?: $sourceUid; $finalTarget = "$destinationUid/files/" . $this->sanitizeFolderName($l->t('Transferred from %1$s on %2$s', [$cleanUserName, $date])); try { $view->verifyPath(dirname($finalTarget), basename($finalTarget)); } catch (InvalidPathException $e) { $finalTarget = "$destinationUid/files/" . $this->sanitizeFolderName($l->t('Transferred from %1$s on %2$s', [$sourceUid, $date])); } } if (!($view->is_dir($sourcePath) || $view->is_file($sourcePath))) { throw new TransferOwnershipException("Unknown path provided: $path", 1); } if ($move && !$view->is_dir($finalTarget)) { // Initialize storage \OC_Util::setupFS($destinationUser->getUID()); } if ($move && !$firstLogin && count($view->getDirectoryContent($finalTarget)) > 0) { throw new TransferOwnershipException('Destination path does not exists or is not empty', 1); } // analyse source folder $this->analyse( $sourceUid, $destinationUid, $sourcePath, $view, $output ); // collect all the shares $shares = $this->collectUsersShares( $sourceUid, $output, $view, $sourcePath ); // transfer the files $this->transferFiles( $sourceUid, $sourcePath, $finalTarget, $view, $output ); // transfer the incoming shares if ($transferIncomingShares === true) { $sourceShares = $this->collectIncomingShares( $sourceUid, $output, $view ); $destinationShares = $this->collectIncomingShares( $destinationUid, $output, $view, true ); $this->transferIncomingShares( $sourceUid, $destinationUid, $sourceShares, $destinationShares, $output, $path, $finalTarget, $move ); } $destinationPath = $finalTarget . '/' . $path; // restore the shares $this->restoreShares( $sourceUid, $destinationUid, $destinationPath, $shares, $output ); } private function sanitizeFolderName(string $name): string { // Remove some characters which are prone to cause errors $name = str_replace(['\\', '/', ':', '.', '?', '#', '\'', '"'], '-', $name); // Replace multiple dashes with one dash return preg_replace('/-{2,}/s', '-', $name); } private function walkFiles(View $view, $path, Closure $callBack) { foreach ($view->getDirectoryContent($path) as $fileInfo) { if (!$callBack($fileInfo)) { return; } if ($fileInfo->getType() === FileInfo::TYPE_FOLDER) { $this->walkFiles($view, $fileInfo->getPath(), $callBack); } } } /** * @param OutputInterface $output * * @throws TransferOwnershipException */ protected function analyse(string $sourceUid, string $destinationUid, string $sourcePath, View $view, OutputInterface $output): void { $output->writeln('Validating quota'); $sourceFileInfo = $view->getFileInfo($sourcePath, false); if ($sourceFileInfo === false) { throw new TransferOwnershipException("Unknown path provided: $sourcePath", 1); } $size = $sourceFileInfo->getSize(false); $freeSpace = $view->free_space($destinationUid . '/files/'); if ($size > $freeSpace && $freeSpace !== FileInfo::SPACE_UNKNOWN) { throw new TransferOwnershipException('Target user does not have enough free space available.', 1); } $output->writeln("Analysing files of $sourceUid ..."); $progress = new ProgressBar($output); $progress->start(); if ($this->encryptionManager->isEnabled()) { $masterKeyEnabled = Server::get(Util::class)->isMasterKeyEnabled(); } else { $masterKeyEnabled = false; } $encryptedFiles = []; if ($sourceFileInfo->getType() === FileInfo::TYPE_FOLDER) { if ($sourceFileInfo->isEncrypted()) { /* Encrypted folder means e2ee encrypted */ $encryptedFiles[] = $sourceFileInfo; } else { $this->walkFiles($view, $sourcePath, function (FileInfo $fileInfo) use ($progress, $masterKeyEnabled, &$encryptedFiles) { if ($fileInfo->getType() === FileInfo::TYPE_FOLDER) { // only analyze into folders from main storage, if (!$fileInfo->getStorage()->instanceOfStorage(IHomeStorage::class)) { return false; } if ($fileInfo->isEncrypted()) { /* Encrypted folder means e2ee encrypted, we cannot transfer it */ $encryptedFiles[] = $fileInfo; } return true; } $progress->advance(); if ($fileInfo->isEncrypted() && !$masterKeyEnabled) { /* Encrypted file means SSE, we can only transfer it if master key is enabled */ $encryptedFiles[] = $fileInfo; } return true; }); } } elseif ($sourceFileInfo->isEncrypted() && !$masterKeyEnabled) { /* Encrypted file means SSE, we can only transfer it if master key is enabled */ $encryptedFiles[] = $sourceFileInfo; } $progress->finish(); $output->writeln(''); // no file is allowed to be encrypted if (!empty($encryptedFiles)) { $output->writeln('Some files are encrypted - please decrypt them first.'); foreach ($encryptedFiles as $encryptedFile) { /** @var FileInfo $encryptedFile */ $output->writeln(' ' . $encryptedFile->getPath()); } throw new TransferOwnershipException('Some files are encrypted - please decrypt them first.', 1); } } /** * @return array */ private function collectUsersShares( string $sourceUid, OutputInterface $output, View $view, string $path, ): array { $output->writeln("Collecting all share information for files and folders of $sourceUid ..."); $shares = []; $progress = new ProgressBar($output); $normalizedPath = Filesystem::normalizePath($path); $supportedShareTypes = [ IShare::TYPE_GROUP, IShare::TYPE_USER, IShare::TYPE_LINK, IShare::TYPE_REMOTE, IShare::TYPE_ROOM, IShare::TYPE_EMAIL, IShare::TYPE_CIRCLE, IShare::TYPE_DECK, IShare::TYPE_SCIENCEMESH, ]; foreach ($supportedShareTypes as $shareType) { $offset = 0; while (true) { $sharePage = $this->shareManager->getSharesBy($sourceUid, $shareType, null, true, 50, $offset, onlyValid: false); $progress->advance(count($sharePage)); if (empty($sharePage)) { break; } if ($path !== "$sourceUid/files") { $sharePage = array_filter($sharePage, function (IShare $share) use ($view, $normalizedPath) { try { $relativePath = $view->getPath($share->getNodeId()); $singleFileTranfer = $view->is_file($normalizedPath); if ($singleFileTranfer) { return Filesystem::normalizePath($relativePath) === $normalizedPath; } return mb_strpos( Filesystem::normalizePath($relativePath . '/', false), $normalizedPath . '/') === 0; } catch (\Exception $e) { return false; } }); } $shares = array_merge($shares, $sharePage); $offset += 50; } } $progress->finish(); $output->writeln(''); return array_map(fn (IShare $share) => [ 'share' => $share, 'suffix' => substr(Filesystem::normalizePath($view->getPath($share->getNodeId())), strlen($normalizedPath)), ], $shares); } private function collectIncomingShares(string $sourceUid, OutputInterface $output, View $view, bool $addKeys = false): array { $output->writeln("Collecting all incoming share information for files and folders of $sourceUid ..."); $shares = []; $progress = new ProgressBar($output); $offset = 0; while (true) { $sharePage = $this->shareManager->getSharedWith($sourceUid, IShare::TYPE_USER, null, 50, $offset); $progress->advance(count($sharePage)); if (empty($sharePage)) { break; } if ($addKeys) { foreach ($sharePage as $singleShare) { $shares[$singleShare->getNodeId()] = $singleShare; } } else { foreach ($sharePage as $singleShare) { $shares[] = $singleShare; } } $offset += 50; } $progress->finish(); $output->writeln(''); return $shares; } /** * @throws TransferOwnershipException */ protected function transferFiles(string $sourceUid, string $sourcePath, string $finalTarget, View $view, OutputInterface $output): void { $output->writeln("Transferring files to $finalTarget ..."); // This change will help user to transfer the folder specified using --path option. // Else only the content inside folder is transferred which is not correct. if ($sourcePath !== "$sourceUid/files") { $view->mkdir($finalTarget); $finalTarget = $finalTarget . '/' . basename($sourcePath); } if ($view->rename($sourcePath, $finalTarget) === false) { throw new TransferOwnershipException('Could not transfer files.', 1); } if (!is_dir("$sourceUid/files")) { // because the files folder is moved away we need to recreate it $view->mkdir("$sourceUid/files"); } } /** * @param string $targetLocation New location of the transfered node * @param array $shares previously collected share information */ private function restoreShares( string $sourceUid, string $destinationUid, string $targetLocation, array $shares, OutputInterface $output, ):void { $output->writeln('Restoring shares ...'); $progress = new ProgressBar($output, count($shares)); foreach ($shares as ['share' => $share, 'suffix' => $suffix]) { try { $output->writeln('Transfering share ' . $share->getId() . ' of type ' . $share->getShareType(), OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE); if ($share->getShareType() === IShare::TYPE_USER && $share->getSharedWith() === $destinationUid) { // Unmount the shares before deleting, so we don't try to get the storage later on. $shareMountPoint = $this->mountManager->find('/' . $destinationUid . '/files' . $share->getTarget()); if ($shareMountPoint) { $this->mountManager->removeMount($shareMountPoint->getMountPoint()); } $this->shareManager->deleteShare($share); } else { if ($share->getShareOwner() === $sourceUid) { $share->setShareOwner($destinationUid); } if ($share->getSharedBy() === $sourceUid) { $share->setSharedBy($destinationUid); } if ($share->getShareType() === IShare::TYPE_USER && !$this->userManager->userExists($share->getSharedWith())) { // stray share with deleted user $output->writeln('Share with id ' . $share->getId() . ' points at deleted user "' . $share->getSharedWith() . '", deleting'); $this->shareManager->deleteShare($share); continue; } else { // trigger refetching of the node so that the new owner and mountpoint are taken into account // otherwise the checks on the share update will fail due to the original node not being available in the new user scope $this->userMountCache->clear(); try { // Try to get the "old" id. // Normally the ID is preserved, // but for transferes between different storages the ID might change $newNodeId = $share->getNode()->getId(); } catch (NotFoundException) { // ID has changed due to transfer between different storages // Try to get the new ID from the target path and suffix of the share $node = $this->rootFolder->get(Filesystem::normalizePath($targetLocation . '/' . $suffix)); $newNodeId = $node->getId(); $output->writeln('Had to change node id to ' . $newNodeId, OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE); } $share->setNodeId($newNodeId); $this->shareManager->updateShare($share, onlyValid: false); } } } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $output->writeln('Share with id ' . $share->getId() . ' points at deleted file, skipping'); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $output->writeln('Could not restore share with id ' . $share->getId() . ':' . $e->getMessage() . ' : ' . $e->getTraceAsString() . ''); } $progress->advance(); } $progress->finish(); $output->writeln(''); } private function transferIncomingShares(string $sourceUid, string $destinationUid, array $sourceShares, array $destinationShares, OutputInterface $output, string $path, string $finalTarget, bool $move): void { $output->writeln('Restoring incoming shares ...'); $progress = new ProgressBar($output, count($sourceShares)); $prefix = "$destinationUid/files"; $finalShareTarget = ''; if (str_starts_with($finalTarget, $prefix)) { $finalShareTarget = substr($finalTarget, strlen($prefix)); } foreach ($sourceShares as $share) { try { // Only restore if share is in given path. $pathToCheck = '/'; if (trim($path, '/') !== '') { $pathToCheck = '/' . trim($path) . '/'; } if (!str_starts_with($share->getTarget(), $pathToCheck)) { continue; } $shareTarget = $share->getTarget(); $shareTarget = $finalShareTarget . $shareTarget; if ($share->getShareType() === IShare::TYPE_USER && $share->getSharedBy() === $destinationUid) { $this->shareManager->deleteShare($share); } elseif (isset($destinationShares[$share->getNodeId()])) { $destinationShare = $destinationShares[$share->getNodeId()]; // Keep the share which has the most permissions and discard the other one. if ($destinationShare->getPermissions() < $share->getPermissions()) { $this->shareManager->deleteShare($destinationShare); $share->setSharedWith($destinationUid); // trigger refetching of the node so that the new owner and mountpoint are taken into account // otherwise the checks on the share update will fail due to the original node not being available in the new user scope $this->userMountCache->clear(); $share->setNodeId($share->getNode()->getId()); $this->shareManager->updateShare($share); // The share is already transferred. $progress->advance(); if ($move) { continue; } $share->setTarget($shareTarget); $this->shareManager->moveShare($share, $destinationUid); continue; } $this->shareManager->deleteShare($share); } elseif ($share->getShareOwner() === $destinationUid) { $this->shareManager->deleteShare($share); } else { $share->setSharedWith($destinationUid); $share->setNodeId($share->getNode()->getId()); $this->shareManager->updateShare($share); // trigger refetching of the node so that the new owner and mountpoint are taken into account // otherwise the checks on the share update will fail due to the original node not being available in the new user scope $this->userMountCache->clear(); // The share is already transferred. $progress->advance(); if ($move) { continue; } $share->setTarget($shareTarget); $this->shareManager->moveShare($share, $destinationUid); continue; } } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $output->writeln('Share with id ' . $share->getId() . ' points at deleted file, skipping'); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $output->writeln('Could not restore share with id ' . $share->getId() . ':' . $e->getTraceAsString() . ''); } $progress->advance(); } $progress->finish(); $output->writeln(''); } }