config->getSystemValue('files_external_allow_create_new_local', true); if (!$canCreateNewLocalStorage && $backend === 'local') { return new DataResponse( [ 'message' => $this->l10n->t('Forbidden to manage local mounts') ], Http::STATUS_FORBIDDEN ); } $newStorage = $this->createStorage( $mountPoint, $backend, $authMechanism, $backendOptions, $mountOptions, $applicableUsers, $applicableGroups, $priority ); if ($newStorage instanceof DataResponse) { return $newStorage; } $response = $this->validate($newStorage); if (!empty($response)) { return $response; } $newStorage = $this->service->addStorage($newStorage); $this->updateStorageStatus($newStorage); return new DataResponse( $newStorage->jsonSerialize(true), Http::STATUS_CREATED ); } /** * Update an external storage entry. * * @param int $id storage id * @param string $mountPoint storage mount point * @param string $backend backend identifier * @param string $authMechanism authentication mechanism identifier * @param array $backendOptions backend-specific options * @param array $mountOptions mount-specific options * @param array $applicableUsers users for which to mount the storage * @param array $applicableGroups groups for which to mount the storage * @param int $priority priority * @param bool $testOnly whether to storage should only test the connection or do more things * * @return DataResponse */ #[PasswordConfirmationRequired(strict: true)] public function update( $id, $mountPoint, $backend, $authMechanism, $backendOptions, $mountOptions, $applicableUsers, $applicableGroups, $priority, $testOnly = true, ) { $storage = $this->createStorage( $mountPoint, $backend, $authMechanism, $backendOptions, $mountOptions, $applicableUsers, $applicableGroups, $priority ); if ($storage instanceof DataResponse) { return $storage; } $storage->setId($id); $response = $this->validate($storage); if (!empty($response)) { return $response; } try { $storage = $this->service->updateStorage($storage); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { return new DataResponse( [ 'message' => $this->l10n->t('Storage with ID "%d" not found', [$id]) ], Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND ); } $this->updateStorageStatus($storage, $testOnly); return new DataResponse( $storage->jsonSerialize(true), Http::STATUS_OK ); } }